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        이재성교수와 한국의 화학공학

        이화영 한국화학공학회 1989 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.27 No.4

        Professor Chai-sung Lee, who had introduced the chemical engineering discipline for the first time into this country, is retiring from Seoul National University at the end of August this year. As the very pioneer of the chemical engineering profession in Korea, he has been serving in various aspects and capacities for the development of the profession. It was by him that the formal chemical engineering curriculum was established at Seoul National University early in 1950's. He was also the man who give birth to the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers in 1962. It was through his leadership that the Third Pacific Chemical Engineers' Congress, held at Seoul in 1983, was a great success and ever since it became a model for an international academic conference in Korea. During his tenure of 43 years at Seoul National University, perhaps the longest in the history of the University, he has surely set a standard not only as a teacher but also as a researcher that can hardly be surpassed. He also served as the Dean of Engineering for four years late in 1970's to make major contributions toward the development of engineering discipline. It is now only natural that we dedicate a special issue of Hwahak Konghak in honor of Professor Chai-sung Lee on this occasion of his retirement from Seoul National University, in recognition of his dedication to the development of the chemical engineering profession. He is now retiring but it is only from the professorship. All of us are quite certain that Professor Lee's professional activities will not be affected at all to make him as busy as ever.

      • 아동의 物活論的 思考에 관한 연구 : Piaget의 가설을 중심으로

        李恩和,尹賢燮 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1976 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        This study was intended to investigate the Korean child's animism and to test Piaget's hypothesis with Huang-Lee's experimental tools. The experimental hypotheses in this study were: 1) Piagetian animism could be found in Korean children's mentality, and 2) Piaget's hypothesis could be proved not only by Russell-Dennis's tools but also by Huang Lee's. Russell and Dennis have proved Piaget's hypothesis and standardized the experimental procedures to test child's animism; however, M. Mead and Huang-Lee have denied the Piagetian animism in Manusian and Chinese children. Russel and Dennis have also suggested four developmental stages in child's animism. Twenty Korean children, aged between 4-7, were tested individually, the combined experimental procedures of Russell-Dennis and Huang-Lee being used, As a result, the first hypothesis in this study was positively confirmed only by Russell-Dennis's method. This means that the second hypothesis in this study was not confirmed. 90% of the Subjects in this study have had the concept of life or living, and did not regard inanimate objects as having characteristics of "feeling pain." It seems to us that the subjects in this study tend to make some cognitive continuity between their awareness of their living and the being of physical objects. In Piagetian terms, the subjects have not dissociated themselves from their physical and natural environment.

      • KCI등재

        상수 원수에 따른 용존 유기물의 특성 평가

        허준무,박종안,손부순,장봉기,이종화 한국환경과학회 1999 한국환경과학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        This study was carried out to evaluate the characteristics of dissolved organics based on their origins, which were divided into two categories. The first group consisted of river, lake and secondary sewage treatment effluent, which were chosen as representative of their origins. The second group were artificial samples which were made of AHA(Aldrich humic acids) and WHA(Wako humic acids). Physicochemical characteristics, biological degradability and THMFP(trihalomethane formation potential) of the samples were analysed based on the AMWD(apparent molecular weight distribution). Large portion of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in the river and lake samples was comprised of LMW(low molecular weight), while that of AHA and WHA was HMW(high molecular weight). The DOC of the lake was evenly distributed in the all range of molecular weight. The river, lake and secondary treated effluent have lower ultraviolet(UV) absorbance at 254nm, and have a higher amount of humic acids. Higher absorbance of humic acids means that aliphatic bond and benzenoid type components that absorb UV light were contained in these kind of humic acids. It was expected that lake sample was the most biodegradable in the different samples investigated, and in order of secondary sewage treatment effluent, river, WHA and AHA based on the result of determination of specific ultraviolet absorbance(SUVA). Biodegradability showed similar result except for ABA, while dissolved organics in the range of LMW decreased during the biodegradability test, and on the contrary those of HMW increased. Production of the SMPs(soluble microbial products) was observed during humicification of dissolved organics and the SMPs were in the range of 0.7∼5.5% of DOC which was the lowest value. Sample had a higher portion of HMW showed a higher production of the SMPs. THM formation was high in the samples containing HMW and similar tendency was shown in the THMFP(trihalomethane formation potential), except for WHA.

      • KCI등재
      • 日本의 藝術大學 Design 系列學科 Curriculum 事例 分析 (Vol. 1)

        李化洙 청주대학교 예술문화연구소 1988 淸藝論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        In the times of rapid development of indersties and explosion of informations, ti is a general tendency that the number of applicants in the field of design in the Colleges of fine arts in Japan has been gradually increased in recent years, and Korea is not an exceptional case. In accordance with this, the trend of entrance examinations of design departments in Japan has Changed to meet the Situation, and the new curriculum of the departments shows fresh and efficient aspects. Furthermore, it makes us have a Self-examination when we compare Japanese curriculam which can cope with the various conditions and social needs effectively with ours which can't break from the conventional and stereotyped habits. I hope that this paper will be a reference and give a help someone who is interested in trying to conceive the new Curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 작문의 몇 가지 문제 연구

        李和泳 한국중국문화학회 2004 中國學論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        韓國語話漢語在句中的功能旣有相同的地方, 也有不同的地方. 兩國語言在語法上的異同, 常常給學漢語的韓國人造成不小學習上的困難. 漢語作文這門科的學習目標是使學習者能把自己的意見用符合漢語語法的文字表達出來. 可是一般的學習者沒有能力區別正確的還是錯誤的. 敎漢語作文的不能光糾正學習者在造句上的錯誤, 而且要硏究如何糾正常寫錯的毛病. 這也是敎學實踐中最重要的工作之一. 本論文以學生寫的作業爲基本資料, 先對比分析韓國語和漢語的語法特徵分析錯誤, 然後糾明錯誤的原因. 希望能使學習者減少飜譯上的錯誤, 這是本論文的硏究目的. 經過硏究發現了幾個結果. 如果韓國語主語指的是不定的或者表示存在或出現的存現句, 飜譯成漢語不能做主語, 而是做賓語. 韓國語的表示時點的時間詞後面帶有助詞"에", 漢語的表示時點的時間詞出現在述語動詞前面充當狀語, 韓國語的表示時點的時間詞後面帶有助詞"까지", 漢語的表示時點的時間詞帶介詞"到"在述語動詞後面充當補語. 韓國語的肯定文裏表示時段的時間詞後面帶有助詞"에", 或者韓國語的否定文裏表示時段的時間詞後面帶有助詞"동안", 漢語的表示時段的時間詞出現在述語動詞前面充當狀語. 韓國語的肯定文裏表示時段的時間詞後面帶有助詞"이나", 或者韓國語的否定文裏表示時段的時間詞後面帶有助詞"밖에", 漢語的表示時段的時間詞出現在述語後面充當時量補語.

      • 最近 日本의 Design 系列學科의 入試課題 分析

        李化洙 청주대학교 예술문화연구소 1987 淸藝論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        The number of applicants in the field of design in the Colleges of Fine Arts in Korea has been sharply increased in recent years, and Japan is not an exceptional case. Practical skill requiring items in design areas can be classified into dessin and basic design, and when we look into the entrance examinations of the top three colleges of Fine Arts in Japan, we can clearly observe that they have dealt with the examinations very cautiously, have studied them in various ways and have improved them remarkably. How many of us who work at Colleges of Fine Arts can dare say that we have deeply studied the college entrance examinations in fine arts areas? I beleve that their variety of differences and broadness in setting problems and vivid new ideas that I am going to introduce in the following will give us a great stimulus and help, awakening us from long stereotyped habits.

      • 1,4-Butanediamines를 carrier ligand로 하는 7원환 백금착체의 설계 및 합성

        황규자,이근임,권영이 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 1995 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.11 No.-

        Platinum complexes having 7-membered ring structure with N,N'-bis(2-hy-droxyethyl)butylenediamine(HeBn) and N,N'-bis(2-chloroethyl)butyelenediamine(CeBn) as carrier ligands were synthesized to enhance antitumor activity and to decrease the toxicity. Platinum complexes were prepared by reacting K_2PtI_4 with HeBn or CeBn. IR, NMR, elementary analysis, ICP-AES and titration method were applied for identification and analysis of the synthesized platinum complexes.

      • 고강도 경량 콘크리트 슬래브의 거동 특성 연구

        이승조,박정민,김화중 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the structural properties of the high-strength lightweight concrete slab contained garnet for various applications in the structural field. For the purpose of investigating the properties followed by changing I-layer slab specimen(HSLC, HSC) and the 2-layer slab specimen(upper the HSLC+lower the HSC, using the emulsion resin paste painting of the joint area for an increment of the bond-strength), the mix proportion of this study is set up as W /B is fixed 30%, garnet is substituted by 10% and the SI A is 45%. From the results of experiment, the use of 2-layer slab specimens are expected to resemble capacity and deformation of HSC slab.

      • 敎習用 縮小型 人臺製作에 關한 硏究

        李英蘭,宋和順 淸州大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.16 No.2

        1. Zweck Ich habe mit einfachen Mitteln versucht, eine verkleinert Form der in der Konfektionsschneiderei beuu¨tzten Standardmaß-Schneidebu¨ste herzustellen, mit der auch die Studentinnen arbeiten, urn ihre theoretischen and praktischen Kenntnisse zu vervollkommren. Beim Medellierenunterricht wird die Standardmaß-Schneideru¨ste dazu benutzt, um den menschlichen Ko¨rper and dessen Stereokonstruktion leichter erfassen zu ko¨nnen. Dabei erscheinen die folgenden Punkte nachteilig: a) Der große Raumbedarf aufgrund der Gro¨ße der Standardmaß-Schneiderbu¨ste b) Der große Material- and Zeituaufwand beim Schnittzeichnen, Zuschnitt and Na¨hen. c) Der Zeitaufwand beim Umsetzten der Schnittzeichnungen in die Praxis, da im Unterricht die Zeichnungen ein Drittel verkleinert anfertigt werden. Aus den oben angefu¨hrten Gru¨nden habe ich eine ½ and ⅓ Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbu¨ste entworfen. 2. Herstellungsablauf a) Die Herstellung der ½ and ⅓ Verkleinerungs-Tonschneiderbu¨ste der Standard maß-Schneiderbuste. Die ½ Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbuste wird A, die ⅓ Verkleinerung A´ genannt. b) Herstellung der ½ and ⅓ Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbu¨ste mit Papierklebemitteln unter Benutzung von A and A´. (B and B´) c) Die Herstellung der fertigen Schneiderbu¨ste C and C´ nach der Vorlage von B and B´. 3. Schlußfolgerung Aus der Benutzung der ½ and ⅓ Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbu¨ste an Stelle der Standardmaß-Schneideruste ergeben sich folgende Vorteile: a) Jederzeit handliches Arbeiten mit der Schneiderbu¨ste auf dem Tisch oder Stuhl, sowohl im Klassenzimmer als auch Wohnraum. b) Die Mo¨glichkeit, die Schneiderbu¨ste leicht zu tragen. c) Der starke verringerte Platzbedarf. d) Die Verku¨rzung der U¨bungszeit Beim Schnittzeichenen, Zuschnitt and Na¨hen e) Das Kostenersparnis durch den verringerten Materialaufwand bei der ⅓ Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbu¨ste. f) Die Mo¨glichkeit der sofortigen Umsetzung ins Dreidimensionale der U¨bungsschnittzeichnungen, da im Modellierenunterricht zu einem Drittel verkleinert gearbeitet wird. g) Nachteil: Die Schwierigkeit durch die gesichtsinnige and sensorische Ungleichheit mit der Standardmaß-Schneiderbu¨ste. Dieser Nachteil wird jedoch durch die wechselseitige Benutzung der Standradmaß- and der Verkleinerungs-Schneiderbu¨ste gro¨ßtenteils aufgehoben.

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