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      • KCI등재

        외계어 사용 광고에 대한 이해도와 매체 태도가 광고 매체 호감도 및 지지도에 미치는 영향

        함의정,성열홍 한국브랜드디자인학회 2017 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.15 No.2

        광고는 현대사회에 필수 조건으로 자리 잡고 있다. 또한, 광고에 대한 소비자의 관심도 규모가 커지면서 광고 제작에도 창의적인 광고가 많이 나타나고 창의력이 뛰어난 광고가 소비자의 마음을 움직일 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 최근 광고 영역에서 새롭게 형성하고 있는 젊은 세대의 광고 중에서 광고 커뮤니케이션 관점에서 외계어 사용 광고가 소비자에게 노출됨으로써 발생하는 광고에 대한 이해도와 매체 태도가 매체 광고 호감도 및 지지도에 미치는 영향 살펴보았다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 광고 이해도는 광고 호감도와 광고내용 지지도, 광고 실행 지지도에 모두 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 광고에 대한 이해도가 높을수록 광고 호감도와 광고 내용에 대한 지지도, 광고 실행에 대한 지지도도 증가하는 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 매체 지지도는 광고 호감도와 광고내용 지지도, 광고 실행 지지도에 모두 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 매체 지지도가 높을수록 광고에 대한 호감도와 광고 내용에 대한 지지도, 광고 실행에 대한 지지도도 증가하는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 광고 이해도와 매체 지지도의 상대적 영향력의 크기를 살펴본 결과 광고 호감도와 광고내용 지지도, 광고 실행 지지도 모두 매체 지지도가 광고 이해도보다 영향력이 큰 것으로 확인되었다. 외계어에 관한 연구는 언어학적 연구가 주를 이루고 있으며 광고적 접근은 아직 미흡한 상황이다. 외계어가 광고에 어떤 영향을 주고 있는지에 대한 관심과 활발한 연구가 활발히 이루어지길 바란다. Advertisements have become an essential part of contemporary life. Many creative attempts are made to advertising to capture customers’ attention. As such, this study focuses on advertisements that cater to the younger population by using netspeak in their advertisements. We looked at how exposure to such advertisements, in particular their understanding and attitude towards such advertisements, affected consumers’ level of preference and support for them. The findings were as follows. First, the level of understanding had a positive effect on the preference and support, as well as support for advertisement execution. This indicates that the better the consumer understands the advertisement, their preference, support and support for advertisement execution increased. Second, support for the media had a positive effect on preference, support for the advertisement content and support for advertisement execution. This indicates that a higher support for the medium increased the preference, support for the advertisement content and support for the advertisement execution. Third, a review of the degree of understanding and the relative influence of medium support showed that advertisement preference and advertisement content support, as well as advertisement execution support had a greater influence than the degree of advertisement understanding. Studies on netspeak are mostly focused on linguistics rather than on advertisements. This researcher hopes that this study will contribute to further studies on how netspeak affects advertisements.

      • KCI등재

        지역 거주 여부에 따른 폐산업시설의 문화재생 체험에 관한 연구

        함의정,김선영 인문사회 21 2019 인문사회 21 Vol.10 No.4

        Studies in the meantime on the cultural restoration of industrial facilities have been limited to visitors only. The purpose of this study is to clarify the differences in experience between local residents and visitors on the premise that the change of perception of local residents as well as visitors should be considered as an important measurement item in order to revitalize the recycling space of industrial facilities. For this purpose, the results of this study were compared with those of the residents of Pocheon Art Valley, Gwangmyeong Cave, and Samtan Art Mine. The statistical analysis method was based on the demographic characteristics of the sample, followed by exploratory factor analysis for validity of the items, and reliability analysis of the items. The results showed that the scores of the total experience factors as well as the experiential factors such as entertainment, educational, aesthetic and aesthetic experience were also significantly different between the local residents and the non-residents. We hope that this study will be the opportunity to focus on understanding the experiences of local residents in the cultural revitalization of the industrial 폐산업시설의 문화재생에 관한 연구는 대부분 방문객만을 대상으로 하는 한계를 보여 왔다. 이에 본 연구는 폐 산업시설 문화재생 공간의 활성화를 위해서는 방문객뿐만 아니라 해당 지역주민의 인식 변화가 중요한 측정항목으로 고려되어야 한다는 점을 전제로 지역주민과 방문객 간 체험 양상의 차이를 규명하고자 했다. 이를 위해 포천아트밸리, 광명동굴, 삼탄아트마인 등을 대상으로 문화재생 체험에 있어서 지역주민 여부에 따른 변수들의 차이검증을 하였다. 통계분석 방법은 표본의 인구통계학적 특성을 살펴본 후 측정항목들의 타당성 검토를 위해 탐색적 요인분석을 하였으며, 측정항목들의 신뢰도 분석을 함께 실시하였다. 연구 결과 오락적, 교육적, 일탈적, 심미적 체험 등 각각의 체험 요소뿐 아니라 전체 체험요소를 합산한 점수 역시 지역주민과 방문객 간 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 본 연구가 폐산업시설의 문화재생에 있어 지역주민의 체험 양태 파악에 보다 주안점을 두는 계기가 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        외계어 사용 광고에서 소비자의 이해도와 호감도 연구

        함의정,성열홍 한국일러스아트학회 2017 조형미디어학 Vol.20 No.2

        Recently, many languages that are widespread in community services on the Internet are shown as destructive form. Korean scholars call this language as an netspeak without nationality. Language in advertisements should be the language of the era, and should be made towards consumers of the same times. The advertising language needs proper understanding and quick judgment ability. However, using those netspeaks for advertising is a phenomenon of disruption of the persuasive communication that is the purpose of advertising. In this study, we investigated changes in attitudes of consumers who are exposed to netspeak advertisements in terms of advertising communication. It was hypothesized that there will be significant differences in understanding of netspeak advertising according to gender, and as a result of the analysis, there was significant difference in the degree of understanding of the advertisement according to gender. It was hypothesized that there will be significant differences in the favorability of the advertisement according to gender, and as a result of the analysis, there was no significant difference in the favorability of the advertisement according to gender. It was hypothesized that there will be significant differences in understanding of netspeak advertising according to vocation, and as a result of the analysis, there was significant difference in the degree of understanding of the advertisement according to vocation. In addition, general adult group was found to be as a significantly differentiated from the other group, such as elementary, middle school and high school students. In other words, adults have relatively lower understanding ability of netspeak advertising than elementary, middle and high school students. It was hypothesized that there will be significant differences in the favorability of the advertisement according to vocation, and as a result of the analysis, there was significant difference in the favorability of the advertisement according to vocation. The favorability of netspeak advertising was highest in elementary and middle school students, followed by college students, graduate students, general adults, and high school students. 최근 인터넷상의 커뮤니티 서비스에서 유행하고 있는 언어들은 파괴적인 형태로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 언어를 한글 학자들은 국적도 없는 외계어라고 한다. 광고에서 언어는 시대의 언어여야 하며, 같은 시대의 소비자를 향해 만들어져야 한다. 그리고 광고 언어는 바르고 빠른 이해력과 판단능력이 필요하다. 그러나 이러한 외계어 사용 광고는 광고의 목적인 설득적 커뮤니케이션이 훼손되는 현상이라고 볼 수 있다. 이에 광고 커뮤니케이션 관점에서 외계어 사용 광고가 소비자에게 노출됨으로써 나타나는 소비자의 태도 변화를 실증연구를 통해 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 이해도는 남성보다 여성이 유의하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 호감도는 남성과 여성 간에 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 이해도는 고등학생이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 그다음은 초·중학생, 대학생과 대학원생, 일반 순으로 높게 나타났다. 또한, 일반 성인들은 초·중학생 및 고등학생과 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 이해도에서 유의미하게 구분되는 집단으로 나타났다. 즉, 성인들은 초·중학생과 고등학생들보다 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 이해도가 상대적으로 낮은 것을 알 수 있다. 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 호감도는 초·중학생이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 그다음은 대학생 및 대학원생, 일반, 고등학생 순으로 높게 나타났다. 또한 초·중학생은 고등학생과 대학/대학원생 및 일반 성인들과 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 호감도에서 유의미하게 구분되는 집단으로 나타났다. 즉, 초·중학생들은 고등학생이나 대학 및 대학원생, 일반 성인들보다 외계어 사용 광고에 대한 호감도가 상대적으로 높은 것을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Distinctness of Sorex caecutiens hallamontanus (Soricomorpha: Mammalia) from Jeju Island in Korea: Cytochrome Oxidase I and Cytochrome b Sequence Analyses

        고흥선,장경희,인성택,한의동,조재은,함의정,정선기,이종혁,김광선,권구희 한국동물분류학회 2012 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.28 No.3

        To examine genetic divergences of two endemic Sorex caecutiens subspecies from Korea (S. c. hallamontanus in Korean Jeju Island and S. c. annexus in the mainland Korean Peninsula), we obtained partial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences (429 bp) and complete cytochrome b sequences (1,140 bp) from the two Korean subspecies, and we compared these sequences to the corresponding sequences of S. caecutiens, obtained from GenBank. We found that Jeju S. c. hallamontanus is one of three clades within S. caecutiens, with an average Jukes-Cantor distance of 1.57% in the COI sequences and the distance of 2.07% and 11 fixed site differences in the cytochrome b sequences, indicating that Jeju S. c. hallamontanus is one endemic subspecies with concordant genetic distinctness, although further analyses with nuclear DNA sequences are necessary to confirm these findings. However, S. c. annexus from the mainland Korean Peninsula was not divergent from S. c. macropygmaeus from northeastern China and adjacent Russia, indicating that S. c. annexus from the mainland Korean Peninsula is another endemic subspecies with only morphological differences, although it is necessary to reexamine the subspecies status of S. c. annexus.

      • KCI등재

        Lack of Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Divergence between Two Subspecies of the Siberian Weasel from Korea: Mustela sibirica coreanus from the Korean Peninsula and M. s. quelpartis from Jeju Island

        고흥선,장경희,오장근,한의동,조재은,함의정,정선기,이종혁,김경선,권구희,인성택 한국동물분류학회 2012 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.28 No.2

        The objective of this study was to determine the degree of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) divergence between two subspecies of Mustela sibirica from Korea (M. s. coreanus on the Korean Peninsula and M. s. quelpartis on Jeju Island) and to examine the taxonomic status of M. s. quelpartis. Thus, we obtained complete sequences of mtDNA cytochrome b gene (1,140 bp) from the two subspecies, and these sequences were compared to a corresponding haplotype of M. s. coreanus, downloaded from GenBank. From this analysis, it was observed that the sequences from monogenic M. s. quelpartis on Jeju Island were identical to the sequences of four M. s. coreanus from four locations across the Korean Peninsula, and that the two subspecies formed a single clade;the average nucleotide distance between the two subspecies was 0.26% (range, 0.00 to 0.53%). We found that the subspecies quelpartis is not genetically distinct from the subspecies coreanus, and that this cytochrome b sequencing result does not support the current classification, distinguishing these two subspecies by pelage color. Further systematic analyses using morphometric characters and other DNA markers are necessary to confirm the taxonomic status of M. s. quelpartis.

      • KCI등재

        Lack of genetic divergence between Mogera wogura coreana from Korea and M. w. robusta from Northeastern China and adjacent Russia (Soricomorpha: Mammalia), reexamined from 12S rRNA and cytochrome b sequences

        고흥선,장경희,한의동,조재은,정선기,함의정,이종혁,김광선,인성택,권구희 한국통합생물학회 2012 Animal cells and systems Vol.16 No.5

        To reexamine taxonomic status of endemic Mogera wogura coreana from Korea, we first obtained partial 12S rRNA sequences (893 bp) and complete cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) of this subspecies, and these sequences and partial cytochrome b sequences (402 bp) were compared to the corresponding haplotypes of M. wogura from East Asia, obtained from GenBank. The one of three 12S rRNA haplotypes in M. w. coreana was identical to one 12S rRNA haplotype of M. w. robusta from East Asia: 10 complete and 13 partial cytochrome b haplotypes of M. w. coreana formed a single clade with one complete and four partial cytochrome b haplotypes of M. w. robusta,respectively. We considered that M. w. coreana from Korea is an endemic subspecies with only morphological differences, although it is necessary to reexamine the subspecies status of M. w. coreana. Additionally, in the 12S rRNA and complete cytochrome b sequences, M. wogura from Japan was distinct from the two continental subspecies of M. w. coreana and M. w. robusta with average distances of 1.76 and 5.65%, respectively; insular M. wogura, with within-group distances of 2.09 and 4.38%, respectively, was also genetically more divergent than the mainland M. wogura, with within-group distances of 0.08 and 0.57%, respectively. Thus, we considered that insular M. wogura of Japan dispersed into neighboring East Asian continent, which is opposite to the traditional hypothesis on the origin of Japanese M. wogura.

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