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      • KCI등재

        Tannic acid와 Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki KB100균주의 혼합처리에 의한 파밤나방 살충활성의 상승효과

        진나영,정선영,박찬,백승경,서미자,윤영남,유용만,Jin, Na-Young,Jung, Sun-Young,Park, Chan,Paek, Seung-Kyoung,Seo, Mi-Ja,Youn, Young-Nam,Yu, Yong-Man 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.48 No.4

        국내 토양으로부터 파밤나방에 활성있는 Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki KB100균주를 분리 동정하였다. 난방제 해충인 파밤나방에 대한 B. thuringiensis의 살충력을 강화시키기 위해 몇 개의 protease inhibitor를 조사하였으며, 이 중 단백질 분해 억제 능력이 가장 좋은 tannic acid을 선발하였다. B. thuringiensis의 배양액에 tannic acid을 혼합 처리하여 파밤나방 2령 유충을 대상으로 생물활성을 조사한 결과, B. thuringiensis 단독처리는 54.4%의 사충율을 보인 반면 B. thuringiensis와 4 mM tannic acid을 혼합하여 처리하면 64.0% 그리고 B. thuringiensis+40 mM tannic acid는 95.5%의 높은 상승효과를 각각 나타냈다. 그러나 B. thuringiensis+80 mM tannic acid 에서는 53.3%로 단독처리의 경우 보다 사충율이 낮게 나타났다. 3령 유충에서도 B. thuringiensis 단독처리는 60.0%였으며 B. thuringiensis+40 mM tannic acid는 93.3%로 사충율이 증가하는 상승효과를 보였다. 야외포장 실험에서 B. thuringiensis 단독처리는 1회, 2회, 3회 누적 처리에서 각각 61.8%, 80.4% 그리고 47.3%의 사충율을 나타낸 것에 비해 B. thuringiensis와 40 mM tannic acid의 혼합 처리구에서는 83.9%, 89.4%와 66.8%로 사충율이 증가되었다. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki KB100 isolated from the domestic soil have the most effective activity against the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua larva. The tannic acid as protease inhibitor might be increased the efficacy of sublethal concentrations of B. thuringiensis. The tannic acid was identified as a protease inhibitor that could increased the efficacy of sublethal concentrations of B. thuringiensis. Mixture of B. thuringiensis and tannic acid was investigated the mortality of S. exigua larva in the laboratory and field. When B. thuringiensis treated to 2nd larva of S. exigua, mortality was shown 54.4%. However, mixtures of B. thuringiensis with 4 and 40 mM tannic acid were increased mortalities to 2nd larva of S. exigua as 64.0 and 95.5%, respectively. Also, synergy effect of mixture of B. thuringiensis and 40 mM tannic acid was increased the mortality of S. exigua 3rd larva to 93.3%, even though 60.0% mortality with only B. thuringiensis treatment. On the other hand, the mortality of mixture with B. thuringiensis and 80 mM tannic acid was 53.3% lower than B. thuringiensis single treatment. In the welsh onion field, the accumulated mortalities of 3 times replicated with mixture of B. thuringiensis and 40 mM tannic acid were 83.9, 89.4 and 66.8% compare with 61.8, 80.4 and 47.3% as only B. thuringiensis treatment, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        파프리카 시설재배지에서 약제 살포방법에 의한 해충방제 효과와 최적 살포함량

        진나영(Na Young Jin),이유경(You Kyoung Lee),이보람(Bo Ram Lee),전준학(Jun Hack Jun),김유섭(Yu Seop Kim),서미자(Mi Ja Seo),임치환(Chi Hwan Lim),윤영남(Young Nam Youn),유용만(Yong Man Yu) 한국농약과학회 2014 농약과학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        We studied on pesticide residue and pest control effect when using various types of sprayers on paprika cultivation. Additionally, a test was conducted to optimize chemical content per unit area in condition of optimum pest control. Two types of sprayer were tested (three times) on paprika cultivation which was divided into seven sections. Blind spots were also examined using a water sensitive paper when spraying chemical pesticide, remote controlled sprayer were confirmed to be not effective in terms of its spraying capacity. However, a U-shaped sprayer was confirmed that it sprayed enough on all the parts of a plant in green house including the blind spots. Additionally, it does not exceed the minimum residue limits on the all parts of pesticides residue conditions. When using remote controlled sprayer, water sensitive paper were changed to blue color (82.5% and 81.2%) in terms of controlling Bemisia tabaci and Aphis gossypii based on the two spraying manners. 53.0% and 42.6% of control effect were shown on the fair parts of the plants. However, on the poor parts on which pesticides were not well-sprayed, thus, not-remained, more number of pests increased. Meanwhile, on farming that only one type of pesticide has been used, resistance pests present with very low control effect, even though sufficient amount of pesticide was well-sprayed. On the test of the optimum amount of spraying per a unit area, which shows no differences in the two cases of using 5L and 2.5L of chemical pesticides on 9 plants of paprika that has 81.8% and 84.5% control effect, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        농약 사용 저감화를 위한 환경 친화적인 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua)의 방제

        김대용,백승경,김진수,최수연,박찬,김태환,진나영,정선영,윤영남,유용만,Jin, Da-Yong,Paek, Seung-Kyung,Kim, Jin-Su,Choi, Su-Yeon,Park, Chan,Kim, Tae-Hwan,Jin, Na-Young,Jung, Sun-Young,Youn, Young-Nam,Yu, Yong-Man 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        파밭에서 발생하는 파밤나방을 친환경적으로 방제하기 위하여 농약저감화 방법중의 하나인 교호방제법을 검토하였다. 파밤나방에 등록되어 있는 살충제 가운데서 시판중인 25개 품목을 구입하여 실내실험에서 약효가 우수한 9종을 선발하여 비닐하우스내의 소포장 시험을 통해 화학 살충제 4종을 선발하였으며, 본 실험실에서 선발한 3종의 BT제의 교호처리를 포장시험에 적용하였다. 처리방법은 같은 약제를 1주일 간격으로 3회 처리한 단일처리와 BT제를 포함하여 서로 다른 약제를 1회씩 3종류를 1주일 간격으로 교호처리 하였다. 그 결과 화학농약과 미생물 농약을 처리한 Indoxacarb WP - Chlorfluazuron EC - B.t. var. kurstaki CAB141과 Indoxacarb WP - Methoxyfenozide + spinosad SC - Chlorfluazuron EC - B.t. var. aizawai CAB109, B.t. var. kurstaki CAB141의 3합이 평균 살충율 78%이상을 나타냈다. 따라서 단일처리의 방제가보다 10% 이상 높았으며 평균피해감소율 43% 이상에 달하여 단일처리한 조합보다 10% 높은 효과를 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는, 동일한 약제 살포에 의한 저항성발달을 최소화하고, 천연물이나 미생물을 이용한 생물농약을 교호처리함으로서 화학농약의 살포 횟수를 감소시켜 친환경적으로 파밤나방을 방제할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. For the environment-friendly control of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, in spring onion fields, we have examined an alternative application method. Twenty-five insecticides registered for spring onion were tested for control effect against the beet armyworm in the laboratory, then the best 9 chemical and a single biological insecticides were selected and compared with 2 new isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis in a polyvinyl house. After that, 4 chemical and 3 B. thuringiensis treatments were used in the field for the control of beet armyworm in the spring onion. Two application methods are used: one is triple treatments with the same chemical and the other is alternative application with different chemicals and B. thuringiensis for 7 days intervals. Indoxacarb WP - chlorfluazuron EC - B.t. var. kurstaki CAB141 and indoxacarb WP - methoxyfenozide + spinosad SC - Chlorfluazuron EC - B.t. var. aizawai CAB109, B.t. var. kurstaki CAB141 showed greater than 78% mortality of beet armyworm larvae and greater than 43% damage decrease in spring onions infested by beet armyworm. These results showed that alternative applications had higher control effect than any other applications. It was suggested that alternative applications with microbial biological agents such as B. thuringiensis might minimize the development of insecticide resistance and might be used as the environment-friendly control of the beet armyworm.

      • KCI등재

        "광국원종공신녹권(光國原從功臣錄券)"의 서지적(書誌的) 연구(硏究)

        송일기,진나영,Song, Il-Gie,Jin, Na-Young 한국도서관정보학회 2010 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        "광국원종공신녹권(光國原從功臣錄券)"은 선조가 1591년 조선 왕실의 종계변무(宗系辨誣)에 공을 세운 신하들을 광국원종공신으로 책봉한 후 반사(頒賜)한 책이다. 이 연구는 현존하는 재주갑인자(再鑄甲寅字)인 경진자(庚辰字)로 인출된 "광국원종공신녹권" 4책을 대상으로, 녹권이 반사된 사유 및 경위를 알아본다. 녹권의 형태와 그 체제를 자세히 분석하여, 이를 바탕으로 녹권에 기재된 공신들을 각 등급별로 나누어 책봉된 공신들의 직함과 그들의 신분에 대한 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구결과, "광국원종공신녹권"은 경진자로 찍은 금속활자본으로 크게 권수(卷首) 본문(本文) 권말(卷末)의 3부분의 체계로 구성되었다. 또한 354개의 직함에 모두 872명(1등 137명, 2등 136명, 3등 599명)이 기재되어 있었으며, 직함이 비교적 자세하게 기술되었으며 1등원종공신 직함의 품계가 2등과 3등에 비해 높았다. 문관이 무관에 비해 많았다. 그리고 원종공신들을 4개의 신분(身分)으로 분석한 결과, 다양한 신분으로 구성되어 있었으며 양반 748명, 중인 103명, 양인 13명, 천인 8명 등의 순으로 나타났으며, 양반이 원종공신의 대다수를 차지하고 있었음이 확인되었다. Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon(光國原從功臣錄券) is a book which recorded the titles of position and the names of retainers who corrected the Chosun dynasty's genealogy. This study aims to research into existing 4 books of Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon, which were to analyze the reasons of grant, structure and forms, the characteristics of meritorious retainers' official positions and social status. As the result, Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon is the metal typologic book which was made up Jaeju-Gapin(再鑄甲寅) letter type. The structure of the Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon was composed of the beginning(卷首) the body(本文) the end(卷末). Gwang-Kuk Wonjong meritorious retainers formed the total of 872 persons(1st grade: 137 persons, 2nd grade: 136 persons, 3rd grade: 599 persons) with 354 official titles. Also an analysis of their social status confirmed that 872 persons were "Yang-ban(兩班)" which constituted the largest group(748 persons : 85.8%), "Jung-in(中人)" were second group(103 persons : 11.8%), "Yang-in(良人)" were 13 persons(1.5%) and "Chun-in(賤人)" were 8 persons(0.9%).

      • KCI등재

        "좌리원종공신녹권(佐理原從功臣錄券)"의 서지적(書誌的) 연구(硏究)

        송일기,진나영,Song, Il-Gie,Jin, Na-Young 한국도서관정보학회 2009 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        "좌리원종공신녹권(佐理原從功臣錄券)"은 성종이 1571년 성종이 왕위에 오르는 일에 공을 세운 신하들을 좌리원종공신으로 책봉한 후 반사(頒賜)한 책이다. 이 연구는 성암고서박물관에 유일하게 현존하는 것으로 조사된 "좌리원종공신녹권" 1책을 대상으로, 녹권이 반사된 사유 및 경위를 알아본다. 녹권의 형태와 그 체제를 자세히 분석하여, 이를 바탕으로 녹권에 기재된 공신들을 각 등급별로 나누어 책봉된 공신들의 직함과 성씨 및 신분에 대한 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구결과, "좌리원종공신녹권"은 을해자(乙亥字)의 금속활자본으로 크게 권수(卷首) 본문(本文) 권말(卷末)의 3부분의 체계로 구성되었다. 또한 513개의 직함에 모두 1,059명(1등 64명, 2등 272명, 3등 723명)이 기재되어 있었으며, 직함이 비교적 자세하게 기술되었으며 1등원종공신 직함의 품계가 2등과 3등에 비해 높았다. 그리고 원종공신들의 성명에 기술된 성씨(姓氏)를 기준으로 분석한 결과, 다양한 성씨로 구성되어 있었으며 특히 이(李)씨가 약 21%와 김(金)씨가 약 15%로, 원종공신의 대다수를 차지하고 있었음이 확인되었다. Jwa-lee Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon(佐理原從功臣錄券) is a book which recorded the titles of position and the names of retainers who made Sung-jong into Chosun dynasty's king. This study aims to research into existing only 1 books of Jua-ik Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon, which were to analyze the reasons of grant, structure and forms, the characteristics of meritorious retainers' official positions and social status. As the result, Jwa-lee Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon is the metal typologic book which was made up Eul-hae(乙亥) letter type. The structure of the Jwa-lee Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon was composed of the beginning(卷首) the body(本文) the end(卷末). Jwa-lee Wonjong meritorious retainers formed the total of 1,059 persons(1st grade : 64 persons, 2nd grade : 272 persons, 3rd grade : 723 persons) with 513 official titles. Also an analysis of their family name confirmed that 1,059 persons were "Lee" which constituted the largest group(21%), "Kim" were second group(15%).

      • KCI등재

        살포량 감소에 의한 살충제 Acetamipride의 작물 부착량과 나방류 방제효과

        김영신(Young-Shin Kim),장지웅(Ji-Woong Jang),진나영(Na-Young Jin),유용만(Yong-Man Yu),윤영남(Young-Nam Youn),임치환(Chi-Hwan Lim) 한국농약과학회 2015 농약과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        This study was conducted to obtain basic data for deriving the appropriate application amount of insecticide for effective pest control. We have investigated the correlation among the application amount of insecticide, the adhesion amount of active ingredient and the pest control effect. The linear standard curve of acetamiprid was R<SUP>2</SUP> = 0.9994, and the scope of the recovery factor was between 71% and 93% with less than 6% of the coefficient of variation. During the test conducted in 2015, the application amount was reduced to 302 L/10a which was 70 L less than the previous year and the spraying pressure was reduced as well. After analyzing the adhesion amount of active ingredient, it was found that a correlation coefficient of adhesion amount of the active ingredients became lower from 82% to 69%, that indicated insecticide liquid was evenly distributed compared to 2014. Also more than 95% of control effect was displayed, thereby indicating that there is a close relation with the correlation coefficient of the adhesion amount of active ingredient. It also presented that the adhesion amount of active ingredient on the ground was 2.2 times more than that on the leaves of apple trees.

      • KCI등재

        배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella)의 죽은 유충에서 분리한 Serratia marcescens 균주의 생물활성

        전준학(Jun Hack Jun),진나영(Na Young Jin),이유경(You Kyoung Lee),이보람(Bo Ram Lee),윤영남(Young Nam Youn),유용만(Yong Man Yu) 한국농약과학회 2016 농약과학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The cause of death was investigated with several dead cabbage moth larvae in breeding box. Bacterial strains were isolated and selected from the dead larvae by bioassay. One of them was identified as Serratia marcescens used by morphological characteristics and gene sequencing. S. marcescens were cultured by Luria Bertani (LB) media broth for bioassay. When 100-fold dilution of culture broth to third larvae of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, it was showed a 100% mortality at 2 days after treatment, and only 10-fold dilution of supernatant liquid was showed 86.6% mortality. When the culture broth of S. marcescens was applied to the larvae of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, contact and feeding toxicity were 20 and 8% of mortality, respectively. Otherwise, when the culture broth of S. marcescens was applied to 5 major plant pathogens, antibacterial activities against Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phytophthora capsici and Sclerotinias clerotiorum were 4.7, 11.3, 20, 15.7 and 42.6%, respectively. Also, degradation ability of S. marcescens against protein and chitin were examined.

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