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      • KCI등재

        『黃嗣永帛書』의 주문모 서사 연구

        최창익 우리한문학회 2019 漢文學報 Vol.41 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to examine the literary features of the Zhou Wen-mo priest's martyrdom and Christ's death among the motifs appearing in "the Silk Letter of Hwang Sayeong." The "the Silk Letter of Hwang Sayeong" shows the initial process in which "Hagiology" is recorded. Hwang Sa-young is literaryizing the martyrdom of figures dying from persecution in the day according to the way of hagiology’s style. 이 글의 목적은 『黃嗣永帛書』에 나타나는 모티프들 가운데, 주문모 신부의 순교 서사와 그리스도 죽음 서사의 유사성을 검토하여 그 문학적 특징을 고찰하는 데 있다. 『黃嗣永帛書』는 ‘聖人傳(hagiology)’이 기록되는 초기 과정을 보여준다. 황사영은 당대 박해로 죽어가는 인물들의 순교 상황을 “성인전 문학”의 작성 방식에 따라 문학화하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 반독점법에 관한 고찰

        최창익 한중법학회 2007 中國法硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        According to close connections in the fields of economics, trading, investments and so on between Korea and China, the study on the Anti-monopoly law of China would be much helpful to understand this country. After 1990, China entered into market economy from industry economy by the success of reform and opening up policy. China already established “Anti-unfair Competition Law” for the introduction of market competition system, but, there was still lots of non-competition factor among various industry field. So it was a pending issue that how to strengthen an enterprise’s competitiveness by the introduction of open competition free from government regulation and protection policy. Then the necessity of avoiding side effect of government’s growth preference policy, establishing a new economic order by revitalization of market function, and reinforcing nongovernmental-initiated economic management and enterprise’s responsible management was recognized. So, finally “Anti-monopoly law” is established in the August this year by Standing committee of National People’s Congress to free from government restriction and keep pace with world trend. This thesis is constructed all by four chapters. Chapter 1 to chapter 3 is mainly explaining current Anti-monopoly law of China and some drafts discussed before, chapter 4 is proposal to the draft of Chinese Competition Law. In chapter 1, it is analyzing the trend of competition law of China by comparing each laws and acts relating anti-monopoly law and pointed out the main argument and several different points of view for the “Anti-monopoly Law,” and some arguments into the relations between antimonopoly law and anti-unfair competition law. Chapter 2 is mainly about the theory of competition restriction contract, mainly describing the attribute of cartel, and comparing the necessity of the restriction of competition, and the standard of the restriction of merger, in order to pass judgment on the introduction of competition restriction contract, and the injustice of the collaboration. And it stated the application of reasonable rules and more as the explanation of the practicality restriction systems. Also, it analyzed private lawsuit and leniency policy as punishment and penalty. And pointed about some rules of the relating on the abuse of dominance. After then about the merger of enterprises, discussing the restriction of competition in company merger, and defining related market. It’s also analyzing market state, potential competition, possibilities of hard core cartel among competitors, and alternative supply in horizon merger. Finally, it stated the screening standard of merger, and the opinion on the relationship between competition policy and industry policy. And mainly about administrative monopoly acts especially important problems in China, and extraterritorial application of antimonopoly law which would have many impacts on the play of Korean companies in Chinese market. Chapter 3 is about the antimonopoly law enforcement agency and its execution. Firstly pointed out the need for a strong enforcement agency, and theoretical analysis of damage claim policy, prohibition of damage claim policy, and then, stated the solution to the problems on the background, basis, and current status of fine imposition policy. And it analyzed the problems of current law system, the purpose and the adequacy of legislation of exclusive prosecution system in China. In chapter 4 I proposed some personal recommendations and hopes on the establishment and execution of anti-monopoly law in China to put forward progress.

      • KCI등재

        『천주실의』에 대한 문학적 접근 - ‘스카즈(Сказ) 론’의 연구방법과 오리엔탈리즘을 중심으로 -

        최창익 동양한문학회 2010 동양한문학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Purpose of this writing studies "T`ien-chu shih-i(天主實義)" disappointment literary. Investigate whether Matteo Ricci used some literary means through "T`ien-chu shih-i" disappointment, utterer of cloth cubital cells says that hold some phase. Presedent research from philosophical `religious’ cultural viewpoint about Lord of Heaven disappointment mainly in virtue study. But, in this paper, examine "T`ien-chu shih-i" disappointment literary. And it used ‘Skaz-theory' that is literature theory for this work. Structure of thousand cubital cells that examine literary in this learning can see as first attempt that Westerner who have sense of superiority for East see, and transplant West on East. Therefore, we find first bud of orientalism of cloth cubital cells. Matteo Ricci sees East on target who is skinny from though than West, and I wished to change this culture to European method. So, we can see Ricci on first Orientalrist that see East as formal attire and target of reconstruction the missionary work. Therefore, we confirmed foremost way that orientalism is expressed as literary western form through this writing. 이 글의 목적은 천주실의《天主實義, De Deo Verax Disputatio, "True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven"》를 문학적으로 접근하는 데 있다. 곧 마테오 리치(Matteo Ricci)가 천주실의를 통해 어떠한 문학적 수단을 사용하였는지를 고찰하고, 천주실의의 발화자가 어떤 위상을 점하는지를 밝힌다. 선행연구에서는 주로 천주실의에 대해 사상적․종교적․문화적 관점에서 연구하였다. 그러나 이 글에서는 천주실의를 문학적으로 살펴본다. 이 작업을 위해 문학이론인 ‘스카즈론'을 사용한다. 스카즈론이란 러시아문학이론이다. 스카즈가 ‘1. 설화, 이야기 2. 구비문학 중의 이야기, 설화' 라는 뜻에서 출발하여, 일반적인 소설의 소통 상황인 "작가-서술자-독자"의 구조를, "작가-화자-청자-독자"의 구조로 특정화하여, 각자 독자적인 인격체로 활성화시킨다. 또한 작품 내 숨어있는 작가의 의도를 확인할 수 있다. 이 글에서 문학적으로 살펴본 천주실의의 구조는, 동양에 대한 우월감을 지닌 서양인이, 동양에 서양을 이식시키려는 첫 시도로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 우리는 천주실의에서 오리엔탈리즘의 최초 맹아를 발견한다. 리치는 동양을 서양에 비해 사상적으로 열등한 대상으로 보고, 이 문화를 서양의 방식으로 바꾸고자 하였다. 그래서 리치를 동양을 선교적 정복과 개조의 대상으로 본 최초의 오리엔탈리스트로 볼 수도 있다. 따라서 우리는 이 글을 통해 오리엔탈리즘이 문학적 양식으로 표출되는 최초의 방식을 확인한다.

      • KCI등재

        원격존재 로봇암 기반 비대면 오목 게임 플랫폼 개발

        최창익,이강희 한국지식정보기술학회 2021 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        In a situation where non-face-to-face activities are increasing due to the corona virus, the IT and game industries are booming. Korean game culture is changing into a field with new experience with the form of watching and experiencing, not just playing games due to the new platform of mobile. Telepresence technology is a technology that remotely call people who are far away and makes them seem to be in the same space. Research on technology is becoming more active by combining telepresence in various fields. In particular, telepresence technology is very important for remote-reality beyond limited time and space. To solve this problem, this paper uses Dobot Arm famous for robotic arms. Omok Game, a famous game in Korea, has been implemented online in many cases, but there is no case of applying telepresence technology. This paper aims to build a system that transcends physical boundaries and increases the immersion of the Omok game by applying the telepresence technology to the Omoku game. In addition, robot concave platforms that combine machine learning and hardware were designed, and users had to play with robot arms because they were located offline. This problem is to be solved by using telepresence. The system is divided into games between online users and artificial intelligence programs, and games between online users.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰 피[白血] 화소 연구

        최창익 ( Choe Chang-iek ) 우리한문학회 2017 漢文學報 Vol.37 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 흰 피 화소에 대한 문학적 의미를 찾아보는 데 있다. 이차돈의 흰 피 모티프에 반해, 윤점혜 아가다와 문영인 비비안나의 흰 피 화소는 아직 학계에 제대로 소개된 적이 없다. 이 글에서는 이 두 순교자들의 흰 피 화소를 주요테마로 삼아 검토하고, 아울러 이 화소를 어떻게 해석해야 하는지를 모색한다. 흰 피 모티프는 『삼국사기』와 『삼국유사』 및 불경, 그리고 윤점혜와 문영인의 성인전에서 발견된다. 이 글에서 흰 피 화소가 차지하는 문학적 의미를 각각의 텍스트 내에서 찾아보았다. 흰 피 화소는 ① 자신의 몸을 타인에게 내어주는 먹거리를 상징하고, ② 생명을 살리는 치료제와 ③ 이타적 행위의 실현체이며, ④ 새로운 종교 양육을 내포하면서도 ⑤ 민중들에게 놀라운 충격을 줌으로써 ⑥ 새로운 종교에 대한 경외심을 안겨주며, ⑦ 국가 폭력의 희생자에 대한 민중적인 애도가 내포되면서도 ⑧ 박해자 처형의 부당함을 고발하는 역할을 한다. 그러므로 흰 피 화소는 순교자의 피가 새로운 종교를 양육한다는 메타포를 품은 문학적 장치이다. 그러므로 흰 피 화소는 순교자의 피가 새로운 종교를 양육한다는 메타포를 품은 문학적 장치이다. The purpose of this article is to research the literary meaning of “white blood” motif. “Yun Jeom-hye Agatha” and “Moon Yeong-in Vivian”'s white blood motifs have not been introduced to academia properly yet. In this article, I introduce the white blood motif of these two martyrs as a main theme. The white blood motif symbolizes ① food that gives his body to others, ② a cure for saving life, ③ a realization of altruistic actions, ④ a new religious growth, ⑤ a shock to the people, ⑥ awe to the new religion. And ⑦ this accuses the injustice of persecution.

      • KCI등재

        『천주실의』에 대한 문학적 접근

        최창익(Choe, Chang Iek) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2010 동양한문학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 천주실의《天主實義, De Deo Verax Disputatio, "True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven"》를 문학적으로 접근하는 데 있다. 곧 마테오 리치(Matteo Ricci)가 천주실의를 통해 어떠한 문학적 수단을 사용하였는지를 고찰하고, 천주실의의 발화자가 어떤 위상을 점하는지를 밝힌다. 선행 연구에서는 주로 천주실의에 대해 사상적·종교적·문화적 관점에서 연구하였다. 그러나 이 글에서는 천주실의를 문학적으로 살펴본다. 이 작업을 위해 문학이론인 ‘스카즈론'을 사용한다. 스카즈론이란 러시아문학이론이다. 스카즈가 ‘1. 설화, 이야기 2. 구비문학 중의 이야기, 설화' 라는 뜻에서 출발하여, 일반적인 소설의 소통 상황인 "작가-서술자-독자"의 구조를, "작가-화자-청자-독자"의 구조로 특정화하여, 각자 독자적인 인격체로 활성화시킨다. 또한 작품 내 숨어있는 작가의 의도를 확인할 수 있다. 이 글에서 문학적으로 살펴본 천주실의의 구조는, 동양에 대한 우월감을 지닌 서양인이, 동양에 서양을 이식시키려는 첫 시도로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 우리는 천주실의에서 오리엔탈리즘의 최초 맹아를 발견한다. 리치는 동양을 서양에 비해 사상적으로 열등한 대상으로 보고, 이 문화를 서양의 방식으로 바꾸고자 하였다. 그래서 리치를 동양을 선교적 정복과 개조의 대상으로 본 최초의 오리엔탈리스트로 볼 수도 있다. 따라서 우리는 이 글을 통해 오리엔탈리즘이 문학적 양식으로 표출되는 최초의 방식을 확인한다. Purpose of this writing studies "T`ien-chu shih-i(天主實義)" disappointment literary. Investigate whether Matteo Ricci used some literary means through "T`ien-chu shih-i" disappointment, utterer of cloth cubital cells says that hold some phase. Presedent research from philosophical `religious’ cultural viewpoint about Lord of Heaven disappointment mainly in virtue study. But, in this paper, examine "T`ien-chu shih-i" disappointment literary. And it used ‘Skaz-theory' that is literature theory for this work. Structure of thousand cubital cells that examine literary in this learning can see as first attempt that Westerner who have sense of superiority for East see, and transplant West on East. Therefore, we find first bud of orientalism of cloth cubital cells. Matteo Ricci sees East on target who is skinny from though than West, and I wished to change this culture to European method. So, we can see Ricci on first Orientalrist that see East as formal attire and target of reconstruction the missionary work. Therefore, we confirmed foremost way that orientalism is expressed as literary western form through this writing.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        인공적 보조생식기술에 의하여 임신된 쌍태임신에 대한 삼태임신의 임산부 및 주산기 예후비교

        최창익(Chang Ik Choi),정인배(In Bai Chung),오갑영(Gab Young Oh),최기동(Ki Dong Choi),최현일(Hyun Il Choi),한혁동(Hyuck Dong Han),이영진(Young Jin Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.9

        The present study was performed to compare maternal and perinatal outcomes in triplet and twin pregnancies with the result of ART(Assisted Reproductive Technology). Each pregnancy of 18 triplet pregnancies with 18 weeks or more was matched for maternal age, EDC(estimated date of confinement), parity, history of preterm delivery, indication of ART with two sets of twin pregnancies. Triplet pregnancies had a significantly shorter gestational age at delivery than twin pregnancies(30.4 versus 34.6 weeks), and a significantly lower mean birth weight(1,514 versus 2,286g). The mean hospital stay was significantly longer in triplets(22.3 versus 10.1 days). The incidences of 5 min Apgar score less than 7, neonatal deaths were significantly more often in triplets than twins ; 18(33.3%) vs 6(8.3%), 15(27.8%) vs 7(9.72%), respectively. There were significant differences in the incidence of neonatal complications such as respiratory distress syndrome ; 14(25.9%) vs 7(9.72%), ventilatory support ; 18(33.3%) vs 5(6.9%) , neonatal seizure ; 9(16.7%) vs 0, btween the two groups. However, there were no significant differences between the groups in maternal complications or neonatal morbidity such as congenital malformations or hyperbilirubinemia, intraventricular hemorrhage, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia. We suggest that counseling patient regarding the anticipated perinatal outcomes of triplet pregnancies with the result of ART should be conducted with our data.

      • KCI등재

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