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      • 離騷의 性格

        金學主 서울대학교 동아문화연구소 1979 東亞文化 Vol.16 No.-

        Since Ssu-ma Ch'ien eulogized Ch'u¨ Yu¨an as a great patriotic poet and his Li-Sao (Encountering Sorrow) as a song of"loyalty to his king and love to the people," from Wang Yi (Ch'u Tz'uˇ Chang Chu¨楚辭章句) to modern Chinese scholars (Ch'u Tz'uˇYen Chiu Lun Wen Chi 楚辭硏究論文集), most of the scholars have interpreted Li-Sao as a patriotic poem. But lately some scholars, such as Liao P'ing(Ch'u Tz'uˇ Chiang Yi 楚辭講義), Ho T'ian Hsing (Ch'u T'zu¨ Tzo Yu¨ Han Tai K'ao 楚辭作於漢代考), and Chu Tung Jun (Ch'u Ko and Ch'u Tz'uˇ 楚歌與楚辭, Writer of Li-Sao 離騷的作者, etc.), denying the existence of Ch'u¨ Yu¨an, contended that Li-Sao is a song of "fairy excursion."In this paper, I have examined the above mentioned two directions of interpretation of Li-Sao, and analogized it's character through the analysis of the text. For the convenience of quotation of the text, I gave numbers from 1 to 188 to every line (two phrase for one line) of Li-Sao. (2) In the text of Li-Sao, lines 17-20, 40-41, 44 and 188 directly express the poet's loyalty to his king or love to the people (or the country). But most of the general purport arrives at the despair and resentment to this world. Besides, on the lines 13-16, 19, 38-39, 53, 72-87, and 145-149, we can find a description of the conduct of great sages and tyrants. These also show that Li-Sao is a patriotic poem. On the other hand, in most of the text of Li-Sao the poet describes his visionary excursion to the fairyland and heaven. On lines 54-64, we find his desire of the long journey, and on lines 72-185, we find his three-time fairy excursions. Consequently, we can say that Li-Sao is a song of fairy excursion. (3) Of course there are far more lines which support Li-Sao as a patriotic poem or song of fairy excursion. But both of these two interpretations have a good many negative expressions in themselves. We find in them defects not sufficient to assert the character of the poem as such. So I analyzed the text various ways to obtain the clear character of it. As a result, I draw a deduction that this originated from an early shaman of Ch'u. In concluding the character of Li-Sao, most important factor is an interpretation of P'eng Hsien, which is stated in the last paragraph: "Since none is worthwhile to work with in making good government, I will go and join P'eng Hsien in the place where he abides.(旣莫足與爲美政兮, 吾將從彭咸之所居)" Wang Yi commented on P'eng Hsien as a "sage of Shang dynasty, who drowned himself because his king disregarded his advice," and the last line of Li-Sao has been taken as the poet's statement of his intention to drown himself. But it is clear that his explanation has no basis. As Ho T'ien-Hsing (at Ch'u Tz'uˇ Tzo Yi Han Tai K'ao) pointed out, it is very reasonable to explain P'eng Hsien as ancient shamans, Wu P'eng and Wu Hsien, shown in: Shang Hai Ching, and "to join P'eng Hsien" means rather the poet's, intention to devote himself to occult training as a shaman. At the beginning of Li-Sao, the poet described his family lineage because early shamans were handed down from father to son as a profession. And he introduced his name(字) as Ling Chun(靈均). When we think of Wang Yi's commentary "靈, 巫也" and other shaman's name Ling Hsiu, Ling Fen, and Ling Pao of the Ch'u Tz'uˇ, the name Ling Chu¨n bespeaks itself a name of a shaman. Before his first visionary excursion, the poet paid a visit to the spirit of Emperor Shun to get his advice, which means that Shun was one of the spirit enshrined by the poet shaman. This fact also, explains why Li-Sao has so many descriptions of loyalty to the Kingand love of the country. And most of the works of Ch'u Tz'uˇ, which recorded under the, name of Ch'u¨ Yu¨an and his student Sung Yu¨, such as Chiu-Ko, T`ian-Wen, Yuan-You, P'u-Chu¨, Chiu-Pian, Chao-Hun, and Ta-Chao preserve more obvious tinges of shaman than Li-Sao. Consequently, it might be maintained that Li-Sao is a early song of shaman, neither a patriotic poem nor a song of fairy excursion.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Effect of Comprehensibility in K-content Titles on Behavioral Intention: A Need for Cognition Perspective

        Chu,Kyounghee(Kyounghee Chu),Kim,Ji Yoon(Ji Yoon Kim) 한국상품학회 2024 商品學硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        This study empirically explores the impact of the comprehensibility of K-content titles on consumer evaluation. The specific objective of the research is as follows: to analyze the influence of the comprehensibility level of K-content titles on behavioral intentions (intention to watch). More specifically, this study aims to verify whether the patterns of influence of comprehensibility levels of K-content titles on consumer evaluations differ based on need for cognition(NFC) levels. The experimental results revealed differences in intention to watch K-movies depending on cognitive needs levels. In other words, viewers with lower need for cognition have higher viewing intentions towards movies with titles that are more comprehensible compared to those with less comprehensible titles. On the other hand, viewers with higher need for cognition have higher viewing intentions towards movies with less comprehensible titles compared to those with more comprehensible titles. Prior research has primarily focused on consumer responses to the comprehensibility of key messages or information within the field of communication. In this regard, by applying the concept of comprehensibility to the titles of K-Contents, this research strengthens the theoretical foundation concerning the effectiveness of message delivery and consumer response, while also deepening the understanding of global marketing strategies for K-Contents. In terms of practical implications, it emphasizes to K-Content creators and marketers that the comprehensibility of titles significantly influences consumer interest and viewing intentions. This offers critical guidance in the selection of titles and formulation of marketing strategies for K-Contents. Furthermore, optimizing content titles for a global audience with diverse cognitive needs can contribute to the successful international spread of K-Contents. Therefore, by comprehensively understanding the impact of K-Content titles on consumer evaluations, this study is expected to make significant contributions both academically and practically.

      • KCI등재

        龜玆樂 關聯의 개存 硏究成果 檢討 : A Critical Review

        홍주희 한국음악사학회 2002 한국음악사학보 Vol.29 No.-

        In order to make a systematic approach to the study of Kuei-tzu˘ music 龜玆樂, this paper is intended to investigate the outcomes of existing studies on Kuei-tzu˘ music by Korean and Chinese scholars from the 1950s to the present. Most outcomes have been studied by Chinese musicologists including P'an Huai-su 播?素, Ch'ang Jen-hsia 常任俠, Chou Chi 周吉, Ho Ch'ang-lin 何昌林, Ch'iu Ch'iung-lin 丘璟蓀, Li Ping 呂氷 and so on. Also included are such Korean scholars as An Hwak 安廓, Lee Hye-ku [Yi Hye-gu] 李惠求, Song Bang-song [Song Pang-song] 宋芳松, Cho˘n In-p'yo˘ng 全仁平 and Hong Chu-hu˘i 洪周希, and also such Japanese musicologists as Kishibe Shigeo 岸邊成雄 and Hayashi Kenzo― 林謙三. The outcomes of existing studies on Kuei-tzu˘ music can be divided into two groups in a broad sence : the first group is the outcomes related directly with Kuei-tzu˘ music, while the other group, the outcomes related indirectly with Kuei-tzu˘ music. This paper consists of three parts : Ⅰ. Introduction, Ⅱ. The Main Issue : 1. Studies on Kuei-tzu˘ Music : 1) Studies on Kuei-tzu˘ Music in Ancient Period; Modal Theory Called We-tan-ch'i-sheng 五旦七聲 by Su Chih-p'o 蘇祗婆, Historical Change of Musical Scale, Musical Instruments, and General Approach to Kuei-tzu˘ Music, 2) Relation between Ancient Kuei-tzu˘ Music and Current Makam, 2. Studies of Indirectly Related with Kuie-tzu˘ Music : 1) Outcomes by Cultural Approach, 2) Outcomes by Iconographic Materials, 3) General Survey, Ⅲ. Conclusion. In conclusion it is pointed out that the outcomes of existing studies on Kuei-tzu˘ music by Korean scholars are very poor in comparison with those by Japanese and Chinese scholars. Translations of studies on Kuei-tzu˘ music by Kishibe Shigeo and Hayashi Kenzo― made a contribution to the study of Kuei-tzu˘ Music in Korea. The author, therefore, emphasizes that it is necessary to translate works on Kuei-tzu˘ music by Chinese scholars into Korean.


        ADGO: analysis of differentially expressed gene sets using composite GO annotation

        Nam, Dougu,Kim, Sang-Bae,Kim, Seon-Kyu,Yang, Sungjin,Kim, Seon-Young,Chu, In-Sun Oxford University Press 2006 Bioinformatics Vol.22 No.18

        <P><B>Motivation:</B> Genes are typically expressed in modular manners in biological processes. Recent studies reflect such features in analyzing gene expression patterns by directly scoring gene sets. Gene annotations have been used to define the gene sets, which have served to reveal specific biological themes from expression data. However, current annotations have limited analytical power, because they are classified by single categories providing only unary information for the gene sets.</P><P><B>Results:</B> Here we propose a method for discovering composite biological themes from expression data. We intersected two annotated gene sets from different categories of Gene Ontology (GO). We then scored the expression changes of all the single and intersected sets. In this way, we were able to uncover, for example, a gene set with the molecular function <I>F</I> and the cellular component <I>C</I> that showed significant expression change, while the changes in individual gene sets were not significant. We provided an exemplary analysis for HIV-1 immune response. In addition, we tested the method on 20 public datasets where we found many ‘filtered’ composite terms the number of which reached ∼34% (a strong criterion, 5% significance) of the number of significant unary terms on average. By using composite annotation, we can derive new and improved information about disease and biological processes from expression data.</P><P><B>Availability:</B> We provide a web application (ADGO: http://array.kobic.re.kr/ADGO) for the analysis of differentially expressed gene sets with composite GO annotations. The user can analyze Affymetrix and dual channel array (spotted cDNA and spotted oligo microarray) data for four species: human, mouse, rat and yeast.</P><P><B>Contact:</B> chu@kribb.re.kr</P><P><B>Supplementary information:</B> http://array.kobic.re.kr/ADGO</P>

      • Coloring기법을 이용한 향상된 5-셀 PNPSF 테스트 알고리즘

        장주석,윤태진 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.3 No.2(A)

        State-of-the-art memory chips are designed with spare rows and columns for reconfiguration purposes. After a memory chip is reconfigured, Physically adjacent cells may no longer have consecutive logical addresses. In this paper, we present new test algorithms to detect 5-cell Physical neighborhood pattern sensitive faults in dynamic RAMs, even if the logical and physical addresses are different and the physical-to-logical address mapping is not available. These algorithms have test length of O(N[log_2N][log_3N]^2) for N-bit RAMs, and also detect other faults such as stuck-at and coupling faults. The algorithms depend on the 3-coloring algorithm that trichromatically colors all the triplets among a group on n object in at most [log_3N]^2 coloring steps and 2-coloring algorithm that differently colors all the pairs among a group of n object in at most [log_2N] coloring step.

      • KCI등재후보

        가상현실(virtual reality)구현에 있어서의 사진의 역할

        조주은 한국사진학회 2003 AURA Vol.0 No.10

        Digital images which produced by computer brought much changes in our visual environment. Development of digital images in modern society now makes it possible to experience the reproduction of human's imagination in reality. Images with the characteristic of unilateral transmission of information have changed into those of bilateral communication, which make it possible for audience to take part in the production of images. The mutual communication is heavily influenced by recent remarkable advancements of internet. Internet and reality are combined to express effectively the various informations of human who are accustomed to three-dimensional environment that see, hear, and feel in daily life. The purposes of this article are to evaluate the problems, possible applications and future roles of the reappearance of photographic images which are not simply the means to the three-dimensional virtual reality and animation, but also the tools of new communication to overcome the limitations which occur at process that visualize and transmit the existent information. The characteristics of photography in embodiment of virtual reality have a thread of connection with instant, realism and mutual communication of digital technology. Therefore it is needed that the photography in cyber space extends it's own unique artistic area and accept the realistic requests for the popular and actual common use. Special educational programs are also required with changes of awareness of the new environment. This will give us good opportunity to accomplish infinite possibility of photography as a new medium.

      • KCI등재
      • 追肥 水準이 水稻의 收量및 登熟에 미치는 影響

        崔周鎬,金鎭雨,李喆浩 진주산업대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        本硏究는 晋州農林專門大學 學生實習 圃場에서 1989年 4月부터 同年 10月까지 東律벼(DongJin)를 供試品種으로 하여 追肥水準을 窒素 1.5㎏, 3.0㎏, 4.5㎏으로 달리 栽培하여 각 施肥 水準에 따라 收量 및 登熟率을 調査한 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 分蘗數는 追肥 水準이 높을 수록 增加하는 傾向이었다. 2) 稈長과 穗長은 追肥水準에 따른 差異가 없었으며, 穗數는 4.5㎏區에서 약간 많았다. 3) 有效莖比率은 追肥水準의 增加에 따라 낮아졌다(P<0.05) 4) 登熟率 및 千粒重은 1.5㎏區에서 높았으며 4.5㎏區에서 가장낮았다(P<0.05) 5) 粒數, 枇重, 屑米重 및 正租重은 4.5㎏區가 다른구에 비하여 많았으며 玄米重은 비숫한 傾向이었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate into the effects of supplementary manuring upon the yield and ripeness of paddy rice. The experiment for this study was carried out during the tillering stage, from april till october, 1989 at the experiment farm of chin-ju national agricultural and forestry junior college. The levels of supplementary nitrogen were 1.5㎏, 3㎏ and 4.5㎏/10a. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The number of tillers was increased more as the fertilizing level increased 2. The culm length and panicle length showed no significant difference according to the supplementary manuring. The panicle per plant was slightly increased at the sub-plot of 4.5㎏. 3. The percentage of effective tillers showed a tendency of becoming lower as the fertilizing lever increased(P<0.05) 4. The percentage of ripeness and 1000grain weight were highest in the 1.5㎏ sub-plot and was lowest of 4.5㎏ sub-plot(P<0.05) 5. The grain number, empty grains, rice screenings and winnowed rice was all most in the sub-plots of N 4.5㎏. Only brown rice was similar in the all sub-plot.

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