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      • 제7차 교육과정과 지리교육의 과제

        이희열 釜山大學校 사범대학 지리교육과 2000 釜山地理 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper examines the characteristics of the 7th Curriculum and discusses the tasks in geography education of middle and high school in Korea. The major content which were dealt are as follows. First, social studies curriculum in the 7th curriculum is much emphasized the character of the integrated social studies. As result, the role and status of geography in social studies curriculum is weakened in middle and high school education as comparison with the 6th curriculum. Second, for the strengthening of the role and status of geography in social studies in new circumstances such as integrated social studies, it is required to raise the social utilities of geography, and necessary to establish firmly the true character of geography education. At the same time, the positive attitude of geography teachers is very important for the development of geography education.

      • KCI등재

        居住選好의 Mental Map과 情報面의 形成 및 그 關係 : 釜山 學生들을 中心으로 In Case of Pupils and Students in Pusan City

        李熙悅 부산대학교 사범대학 1985 교사교육연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to investigate the mental maps of the residential preference and the information surfaces, and their's relationships in Korea. The data were collected in Pusan City, from July to September, 1983. The respondents were pupils and students, who had continuously resided in Pusan City since their birth. They were asked to take a piece of papers, and then write down as quickly as they could, in a timed five minutes, all the names of towns they could think of in Korea. Next, map-questionnaires that the national-scale space is divided into 30 sub-regions were given out to them, and then were asked to record their rank-order preferences based on the residential desirability. The main results are summarized as follows. 1) The Pusan region, the perception point, is the most desirable at all the age level, and regions located on the Kyung-Pu Axis that Seoul, Taegeon, Taegu and Pusan region are contineously linked are estimated more and more desirbly with an increase of age. In contrast, the desirability for the regions such as Youngsuh, inland of Youngnam, Honam and the adjacent area of the D.M.Z. is lowed with age. (Fig.2∼Fig.5) 2) With an increase of age, the geographic information is acquired gradually, therefore the information surface is risen. Such tendency appeared distinctively in the regions that the larger cities are located or the recreational image is apparent. Consequently, the information surface of the regions located on the Kyung-Pu Axis and the southeastern coast region is distinctively formed very high. (Fig.6∼Fig.9) 3) The relationships of the mental maps and the information surfaces are considerably high at all the age level. And the gain of the information on each regions with age are not always positively related to the desirability. It is found that the regions located on the Kyung-Pu Axis and the East Coast show a positive correlation, but inland of Youngnam, Honam and the adjacent area of D.M.Z. are negative. (Fig.2∼Fig.9) As a conclusion, it is inferred that such results are to be related closely to the characteristics of present spatial system in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        釜山市 小規模工業經營者의 立地環境에 대한 知覺

        李熙悅 부산대학교 사범대학 1990 교사교육연구 Vol.20 No.-

        This study aims to identify how the small firm entrepreneurs in Pusan City perceive their locational environment within which they operate, and further to clarify how it does differently in accordance with firm characteristics, managerial personal characters, and zoning areas, In order to implement the purpose of research, data are collected from small firm entrepreneurs sampled on the basis of questionnaire. The main results are summarized as follows. It is identified that small firm industrialists, as a whole, didn't show any attitudinal differentiation toward locational environment of region and place, presumably reflecting their lack of regional level of locational judgement. As far as the locational environment of place is concerned, availability of the electricity and water supply drew the most positive evaluation from the entrepreneurs, with showing positive trends on the items of transportation, materials, market, infrastructure, and personal preference of the place, whereas availability of plant site drew the most negative evaluation. In relation to the characters of enterprises, smaller firms show more positive attitude. On the other hand, the ranges of positive evaluation of locational environment, in short, are varied in terms of the kinds and the time of the establishment of the firm. As regard the character of top managements, the aged or experienced of highly educated managers show more positive attitude of the existing locational environment. Viewed from the zoning areas, non-industrial areas such as commercial area, residential area evoke more favorable evaluation toward the locational environment than industrial area; especially commercial area is favored for factors such as transportation, market, materials, labor fores, infrastructure, and services while residential area is preferred for non-economic factors of residential liveability and personal reasons.

      • 광주시내 업종별 음식점의 위생상태 및 식중독원인 세균의 분포 특성

        이홍열,유맹자,정해진,김근영,정희종 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        업종별 음식점 주방의 위생상태는 일식>중식>한식의 순이었고 개인위생의 경우는 일식>한식>중식의 순이었는데 주방 및 종업원의 위생상태를 향상시키기 위해서는 음식점 규모의 대형화, 45℃ 이상의 온수공급, 주방시설의 표준화, 위생비닐장갑의 착용, 및 유니폼 착용이 신속하게 이루어져야 할 것이다. 업종별 대중음식점의 주방기구중의 세균분포는 전반적으로 일반세균수가 높게 나타났고 특히 대장균군수가 높게 나타났는데 음식물이 아니고 조리기구이긴 하지만 우리 음식점의 위생상 문제가 많은 것으로 생각된다. 미국 육군 Natick연구소가 제시한 음식물의 미생물 기준한계인 1 ×10??마리 이하, 대장균수가 100마리 이하와 비교할때 일반세균수의 경우는 아주 만족할만한 위생상태로 평가되었으나 대장균수는 개숫물의 경우 업종과 관계없이 높게 나타났고 행주와 칼의 경우 일식음식점에서만 높게 나타났으며 도마의 경우는 모두 100마리 이하로 양호한 위생상태로 평가되었다. 한식 전문음식점간의 세균수가 큰 차이를 보인 것은 규모와 운영방법이 서로 다르기 때문으로 앞으로 한식음식점에 대한 시설 및 환경개선에 대한 노력이 요구되었다. 또한 일식음식점간에는 일반세균수의 분포가 크게 다는 것으로 조사되었는데 특히 개숫물, 행주 및 도마중에 존재하는 미생물수가 크게 차이가 있었다. 등급별 한식음식점의 세균분포는 호텔급 음식점> 일반대중급 음식점> 여관급 음식점의 순으로 나타나 업소규모가 클수록 위생시설 및 위생습관의 수준이 높아 위생상태가 양호한 것으로 분석되었고 여관급음식점의 경우 위생상태가 낮은 것은 이용빈도가 낮은 것이 그 원인이 아닌가 생각되었다. Sanitary evaluation of kitchen area in different types of restaurants was the best at Japanese style restaurants and the worst aat Korean style restaurants. In personal hygiene Japanese style restaurant were evaluated as the best, but Chinese style restaurants were evaluated as the worst. Total and coliform bacterial counts were mostly showed high levels at all types of restaurants and especially this tendency was predominated in coliform counts. As compared to the standards suggested by U.S. Army Natick, however, total bacterial counts in all of supplies were evaluated as the satisfactory state. On the other hand, coliform counts in dish-washing water were much higher than the standard, which were not affected by the types of restaurant, and Japanese style restaurants were higher in wiping cloths and knives, but cutting boards were evaluated as satisfactory state with the counts less than 1.0 ×10².Bacterial counts in Korean style restaurants were greatly different depended on the size or type of restaurant. Total bacterial counts in Japanese style were also different among restaurants, especially in dish-washing water, wiping cloths, and cutting boards. According to the results of the evaluation of Korean style restaurant, bacterial distribution based on the class of restaurants, classified as hotel, motel, and public classes, hotel class restaurants showed lower levels of bacterial counts than public class. This result suggested that the larger and higher classes of restaurants maintained the satisfactory state without potential hazards.

      • 釜山市 小規模工業의 構造와 立地類型

        이희열 부산대학교 1993 地域經濟硏究 Vol.- No.2

        This study is aimed to analyze the locational patterns of the intraurban small firms in Pusan. Main features of the results for which the research carried out are summerized as follows. first, it is found that small industrial firms tend to be in more dispersed location than the large and medium ones, with an explicit inner city based locational tendency in the case of tiny firms. Second, based on the distributional character in terms of the type of establishment unit, the distributional pattern of the small firm industries in Pusan City can be divided into two major parts : the western part of the city's fringe area along the Naktong river coast where the urbanization economy prevails and the inner city area of the northeast-southwest where the localization economy dominated.

      • 광주시내 업종별 음식점의 주방기구와 관련된 주요 세균 및 이들의 계절별 변화

        이홍열,유맹자,정해진,김근영,정희종 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        업종별 음식점에서 사용중인 주방기구 가운데 개숫물중에 존재하는 세균들을 분리·동정한 결과, 한색음식점에서 37균주, 일식음식점에서 23균주, 및 중식음식점에서 33균주가 분리되었고 이들 중 한식음식점에서 E. coli 등 16균주, 일식음식점에서 Listeria sp. 등 20균주, 중식음식점에서 Micrococcus sp. 등 15균주를 각각 동정하였다. 이들 세균들은 업종별 음식업소에서 주로 사용되는 색품재료에 존재하는 세균들과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌고 E.coli와 같은 일부 세균들은 주방의 불결한 환경이나 종사자로부터 오염된 것으로 추정되었다. 업종별 음식점에서 사용중인 개숫물, 행주, 칼, 및 도마에 존재하는 세균의 분포는 일반세균수 및 대장균수가 모두 2월에서 8월까지 점점 증가하다가 11월에는 다시 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 특히 이같은 경향은 일반세균은 개숫물에서 대장균군은 칼에서 가장 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 따라서 식중독 발생 가능성이 가장 높은 여름철에는 칼, 도마 등 주방기구들은 정기적으로 열탕소독하는 철저한 위생처리가 필수적인 것으로 생각되었다. Thirty-seven, twenty-three, and thirty-three bacterial strains were isolated from dish-washing water which was selected as a kitchen supply commonly loaded the highest level of bacteria among various supplies using at Korean style, Japanese style, and Chinese style restaurants. Among these isolates, sixteen strains including Esherichia coli, twenty strains including Listeria sp., and fifteen strains including Micrococcus sp. were identified from Korean style, Japanese style, and Chinese style restaurants, respectively. This result suggested that most isolated bacteria were closely related to bacterial flora of raw food materials used in each style of restaurants and others could be contaminated from the surrounding environment and the employees. Total and coliform bacterial counts distributed in dish washing water, wiping cloths, knives, and cutting boards used at different types of restaurants were gradually increased from February to August and then decreased until November. This changing tendencies of total bacterial counts and coliform group counts were obvious in dish-washing water and in knives, respectively. Therefore, kitchen supplies such as wiping cloths, cutting boards, and knives should be treated carefully with hot water of above 45℃ at every certain period of time to kill some of these potential hazardous bacteria and to prevent outbreaking foodborne-illness by them, especially during Summer.

      • KCI등재후보

        사범대학 지리교육과의 교육과정 개선 방안

        이희열,주미순 한국지리환경교육학회 2003 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        1990년대 이후 중등교사를 양성하는 사범대학 교육과정은 변화를 겪고 있다. 그 과정에서 교과교육학의 중요성이 부각되면서, 교과교육학이 사범대학 교육과정의 독특한 한 영역을 이루게 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 변화하는 사범대학 교육과정에서 중요한 영역으로 등장한 교과교육학을 바탕으로 새로운 교육과정 구성안을 제시하는 것이다. 이에 부가하여 교과교육학과 교과내용학 연계과목 중에 경제지리교육론 교과에 대한 명세의 예시를 제시한다. 연구과정에서 제시한 새로운 교육과정 모델은 일반 교육학에 기반을 둔 교과 교육학, 세부 전공 영역 의 학문적·이론적 업적에 바탕을 둔 교과 내용학, 이 두 영역을 연계할 뿐 아니라 중등학교 교육과정의 변화를 기반으로 하는 교과내용학과 교과교육학 연계 과목 등으로 구성된다. 특히 교과교육학과 교과내용학의 연계과목은 일반교육학과 교과내용학 뿐만아니라 중등학교 교육과정의 변화를 반영할 수 있도록 유연적인 것이라야 한다. 지리교육과 교육과정에서 교과내용학과 교과교육학 연계 과목에 대한 개발·연구 뿐만아니라 이 영역에 속하는 교과목들에 대한 명세 작성이 이루어질 필요가 있다. The educational curriculums for training geography teachers in colleges of education across Korea have changed steadily since the 1990's. Generic educational theories and practices need to be further developed and specified to meet the demands from individual discipline courses. Interdisciplinary education has become a unique field of teacher education curriculum along with the academic attention from the educators concerned. This study attempts to propose a new model of geography teacher education curriculum based on the interdisciplinary pedagogy. The model includes general educational theories and practices, interdisciplinary learning, and the speciality in geography teacher education program. It is to improve and excel the quality of general education and secondary schooling in disciplinary instruction and curriculum both. The study also suggests that the interdisciplinary education should be flexible to practice and open to change academically and pedagogically. Finally, this study promotes further studies and comprehensive research on the interdisciplinary education and the study courses for better geography teacher education in a college of education.

      • Retinol 국소도포에 의한 눈가주름 제거효과

        전희대,이성열,이혜진,박영립,이종석,황규왕 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.2

        In 3 months randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled study of retinol (vitamin A 0.1%-3000IU/g) in the treatment of photoaging skin, especially eye wrinkles. 24 patients applied retinol contained cream to the both eye wrinkles and vehicle cream(placebo) to the same site. Half of the patients received retinol contained cream and half received vehicle cream(placebo). All 24 patients who completed the study showed statistically significant improvement in photoaging eye wrinkles on the retinol contained cream treated group, but not on the vehicle treated group. Eight of the 12 patients who received retinol contained cream to eye wrinkles had improvement in photoaging, whereas only three of the 12 patients who received vehicle cream(placebo) improved. In retinol contained cream group, there is a some relationship between water contents and effects. In other words, as water contents were the higher, effects were the better. The side effects were limited to mild irritation of retinol contained cream treated skin. Retinol contained cream appeared to be safe and effective in the treatment of eye wrinkles.

      • 충북지역 도시방재계획의 도시계획적 진단과 발전방향 : 도시계획서 분석 및 전문가 의견조사를 중심으로

        백기영,황희연,박병호,이만형,황재훈,류을렬 永同大學校 1999 硏究論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 도시방재계획의 현황을 도시계획적 차원에서 진단하고 그 발전방향을 도출하고자 하는 목적하에, 충청북도의 조례와 지침중 도시방재 관련 사항을 정리하며, 충청북도 지방도시계획위원회 회의록 및 관련자료를 검토하여 방계계획의 취급 수준을 파악하였다. 실제 도시계획 상황에 대한 진단은 도시계획 보고서를 대상으로 도시방재계획의 위상을 분석하고 평가하였다. 또한 도시방재계획의 위상과 관련 전문가의 인식수준을 평가하고 이를 바탕으로 향후 바람직한 도시방재계획의 위상을 설정하기 위해 필요한 사항을 분석하고자, 도시방재에 관한 일반의식 수준, 도시재해에 관한 대처방안, 도시방재계획의 평가방향 등을 중심으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 이상과 같은 충북지역의 방재계획에 대한 도시계획적 진단을 바탕으로 도시방재계획 관리체계의 방향 도출과 도시방재계획의 향후방향 제안을 시도하였다. This paper examines the status quo of the existing urban disaster prevention plans in Chungbuk Province and suggests alternative orientations for the future application. Its methodological themes center around the systematic compilation and accountability of disaster-related ordinances, mostly hinged on evaluation of major disaster items documented in various urban master or revision plans. In addition, it recommends the concrete guidelines and contents in disaster prevention plans, both of which are based on the aggregated results of expert opinion survey in and around Chungbuk Province. In order to tackle with diverse and unpredictable disasters which are well observed in modern urban society, this paper urges that the relatively weak legal and planning standards of the existing disaster prevention plans have to be immediately revised. For instance, the paper vividly shows that the present dimension of disaster prevention plans within the existing master plans and perception of specialist are not satisfactory mainly because of the internal limitation of the existing plans. Secondly, it seems imperative for planners to pay attention to systematic operation and management, even starting from the early development stage of urban disasters. Lastly, it proposes the alternative checklists given to measure the suitability of the disaster plans.

      • Effect of Porous Graphite for High Quality SiC Crystal Growth by PVT Method

        Lee, Hee Jun,Lee, Hee Tae,Shin, Hee Won,Park, Mi Seon,Jang, Yeon Suk,Lee, Won Jae,Yeo, Im Gyu,Eun, Tai Hee,Kim, Jang Yul,Chun, Myoung Chul,Lee, Si Hyun,Kim, Jung Gon Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2015 Materials science forum Vol.821 No.-

        <P>The effect of the porous graphite plate above the source material on properties of silicon carbide (SiC) crystals grown by Physical Vapor Transport method has been investigated. The porous graphite plate was inserted on source powder to produce a more C-rich for the polytype stability of 4H-SiC crystal and a uniform radial temperature gradient. The dendrite structure obtained from SiC source powder in the crucible with porous graphite plate was more densely formed than that in the conventional crucible. The crystal quality of 4H-SiC single crystals grown in porous graphite inserted crucible was revealed to be better than that of crystal grown SiC crystals in the conventional crucible.</P>

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