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        ‘영화황제’ 김염(金焰)의 항일영화인 형상- 1930년대를 중심으로 -

        한재은 중국인문학회 2019 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.72

        金焰做为电影演员在中国的电影史上留下了深深的足迹。1928年在上海电影界出道到1958年的30年间出演41部电影,并荣膺“电影皇帝”之称号。另外,和中国的著名女演员王人美、秦怡结婚而备受关注。基于这些原因,金焰成为研究中国电影史的时候不可或缺的重要的研究对象。 如果说前期研究的对象是金焰做为电影明星的“电影皇帝”形象,那么本次研究的对象则是金焰做为抗日电影工作者的抗日战士形象。因此,首先谈一谈金焰出生在韩国独立运动家家庭的身世和在中国成长的历程。其次要考察金焰获得电影皇帝称号的来龙去脉,通过他主要出演抗日主题电影的事实来论述金焰是一位抗日电影工作者。 首先,金焰出生在韩国独立运动家家庭,这样的家庭背景深深地影响了金焰的人生和社会活动。金焰幼年随父母移居中国,在艰苦的环境中成长。虽然家境贫寒,但幼时开始梦想当演员,长大后当了电影演员。在1933年上海刊行的电影报≪电声日报≫进行的評選中获得男明星最多票,荣膺“电影皇帝”之称号。 金焰虽然获得“电影皇帝”称号,却不想享受那份荣誉。他继续以金焰的名字活在世上,以电影演员的身份为社会出点儿力做点儿事,而他为社会最想做出贡献的也就是抗日。金焰自己填写的履历表中从来也没有填过曾经被选为“电影皇帝”的经历。他在履历表上填的都是加入“救亡协会”参加救国运动的经历、拒绝日方的邀请而躲到香港的经历等和抗日有关的内容。笔者认为,金焰的“电影皇帝”是≪电声日报≫从商业角度塑造的冠冕堂皇的形象,而做为电影演员金焰愿意做的,而且从他出演的角色来看,“抗日电影人”才是金焰为自己塑造的形象。

      • KCI등재

        크로스 젠더 공연의 효과 -연극 <비평가>(2018)에 나타난 수행성을 중심으로-

        한재은 한국드라마학회 2022 드라마연구 Vol.- No.66

        2018년 이후 한국 공연계에서는 페미니즘적 관점의 성장에 따라 남성 배역을 여 성 배우가 맡는 크로스 젠더 캐스팅이 증가했다. 현대의 크로스 젠더 공연에서는 과거의 크로스 젠더 공연과는 달리 원래 여성이 하지 않던 남성 배역을 여성 배우가 한다는 점에서 수행성이 드러난다. 텍스트는 그대로이지만 배우의 젠더만 바뀐 상 황에서 인물과 결합한 배우의 신체는 특수한 신체가 되고, 이 새로운 신체와 텍스 트 사이의 관계에서 관객은 인지적 자극을 받을 수 있다. 이러한 특성은 공연마다 그 정도가 다르게 나타난다. 그 중 2018년 연극 <비평가>의 크로스 젠더 사례는 그 수행성을 부각시킬 때 작품에 새로운 의미를 부여할 수 있음을 보여준다. 이 공연 은 남성 중심적 텍스트를 여성 배우가 수행할 뿐 아니라, 작품에서 남성들이 논하는 ‘여성 인물’을 여성이 연기하게 함으로써 관객의 인지를 활발하게 자극하고 새 로운 해석이 가능하게 할 수 있었다. 이 사례는 크로스 젠더를 시도할 때 배우와 텍 스트 사이에 어떤 고민이 필요한지를 시사한다. 크로스 젠더 공연이 텍스트와 수행 성 사이에서 관객의 인지를 충분히 자극한다면 이는 과거의 텍스트를 새롭게 해석 할 지속적인 방법이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중국 문인 卜乃夫와 한국독립운동

        한재은 한국근현대사학회 2016 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.77 No.-

        Boknaebu is a Chinese novelist known for his special relationship with South Korea. Most prominently, he wrote novels mainly about Korean characters, for which he achieved great fame in the history of China’s modern literature. His best-known works are Ro seo a ji yeon (露西亞之戀) and Buk geuk pung jeong hwa (北極風情畵) centering on Lee Beom-seok, leader of the second branch of the Korean Independence Army. The writer’s involvement in, and his contributions to, the Korean independence movement also led him to be strongly associated with Korea. There was a reason for Boknaebu’s participation in the Korean independence movement: his interest in activity Lee Bong-chang. After hearing the news of Lee Bong-chang’s death as a middle school student, Boknaebu decided to write a novel about Lee. While working as a newspaper reporter in Chongqing in the 1940s, he met Korean independence activities such as Park Chan-ik, Kim Koo, Lee Beom-seok, and Min Pil-ho. Those meetings immediately led Boknaebu to participate in the Korean independence movement. Boknaebu played a role in the Korean independence movement, largely in three departments: First, he engaged in propaganda activities in which he published articles about the Korean independence movement in Chinese newspapers. He wrote for ≪Ip bo (立報)≫, a Hong Kong newspaper, about his visits to Kim Koo, Lee Cheong-cheon, and Lee Beom-seok. Celebrating the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea on April 11, 1942, Boknaebu penned a long-form article entitledAn essay on cultural relations between China and Korea (中韓文化關係試論) for ≪Sin hwa Il bo (新華日報)≫. Through his writings, he helped publicize the Korean independence movement in China and prepared the documents necessary for the provisional government to negotiate with the Chinese government. Second, Boknaebu helped Korean independence activities write. For instance, from A diplomatic history of China and Korea (中韓外交史話) written by Min Pil-ho to urge China to approve the Korean provisional government, to Fury of Korea (Qingshanli Cheop hyeol sil lok (靑山里喋血實錄)) written by Lee Beom-seok about the Battle of Qingshanli in which the Korean armed groups defeated the Japanese army in a landslide victory, and to History of the Korean Independence Army (韓國光復軍小史) compiled by the second branch of the Korean Independence Army to introduce the activities of the army to China, all of which Boknaebu helped published in Chinese. Third, Boknaebu was active in the Korean Independence Army. When meeting with general Lee Cheong-cheon and chief of staff Lee Beom-seok in Chongqing, Boknaebu was appointed as propaganda chief in the general headquarters. Then in October 1942, when Lee Beom-seok was appointed as leader of the second branch, Boknaebu followed him to Xi’an to serve as secretary for the branch leader. Boknaebu prepared propaganda materials and documents promoting the achievements of the army and distributed them to several newspapers circulated in Xi’an. Boknaebu’s relationship with the Korean independence movement is vital to the understanding of the Korea-China relations in various aspects during the period of the independence movement. First, the Korea-China relationship at the time was not only built at the governmental and institutional level, but also at the individual level. Second, Korea did not merely receive assistance from China, but Korea’s independence movement also significantly influenced China in several areas.

      • KCI등재

        퇴원환자 약물조정 업무 효과에 근거한 치료이행과정 약료서비스 도입의 필요성

        한재은,정혜연,김샛별,오주희,은명온,이영희 한국병원약사회 2021 병원약사회지 Vol.38 No.3

        Background : Since September 2020, we have expanded the task of performing reconciliation of discharge medications. The purpose of this study was to identify the role of pharmacists in discharge through medication reconciliation. Methods : This study compared pharmacists’ interventions regarding discharge patients September 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 (pre-DMR) and September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021 (post-DMR). The criteria of the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) version 9.0 were used to determine the types and causes of drug-related problems (DRPs). Factors adopted for intervention were analyzed. The Eadon grade was applied to assess the significance of interventions. The difference of emergency department (ED) visits within 30 days of discharge with or without an intervention was analyzed. Results : Pre-DMR 607 cases and post-DMR 902 cases of interventions were analyzed. The distribution of type and cause of DRPs was changed between the two periods (p<0.01). Treatment safety (type) and medication selection (cause) in post-DMR increased. The factors adopted for intervention, patients’ history such as clinical progression or self-medication were considered more in post-DMR (pre-DMR vs. post-DMR, 14.6% vs. 34.1%). The clinical significance of intervention increased in post-DMR (p<0.01). Our data did not show significant differences in ED visits within 30 days of discharge. Only post-DMR period cases were enrolled to ED visit analysis. Intervention cases were not superior compared with others, but a high risk group with potential ED visit needed reconciliation the most (odds ratio 23.69, 95% confidence interval 15.53-36.15). Conclusion : We confirmed that reconciliation of discharge medication is an essential process for treatment safety. Through this process, medication review and monitoring closely by pharmacists based on patient’s history are possible. A pharmacist’s role is needed to prevent medication discrepancies at the transition of care, such as medication reconciliation.

      • KCI등재

        김염과 영화감독 손유(孫瑜)의 교류 및 영화제작 ― 항일영화 <야매괴(野玫瑰)>와 <대로(大路)>를 중심으로

        한재은 중국어문학회 2019 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.67

        This study aims to investigate ‘the films with the topic of anti-Japanese movement’ jointly produced by Kim Yeom called “Film Emperor” and the figures in the world of Chinese film, especially film director Sun Yu through their exchanges. Especially, Actor Kim Yeom, he was born in Seoul, Korea, who went to China, following his father, Kim Pil-sun who fled to China. Later, arriving in Shanghai with a dream of becoming an actor, he climbed the top spot in the film world of Shanghai in the 1930s. Sun Yu was a film director who selected him and helped him debut as an actor. Their meetings had many influences in each of their lives of film. In addition, as companions in the world of film, they made many exchanges and produced films together. Shanghai in the 1930s, when Kim Yeom, film director Sun Yu were active in the world of film was in the most brilliant time of culture. And yet, at the same time, with Japanese invasion, it was a chaotic time when “January 28 Incident” and “August 13 Incident” broke out in Shanghai. They produced films, such as < Wild Rose > and < The Big Road > with a historical commitment, centering around the theme of anti-Japanese movement. In the films, Kim Yeom appears as an image of a strong, courageous young man with an anti-Japanese sentiment. Exchanges of Kim Yeom with the people concerned with the films, such as film director Sun Yu had deep influences on each other. In addition, it is noted that there was a history of the anti-Japanese movement of Korea and China as a common fate through artistic and cultural activities of films as well as political or military activities. Their meetings and exchanges provide an important clue in the histories of the exchanges and friendship between Korea and China.

      • KCI등재

        약사 업무의 표준화를 위한 입원환자의 의약품 처방 검토 및 약물 조정 제고: 지참약관리 및 다약제 사용관리를 중심으로

        한재은,정혜련,김다은,이영희,견진옥,김진경,나대복,유윤미 한국병원약사회 2024 병원약사회지 Vol.41 No.2

        Background : Reflecting the reality of the absence of standardized guidelines for the specifics and procedures of inpatient medication review tasks conducted by pharmacists in hospitals, it is now imperative to define key elements by assessing the current situation and awareness. Methods : We analyzed pharmacists’ inpatient medication review and reconciliation tasks to establish standard elements, including the core concept. General-purpose recommendations were derived from a survey on the current status and awareness of these elements. Literature and guideline research, along with a focus group interview, helped to derive detailed task elements. A survey assessed task element priorities and institutional performance, with key items determined from the results. Results : Thirty-nine organizations participated in the importance-performance survey, and 46 organizations participated in the priority survey. Most task elements were evaluated with low scores for performance compared to importance awareness. The task elements were classified into “division of task,” “qualification requirements for pharmacists,” “patient selection,” “task scope,” “timing of work implementation,” and “task index.” Twelve of 22 elements were derived as key tasks (e.g., task scope and timing). The task scope was subdivided into medical history review, patient counseling, multidisciplinary team involvement, and medication reconciliation. A total of 33 of 51 task elements were identified as major performance items (e.g., medication review and reconciliation). Conclusion : Based on the study results, major tasks were derived for the medication review and reconciliation of hospitalized patients. Recognized standard guidelines should be considered as the medical paradigm changes. In this regard, efforts to establish various task elements can improve patient safety and treatment outcomes.

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