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        소아 수면과 꿈의 발달

        홍강의,김수정,Hong, Kang-E.M,Kim, Soo-Jeong 대한수면의학회 1996 수면·정신생리 Vol.3 No.2

        Since REM sleep was found to be closely related with dream, efforts have been made to find the neurophysiological mechanism and the psychological meaning of dream. However, since most researchers have paid attention to dreams of adults, there are relatively few studies devoted to those of developing children. In the prevent study, we reviewed the previous studies and hypotheses about sleep and dream in various aspects and summarized the characteristics of sleep and dream of children in developmental domain as followings. (1) Sleep development : Across childhood, sleep architecture and sleep-wakefulness cycles are progressively changed toward the patterns of adult. They become similar to adult patterns only in their adolescence. Thus, the sleep event sconsidered as abnormal in adults may be normal in children. (2) Dream development : First, the content and meaning of the dream change with increasing age and develop in parallel with children's ego function, especially cognitive developmental stages. Second, for the children, the reality and the dream are on the continuous spectrum of 'reality-imitation-play-fantasy-dream'. Third, dreaming is the pure assimilation process for the children and through dreaming they can adapt and accomodate the reality without emotion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        兒童行動目錄(CBCL)에 의한 國民學生의 行動問題 調査

        홍강의,송혜양,김중술,경자,박성수 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.2

        This is an epidemiological study of emotional/behavior problems in Korean elementary school children(total 2,399 : 1.236 boys, 1,163 girls) by empolying Children's Behavior Check List(CBCL) developed by Achenbach and Edelbrock(1983), to which 3 problem items were added for this study. A test-retest reliability of CBCL was was assessed by computing the Spearman-Browm correlation and the average correlation among items was. 72. The interparent agreeement was also assessed and the average correaltion between mother and father was. 62. The study subjects were drawm by stratified sampling from 5 schools in Korea ; 3 schools (A, B, C) from Seoul, one school(D) from a medium size city one school (E) from a rural town. School C is located in upper/middle-upper class residential area, School A and D in middle class, and School B and E in lower-middle/lower class. The present paper reports the prevalence of behavioral/emotional problems in relation to sex, grade, locality and socioeconomic variables. Some of the major findings were as follows ; 1) The mean total problem score excluding 3 additional items was 27.28 and did not differ significanthy according to sex and locality(Seoul vs non-Seoul), However, the mean total problem scores were significanthy different from school to school. The lowest score was observed in children of School C(22.15), higher scores for School B(30.89) and E(30.64) and in-between scores for the School A(27.58) and D(25.47). Father's education also had significant effect on the total problem scores : 31.46 for elementary of less 27.79 for middle and high school and 23.05 for college or more. As for to the grade, mean total score was lowest for the first graders(22.12), increasing up until 4th grade(29.83), then decreasing for 5th graders(26.81) and then relatively high score for the 6th graders(29.81). 2) Examination of each 122 problem items revealed that prevalence rate ranged from 2.1% to 61.7% : less than 5% for 13% items, 5-10% for 18 items, 10-20% for 31 items, 20-30% for 25 items, 30-40% for 15 items, 40-50% for 13 items, more than 50% for 7 items. Although sex did not make any difference in total problem scores, examination of the prevalence of each item revealed that 47 problem items were significanthy different between sexes : 26 items were more prevalent in boys and 21 items in girls. The items more prevalent for boys were externalizing problems such as hyperkinetic, aggressive and other behaviors and 21 items, more prevalent for girls were internalizing problems such as emotional and psychosomatic problems. School grade had significant effect in 47 items, only 3 of which showed lower prevalence in the younger children and the prevalence of 39 items were higher in older children. Significant differences were observed in 83 items, and 94 items, respectively according to school and father's education that could be considered to reflect socioeconomic status and it was reavealed that the lower the status, the higher the prevalence in most items. Items more common in upper class tend to be more anxiety-tension related(internalizing) and items more common in lower class tend to be more aggressive, hyperactive and other behavioval problems(externalizing). 3) Brief cross-cultural comparisons between the current study and other studies reported in the literature revealed major differences in several areas. The total problem score for Korean children was much higher than those of American and Dutch children, but lower than those of Canada and Chile. Although most of other studies reported higher total problem scores for boys, than for girls there was no sex difference in total problem score for Korean children. This was reflected in the finding of an almost equal numbers of items(26 for boys, 21 for girls) being more common than the other sex. Analyses by grade(age) also indicate major differences between Korean and American-Dutch children ; In contrast to the finding that total problem score was higher and larger number of items were more common for younger children in American and Dutch studies, they were higher for older children in Korean study. Socioeconomic variables seems to exert far more significant effect on the total score and the prevalence of each items in Korean study, when compared with American and Dutch studies. Further analyses of the data including a comparison with a clinic sample are deferred to another paper and so are the factor analysis results of 122 items into emotional/behavioral syndromes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        18개월 여아에서의 아동 학대

        홍강의,장경준,문형로,안동현,손세정,박순미 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.2

        A child abuse case of an 18 month-old baby girl with multiple fractures is reported. A comprehensive psychiatric and pediatric diagnostic work-up was carried out, and psychodynamic and family dynamic issues were presented in detail. A therapeutic intervention by pediatric-psychiatric team was attempted, but thwarted by the lack of father's cooperation. It is suggested that child abuse should be considered a major medical social problem in Korea too.

      • KCI등재

        ROLE OF THE "SECURITY BLANKET" : A Crosscultural-Ethological Perspective

        Hong,Kang-E M. 大韓神經精神醫學會 1980 신경정신의학 Vol.19 No.1

        유아의 담요에 대한 애착은 主로 英國과 美國에서 활발히 연구되었는데 대부분 정신분석학적 이론에 기반을 두어왔다. 문헌상에 보고된 3橫文化的 硏究(Gaddini 1970, Busch 1974, Hong and Townes, 1976)에 의하면 英國 幼兒의 50% 이상에서 담요에 대한 애착 행동이 관찰되는 반면 이태리, 일본, 한국에서는 극히 낮은 율을 보였다. 담요애착이 낮은 三國의 유아들은 공통적으로 母와 같은 방에 같이 자며 특히 잠이 들때까지 母가 유아의 옆에서 있었고 일반으로 母子間의 身體접촉이 美英에 비해 많았다. 著者는 이러한 횡문화적 차이점과 문헌상에 보고된 他動物의 愛着行動을 비교조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 신체접촉은 어느 동물에서나 관찰되는 生物學的 本能으로 愛着의 필수요건이다. 母와의 신체접촉의 필요성은 유아가 잠들 당시에 특히 고조되는데 잠이 든다는 것은 母와의 격리를 의미함으로 아직 완숙한 自我를 형성하지 못한 유아에겐 큰 스트레쓰이기 때문이다. 따라서 유아가 母와 같이 자지 않고 따로 자는 사회(美英등)에서는 母에 향해져야 할 애착행위의 일부분인 신체접촉의 요구가 母의 신체를 상징적으로나 실제적으로 나타내는 담요에로 轉移되는 현상이 담요애착이다. 즉 담요는 부모에 대한 애착의 대체물이라 할 수 있는데 특히 접촉본능을 충족하는 것이 主 역할이다. 이같이 담요애착은 유아가 특정한 사회의 육아법에 순응함과 동시에 자기본능을 충족시키려는 적응행위의 한 예로서 이를 통해 유아는 그가 처해 있는 환경에뿐 아니라 더 나아가서 社會文化的 進化에 적응해 나간다.

      • KCI등재

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