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      • A Study on Korean Products Distribution through Overseas Purchasing in China

        Dai,Wen-Qian,Lee,Jong-Ho 한국유통과학회 2019 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2019 No.-

        Nowadays, Korean products are prevailing all over the world. Especially in China they including cosmetics, clothes, etc. are very popular. But because of THAAD, China s people can t go or travel to Korea. Instead of travelling Korea, they usually make use of overseas direct purchasing with the booming in current online shopping. Ironically, in spite of bad conditions, they used to buy Korean cosmetics by way of overseas purchasing . Therefore the revenue on Korean cosmetics is growing up more and more. According to the results, first, the security, convenience and information provided by the overseas direct purchase have already had a positive impact on the satisfaction. Second, the quality of the delivery service is composed of four factors: rapidity, reliability, intimacy and correctness. third, the research results indicate that the satisfaction level has a positive impact on the re-purchase intention.

      • 판소리와 敍事巫歌의 對比硏究

        徐大錫 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1979 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        Both 'Pansori' and Korean Shamanistic Narrative Songs (SNS) share a common point " in that they are both forms of' oral narrative verse. However the former has been transmitted by professional singers, or 'Kwang Dai" and the latter, by Korean Shamans through their rituals. This study compared and contrasted 'Pansori' with SNS based upon the following four view points: 1. The characteristics of literary genre 2. The form of oral performance 3. The structure of the script 4. The composition style of the script The results of the study are as follows : 1. Pansori is a form of musical art which uses musical tones corresponding to a song's literary contents and SNS is the same in that sense. But in SNS, the verbal content play a major role which the musical tones and feelings play a relatively minor role. 2. SNS has two forms of oral performance, the recitative type and musical play (singing)type, similar to that of Pansori'. The early form of oral performance of 'Pansori' was similar to the recitative type. It seems that development has been made from recitative to musical play (singing)similar to that of SNS history. SNS has originated from shamanistic myths. The recitative type has been used to call the spirit of god in the rituals. The recitative type, however, has been decreasing as the worship for the Shamanistic god decreased. To singing type, in the meantime, has become increasingly popular. 3. In 'Pansori' both ordinary speech and singing are used interchangeable. Originally, the recitative performance was a proper form of oral performance bur the present varieties have been developed to entertain the audience. The musical play of SNS uses the same technique as does 'Pasori'. 4. 'Pansori' sings 'kwang Dai' composed the oral text using ready made literary units such as folksongs, magic formulas, and others as did the shamans. Singers had to depend upon their memory and verbally improvised new items, The principle of composition of Korean Oral Narrative Verse seems identical to that of the European oral epic.

      • 韓國에 있어서의 協業化의 現況 및 그것이 農村의 社會構造變動에 미치는 影響 : 示範協業組織의 事例硏究를 中心으로

        金大煥 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1970 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.16 No.-

        In the way of modernizing the rural community, one of the most urgent problems is to promote the increase of income and improve productivity in the small-scaled land system like that of Korea. Although there are many ways for acquiring the broad economic, social and political forces that lead to societal or community change, my factual assessment of sociological aspect is the concern that the cooperative farm system will be available to solving the agricultural problems and rural reorganization in Korea, where farm land has faced the radical change by the urbanization and industrialization. The cooperative movement has a history longer that a century in the world. It has also existed in the United States for over ninety years. At one time it was widely massive attempts to plan this organization have been undertaken in Israel, Denmark and Japan. Having been interested in the field of rural sociology, especially social organization, population mobility and urbanization through the social economic development, for more that 10 years, I had fortunately an opportunity of studying the cooperative structures. This report will be helpful for the explanation to understand the reality of cooperative agricultural system and rural structure comparing with Japanese rural reorganization. The contents of this paper are as follows; 1) preface 2) Korean rural structure and agricultural system. 3) Rural disorganization in the process of industrialization. 4) Experiences of cooperative system and its future. 5) Field-study of Korean cooperative systems and their analysis. 6) Planning for the cooperative system and social accommodation. 7) Sociological analysis of cooperative system. 8) Conclusion-The necessity of cooperative associations. Korean rural society has now faced the shortage of farm-labour, even though she has more than 51 percent farmers of total population, for the rural community loses feasible labour-power of adult by the migration from rural to urban area. Both of the shortage of labour and large scaled-land system are naturally easy to bring the mechanization of agricultural production in relation to the subsidiary industry. Some theorists insist that the cooperative system is the sole way to solve the problems the rural community faces now. Of course the application of the planning method to these problems is not easily accomplished. But we should remind that one of the factors promoting the increase of agricultural production in the United States is due to the modern management of corporation. In other words, the post economic boom in American rural communities has not only accelerated the decline of old family-capitalism but increased the importance of larger corporation which has synchronized the other directed conformity of the new managerial society. The five cooperative models Baik-Un-San, Kwang-ju, Un-jang-San, Pack-Dal and Dai-Ri cooperative farms, present us many problems whether planning can be made more scientific, systematic and effective. Most of those who are engaged in studying believe that it is in large part an art, compounded of experience, common sense, and professional expertness in a given realm of human affairs which are leadership, human relation and management of labour and technique. I hope this report could suggest a useful sense of great advantage to the orientation of Korean rural community.

      • 방사선 조사가 폴리에틸렌의 광학적 성질에 미치는 영향

        邊大鉉,李秀浣 弘益大學校 1981 弘大論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        Thermoluminescence (TL) and thermally stimulated current (TSC) during warming have been found in previously oxidized polyethylene after γ-irradiation in air at room temperature. In high density polyethylene (HDPE), TL and TSC peaks appear at about 320K and 380K. It appears that the presence of crystallites is essential for an appearance of the 380K peak the carbonyl group also contributes to the 380K peak. It may be assumed that the 320 peak is originats from the vinyl radical unsaturation bond. From TSC measurements, the activation energy for 320K and 380K peaks are 0.86eV and 0.98eV, respectively. Ⅰ. 서론(Introduction) Ⅱ. 실험기구 및 방법(Experimental Apparatus and Measurements) Ⅲ. 실험결과 및 논의(Discusing of Results) Ⅳ. 결론(Conclusion) Thermoluminescence (TL) and thermally stimulated current (TSC) during warming have been found in previously oxidized polyethylene after γ-irradiation in air at room temperature. In high density polyethylene (HDPE), TL and TSC peaks appear at about 320K and 380K. It appears that the presence of crystallites is essential for an appearance of the 380K peak the carbonyl group also contributes to the 380K peak. It may be assumed that the 320 peak is originats from the vinyl radical unsaturation bond. From TSC measurements, the activation energy for 320K and 380K peaks are 0.86eV and 0.98eV, respectively.

      • 새마을工場이 農村地域社會에 미치는 經濟的 效果에 관한 硏究

        申大淳 건국대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        1.Introduction Develoment theorists, in the past decade, drew on western experience as a model for generating growth in developing nations. They stow primate cities as centres of modernization which act as catalysts for economic growth, the centres from which the benefits of modernization flow outwards to revitalize the stagnating agricultural sector, and the benefits would be equitably distributed to smaller cities and eventually, to the rural area. However the history of the post-war period yields little evidence that the trickle down process worked. Instead, the gap between rich and poor regions grew- the income distribution within developing nations became more inequitable; and their more dualistic spatial structures are characterized by the continued dispersion of underproductive villages and the rapid growth of over extended primate cities. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, development theorists and international assistance agencies began to seek a new direction of development policy. The new development policy would shift investments away from primate cities to smaller urban places and rural hinterlands, without undermining the existing metroplitan centers. Since the early 1960s, the Republic of Korea has implmented the Economic Development Plans for industrialization. As a result, annual economic growth late between 1962 and 1971 has been 10 percent on the average. But Korea has faced a variety of serious problems: widening gaps of incomes between the rich and the poor, the rapidly population, and increasing import demand beyond export earning. These problems influenced policy changes in the 1970s, searching for new wags to accelerate development. The goal of development plans shifted from rapid industrialization to economic growth with social equity. The new goals were to increase rural incomes, to provide employment opportunities for the poor: to increase agricultural productivity, and to improve living standards by extending services and facilities to the places where the poor live. In 1971, the Saemaul pilot projects were undertaken in an attempt to encourage the enthusiasm and confidence of the people through the imporvement of living conditions. In 1972, the successful work and experience gained from the pilot projects laid the basis for the positive and actives Saemaul Undone (New Community Movement) on the national level. Saemaul Undone aims at the economic and social development of the rural Communities through the voluntary participation and cooperative efforts of the people. In other words, the Saemaul Undong is a nation-wide movement which is based on the fundamental spirits of diligence, self-help and cooperation. The major objectives of the movement are the enhancement of the sound consiousness of man, the improvement of social environments, and the increase of rural income. From 1973, the government has supported the construction of Saemaul plants in rural Communities as a part of Saemaul Undong. The Saemaul plants hove been the major off-farm income sources. The plants utilize the material that are available on the spots and the unemployed labor during the leisure season. The products of the Saemaul plants include food, textiles, apparel products, leather products, furniture, paper products, chemical products, glass and clay products, electric and electronic products, machinery and the like. During the period, 1973 to october 1978, the total number of Saemaul plants that were constructed is 553. The main objective of this study is to analyze the economic impact of Saemaul plants on the rural communities. Therefore, the major issues of this study are as follows. (1) Relations between the traditional development model and Saemaul plans. (2) Construction of mathematical model to measure economic effects of Saemaul plants. (3) Application and analysis of this model through the practical sampling study. (4) The reocmmendations of rational guidelines to increase economic income by Saemaul plants. 2.The Approach of Study The economic impact is measured in terms of direct, indirect an? induced income generated by the total spending of Saemaul plants and also the spending pattern of the villagers in each rural area was investigated to measure the induced impacts from the plants. In order to analyze the Impact of Saemaul plants, eleven Saemaul plants and eleven villages in the rural area were sampled and questionnaires for the plant owners, plant workers and villagers were made and interviews were conducted. The economic impacts of the Saemaul plants are classified into three categories: (1) Direct Impact: The direct impact of the plant can be measured in terms of income generated by the factory spending on wages and salaries, that is, Direct Impact, (YD) = d1X ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥(1) where, d1 is the percentage of Saemaul plant total spending on the wage category, and X is total spending of the plant. (2) Indirect Impact: The indirect impact of the plant can be measured by the income generated by the plant spending on raw material, overheads, utilities, and other costs, i. e., Indirect Impact (Y1) = d2X ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥(2) where, d2 = l2V l2 is rate of material spending in the community, and V is the value added radio of the raw materials, (3) Induced impacts: The induced impacts mean the income generated by the spending of the village people who earned the direct and indirect incomes from the production processes of the plants. The direct and indirect impacts will fall in the areas as incomes of the villagers, and the villagers spend their incomes for food, clothes, etc., Thus, the total Income including induced income from the plant on the rural area (Y) will be, U = Ia + d3Ia + d32Ia + ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ d3n-1Ia ??‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥(3) where, Ia is Direct and Indirect Impact of the plant(YD+YI), and d3 = cf and where, c is value added ratio in agriculture, and f is proportion of food spending the total spending of each farm household Thus, Induced income from the plant = Y-Ia (4) Multiplier: The plant multiplier can be obtained from equalion (3), that is, plant multiplier = ?? 3.Conclusion and Recomendation The Promotion of Saemaul Plants can be made by, (1) providing incentives such as tax exemption, long-term loans with low interest rate, (2) encouraging Saemaul plants for which their raw materials are available in rural community, (3) providing the concerned informations and data for those who are interested in investing in the rural areas, so that they can forecast the economic trends and estimate costs and benefits, (4) providing infrastructures for industry in the rural area, such as electricity, water, road and etc., (5) developing internal and external markets for products, (6) introducting the new techniques which will help to increase the productivity of the plants, (7) intensifying the administrative co-ordination systems to drive efficiently plans, (8) establishing the adequate wage system, and (9) providing the motivation for which the villagers can participate in Saemaul plants.

      • 窒素源의 種類 및 添加量이 양송이 收量에 미치는 影響

        정대교,이경희,이여하,엄기옥 건국대학교 1971 學術誌 Vol.12 No.1

        Sources of the N. in inorganic state, urea. ammonia sulphate nitro-cyanamide are added, Brassican oil Cake Poultry manure, the results of the experiment to survey over the effect on mushroom yields are tested as follows. 1.Urea was the most effective on among urea, ammonia ulphate, snitro-cyanamide as supplsying Source of N, in inorganic state. 2.In the application of urea, 2.0% of N elements was most effective. 3.In material of fungi bed supplied equall elements of N. Such as urea, ammonia sulphate and nitro-cyanamide it brought the difference, according to the N-Content when incubated, and Produced highest yilds when N-contents with 2.52 to 2.813% urea applied. 4.Content of N in ammonia State as material of fungi bed supplied by inorganic N, urea bed was highest, and lime bed was lowest, Relation with yield of mushroom has the inter-relation with N and in ammonia state. 5.The N element in organic state tand to show more than the yields of N in inorganic.

      • 영양표시정착화사업(Ⅱ) : 식품참고량설정에 관한 연구 Study on the Establishement of the Reference Amount in Foods

        김대병,장영미,김인복,이혜영,장재희,김보영,이정구,김창민,정해랑 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 영양표시에서 1회분량 및 영양소함량표시의 기준으로 사용되는 "식픔창고량"에 관한 연구를 수행하므로써 합리적이고 일관성있는 영양표시기준 개선을 위한 기초자료로 활용코자 하였다. 이를 위하여 미국 및 캐나다를 중심으로 제외국의 현황 및 식품참고량 설정방법을 조사 ·연구 하으며 제도도입 및 개선 방안을 강구하였파. 또한, 시판 제품의 영양료시현황 및 음료류 둥의 포장단위 등을 피악하여 식품참고량설정을 위한 기초자료로 활용코자 하였다. 앞으로 국민건강 ·영양조사자료의 체계적인 통계분석, 가공식품의 섭취량조사 등을 통하여 우리나라 국민의 1인 1회 섭취량자료의 축적이 선행되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this ?roject is to study on the reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion to improve the nutrition labelling standards. We Performed to study on the methodology to establish the reference amounts on the basis of the review on the advanced counITy's status. And we investigated the packaged unit ofprocessed foods. Further study is needed to establlsh the customarily consumed amount per eating occasionthrough the statistical analysis of nationwide food consumption data. Our results will be helpful information to improve nutrition labelling system in Korea.

      • Sb 核構造 決定

        邊大鉉 弘益大學校 1976 弘大論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        The radiation of ??Sb has been studied with a double focusing beta-ray spectrometer which has a resolving power of 0.68 percent for internal conversion electroon energy of 624.1keV emitted from standard source, ??Cs. Beta-spectra measured by this spectrometer, have shown that ??Sb has the end point energyes at 95.37keV, 125.18keV, 132.35keV, 242.12keV, 303.37keV, 323.10keV, 446.23keV and 621.20keV. Twenty-one gamma-rays with energies of 671.40keV, 635.90keV, 606.09keV, 598.92keV, 463.40keV, 443.67keV, 427.90keV, 408.17keV, 379.08keV, 321.05keV, 227.73keV, 208.00keV, 204.11keV, 197.92keV, 178.19keV, 174.97keV, 171.02keV, 116.9keV, 110.07keV, 109.77keV and 35.50 keV were detected by Ge(Li) detector and by a Multichannel analyzer which have 4096 channels. By comparing the data for the beta-ray energies(spin and parity) with those for the gamma-ray energy and degree for multipole emitted from ??Te, the nuclear structure of the ??Te, war determined

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