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      • Western Blot Analysis에 의한 폐염균 단백질의 검출

        이동권 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1989 論文集 Vol.40 No.1

        A convenient and sensitive method for detection of a protein antigen from Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) by Western blot analysis was developed. This method allows to determine nanogram range of protein antigen in the lysate of pneumococcus and does not require electroblotting apparatus nor cold room facilities. To facilitate protein transfer from polyacrylamide gel to nitrocellulose paper, ratio of bis-acrylamide/acrylamide was reduced to 1/100. After polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the proteins in the gel were transferred to nitrocellulose paper by blotting at room temperature just the same v, ay as the Southern blot transfer. A novel analog of E. coli RecA protein, molecular weight of 24 kilodalton, was identified from pneumococcus Mate by this method.

      • Competence factor 에 의한 폐염균의 형질전환능 유도

        이동권 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1989 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        Abstract-To facilitate competence monitoring and induction in Streptococcus pneumoniae, degradation of radioactive DNA and appearance of transformants(appearance of competence) were tested. Degradation of radioactive DNA in culture media conincided very well with the appearance of transformants. Therefore competence could be monitored by testing DNA degradation in culture media. To induce competence, a culture supernatant containing competence factor was harvested just prior to competence appearance and used for competence induction. When 0.1%(v/v) of the culture supernatant was added to a non-competent culture, competence was induced within 20 minutes.

      • 폐염균의 항생제 감수성 검색

        김수남,이동권,표석능 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1993 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        Streptococcus pneumoniae remains a major cause of bacteremia, meningitis, penumonia, sinusitis, and otitis media. Although this organism was originally exquisitely susceptible to penicillin, the last two decades have witnessed the emergence of strains resistant to penicillin as well as other antimicrobial agents in many parts of the world. 102 isolates obtained from patients with invasive pneumococcal disease have been examined the susceptibility to various antibiotics. 52% to 85% of isolates tested were resistant to various antibiotics. These data suggest that more powerful antibiotics should be used for the treatment of pneumococal infection.

      • Aflatoxin B1의 면역억제작용

        문은이,이동권,표석능 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1996 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has been reported to directly suppress the immune responses. In the present study, the effect of AFB1 on immune functions was investigated. Splenic lymphocytes were treated with various doses of the mitogens (lipopolysaccharide, concanavalin A) in the presence of AFB1. AFB1 pretretment decreased the number of plaque forming cells (PFC) in a dose-dependent manner. Antibody production of IgM and IgG class was significantly decreased in AFB1-treated splenic cells. In addition, when animals were exposed to AFB1, the susceptibility of bacterial infection as well as the growth of tumor cells was increased. These data suggest that AFB1 affected the immune function and humoral immunity impaired by AFB1 treatment contributed to pathological process.

      • 폐렴구군 Type 23 협막다당류 생산의 최적화

        민관기,표석능,이동권 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1999 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Abstract-Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is the most frequent causative agent of acute bacterial pneumonia. Outstanding characteristic of pneumococcus is an ample polysaccharide capsule that is highly antigenic agent and is the major factor for classification of pneumococcus into more than 94 serotypes. In this study, production of capsular polysaccharide from Streptococcus pneumoniae type 23 was optimized by supplementation of metal ions or by modulation of culture conditions. When brain heart infusion (BHI) broth was supplemented with 1 mM concentration of CaCl_2, CuSO_4 and MgSO_4, growth of pneumococcus as well as polysaccharide yield were stimulated. Also slight aeration gave rise to better polysaccharide yield.


        Editorial : COVID-19 infection and ginseng: Predictive influenza virus strains and non-predictive COVID-19 vaccine strains

        Dong-Kwon Rhee The Korean Society of Ginseng 2023 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.47 No.2

        Vaccines help protect people from infections. However, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinees often still become infected with COVID-19 variants (breakthrough infections) and may go on to suffer from long COVID symptoms due to short-lasting immunity and less-effective protection provided by available vaccines. Moreover, the current COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent viral transmission and ward off only about 15% of breakthrough infections. To prepare more effective vaccines, it is essential to predict the viral strains that will be circulating based on available epidemiological data. The World Health Organization recommends in advance which influenza strains are expected to be prevalent during influenza season to guide the production of influenza vaccines by pharmaceutical companies. However, future emerging COVID-19 strain(s) have not been possible to predict since no sound epidemiological information has been established. Thus, for more effective protection, immune stimulators alone or in combination with vaccines would be preferable to protect people from COVID-19 infection. One of those remedies would be ginseng, which has been used for potentiating immunity in the past.

      • 韓國 特殊敎育改善을 위한 綜合實態 調査

        李相春,李圭植,金政權,呂光應,金東淵,權要漢,權英化 한사대학 특수교육연구소 1980 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        A Study was done in order to collect suggestions for the improvement of special education in Korea. Through a questionaire given to the teachers and administrators in special schools and special classes, opinions and suggestions were collected concerning establishment and management of special education facilities. The subjects of this study were 351 teachers and principals with special classes and 809 teachers in 53 special schools, the number of which is the complete enumeration of them all over the country. The information was complied from October 15, 1979 to December 20, 1979. According to the analysis of the data collected in this study, the following suggestions were made for the improvement of the special education in Korea. 1. The existing state of the special schools. 1) At present, the number of children receiving special education is 14,159 persons (special schools; 8, 052 persons, special classes: 6, 107 persons), but it only represents 4.59 percent of the total number of children requiring special education in Korea. 2) The number of subjects that are presently being taught in special education schools, who have obtained special education teaching certificates, were shown to be 72% of the male teachers and 79% of the women teachers. 3) It was shown that home environment and parents' school career for children in the special schools were at the low level. 2. The teaching viewpoint of the teachers at the special schools 1) The special teachers' general point of view on the special schools was comparatively reached to the positive level. 2) There was generally such a tendency as they gave much more consideration to the life centered education than to recovering the academic achievement on the exceptional children. 3) The level of the general teachers' attitude to the special schools and the degree of the understanding was generally about at the middle. 4) In this research, it was shown that the teachers' motive to take the special schools was comparatively to be willing. 5) It was shown that the evaluation and treatment for the special techers was at the low level of the satisfaction, and their works were too much. 6) The urgent problems in the education of the special schools was shown with the next order in the significant level; to strengthen the synthetic administrative supports, to develop and to supply the learning materials, to develop the curriculum for the special classes, and so forth. 3. The existing state of the special classes 1) At present, the number of children receiving special education in special classes is 6,107 persons. 2) The major problems with which the existing special classes are confronted, such as correct identification, reducing the number of pupils per special classes, putting in good order of the basic facilities at the special class etc. should be solved. 3) It is an urgent problem that a long-term comprehensive plan for the establishment of special classes should be set up, because their continuity and connection with each other fields have not been considered on the establishment of them. 4. The teaching viewpoint of the teacher at the special classes 1) The special teachers' general point of view on the special classes was comparatively reached to the positive level. 2) There was generally such a tendency as they gave equal consideration to receiveing the academic achivement, to the life-centered education and to the occupational education. 3) The present special classes were shown not to have the cooperative relationship with the regular classes. Also, the level of the general teachers' attitude to the special classes and the degree of the understanding was about at the middle, but it was shown that the regular children regarded the special classes as strange. 4) The teachers' motive to take the special classes was shown comparatively to be more willing than to be reluctant. 5) It was shown that the evaluation and treatment for the special teachers was at the middle level of the satisfaction, and their works were too much. 6) The urgent problems in the education of the special classes was shown with the next order in the significant level; to stretkthen the a synthetic 7administrative supports, to develop and to supply the learning materials, and so forth. 5. The teaching viewpoint of the principals at the special classes. 1) The major problem with which the existing special classes are confronted, such as correct identification, reducing the number of pupils per special classes, putting in good order of the basic facilities at the special classroom and developing a lot of special education materials etc. should be solved without delay. 2) A great consideration should be given to select a dutiful special teacher with teaching method techniques. 3) The teaching practice for the special education should be planned to convert the school subject centered program to the life and vocational education program.

      • 韓國 特殊敎育改善을 위한 綜合實能 調査

        李相春,李圭植,金正權,呂光應,金東淵,權要漢,權英花 韓社大學特殊敎育硏究所 1980 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        A Study was done in order to collect suggestion for the improvement of special education in Korea. Through a questionaire given to the teachers and administrators in special schools and special classes, opinions and suggestions were collected concerning establishment and management of special education facilities. The subjects of this study were 351 teachers and principals with special classes and 809 teachers in 53 special schools, the number of which is the complete enumeration of them all over the country. The information was complied from October 15, 1979 to December 20,1979. According to the analysis of the data collected in this study, the following suggestions were made for the improvement of the special education in Korea. 1. The existing state of the special schools. 1) At present, the number of children receiving special education is 14,159 persons(special schools;8,052 persons, special classes: 6,107 persons), bur it only represents 4.59 percent of the total number of children requiring special education in Korea. 2) The number of subjects that are presently being taught in special education schools, who have obtained special education teaching certificates, were shown to be 72% of the male teachers and 79% of the women teachers. 3) It was shown that home environment and parents' school career for children in the special schools were at the low level. 2. The teaching viewpoint of the teachers at the special schools 1) The special teachers' general point of view on the special schools was comparatively reached to the positive level. 2) There was generally such a tendency as they gave much more consideration to the life centered education than to recovering the academic achievement on the exceptional children. 3) The level of the general teachers' attitude to the special schools and the degree of the understanding was generally about at the middle. 4) In this research, it was shown that the teachers' motive to take the special schools was comporatively to be willing. 5) It was shown that the evaluation and treatment for the special teachers was at the low level of the satisfaction, and their works were too much. 6) The urgent problems in the education of the special schools was shown with the next order in the significant level; to strengthen the synthetic administrative supports, to develop and to supply the learning materials, to develop the curriculum for the special classes, and so forth. 3. The existing state of the special classes 1) At present, the number of children receiving special education in special classes is 6,107 persons. 2) The major problems with which the existing special classes are confronted, such as correct identification, reducing the number of pupils per special classes, putting in good order of the basic facilities at the special class etc. should be solved. 3) It is an urgent problem that a long-term comprehensive plan for the establishment of special classes should be set up, because their continuity and connection with each other fields have not been considered on the establishment of them. 4. The teaching viewpoint of the teacher at the special classes 1) The special teachers' general point of view on the special classes was comparatively reached to the positive level. 2) There was generally such a tendency as they gave equal consideration to receiveing the academic achivement, to the life-centered education and to the occupational education. 3) The present special classes were shown not to have the cooperative relationship with the regular classes. Also, the level of the general teachers' attitude to the special classes and the degree of the understanding was about at the middle, but it was shown that the regular children regarded the special classes as strange. 4) The teachers' motive to take the special classes was shown comparatively to be more willing than to be reluctant. 5) It was shown that the evaluation and treatment for the special teachers was at the middle level of the satisfaction, and their works were too much. 6) The urgent problems in the education of the special classes was shown with the next order in the significant level; to strengthen the synthetic administrative supports, to develop and to supply the learning materials, and so forth. 5. The teaching viewpoint of the principals at the special classes. 1) The major problem with which the existing special classes are confronted, such as correct identification, reducing the number of pupils per special classes, putting in good order of the basic facilities at the special classroom and developing a lot of special education materials etc. should be solved without delay. 2) A great consideration should be given to select a dutiful special teacher with teaching method techniques. 3) The teaching practice for the special education should be planned to convert the school subject centered program to the life and vocational education program.

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