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        법랑질 형성부전증 환아의 치험례

        박희숙,김태완,김영진,김현정,남순현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        Amelogenesis imperfecta is a group of hereditary defects of enamel, unassociated with any other generalized defects. It is classified into 14 subtypes according to different clinical and genetic features. According to its clinical features, it is classified into hypoplastic type, hypocalcified type and hypomaturation type. However, these features tend to co-exist often. Dental features associated with amelogenesis imperfecta include quantitative and qualitative enamel deficiencies, pulpal calcification, root malformations, abnormal eruption, impaction of permanent teeth, progressive resorption of root and crown, congenital missing teeth and anterior and posterior open bite occlusions. The first case patient is a 16 month-old child with discoloration of deciduous teeth. All of her deciduous and permanent dentition has shown amelogenesis imperfecta. The restorational, orthodontic and recent prosthodontic treatments have been completed. Another patient is a 9 year and 3 month-old child with amelogenesis imperfects in both deciduous and permanent dentition. The restoration has been done and the prosthodontic treatment is planned after the completion of growth. Above cases indicate that amelogenesis imperfecta occurs both in deciduous and permanent dentition, and it requires the long term treatment and care. 법랑질 형성부전증(amelogenesis imperfecta)은 전신질환과 관련없이 법랑질에 결함을 나타내는 유전질환이다. 법랑질 형성부전증은 발현되는 증상과 유전 양상에 따라 14가지의 아류형으로 분류된다(Witkop, 1989). 임상적으로는 크게 형성부전형(hypoplastic type), 저석회화형(hypocalcified type), 성숙부전형(hypomaturation type)으로 나누어진다. 하지만 이들은 때로 혼재된 양상으로 나타난다. 법랑질 형성부전증은 법랑질이 질적으로나 양적으르 부족하며 치수 석회화, 치근 형태 이상, 맹출 장애와 영구치의 매복, 점진적인 치근의 흡수, 선천적 치아 결손, 그리고 전치부나 구치부의 개교합 등의 문제점을 나타낸다. 첫 번째 증례는 만 1세 4개월때 유전치부의 치아색 이상을 주소로 내원한 환자로 그 후 모든 유치 및 영구치에서 법랑질 형성부전증이 관찰되어 수복 술식, 교정적 치료 및 최근 보철 치료까지 완료하였다. 두 번째 증례는 만 9세 3매월된 환아로 유치 및 영구치에서 법랑질 형성부전증이 관찰되었다. 수복 치료가 시행되었고 보철 치료는 성장 완료 후 시행하기로 계획하였다. 본 증례들을 통하여 법랑질 형성부전증은 유치 및 영구치 모두에 발생할수 있으며 장기간의 치료 및 관리가 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • Beethoven의 Sonata 硏究 : 樂想과 演奏法을 中心으로

        朴淑熙 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1972 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper attempted to inquire into the characteristic nature of descriptive elements in Beethoven's Piano Sonatas, and also tried to explain what is the right way of reading his dynamic markings and how to perform them correctly. Beethoven's music has rich and dynamic expressions. They reflect a variety of emotions and thonghts of a man with rich feeling, snch as his joy, sadness, longings, painful feelings, etc. His whole sonatas are the record of spiritual history of a composer. Beethoven gives many indications to explain the meaning of his music, but they are not complete. In order to read the meaning of his music and to perform it correctly, the explanations of authoritative biography writer, critics and great performers can be helpful. Correct reading and performance of Beethoren's early sonatas which lack explanatory indication by the composer can be attained through careful study of his later sonatas.

      • KCI등재

        상황보어와 강조재귀대명사의 유사성 고찰

        박숙희 이베로아메리카연구소 부산외국어대학교 2001 이베로아메리카 Vol.3 No.-

        El propo´sito de nuestro estudio consiste en buscar algunos caracteres comunes entre el complemento circunstancial y el pronombre enfa´tico, y con ello podemos otorgar a e´ste us verdadero papel sema´ntico-sinta´ctico. El pronombre enfa´tico, bien con intransitivos, bien con transitivos, cuya funcio´n no se ha admitido ni sema´ntica ni sinta´cticamente y no se ha considerado nada ma´s que como matices que tienen valores estili´sticos y afectivos, se similaria a un complemento circunstancial en los tres aspectos siguientes: la posibilidad de la omisio´n; el papel modificadora del verbo; la complementacio´n del predicado. Antes de dedicarnos a sus caracteres comunes, se trata de un proceo de separabilidad de los contenidos que contenga el pronombre enfa´tico, sin que pertenezca ni sema´ntica ni sinta´cticamente al verbo con que se donjuega pronominalmente. Mejor dicho, irse significari´a'ir voluntariamente o enseguida, etc.', y comerse se traduciri´a a 'comer todo o enseguida, etc.'. Esta independencia se presenta en la estructura siguiente: 'IRSE'⇒'IR'+ 'voluntariamente', 'enseguida', 'definitivamente', 'de un lugar', etc.; y 'COMERSE'⇒'COMER'+'conmucho apetito', 'todo', 'enseguida', etc.. La omisio´n del circunstancial no afecta para nada a la estructura oracional, y la oracio´n relacionada sigue mantenie´ndose gramatical. Tambie´n el pronombre enfa´tico se suprime sin perder la gramaticalidad de la oracio´n. Esto puede observarse en el caso siguiente: 1) Man~ana nos vamos a Caracas. En esta oracio´n originaria podemos eliminar el pronombre enfa´tico nos como sigue: 2) Man~ana vamos a Caracas. Y tambie´n el circunstancial a Caracas: 3) Man~ana nos vamos. En cuanto a la funcio´n modificadora del verbo, se comparten el circunstancial y el pronombre enfa´tico. Los contenidos citados arriba del e´ste puede modificar el verbo como aque´l. Y su modificacio´n significari´a la complementacio´n del predicado. Los contenidos independientes pueden complementar con requeza el predicado, asi´ como lo hace el circunstancial en la oracio´n.

      • KCI등재후보

        유치원 교사 및 부모의 유아놀이 인식 비교

        박희숙 한국영유아보육학회 2003 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.35

        This study investigated the kindergarten teacher's and parent's recognition about children's play in rural and urban areas. A questionnaire was developed for this study and was used in collection of data. The questionnaire consisted of 69 items and divided into seven areas. The subjects used in this study were one hundreds teachers and one hundreds forty parents from rural and urban areas. In analyzing data, the collected questionaries were processed into a statics by t-test in the SAS program. The results showed that recognition of the kindergarten teachers and parents' recognition about the play was revealed as low. There was a significant difference on the recognition of children's play between kindergarten teachers and parents. The scores of kindergarten teacher's awareness were higher than the parents.

      • 영어 모음길이에 대한 연구

        박희석 남서울대학교 1998 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper aims at analyzing the lengths of English vowels produced by Koreans and Americans. Specifically, Koreans have difficulty pronouncing English /æ/ and /o/. A great difference exists in the lengths of the English vowels /æ/ and /o/ when they are spoken by Koreans and Americans. In this paper I have examined two vowels, the front low vowel /æ/ and the diphthong/o/, and tried to find out the reason why the lengths of such vowels, when spoken by Koreans and Americans, are different. I have concluded that Koreans and Americans have different pronunciation habits in pronouncing /æ/ and /o/. Koreans pronounce the /æ/ like /e/; the front of the tongue is raised between the half-open and half-closed positions. With Americans, the mouth is slightly more open than for /e/; the front of the tongue is raised just below the half-open position. Also, Koreans have difficulty pronouncing English diphthongs. In fact, in the pronunciation of diphthongs the tongue moves from one position to another. The two articulations of a diphthong can be described as the nucleus plus a glide; the nucleus is that part of the diphthong which is sustained the longest, while the glide can be thought of as a more transient sound which provides a transition into(i.e. preceding) or out of (i.e preceding) or out of (i.e following) the nucleus. But most Koreans have no idea about this and pronounce the diphthong/o/ like two separate monophthongs[ou]. So there is a great difference in the lengths of the English diphthong/o/ between Koreans and Americans.

      • Culex pipiens pallens 모기의 난소에 의한 단백질 합성에 관한 연구

        박영민,강석희 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1989 論文集 Vol.40 No.1

        Culex pipiens pallens 암모기의 난소의 단백질 합성 능력에 관하여 연구하였다. 흡혈후 성장하는 암모기의 난소와 난자의 크기는 흡혈 후 10시간에 증가하기 시작하여 60시간까지 증가하였다. 흡혈한 C. pipines 암모기의 난소를 in vitro에서 ^3H-leucine 함유된 조직배양액에서 배양한 후 난소단백질을 추출하여 TCA precipitation 방법으로 정량한 결과, 흡혈 후 54시간된 난소에서 가장 많은 단백질의 합성이 일어났다. In vivo와 in vitro에서 labeled 된 단백질 그리고 지방체 조직이 합성한 단백질을 전기영동하여 비교한 결과 난황단백질과 Rf가 같은 물질이 in vitro에서 난소에 의하여 합성되는 것을 관찰하였다. 이상의 결과는 C. pipiens 암모기의 난소에서도 난황단백질이 합성될 가능성을 제시하고 있다. ^3H-leucine incorporation into protein in vitro by the mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens, has been examined buy electrophoresis method. Protein synthesis by the ovary began to rise 36 hours post blood meal and reached at the maximum level by 54 hours. Some of these labeled proteins showed Rf values corresponding to that of vitellogenins synthesized by the fat bodies. The results seem to indicate that C. pipiens ovary may be involved in the synthesis of egg proteins.

      • Culex pipiens 모기의 난소내 난황단백질 축적에 관한 연구

        박영민,강석희 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1988 論文集 Vol.39 No.2

        흡혈한 Culex pipiens 암모기에게 ^3H-leucine을 주사한 후에 성장하는 난소로부터 추출된 total ^3H-protein과 ^3H-vitellin을 정량하여 yolk protein 흡수 축적양상을 조사하였다. 그 결과 TCA에 침전되는 전체 단백질의 난소내 축적은 흡혈 후 60시간 된 암모기에서 가장 많았지만, vitellin에 label된 ^3H-Heucine은 흡혈 후 42시간 된 암모기에서 가장 많은 양이 정량되었다. 또한, 흡혈 후 36시간에 난소내에서 정량된 ^3H-protein 중 vitellin으로 정량된 양의 전체 ^3H-protein에 대한 비율이 흡혈 후 36시간에 가장 높은 것으로 보아 fat body에서 합성된 vitellogenin의 흡수는 흡혈 후 36시간에 완료되는 것으로 보이며, 그후 계속 상승되는 난소내 ^3H-protein은 난소 자체내에서 합성되는 것으로 결론된다. The yolk deposition in the mosquito, Culex pipiens, has been examined by measuring the ^3H-leucine labeled vitellin in the mosquito ovary. ^3H-leucine was injected into female for two hours. The total ^3H-protein deposition in the ovary was at the maximum at 60 hours post blood meal, while ^3H-vitellin deposited in the ovary reached at the maximum level at 42 hours post blood meal. The incorporation of ^3H-leucine into the ovarian proteins continued to occur through 60 hours post blood meal, while vitellogenin uptake seemd to be completed by 42 hours post blood meal. The results seem to indicate that, C. pipiens ovary may be involved in the production of egg proteins.

      • 심전도 모니터링 계측 시스템의 개발에 관한 연구

        박찬원,전찬민,박희석 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2004 정보통신논문지 Vol.8 No.-

        A wearable electrodiagram(ECG) monitoring system is a widely used non-invasive diagnostic tool for ambulatory patients who may be at risk from latent life-threatening cardiac abnormalities. In this paper. we have a portable ECG monitoring system with conductive fiber characterized by the small-size and the low power consumption. The system consists of conductive fibers, one-chip microcontroller, ECG preprocessing circuit, and monitoring software to record and analyze in PC. ECG preprocessing circuit is made of pre-amplifier with gain of 10, band-pass filter with bandwidth of 0.5-120% and 2.5V offset circuit for A/D conversion. ECG signals obtained by sensor are corrupted by noises such as a baseline wandering, 60Hz power noise and interference noise by body movement. For cancellation of noises in signals obtained by conductive fiber, we used the wavelet decomposition of wavelet transforms in MATLAB toolbox.

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