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        자동차보험과 관련된 청구권대위에서 제3자의 범위에 대한 비판적 고찰

        최은순 ( Eun Soon Choi ) 안암법학회 2008 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.27

        기명피보험자가 그 차량의 사용을 허락한 승낙피보험자나 그 승낙피보험자로부터 사용을 승낙받아 사용한 승낙피보험자가 무면허 운전을 하여 보험사고를 발생시킨 경우에 승낙피보험자는 면책되어 보험적용을 받을 수 없음에도 불구하고 기명피보험자가 무면허 운전에 대하여 명시적·묵시적으로 승인하지 않은 이상 보험자는 보험금 지급을 해야 한다. 또한, 보험사고의 피해자가 승낙피보험자의 피용자이거나 사용자의 보험가입차량을 승낙피보험자가 업무에 사용하던 중 다른 피용자가 다친 경우에는 산업재해사고 면책사유에 해당됨에도 불구하고 기명피보험자가 자동차 손해배상보장법 제 3조 차량 운행자로서 손해배상책임을 지게 되어 보험자가 보험금 지급을 하게 된다. 이 경우에 현재 확립된 우리 보험실무에서는 보험약관 개별적용원칙에도 불구하고, 보험자와의 관계에서 면책된 승낙피보험자도 피보험자라는 형식적인 이유로, 즉, 우리 상법 제682조 청구권 대위 규정상의 "제3자"에 해당되지 않는다는 이유로 보험자는 보험자 대위에 의하여 기명피보험자의 승낙피보험자에 대한 청구권을 대위 행사를 할 수 없게 된다. 이러한 불합리한 보험실무에 대해 우리의 확립된 판례를 비판적으로 고찰하기 위해 먼저 법원 판례의 동향을 살펴본다. 법원 판례를 실증적으로 고찰한 다음, 현행 보험자 대위제도의 문제점을 도출해 내고, 제외국의 경우와 비교하여 우리나라에서의 문제해결의 실마리를 도출해 내고자 한다. 보험자 대위에 관한 비판적 검토를 함에 있어서는 보험자 대위제도의 의의 및 인정근거, 보험의 법리, 보험약관 개별적용 원칙, 민법상 변제자 대위 및 기타 보험실무와의 비교검토(제3자의 고의, 과실을 요하지 않는 보험자대위제도, 타인을 위한 손해보험계약, 산재보험의 경우의 보험자대위 실무 등과의 비교)등의 관점에서 살펴볼 것이다. 비교법적 고찰로는 일본과 독일 및 기타 제외국의 보험자 대위제도에서의 구상권 행사대상을 살펴본다. 마지막으로, 문제해결 방안으로서 상법 제682조의 개정을 제안한다. 왜냐하면, 현행 판례의 입장에서는 상법상의 보험자 대위가 아닌 민법상의 변제자 대위로 인한 구상권 행사도 불가능한데다, 보험약관을 수정하여 개별적용 원칙의 구체화를 꾀한다고 하더라도 상법 제663조 보험계약자등의 불이익변경금지 규정에 위배될 가능성이 있는 상황이기 때문이다. 상법 제682조를 개정함에 있어서 그 개정방안으로는 상법 제682조 제2항을 신설하여 `보험자에 대해 보험금의 청구권을 갖지 못하는 피보험자`, 즉, `면책된 피보험자`를 보험자 대위로 인한 구상권 행사의 "제3자"로 볼 수 있도록 하자는 것이다. Under the present automobile insurance practice in Korea, we sometimes face an unreasonable situations. It happens when the person who is given consent to use the iusured`s car by the insured, as inscribed in an automobile insurance by policy, causes an automobile accident with the car, and doesn`t have a driving license. And it also happens when the insured who is inscribed in an automobile insurance policy gives consent to use the iusured`s car to the person and his/her employee is being hurt by the accident which the person or his/her another employee has caused during his/her work with this car. In such cases, this person comes under an exemption clause of "unlicensed driving"; "the one who is covered with the industrial accident compensation insurance as an employee of the insured" or "the one who is employed by the same one as the insured`s employer and covered with the industrial accident compensation insurance". So, the insurer is exempted from liability to that person in the respect of industrial accident. However, the insurer has to pay to the victim for the damages as long as the insured gave a consent to the person without permitting his or her unlicensed driving explicitly nor implicitly or the insurer has to do it according to the Article 3 of the 「Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act」. The problem rises as, the insurer cannot subrogate the insured`s right to the person as a subrogee according to the subrogation in the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」. This is mainly caused by the interpretation of the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」by the Supreme Court. The Court comes to conclusion that the insured to whom the insurer is exempted from liability is not the "third party" but "the insured", in spite of the insured individual application theory in the clause of insurance. This situation discussed so far is very unreasonable. So this paper shall analyze current situation at issue and present the ways to improve. To carry out this, this thesis will firstly analyze several judicial judgements related to the application of the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」. Secondly, I will draw the issues related the subrogation of the insurer and derive some ideas by comparing with the regulations of several different countries. To analyze the judgements and the practice related the subrogation of the insurer critically, this paper reexamines various points as follows: the legal meaning and basis of the subrogation of the insurer stated in the 「Commercial Act」, the legal principles of insurance, the insured individual application theory, the subrogation by a person who has performed obligation as the Article 481 of the 「Civil Act」 and any other views concerning this subject(the subrogation of the insurer which doesn`t require need of willfulness·intention or negligence, non-life insurance contract for the third person, comparison with the subrogation of the insurer in the industrial accident compensation insurance practices). By making a comparative study of the issue related the subrogation right of the insurer, this paper shall inquire into the right to demand a reimbursement based on the subrogation of the insurer in Germany and in Japan, in order to obtain implications in regard to the interpretation of the "third party" in the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」. Finally, this paper shall suggest the reformation of the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」as an alternative solution. Since it is impossible for the insurer to use not only the right to demand a reimbursement based on the Article 682 of the 「Commercial Act」but also to request a reimbursement based on the Article 482 of the 「Civil Act」, according to the current insurance practice. And even if we endeavour to apply the insured individual application theory in clause of insurance through revising the clause of insurance, it is apprehended that it may violate the Article of 663 of the 「Commercial Act」w

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        마인드 맵 활용이 자연과 학업성취도와 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향 - 초등학교 5 학년을 중심으로 -

        최은순(Eun Soon Choi),노석구(Suk Goo Noh) 한국초등과학교육학회 2001 초등과학교육 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of mind map activity on scientific attitude and science achievement in elementary school science. The subjects of this study were fifth-grade students selected from two classes in elementary school located in Seoul. The subjects were classified into two groups: One group is composed of thirty-eight students(experimental group) who were participated in mind map activity, and the other is composed of thirty-five students(control group) who were participated in traditional teaching situation. Pretest showed that there were no significant differences between experimental and control group in scientific attitude and science achievement. The results were as follows: First, the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the post-test science achievement compared to the control group. Second, the experimental group showed insignificant improvement in the post-test scientific attitude compared to the control group. Third, female students and mid-ranking group showed a significant improvement in the post-test science achievement. Fourth, in sex and academic ranking, experimental group did not show significant difference in the post-test scientific attitude. In conclusion, mind map activity was more effective than traditional teaching situation on science achievement. But mind map activity was less uneffective than traditional teaching situation on scientific attitude.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 초기 해기교육 모델의 수용과 변용의 역사

        최은순(Choi, Eun-Soon) 부산경남사학회 2021 역사와 경계 Vol.119 No.-

        본 연구는 역사적 관점에서 한국의 초기 해기교육 모델의 성립과 전개 과정을 고찰한다. 특히 한국의 고등교육이 일본과 미국의 교육모델의 영향을 받았던 기간(일제강점기, 해방 이후 3년간의 미군정기, 한국전쟁 등)에 초기 해기교육은 어떤 종류의 지식이었는지, 이 해기교육을 성립시킨 주체들은 누구였고, 그들의 국가적, 학문적 기여는 무엇이었는지를 밝힌다. 이를 위해서 초기 해기교육이 형성되던 시기의 해양대학의 창립과 배경, 1세대 교수진, 그들의 교육내용과 교육방식 등을 살펴본다. 끝으로 일본으로부터의 식민지화와 해방 이후 미국의 교육 원조과정에서 해기교육이 어떻게 수용되고 변용되었지를 살펴보고 현재의 시점에서 한국적인 해기교육 모델의 재정립의 필요성을 강조한다. This study examines the establishment and development process of the early maritime education model in Korea in the period when higher education in Korea was influenced by the educational models of Japan and the United States (the period of Japanese colonial rule, the three years of U.S. military government, the Korean War, etc.). First of all, we reveal what kind of knowledge was in the early years of maritime education, who were the subjects that established this education, and what was their national and academic contribution. To this end, we deal with the foundation and background of Korea Maritime & Ocean University, which was the beginning of Korean maritime education, this university"s first-generation faculty members, and their educational methods and contents, etc. Finally, we examine how maritime education was accepted and transformed in the course of American education aid after colonization and liberation from Japan, and we emphasize the necessity of re-establishing the Korean maritime education model at the present time.

      • KCI등재

        지중해 연안의 링구아 프랑카의 교류의 특징과 그 유형에 관한 고찰

        최은순 ( Eun Soon Choi ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2014 지중해지역연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This study aims to highlight the communication characteristics of Lingua Franca, used in the ports around the Mediterranean area from the periods of the Crusades to 19th century, and to propose what kinds of cultural phenomenon we can discern. We begin with the problematic definitions of the term “Lingua Franca” described in some of the dictionaries cited. We explain the various historical aspects of the multilingualism required of the speakers of different languages in the commercial trade. This enables us to understand the emergence, evolution and disappearance of Lingua Franca.”It seems that its life cycle is closely linked to linguistic, functional and cross-border characteristics. Therefore, we can characterize Lingua Franca in three key words : linguistic hybridity, vehicular function, and cross-border identity. In conclusion, we consider Lingua Franca as a model of cultural interaction or cultural transfer allowing the coexistence of both heterogeneity and homogeneity.

      • KCI등재

        북아프리카 프랑스어의 출현의 특징과 사회언어학적 조건

        최은순(CHOI, Eun-Soon) 한국프랑스문화학회 2015 프랑스문화연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Cette étude a pour but de présenter comme un exemple des ‘langages frontaliers’ le français d'Afrique du Nord, que l'on a utilisé environ en un siècle et demi dans l'Algérie coloniale. Nous traitons de cette variété langagière comme une langue pororeuse et fluctuante, paratiquée par des locuteurs hétérogènes et marginaux. Nous devons d'abord clarifier ce qu'est la nature de cette variété et de quelles origines étaient les locuteurs qui l'ont utilisée, et puis analyser dans quel processus linguistique leurs langues convergent vers un dialect français, appelé pataouète ou parler pied-noir. Enfin, nous nous intéressons le plus à mettre en lumière les conditions sociolinguistiques propres à l'Algérie coloniale. L'Algérie était une colonie de peuplement, constituée des gens hétérogènes venus de toute l'Europe, différents à toutes leurs origines nationales, régionales et sociales. Cela leur permet de chercher indispensablement un moyen de communication commun et simplifié à pratiquer au contact de tous les jours. Les colons d'origines diverses(italiens, portugais, espagnols...) sont eux-mêmes entourés d'un environnement fortement arabisé. Cette situation démographique a peu à peu donné naissance à une langue. Celle-ci se laisse influencer et même infiltrer par les langues contactées. Une telle émergence nous amène à nous demander pourquoi l'Algérie coloniale a produit ce type de langue de mixte. Nous cherchons à y répondre en donnant quelques paramètres sociolinguistiques suivants : formation de la société hétérogène, installation dans les villes et sa répartition disproportionnée, minorité des colons d'origine française, application limitée de la politique de l'assimilation et son retard, etc. Nous aboutissons à la conclusion que la réalité sociolinguistique de l'Algérie sous la colonie française ne correspond pas aux théories de diglossie développées d'une façon générale. l'Algérie n'est pas une société coloniale typique, basée sur l'acculturation, mais plutôt sur la transculturation, dans le sens où les deux classes populaires, colon et colonisé, ont été mélangées socialement et culturellement malgré l'inégalité des relations de domination.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 노동시장에서의 성적 불평등 요소와 그 영향 -가부장적 메커니즘을 중심으로

        최은순 ( Eun Soon Choi ) 韓國佛語佛文學會 2009 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.79

        Ce travail a pour but de montrer les aspects des inegalites sexuelles dans le cadre de la structure patriarciale afin de mieux comprendre le statut actuel des femmes et leurs roles dans le monde du travail en France. Il faudrait donc mesurer l`evolution des roles joues par les femmes dans l`ecole, la famille et le travail, lieux conventionnels de la reproduction des differences de sexes. Nous commencons par l`evolution de la reconnaissance sociale du travail des femmes francaises avec les eclairages de l`histoire et de la culture; on peut verifier qu`a travers des siecles, le regard masculin reproduit les stereotypes de sexes pour legitimer le principe d`une division naturelle de la main-d`oeuvre entre hommes et femmes. Les aspects de la division sexuelle du travail se traduisent meme aujourd`hui d`une facon variee et interiorisee chez les filles. Celles-ci se heurtent a de nouvelles inegalites, notamment en matiere d`orientation, malgre leur reussite scolaire superieure aux garcons; elles sont majoritaires dans les filieres litteraires paramedicales, sociales, les IUFM, en formant un projet d`avenir professionnel donne par la famille et la vie domestique. Cela les amene a acceder aux filieres moins valorisees sur le marche du travail. Il s`agit la d`un mecanisme de la division sexuelle du travail. Il est vrai que les discriminations de sexes sont aujourd`hui attenuees dans la societe francaise, mais elles sont toujours presentes: tres faibles transformations des roles sexuelles dans la famille, persistance des stereotypes educatifs, orientations scolaires defavorables pour les filles, etc. On peut donc interpreter les differences observees dans les choix professionnels entre filles et garcons par reference aux stereotypes des roles professionnels masculins ou feminins. Ceux-ci operent egalement les changements majeurs dans les modes de vie des filles tels que le maintien prolonge chez leurs parents, le developpement du celibat, de la cohabitation hors mariage et des familles monoparentales, etc.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스령 기아나의 사회언어학적 상황과 사회정체성 -기아나크레올어를 중심으로

        최은순 ( Eun Soon Choi ) 한국불어불문학회 2011 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.87

        Cette etude a pour but de mettre au jour d`un point de vue sociolinguistique l`interaction entre les pratiques linguistiques et les identites sociales en Guyane francaise, en demontrant le statut et la fonction du creole guyanais en tant que langue vehiculaire. Pour ce faire, les deux premiers chapitres s`articulent avec les deux derniers comme ceci: dans les premiers, nous abordons d`abord l`hisoire de l`immigration et des mouvements des populations, qui a produit une societe pluriethnique et plurilingue et puis le processus de la formation de la societe creole basee sur l`assimilation a la France depuis la colonisation et l`esclavage. Ce processus concerne la creolisation qui est sucessivement envisagee a travers la construction des identites locales ou de l`ambivalence entre pluralisme ethnique et assimilation. Cela nous amenera a comprendre a la fois la valeur sociale du creole guyanais qui a apparu comme une langue d`integration des differents groupes socioculturels au cours du developpement de la societe creole et l`instabilite de son statut longtemps considere comme une langue vehiculaire unique au sein des langues vernaculaires. Dans les derniers, nous montrons enfin que dans la mesure ou cette societe est/etait construite par l`immigration sucessive des populations, elle continue de faire des effets importants au niveau sociolinguistique: le plurilinguisme de la population, la vehicularisation de certaines langues, le dynamique des pratiques et des attitudes des langues par les individus, etc. On peut en effet remarquer, parmi les langues vehiculaires de plus en plus importants sur le plan geographique ou fonctionnel, la preference du creole guyanais par les locuteurs par rapport a leurs propres langues d`une part, et son statut meme comme langue regionale et sa place importante dans des domaines qui ne lui etaient pas autrefois reserves d`une autre. Nous en arrivons a la conclusion que la situation sociolinguistique actuel empecherait le creole guyanais de faire le processus de decreolisation, mais plutot permettre un autre processus, c`est-a-dire celui de recreolisation ou encore d`autres.

      • KCI등재

        제주 해녀들의 초국적 이동과 언어혼용의 양상

        최은순(Choi, Eun-Soon),안미정(An, Mi-Jeong) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2021 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.24

        본 연구는 사회언어학과 문화인류학의 학제적 연구로서 일본으로 출향한 제주 해녀들이 국가 개념을 넘어 자유로운 언어혼용을 실천한 탈경계적 인식의 주체였음을 보여준다. 모어인 제주방언/한국어와 일본어를 섞어 사용한 제주 해녀들의 혼성어가 영토성과 주권성의 표현이 아닌 의사소통의 도구였음을 강조한다. 제주 해녀들의 언어혼용 및 의사소통의 방식을 밝히기 위해 먼저 제주도의 특수한 언어접촉의 역사를 통하여 출향 이전에 해녀들의 언어혼용의 경험과 언어능력이 어떤 수준이었는지를 살펴본다. 이어 현지 노동상황에서 해녀들이 일본인들과 소통하기 위해 사용했던 혼성어(제주방언/한국어와 일본어)의 특징과 양상을 언어 기호학적 분석을 통해 예시하고 특히 해녀들의 의사소통 능력과 의지에 주목한다. 이를 통해 제주 해녀들이 사용했던 혼성어가 어떻게 매개어가 될 수 있었는지를 그들의 심리적 동인으로 분석하고, 이 혼성어를 ‘자곤’ 혹은 ‘중간언어’의 유형으로 해석한다. This study is an interdisciplinary study of sociolinguistics and cultural anthropology, and presents the mixed language used by Jeju haenyeos in local labor in Japan as an example of the ‘cultural interaction’ from a borderless perspective. We emphasize that this mixed language of Jeju haenyeos, using the native language of Jeju dialect/Korean and Japanese, was not an expression of territoriality and sovereignty, but a tool of communication. In order to clarify the aspects of their language mixing and communication, we first presume that the history of Jeju Island"s special language contact served as excellence in their practice of flexible language mixing. Then, we exemplify the characteristics and aspects of mixed languages (Jeju dialect/Korean and Japanese) that haenyeos used locally to communicate in Japanese working environment through linguistic and semiotic analysis. In conclusion, we explain how the mixed language used by Jeju haenyeos could become a vehiculare language between people who speak different languages through their psychological motives, and define this type of mixed language as a kind of jargon or interlanguage.

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