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        고대 러시아 부흥기 문학에서의 전통과 모방 : 키예프 러시아 문학에 대한 모방을 중심으로

        서선정 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2006 러시아연구 Vol.16 No.1

        В настоящей статье совершается конкретный анализ разнообразных аспектов в литературном поприще во время 'Предвозрождения ', рассмотрив изучаемое нами литературное явление как результат "автокоммуникации" культуры, в частности литературы раннего этапа новой Руси под влиянием Москвы с литературой прошлой Киевской Руси. После монументальной победы московских князей над татарами на Куликовской битве в 1380 r., стремление кутверждению народного осознания находилось на резком подъеме. Чтобы возвратить былую славу, книжники XIV - XV вв. московского княжества обра тились к богатейшему литературному наследию Киевской Руси. И это течение мы понимаем как выpажение желания или попытки коммуникации с другой культурой, в данномслучае, точнее, автокоммуникации. При этом необходимо иметь в виду, так называемое, 'второе южнославянское влияние.' В XIV - XV вв. Московская Русь с большой охотой принимали византийскую культуру через Болгарию. В то время на Руси это считались весьма нормально, так как прежде всего надо восстановить культурную связь Руси с Византией, разорванную Монголо-татарским игом и тем самым, русские княжники думали, что теперь они вновь доступны к руслу процветания культуры Киевской Руси. В ходе такого массого введения из Константинопля переводились многочисленные греческие оригинальные произведения и в житийной литературе заметно распространился такой прием, как 'плетение словес'. Указанный нам и прием, 'плетение словес', перераставая за рамки того или одного литературного риторического приема, отражал в определенной степени отвлеченность и повышенного народного чувства. В своем происхождении 'плетение словес' представляет собой литературный метод для 'адекватного' выражения повьшенной эмоциальности. Более того, этот прием грамотно соответствовал первоначальной цели религиозно-литургической формы языка Киевской Руси. Впрочем, мы наблюдаем целый ряд 'нестилизационного подражания' литературному творчеству Киевской Руси московскими авторами. Это является литературные соотношения «Слова О житии великого князя Дмитрия Ивановича» с «Повестью о житии Александра Невского», «Повести о нашествии Тохтамаша» с «Повестью о разорении Рязани Батыем» и т.д. С нашей точки зрения поднятый 'шум' при коммуникации между этими текстами представляет собой результат ошибки коммуникации, т.е. 'нестилизационного подражания'. другой примечательный пример мы еще находим в круге литературного творения Московского княжества. Про соотшение «3адонщины» со знаменитьш «Cловом о полку Игореве», немного забегая вперед, можно заключить как типичного 'механического подражания', господстовавшего в XV веке, во время которого было велико желание 'собеседовать' с эпохой Киевской Руси. В отличие от «Слова о полку Игореве» в «3адонщине» неорганически соединяются разнородные, различающие друг от друга, стили, т.е. фольклроный стиль, стиль по «Слову о полку Игореве», деловой стиль и т.д. И это калейдоскопическое сосуществование разных стилей отнюдь не достигает художественного совершенства, воплощенного в «Слове о полку Игореве». Таким образом, хотя неудачно, но продолжительный ряд попытки коммуникации авторов XIV - ХV вв. имеет значение некоего индекса желания современников, что стремить и возвратить, восстановить прошлую святую память, максимально и нагляднейшим образом отраженную в культурном наследнии Киевской Руси, до монголо-татарского ига. Однако, с течением времени к ХVI веку эта справедливая дань прошедшей славе превращалась в 'орнаментализм', или просто формально стилизированный прием.

      • 중소기업형 CIM시스템 구축을 위한 생산계획수립 및 실적파악 모듈

        최후곤,신완선,장중순,서준성,여명구,안동근,김진봉 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1996 論文集 Vol.47 No.2

        This study Focuses on developing several modules involved in an integrated production information system for medium- or small-sized industries. The modules of order management, quality control, production scheduling, and shop management are executed for an example case industry. The potential values of this research includes that the major information modules to collect, analysis, and display production data and shop data for constructing the computer integrated manufacturing system(CIMS) are programmed with various features of medium- or small-sized industries

      • cis-platin에 의한 급성구토예방의 Dexamethasone의 4가지 정주량의 비교

        김원,강지은,서영선,이동민,서정균,신병철,정기영,박유환,정춘해 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.1

        B5-hydroxytryptamine _3수용체(5-HT_3) 길항제와 dexamethasone의 동시투여가 cis-platin에 의한 급성 구토를 막는데 가장 효과적이다. 그러나 현재까지 가장 적절한 정주dexamethasone의 용량이 알려져 있지 않았다. 이에 dexamethasone의 4가지 다른 용량을 투여하여 그 효과를 비교하였다. 환자는 임의 추출되어 cis-platin 투여 45분전에 15분 동안 정주로 각각 dexamethasone 5, 10, 15, 20 mg을 투여 받았다. cis-platin 투여 30분전에는 ondansetron 8 mg이 부가하여 정주 되었다. 1999년 3월부터 2000년 2월까지 54명의 환자가 연구에 등록되어졌고 53명의 환자가 연구 대상으로 실험에 4군 (dexamethasone 5 mg 13명, 10 mg 14명, 15 mg 13명, 20 mg 13명)으로 나뉘어 평가 되어졌다. 급성구토와 구역질의 완전한 예방은 dexamethasone 5 mg을 투여 받은 환자에서 각각 69.2%, 60.9%, dexamethasone 10 mg을 투여 환자에서 69.1%, 61%, dexamethasone 15 mg 투여 환자에서 78.5%, 66.9%, dexamethasone 20 mg을 투여 환자에서 83.2%, 71.0%로 나타났다. 구토로부터 완전한 예방은 dexamethasone 20 mg을 투여 환자에서 5, 10 mg을 투여 환자와 비교하여 높았고, dexamethasone 15 mg을 투여 군에 비교하여서는 약간 우수한 효과만 있었다. 구역질으로부터의 완전한 예방도 월등한 것은 아닐지라도 20 mg을 받은 환자에서 높았다. 항 구토 치료는 특별한 불편 없이 조절되었고, 부작용의 발생에서 4가지그룹간에는 커다란 차이가 발견되지 않았다. Dexamethasone의 20 mg 정주양이 cis-platin으로 인한 급성구토를 예방하는데 가장 효과적인 예방량으로 사료되어진다. Background and objective: A 5-hydroxytryptamine _3(5-HT_3) receptor antagonist plus dexamethasone is the most efficacious antiemetic prophylactic treatment for the prevention of cis-platin induced acute emesis, but the optimal intraveous (Ⅳ) dose of dexamethasone is unknown. This prompted us to perform a randomized, double-blind, dose-finding study that compared four different doses of dexamethasone. Materials and Methods: Patients were randomized to receive dexamethasone, either 5, 10, 15, 20 mg, administered by 15-minute Ⅳ infusion 45 minutes before cis-platin. Ondansetron 8 mg was added to dexamethasone and was administered Ⅳ 30 minutes before cis-platin. From March 1999 to February 2000, 54 patients were enrolled onto the study and 53 were assessable according to the intention-to-treat principle (13 patients received 5 mg; 14 patients, 10 mg; 13 patients, 15 mg and 13 patients, 20 mg of dexamethasone). Results: Complete protection from acute vomiting and nausea was achieved by 69.2% and 60.9% of patients, respectively, who received 5 mg of dexamethasone, by 69.1% and 61.0% of those who received 10 mg, by 78.5% and 66.9% of those who received 15 mg, and by 83.2% and 71.0% of those who received 20 mg of dexamethasone. Complete protection from vomiting was significantly superior in patients who received 20 mg compared with those who received 5 and 10 mg of dexamethasone (P<05) and was superior, but not significantly, compared with those who received 15mg. Complete protection from nausea was superior, but not significantly, in patients who received 20 mg of dekamethasone. Multifactorial analysis confirmed these results. Antiemetic treatment was well tolerated, and no significant difference was found among the four groups in the incidence of adverse events. Conclusion: A 20mg single Ⅳ dose of dexamethasone should be considered the most efficacious prophylactic dose for the prevention of ois-platin induced acute amesis in treatment of cancer.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Usefulness of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT to Detect Metastatic Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Within an Inguinal Hernia

        Seo, Hyo Jung,Min, Byung Wook,Eo, Jae Seon,Lee, Sun Il,Kang, Sang Hee,Jung, Sung Yup,Oh, Sang Chul,Choe, Jae Gol The Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine 2016 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.50 No.1

        Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma in an inguinal hernia is a rare disease and the image findings of $^{18}F$-fluorodeoxyglucose ($^{18}F$-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) are little known. Here, we introduce a 57-year-old man with metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma in an inguinal hernia. On initial $^{18}F$-FDG PET/CT, hypermetabolism was observed in mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cecum, and adenocarcinomas of the transverse and ascending colon, respectively. Follow-up $^{18}F$-FDG PET/CT revealed newly developed multiple hypermetabolism in peritoneal seeding masses and nodules in the pelvic cavity and scrotum. Peritoneal carcinomatosis in the right pelvic side wall was extended to the incarcerated peritoneum and mesentery in the right inguinoscrotal hernia. $^{18}F$-FDG PET/CT was useful to reveal unexpected peritoneal seeding within the inguinal hernia. Also, this case demonstrated that metastatic mucinous adenocarcinomas had variably intense FDG uptake.

      • Larvicidal Activity of Apiaceae Plant Essential Oils and Their Components Against mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus.

        Seon-Mi Seo,Sung-Woong Kim,Eunae Kim,Hwa-Jung Yeom,Il-Kwon Park 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.05

        The larvicidal activity of 12 Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents was evaluated against third instar larvae of mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus. Of the 12 Apiaceae essential oils, Dill (Anethum graveolens), Caraway seed (Carum carvi), Cumin (Cuminum cyminum), Carrot seed (Daucus carota), Parsley (Petroselinum sativum) and Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) oils at 0.1 mg/ml exhibited 90% larval mortality after 2 days. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry led to identification of 8, 3, 13, 12 compounds, respectively. in the oils of Dill (Anethum graveolens), Caraway seed (Carum carvi), Cumin (Cuminum cyminum), Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi). The compounds thus identified were tested individually for their larvicidal activities against Aedes albopictus. At this same concentration, the individual constituents tested, α-phellandrene, α-Terpinene, ρ -cymene, (+)-Limonene, γ-Terpinene, Thymol, Carvacrol resulted in 100% mortality after 2 days. At this same concentration, the individual constituents tested, (+)-carvone, cuminaldehyde, neral, trans-anethole resulted in 80% mortality after 2 days.

      • KCI등재

        Contribution of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection to Chemoresistance of Gastric Carcinoma Cells to 5-Fluorouracil

        Jung Seon Seo,이숙경,김태규,홍영선,Jen-Yang Chen 대한약학회 2011 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.34 No.4

        Although Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with 6-16% of the gastric carcinoma (GC) cases, the effect of EBV infection on the tumorigenesis process and the responsiveness to chemotherapy remain unclear. We compared chemosensitivity of the EBV-positive GC (AGSEBV) and EBV-negative GC (AGS) cells to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Although 5-FU inhibited the growth of both cell lines in a dose- and time-dependent manner, the sensitivity of EBV-positive GC cells to 5-FU was lower than that of EBV-negative GC cells. The cleavage of PARP and caspase-3 was also lower in AGS-EBV cells than in AGS cells following 5-FU treatment. Both the level of Bcl-2 expression and the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax were higher in AGS-EBV than in AGS cells not only at basal state but also following 5-FU treatment. Moreover, p53 and p21 expression was enhanced further by 5-FU in AGS than in AGS-EBV cells. Immunofluorescence assay and Western blot showed that 5-FU induced the expression of EBV-lytic genes including BZLF1, BRLF1, BMRF1 and BHRF1. Our results suggest that latent and lytic EBV infection contributes to the chemoresistance to 5-FU in gastric carcinoma by modulating apoptosis related cellular genes.

      • KCI등재후보

        Lack of Association between Epstein-Barr Virus and Epithelial Malignancies Developed after Kidney Transplantation

        Jung Seon Seo,Kyeong Hee Kang,강진형,Suk Kyeong Lee 대한암학회 2003 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.35 No.5

        Purpose: Organ transplant recipients are at high riskof developing malignancies due to immunosuppressiveregimens. Unlike post-transplant lymphoproliferative diseases(PTLDs), where Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) plays anetiological role, there are conflicting data regarding theassociation of EBV with post-transplant epithelial malignancies.In order to clarify the role of EBV in carcinomasthat develop after solid-organ transplantation, the presenceof EBV infection in the carcinomas of post-kidneytransplant patients was examined.Materials and Methods: The presence of EBV infectionin skin carcinoma (PTSC), gastric carcinoma (PTGC)and urothelial carcinoma (PTUC), which developed in thepatients under an immune suppression regime followingkidney transplantation, was examined. Tumors from thepatients without organ transplantation were also used asa comparison in the study. The study group included fivenasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPCs), one Hodgkin's disease(HD), one B-cell non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma(NHL) and one hypopharynx (HPC) tumor.Results: Immunofluorescence assay and Western blotanalysis, using sera from the same patients, confirmedthat all of the tested patients were previously infected withEBV. From in situ hybridization, no EBER positive cellswere detected in any of the tumor tissues obtained fromthe three kidney transplant recipients (PTSC, PTGC andPTUC) or in the NHL and HPC tissues. In contrast, all fiveof the NPC and HD tissues showed strong EBERpositivity.Conclusion: These results suggest that there is a strongassociation of EBV with NPC and HD as previously reported,while no such strong association of EBV was foundwith epithelial malignancies that developed after kidneytransplantation. (Cancer Res Treat. 2003;35:433-439)


        Contribution of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection to Chemoresistance of Gastric Carcinoma Cells to 5-Fluorouracil

        Seo, Jung-Seon,Kim, Tai-Gyu,Hong, Young-Seon,Chen, Jen-Yang,Lee, Suk-Kyeong 대한약학회 2011 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.34 No.4

        Although Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with 6-16% of the gastric carcinoma (GC) cases, the effect of EBV infection on the tumorigenesis process and the responsiveness to chemotherapy remain unclear. We compared chemosensitivity of the EBV-positive GC (AGS-EBV) and EBV-negative GC (AGS) cells to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Although 5-FU inhibited the growth of both cell lines in a dose- and time-dependent manner, the sensitivity of EBV-positive GC cells to 5-FU was lower than that of EBV-negative GC cells. The cleavage of PARP and caspase-3 was also lower in AGS-EBV cells than in AGS cells following 5-FU treatment. Both the level of Bcl-2 expression and the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax were higher in AGS-EBV than in AGS cells not only at basal state but also following 5-FU treatment. Moreover, p53 and p21 expression was enhanced further by 5-FU in AGS than in AGS-EBV cells. Immunofluorescence assay and Western blot showed that 5-FU induced the expression of EBV-lytic genes including BZLF1, BRLF1, BMRF1 and BHRF1. Our results suggest that latent and lytic EBV infection contributes to the chemoresistance to 5-FU in gastric carcinoma by modulating apoptosis related cellular genes.

      • Establishment and characterization of gastric carcinoma cell clones expressing LMP2A of Epstein-Barr virus.

        Seo, Jung Seon,Jun, Se Mo,Kwon, Sang Wook,Oh, Il-Hoan,Kim, Tai-Gyu,Lee, Suk Kyeong D.A. Spandidos 2010 International journal of molecular medicine Vol.25 No.1

        <P>Although Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been detected in 5-15% of gastric carcinoma (GC) cases, the mechanism by which EBV contributes to its tumorigenesis remains unclear. Only a subset of EBV latent proteins such as EBV nuclear antigen-1 and latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) are expressed in EBV-associated GC (EBVaGC) cases. In this study, to elucidate the role of LMP2A in the tumorigenesis of EBVaGC, we established permanent cell lines expressing LMP2A. The LMP2A gene was cloned from a naturally EBV-infected EBVaGC cell line, SNU-719 and transduced into an EBV-negative GC cell line, AGS, using a retroviral vector. The sequence of SNU-719 LMP2A showed several conserved variations compared to that of the prototype EBV strain B95-8 LMP2A. Four of seven established cell clones expressed LMP2A protein at detectable levels. These cell clones did not show enhanced cell growth compared to control cells in normal or low serum-containing medium. Furthermore, LMP2A expression had no effect on colony forming ability of the cell clones in soft agar. Our results suggest that LMP2A alone has little effect on tumorigenesis of EBVaGC.</P>

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