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      • KCI등재

        명사형 어미 ‘-ㅁ’의 형성 과정 탐색

        최성규 ( Choi Seong-gyu ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.83 No.-

        명사형 어미 ‘-ㅁ’ 또는 ‘-옴/움’은 15세기 국어 이래로 활발하게 쓰여 왔으나 고려시대 및 그 이전 자료에서는 그렇지 않다. 이 글에서는 향찰 자료의 ‘年數 就音’ <모죽지랑가 4>과 ‘伊吾音之叱 恨隱’ <우적가 9>에 있는 ‘音’이 명사형 어미 ‘-ㅁ’와 관련된다고 보았다. 그러나 둘 모두 해독이 확실치는 않다. 석독구결 자료에서는 ‘-□ 應/可□-’의 ‘-□’이 명사형 어미에 가까워 보이나, 분포는 아직 좁은 상태였다. 음독구결 자료에서는 명사형 어미 ‘-옴/움’이 널리 쓰이고 있었다. 15세기 한글 자료에서 보이는 것과 다를 바가 없었기에 과도기다운 중간 모습을 찾지는 못하였다. 석독구결 시기와 음독구결 시기 사이에 큰 변화가 있었을 것이다. 어떠한 문법형태가 갑작스럽게 등장하는 것은 드문 일이다. 이 글에서는 명사형 어미 ‘-ㅁ’의 기원으로 가장 유력한 후보를 명사파생 접미사 ‘-ㅁ’으로 보고, 본래 명사파생 접미사였던 ‘-ㅁ’이 나중에 명사형 어미로 그 쓰임을 넓혔다고 추정하였다. The focus of this article is to research the formation and change of nominalizing ending ‘-m’. Nominalizing ending ‘-m’ has been used broadly since 15th century Korean until present Korean. However, the situation is not equal in seoktokgugyeol documents of the Goryeo dynasty. It is difficult to discover traces of nominalizing ending ‘-m’ in hyangchal documents of the Silla dynasty. Just the ‘音(m)’ in ‘年數就音(in Mojukjirangga)’ and ‘伊吾音之叱 恨隱(in Ujeokka)’ are related to nominalizing ending ‘-m’. However all of them are still not deciphered completely. In seoktokgugyeol documents, ‘-□(m)’ of the phrase ‘-□ 應/可□-’ is close to nominalizing ending. Nevertheless the distribution of this ending ‘-m’ was very narrow. In eumdokgugyeol documents, nominalizing ending ‘-om/um’ was used broadly. The situation is equal to that of 15th century Korean Hangeul documents. So we cannot find out the intermediate form of the transition period. Maybe, there was an abrupt change between seoktokgugyeol period and eumdokgugyeol period. In addition, it is also difficult to discover the traces of nominalizing ending ‘-m’ in Idu documents. It is unusual that a certain grammatical morpheme appears suddenly. The ‘-m’ which was originally derivational suffixes of nouns, enlarged the boundaries to the nominalizing ending. Several usages in hyangchal and seoktokgugyeol documents are close to the intermediate form.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 글쓰기의 어문 규범 관련 오류 -교육 현장의 필요를 바탕으로-

        최성규(Choi Seong-gyu) 한글학회 2021 한글 Vol.- No.334

        이 글은 대학생 글쓰기에 나타난 표현상의 오류 중 어문 규범에 어긋난 것들, 즉 맞춤법 · 표준어 오류와 띄어쓰기 오류를 분석한 것이다. 연구자는 서울시립대 1학년 학생이 여덟 학기 동안 글쓰기 과제로 낸 글에서 오류 표현을 모아서, 통계 결과를 바탕으로 살펴보았다. 맞춤법 · 표준어 관련 오류는 순수 표기, 음운-형태 관련 표기, 의미관련 표기로 나누었다. 가장 많은 비중을 차지한 것은 모음 ㅔ-ㅐ 합류 때문에 빚어진 오류였다. 띄어쓰기 오류 중에서는 본용언+보조용언 구조의 오류가 가장 큰 비중을 차지했으며, 그 다음으로는 ‘관형어미+의존명사’, ‘수관형사+의존명사’의 오류가 많이 나타났다. 그 밖에, 1음절 한자어의 띄어쓰기 오류 문제도 살펴보았다. 이 글에서는 코로나19 이전과 이후, 각 학기별 1 · 2 · 3차 과제의 오류 추이와 함께 학생의 계열별 오류 수도 살펴보았다. 컴퓨터로 과제물을 작성한 코로나19 이후 오류들은 크게 감소했다. 한편 순차별로는 1차보다 3차 과제의 오류가 줄어드는 경향이 보여 교육 효과로 간주할 수도 있었으나, 신중한 해석이 필요한 세부 오르내림도 있었다. 계열별로는 인문계 학생의 오류 수가 가장 적었다. This study analyzed college students’ written expression errors. The researcher collected and analyzed errors in writings produced by first-year students at the University of Seoul over the course of eight semesters. Spelling and word-related errors were classified according to their orthography, morphophonemics, and semantics. The most common type of error was that caused by e(ㅔ)-ae(ㅐ) vowel mergers. Errors in the structure of the main and auxiliary predicates were the most common spacing error, followed by errors in adnominal endings for dependent nouns and numeral adnominals for dependent nouns. Spacing errors in one-syllable Sino-Korean words were also analyzed. Error trends in the first, second, and third assignments of each semester and before and after the beginning of the CO VID-19 pandemic were analyzed. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the number of assignments written using word processors has increased, significantly reducing errors. The third task of the semester tended to have fewer errors than the first task, which reflects the effectiveness of education. However, there were some trends that were not linear that should be studied further. Moreover, humanities students produced fewer errors than those of students in other majors, such as the sciences,

      • KCI등재

        의존명사 ‘□’ 다시 보기

        최성규 ( Choi Seong-gyu ) 구결학회 2021 구결연구 Vol.46 No.-

        In this article, the origin and identity of the dependent noun ‘sɔ (□)’, which was known as a ‘primitive abstract noun’, were reconsidered. It was confirmed again that something worth regarding as the dependent noun ‘sɔ’ appeared after the 14th century in Eumdok-gugyeol (a kind of Chinese character borrowing notation) materials. Previous data showed that the support for the ‘sɔ’ was not very strong. Therefore, it is difficult to raise the origin of ‘sɔ’ to an early date. However, in the 15th century Korean language, ‘sɔ’ has already experienced a lot of grammarticalization and looks like an old form. Thus, it is hard to say that ‘sɔ’ was newly created around the 14th century. If you pay attention to the transcription of gerund ending ‘-ls (ㄽ)’, you can re-analyze the word structures that regarded as including ‘sɔ’. In other words, ‘l+sɔ+X (ㄹ+□+X)’ can be understood another way, as ‘ls+X (ㄽ+X)’. This is based on several assumptions. First, only ‘-l(ㄹ)’ comes before ‘sɔ’. Second, X starts with a vowel or an epenthesis vowel. They can be verified through previous studies or by reviewing literature. In this way, ‘sɔ’ is not a dependent noun, but just a part of gerund ending ‘-ls’. This is all related to the reason why ‘sɔ’ does not appear in Seokdok-gugyeol (a kind of Chinese character borrowing notation) materials before the 13th century, and the reason why ‘sɔ’ of the 15th century Korean language seems to be an old form.

      • KCI등재

        명령형 어미 '-거라'의 통시적 연구

        최성규(Choi, Seong-gyu) 형태론 2014 형태론 Vol.16 No.1

        명령형 어미 '-거라'는 종전에 '거라 불규칙 활용'으로 알려져 있었다. 그러나 2002년 학교 문법에서는 '-거라'가 규칙 형태로 간주되었다. 반면, 『표준국어대사전』에서는 여전히 불규칙 형태로 설명된다. 이 글에서는 고대국어에서부터 현대국어까지 '-거라'와 관련된 용례를 살펴보면서, '-거라'가 불규칙 형태가 아님을 보였다. 본래 '-거라'는 자동사 뒤에서만 쓰였으나, 중세국어 시기에도 이미 타동사 뒤에 쓰인 예가 일부 나온다. 근대국어를 거쳐 개화기에 이르면 분포가 더욱 넓어져서, 타동사는 물론 '오-' 뒤에 쓰인 예도 보이며 형용사 뒤에서도 나타난다. 현대국어에서 '-거라'는 사실상 분포에 제약이 없다. 따라서 현대국어의 '-거라'는 더 이상 불규칙 형태가 아니라고 보았다. The imperative ending '-kela' was formerly known as the 'kela irregular conjugation'. However '-kela' was regarded as a regular form in school grammar in 2002. On the other hand, it was still explained as an irregular form in Phyocwun Kwuke Taysacen (Standard Korean Unabridged Dictionary) This article investigated examples related to '-kela' from Korean used in ancient times to present-day Korean, and concluded that it is not an irregular form. Originally '-kela' was only used after an intransitive verb. There were a few examples in which it was already used after a transitive verb in Middle Korean. Between Korean used in the modern era to Korean used in the enlightenment period , its distribution widened. There are quite a number of examples in which it was used after a transitive verb and 'o-(to come)', and even after an adjective. In present-day Korean, '-kela' practically does not have any distributional restrictions. Therefore '-kela' in present-day Korean is not an irregular form anymore.

      • KCI등재

        중부지방은 어디까지인가

        최성규(Choi, Seong Gyu) 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2016 통일인문학 Vol.67 No.-

        조선 초기 4군 6진 설치 이후 우리 나라의 강역은 압록강과 두만강 이남으로 고정되었고, 그 뒤로는 사실상 전체 강역에 별다른 변화가 없었다. 전체 영토가 변하지 않았다면, 남부-북부-중부의 구분도 변하지 않는 것이 자연스럽겠으나, 실제로는 그렇지 않았다. 물론 지역을 가르는 경계선 문제는 이따금 모호한 경우가 있을 수도 있다. 일찍이 조선시대 문헌에서나 일제강점기 문헌에서도 조금씩 다른 지리 구분 의식을 찾아볼 수 있다. ‘중부’의 범위 변화는 남북한 분단과 깊이 관련되어 있기에 의미가 남다르다. 분단 이후 남한의 시각에서, 황해도는 중부에서 북부로 바뀌었고 충청도는 남부에서 중부로 바뀌어 가고 있다. 이는 한반도 전체를 아우르는 시각이라기보다, 휴전선 경계에 이끌린 분단의 산물에 더 가깝다. 분단이 오랜 시간 지속되면서, 남한 사람들의 인식에서 북한 지역은 차츰 희미해져갔고, 그 결과 ‘중부’의 범위가 차츰 변화하였다. ‘중부지방’은 황해도를 배제하고 충청권으로 확장되는 변화를 겪었고, ‘중부권’은 수도권까지도 배제한 채 충청권만을 가리키는 변화를 겪었다. 한편 북한의 지역 구분은 조선시대 이래로 이어진 종전의 지역 구분을 거의 그대로 유지하고 있다. 휴전선을 따라 남부-북부-중부의 지역 경계가 새롭게 바뀌는 현상은 보이지 않는다. Since the early Chosun dynasty, the territory of Korea has been fixed to the south of the Aprok (Yalu) River and the Duman (Tumen) River, and the territory has scarcely undergone changes. Since the whole territory has not changed, It is natural that southern-northern-central subdivision has not changed. However, a meaningful change has occurred. Of course, the boundary that divides regions may sometimes become ambiguous. We can find slight variation of subdivision from the literature from the Chosun dynasty and under the rule of Japanese imperialism. The Change in the Meaning (or range) of “Jungbu” (Central) is related to the division of Korea. After the division in 1945, from the South Korean (ROK) view, Hwanghae province was being changed from the central region to the northern region, and Chungcheong province is being changed from the southern region to the central region by degrees. This is closer to the product of division than a view encompassing the entire Korean peninsula. Since the division has persisted for a long time, the North Korean (DPRK) region became vague in the sight of South Koreans. So the meaning (range) of “Central” has changed. “Jungbu-jibang” (central region) has excluded Hwanghae province and included Chungcheong province. The “Jungbu-gweon” (central area) has excluded the capital area as well as Hwanghae province and it is limited to Chungcheong province. Meanwhile, the subdivision of North Korea has mostly preserved the former view since the Chosun dynasty. The attitude that the Military Demarcation separates the southern-northern-central regions has not appeared.

      • KCI등재

        청각장애학생의 전환관련 요인 및 특성 분석

        박원경 ( Won Kyung Park ),최성규 ( Seong Gyu Choi ) 한국특수아동학회 2012 특수아동교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The transition education which is at issue in special education recently aims to promote transition from school to society as the integrated full-time job and education, service for adult life, independent life or society participation and so on. It is important that the transition education is carried on in consideration of belief, value, skill, aptitude, interest, preference, and character of individual students. The transition education is required to have qualification, acquire information, knowledge, skill for job they liked as well as the basic skill of learning by intensive education in school age with career education considering preference and interest of children since childhood. And the transition education needs to be performed throughout all life, because post management and service have to be provided constantly to improve job performance and maintain stable their jobs by constant self development after getting a job. However, the studies conducted until now are about the employment rate, type of work, income for hearing impaired students but there are nonexistent studies of factors related factors of transition education. Therefor, the objects of research are to investigate the related factors of transition and to consider the actually conditions and improvement solutions to the transition of hearing impaired students by using meta-analysis and qualitatively comprehensive analysis. The results of research are summarized as follows: First, this study analyzed effects of factors related transition for hearing impaired students depending on time series, service participants and so on. It had the largest effect on the transition education for hearing impaired students depending on time series when they are in school age, and then when they prepare the job, maintain the job had the effect in order, The school had the largest effect on the transition education for hearing impaired students depending on service participants, next the local community, work, family, and hearing impaired students had the effect in order. And regarding the effect of service participants for subarea of transition for hearing impaired students, the school had the largest effect on learning and communication, career maturity, self identity, social adaptation skill and psychology that they are included in factors immanent. That is the school is very important participant for transition of hearing impaired students. While, the local community had the largest effect on preparing job and whether or not they have job and the work had the largest effect on condition and environment of work next family, and then local community in order, among the external factors or environmental factors. Finally, the work had the largest effect on adaptation skill in the work, occupational stability, but school had a negative effect. Second, regarding the actually conditions and improvement solutions to the transition of hearing impaired students, this study showed the transition education is standardized without considering the individual characteristics of hearing impaired student. And the budget support of government and local community for transition education were very lack, also showed that there is a chronic shortage of teachers for transition education. Therefore through the results of this study, the transition education was focused on the service by school and local community. But the transition for hearing impaired student couldn`t be successful by just only service of school or local community. Even if there are the differences among the service participants, the successful transition education could be completed by the united efforts of service participants. And the transition education need of activation of transition training, offering the chances to reinforce to ability of occupation teachers, service depending on needs and characters of hearing impaired student, programs to develop the adaptation skill in the work and so on.

      • Effects of triathlon race on cardiac damage biomarkers in triahletes

        Chan-Ho Park(박찬호),Bo Kyung Choi(최보경),Jung Hyun Kim(김정현),Gyu-Ah Kim(김규아),Bong Soo Kim(김봉수),Yu Jin Jung(정유진),Jung Hyune Park(박정현),Seong-Gyu Choi(최성규),Ji Hye Kim(김지혜),Yong-Jae Kim(김용재) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2016 No.7

        Over the years, researchers have investigated to describe the changes in biomarkers of cardiac damage during recovery from strenuous and prolonged exercise events. A triathlon is an endurance sport-event, which includes swimming, cycling and running with various distances. This study was to investigate the effects of triathlon race on cardiac damage biomarkers in triathletes. Fifteen healthy men participated in the study. Based on performance, they were divided into elite athlete group (EG: n= 7) and non-elite athlete group (NEG: n= 8). Participants’ blood samples were obtained during four periods: before, immediately, 2 hours and 7 days after finishing the race. creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase-myoglobin (CK-MB), myoglobin, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly increased in both groups immediately after, and 2 hours after finishing the race (p<.05). CK, CK-MB, and myoglobin were completely recovered after 7 days (p<0.05). Hematocrit(Hct) was significantly decreased in both groups (p<0.05) 7 days after the race. LDH was significantly decreased in the EG (p<0.05) only 7 days after the race. Homoglobin(Hb) was significantly decreased in the NEG (p<0.05) only 2 hours after the race. Although cardiac troponin T(cTnT) was significantly increased in the EG but not in the NEG 2hours after the race (p<.05), there was no group-by-time interaction. cTnT was completely recovered in both groups 7 days after the race. In conclusion, although there is exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage shown by increased CK and CK-MB, cTnT was not increased in both groups immediately after the race. But there was the significant increase in cTnT after 2 hours in EG. We can suggest that it was due to the enormous exercise stress for high performance imposed in EG. However, all cardiac damage markers return to normal range within 1 week.

      • 인공지능을 활용한 드럼 연습 시스템

        박현묵 ( Byeong-yong Park ),박병용 ( Hyeon-mook Park ),최성규 ( Seong-gyu Choi ),김정민 ( Jeong-min Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2017 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        이 논문에서는 인공지능 기반의 드럼 연습 시스템을 설명하고 있다. 먼저 사용자의 드럼 신호를 MIDI 파일로 변환하고, 이를 DB 에 저장되어있던 추천곡의 MIDI 파일과 비교하여 가장 유사한 것을 추천해준다. 또한 실시간으로 사용자의 드럼 연습을 도와주는 전문가 시스템역할을 함으로써 연주의 숙련도를 높여준다.

      • KCI등재후보

        다구찌기법을 이용한 선박용 커넥팅로드 예비성형체의 최적 설계

        박준홍(Joon-Hong Park),강정호(Jung-Ho Kang),하민수(Min-Soo Ha),김승규(Seung-Gyu Kim),최성규(Seong-Gyu Choi),백동규(Dong-Gyu Baek),박영철(Young-Chul Park) 한국기계가공학회 2007 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.6 No.4

        In this paper, propose an optimal design to improve the mechanical efficiency of gate valve made by forging method. In order to design the experiments using table of orthogonal array and optimization design is conducted as application of real response model to Taguchi method based approximation model using computer simulation. Also, from verification of the response model with optimized results was confirmed that usefulness and reliance of application Taguchi method to structural optimum design using finite element analysis and equation.

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