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      • POSTER PRESENTATION 2: Radiology/Procedures/Education/Administration/QIImportant : PS2-62 ; The Possibility of Application of Spiral Brain Computed Tomography to Traumatic Brain Injury

        ( Soyeon Kim ),( Soo Hoon Lee ),( Dong Hoon Kim ),( Changwoo Kang ),( Jin Hee Jeong ),( Dong Seob Kim ),( Taehu Kim ),( Ryun Kyung Lee ),( Seong Chun Kim ) 대한응급의학회 2014 대한응급의학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2014 No.2

        The spiral computed tomography (CT) with the advantage of low radiation dose, shorter test time required and its multi-dimensional reconstruction is accepted as an essential diagnostic method for evaluating the degree of injury in severe trauma patients and establishment of therapeutic plans. However, conventional sequential CT is preferred for the evaluation of traumatic brain injury over spiral CT due to image noise and artifact. We aimed to compare the diagnostic power of spiral facial CT for traumatic brain injury to that of conventional sequential brain CT. We evaluated retrospectively the images of 315 traumatized patients who underwent both brain CT and facial CT simultaneously. The hemorrhagic traumatic brain injuries such as epidural hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, contusional hemorrhage were evaluated in both images. Statistics were performed using Cohen``s kappa to compare the agreement between two imaging modalities and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of spiral facial CT to conventional sequential brain CT. Almost perfect agreement was noted regarding hemorrhagic traumatic brain injuries between spiral facial CT and conventional sequential brain CT (Cohen``s kappa coefficient=0.912). To conventional sequential brain CT, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of spiral facial CT were 92.2%, 98.1%, 95.9% and 96.3%, respectively. In traumatic brain injury, the diagnostic power of spiral facial CT was equal to that of conventional sequential brain CT. Therefore, expanded spiral facial CT covering whole frontal lobe can be applied to evaluate traumatic brain injury in the future.

      • KCI등재

        ‘조선후기 회화’의 연구사 : 풍속화의 재발견과 단원 김홍도(檀園 金弘道)

        김소연 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2019 한국문화연구 Vol.37 No.-

        This study focuses on the history of research on the paintings of the late Joseon period, especially in the process which Korean art history was established as a part of modern studies. It attempts to understand the change in status and historical recognition of genre paintings, which was magnified as the main genre of the paintings of late Joseon period, and focuses on Kim Hongdo as a representative painter of the paintings of the late Joseon period. The Japanese, who depicted Joseon art during the Japanese colonial period syntactically did not pay attention to paintings of late Joseon period; thus, Kim Hongdo’s position in the art history was not very great. However, Kim Hongdo is regarded as a central painter of art history of Joseon nowadays; genre painting, his forte, is being considered as the essence of paintings in Joseon period. Thus, this study meticulously investigates the change in recognition and description of genre paintings of late Joseon period in research on paintings of late Joseon period in modern times; especially, it focused on the cause which brought the general opinion that as a representative painter of late Joseon period, how Kim Hongdo is equated with genre painter. In the process, various observations were made: investigations and collections for public exhibit of museums and art galleries were deeply connected to the early research of Joseon art by the Japanese; literary magazines such as 『Gaebyeok』 and 『Munjang』 became the stage that raised the late Joseon period and the pictorial art of that time, which was seen as a period that had sunk due to Confucianism and party strife, as a new golden age that promoted national culture. Also, during the formation of art history of late Joseon period, the genre paintings of Kim Hongdo were rediscovered as Joseon-like, realistic, modern, and sometimes revolutionary genre; at the same time, however, as his paintings of Taoist hermit were understood as Chinese, irrational, unrealistic, and a product of imagination, the text on such paintings receded. 본 연구는 한국미술사가 근대학문으로서 본격적으로 구축되는 과정에서, 각별히 조선후기 회화의 연구사에 주목하고 있다. 특히 조선후기 회화의 주요 장르로 부각된 풍속화의 위상변화 및 시대적 인식을 이해하고, 조선후기를 대표하는 화가로서 檀園 金弘道(1745-1806)에 초점을 맞춰보았다. 일제강점기 조선미술을 통사적으로 서술하기 시작했던 일본인들은 조선후기 회화에 관심을 보이지 않았으며, 김홍도 역시 미술사 서술에서 차지하는 부분이 크지 않았다. 그러나 오늘날 김홍도는 조선회화사의 중심적 존재로 인식되며, 특별히 풍속화는 김홍도의 特長이자 전통회화의 精髓로 부각되고 있다. 이에 근현대기의 조선시대 회화사 연구에 있어서 조선후기, 풍속화에 대한 인식변화와 서술양상을 면밀히 살피고, 조선후기의 대표적인 화가 김홍도=풍속화가의 통설이 작동하는 계기에 초점을 맞춰보았다. 이 과정에서 박물관, 미술관의 공적 전시를 위한 조사·수집과 일본인들의 초기 조선미술 연구가 깊은 관련 하에 있었다는 점, 『개벽』, 『문장』과 같은 문예지가 유교와 당쟁에 침몰해버린 시대로 비추어졌던 조선후기와 그 시대의 회화예술을, 민족 문화가 창달했던 새로운 전성기로 선양하는 무대가 되었음을 관찰했다. 또한, 조선후기 회화사의 형성과정에서 풍속화는 조선적, 사실적, 근대적, 때로는 혁명적 장르로 재발견되며 김홍도를 대표하는 장르로 부각되었으나, 동시에 신선도는 중국식, 비합리적, 비사실적이며 상상의 산물로 이해되기 시작하면서 김홍도의 신선그림에 대한 텍스트는 점차 희미해졌음을 살펴볼 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        서화의 교양적 수련과 `묵회(墨會)` 문화: 김용진과 금란묵회를 중심으로

        김소연 ( Kim Soyeon ) 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2017 한국문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        묵회(墨會)`는 오늘날 심성수련과 교양, 취미의 일환으로서 서예 및 문인화를 수련하는 정기적 모임으로 이해된다. 본 연구는 동호형식의 대중적 교양으로 자리 잡은 묵회 문화에 관심을 가지고, 묵회의 용례와 연원, 그 미술사적 의의에 주목하고 있다. 이 논의의 중심에는 해방을 전후한 서화계의 상황이 놓여있다. 새로이 제시된 `한국화`의 비전 가운데, 일제강점기의 흔적을 극복할 돌파구로 `묵(墨)`이라는 매개가 부각되었기 때문이다. 따라서 화단(畵壇)과 서단(書壇)은 동양화와 한국화, 서와 화, 그 경계에서 신문인화의 위상을 경험했으며, 이 과정에서 `마지막 문인화가` 김용진(金容鎭 1878∼1968)의 존재가 돋보인다. 청말 신문인화풍에 대한 관심과 맞물려, 김용진의 해파풍 사군자 및 문인화훼화가 미술계와 대중들에게 특히 애호되었기 때문이다. 더욱이 안동 김문의 명문가 출신, 한일병합 이후 관직에서 물러나 서화에 평생 소일(消日)한 김용진의 문인적 작화태도는 근대적 문인문화의 모범으로 받아들여지기도 했다. 묵회의 실체는 1950년대 초반 조직된 금란묵회(金蘭墨會)의 기록과 유묵을 통해 다시 한 번 확인된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 근대기 한묵회, 이묵회, 그리고 해방 이후 대동한묵회, 금란묵회를 검토하여 묵회의 정의와 연원을 살펴보며, 아회(雅會)에 대한 흠모와 계승의식에 기반하여 비전문적 작화태도 및 회원 교류에 중점을 두었던 묵회의 특별한 문화적 가치를 조망한다. `Mukoe` can be understood as a regular gathering to train in calligraphy and literary paintings, as a part of mental training, culture, and hobby. This study focuses on the Mukoe culture established as a popular culture in a club form, its examples and origin, and its significance in art history. In the midst of this study is the circumstances of painting and calligraphy around the Korean liberation. Within the new vision of “Korean painting,” the medium of `Muk,` or ink, emerged as the solution to overcome the traces of Japanese colonization. Thus Hwadan[畵壇] and Seodan[書壇] experienced the status of new literati paintings in the boundary of Oriental paintings and Korean paintings, and calligraphy and paintings; in the process, Kim Yong-jin(1878∼1968), also known as `the Last Literati Painter,` stands out. Connected with the interest in new literati paintings towards the end of Qing, Haipai-style Four Gentlemen painting and Muninhwahoehwa [plants often drawn by the literati] of Kim Yong-jin was especially loved by the people. Furthermore, his birth from the noble family Andong Kim and his life and attitude that made him resign from government office and paint for the rest of his life after Korean-Japanese annexation was seen as a model for modern literati. Mukoe can be confirmed once again through records of Geumran Mukoe and autographs of the departed. This study inspects the definition and origin of Mukoe by examination of Han Mukoe, Lee Mukoe of modern period, and Daedong Han Mukoe of post-liberation period. This study also views special cultural value of Mukoe based on admiration and succession of Ahoe, of which its purpose is in creativity and exchange of poetry, prose, paintings and calligraphy.

      • 설득적 글쓰기와 정서 표현 글쓰기에 나타난 표현 양상 -강원국·김민식의 저서와 강연 분석을 중심으로-

        권순희 ( Kwon Soonhee ),김여흘 ( Kim Yeoheul ),신소연 ( Shin Soyeon ),안병현 ( Ahn Byeonghyun ),원보람 ( Won Boram ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2021 先淸語文 Vol.49 No.-

        In order to examine the connection between logical and emotional writing and writing theory, Kang Wonguk’s book ‘President‘s writing’ and Kim Minsik’s book ‘Did you write every morning?’ were selected as the texts to analyze, and ‘Time to change the world, 15 minutes’, ‘How to Write Moving People (Kang Wonguk)’ and ‘Writing that Changes Pain to Pleasure (Kim Minsik)’ were selected for analysis. The analysis results are shown in the table below. The above difference comes from the difference between the purpose and direction of discourse between Kang Wonguk and Kim Minsik. Kang Wonguk explains his speeches and talks to persuade others in his writings and lectures. Therefore, Kang Wonguk’s writing focuses on logical writing, and the direction of writing is directed to the outside. Kim Minsik, on the other hand, mentions diaries and personal blog posts and talks about self-reflective and internal discourse. The direction of writing is directed inward, communicating with the self, and in the process of self-healing through writing.

      • Trends in health behaviors over 20 years: findings from the 1998-2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

        Soyeon Kim,Sunhye Choi,Jihee Kim,Suyeon Park,Youngtaek Kim,Ok Park,Kyungwon Oh 한국역학회 2021 Epidemiology and Health Vol.43 No.-

        OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine the trends in health behaviors in Korean population using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). METHODS: The subjects were 96,408 adults aged 19 years or older who participated in the first (1998) through seventh (2016-2018) KNHANES health interview. The prevalence of health behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and physical activity) and annual percent change (APC) were estimated using SAS and the Joinpoint program. RESULTS: The prevalence of current cigarette smoking in men decreased by 2.8%p (APC=-2.8, p<0.001) annually over the 20-year period, and the prevalence of exposure to secondhand smoke at home substantially decreased compared to 2005 (APC=-8.8, p<0.001). Compared to 2005, the prevalence of current alcohol drinking in women, but not men, increased (APC=2.0, p<0.001), and the prevalence of binge drinking decreased in men (APC=-0.7, p<0.001) and increased in women (APC=2.4, p<0.001). The prevalence of aerobic physical activity decreased from 2014 in both gendersd (p<0.001). The prevalence of healthy behaviors practice (non-smoking, alcohol abstinence, and aerobic physical activity) was down-trending (APC=-5.3, p<0.001), especially among women (APC=-6.4, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Over the past 20 years, smoking behaviors improved. However, drinking behavior was unchanged and physical activity indicators markedly decreased. More active programs are necessary for improving health behaviors, which are major risk factors linked to chronic diseases.


        Direct Observation of an Anomalous Spinel‐to‐Layered Phase Transition Mediated by Crystal Water Intercalation

        Kim, Sangryun,Nam, Kwan Woo,Lee, Soyeon,Cho, Woosuk,Kim, Joo‐,Seong,Kim, Byung Gon,Oshima, Yoshifumi,Kim, Ju‐,Sik,Doo, Seok‐,Gwang,Chang, Hyuk,Aurbach, Doron,Choi, Jang Wook WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2015 Angewandte Chemie Vol.54 No.50

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The phase transition of layered manganese oxides to spinel phases is a well‐known phenomenon in rechargeable batteries and is the main origin of the capacity fading in these materials. This spontaneous phase transition is associated with the intrinsic properties of manganese, such as its size, preferred crystal positions, and reaction characteristics, and it is therefore very difficult to avoid. The introduction of crystal water by an electrochemical process enables the inverse phase transition from spinel to a layered Birnessite structure. Scanning transmission electron microscopy can be used to directly visualize the rearrangement of lattice atoms, the simultaneous insertion of crystal water, the formation of a transient structure at the phase boundary, and layer‐by‐layer progression of the phase transition from the edge. This research indicates that crystal water intercalation can reverse phase transformation with thermodynamically favored directionality.</P>

      • Docosahexaenoic Acid Induces Cell Death in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells by Repressing mTOR via AMPK Activation and PI3K/Akt Inhibition

        Kim, Nayeong,Jeong, Soyeon,Jing, Kaipeng,Shin, Soyeon,Kim, Soyeon,Heo, Jun-Young,Kweon, Gi-Ryang,Park, Seung-Kiel,Wu, Tong,Park, Jong-Il,Lim, Kyu Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2015 BioMed research international Vol.2015 No.-

        <P>The anticancer properties and mechanism of action of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (<I>ω</I>3-PUFAs) have been demonstrated in several cancers; however, the mechanism in lung cancer remains unclear. Here, we show that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a <I>ω</I>3-PUFA, induced apoptosis and autophagy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. DHA-induced cell death was accompanied by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation and inactivated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling. Knocking down AMPK and overexpressing Akt increased mTOR activity and attenuated DHA-induced cell death, suggesting that DHA induces cell death via AMPK- and Akt-regulated mTOR inactivation. This was confirmed in Fat-1 transgenic mice, which produce <I>ω</I>3-PUFAs. Lewis lung cancer (LLC) tumor cells implanted into Fat-1 mice showed slower growth, lower phospho-Akt levels, and higher levels of apoptosis and autophagy than cells implanted into wild-type mice. Taken together, these data suggest that DHA-induced apoptosis and autophagy in NSCLC cells are associated with AMPK activation and PI3K/Akt inhibition, which in turn lead to suppression of mTOR; thus <I>ω</I>3-PUFAs may be utilized as potential therapeutic agents for NSCLC treatment.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Investigation on Health Effects of an Abandoned Metal Mine

        Kim, Soyeon,Kwon, Ho-Jang,Cheong, Hae-Kwan,Choi, Kyungho,Jang, Jae-Yeon,Jeong, Woo-Chul,Kim, Dae-Seon,Yu, Seungdo,Kim, Young-Wook,Lee, Kwang-Young,Yang, Seoung-Oh,Jhung, Ik Jae,Yang, Won-Ho,Hong, Yun- The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2008 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.23 No.3

        <P>To investigate potential health risks associated with exposure to metals from an abandoned metal mine, the authors studied people living near an abandoned mine (n=102) and control groups (n=149). Levels of cadmium, copper, arsenic, lead, and zinc were measured in the air, soil, drinking water, and agricultural products. To assess individual exposure, biomarkers of each metal in blood and urine were measured. β<SUB>2</SUB>-microglobulin, α<SUB>1</SUB>-microglobulin, and <I>N</I>-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and bone mineral density were measured. Surface soil in the study area showed 2-10 times higher levels of metals compared to that of the control area. Metal concentrations in the groundwater and air did not show any notable differences between groups. Mean concentrations of cadmium and copper in rice and barley from the study area were significantly higher than those of the control area (<I>p</I><0.05). Geometric means of blood and urine cadmium in the study area were 2.9 µg/L and 1.5 µg/g Cr, respectively, significantly higher than those in the control area (<I>p</I><0.05). There were no differences in the levels of urinary markers of early kidney dysfunction and bone mineral density. The authors conclude that the residents near the abandoned mine were exposed to higher levels of metals through various routes.</P>


        Pancreatic serous cystic neoplasms accompanying other pancreatic tumors

        Kim, So-Woon,Song, In Hye,An, Soyeon,Kim, So Yeon,Kim, Hyoung Jung,Song, Ki-Byung,Hwang, Dae Wook,Lee, Sang Soo,Byun, Jae Ho,Seo, Dong-Wan,Kim, Song Cheol,Yu, Eunsil,Hong, Seung-Mo Elsevier 2017 Human pathology Vol.60 No.-

        <P>Serous cystic neoplasms (SCNs) are benign cystic neoplasms that predominantly occur in the tail of the pancreas in elderly women. It is well known that patients with von Hippel - Lindau syndrome can develop SCNs and neuroendocrine tumors in the pancreas. However, our understanding on SCNs accompanying other pancreatic tumors (SCNAOPTs) is limited. We compared the clinicopathological features of 15 surgically resected SCNAOPTs with 259 conventional SCNs. The prevalence of SCNAOPT was 5%. The SCNAOPTs were significantly smaller than conventional solitary SCNs, and they were more commonly observed in the head of the pancreas, whereas conventional solitary SCNs were more frequently noted in the body and tail. However, no differences were found in terms of sex, patient age, or the gross patterns of the SCNs. Accompanying neoplasms included 7 intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms, 1 colloid carcinoma arising from intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, 6 neuroendocrine tumors, and 1 solid pseudo papillary neoplasm. Four neuroendocrine tumors associated with von Hippel Lindau syndrome occurred as multiples, whereas 2 neuroendocrine tumors without von Hippel Lindau syndrome were solitary. In summary, SCNAOPTs comprise 5% of all SCNs and tend to be smaller and located in the head of the pancreas. Common accompanying tumors include intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms, neuroendocrine tumors, and other neoplasms such as colloid carcinoma and solid pseudopapillary neoplasm. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.</P>

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