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        [어학 · 언어교육] 감정 형용사 ‘HAPPY’ 개념에 대한 어휘적 접근

        정유진(Jung, Eu-Gene) 국제언어문학회 2019 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.42

        이 논문은 감정 형용사 ‘HAPPY’의 개념을 어휘를 통해서 이해하고자 한다. ‘감정’은 어떤 현상이나 일에 대하여 일어나는 마음이나 느끼는 기분으로 정의된다. 감정이라는 심적 개념과 그 감정을 유발하는 환경에 대한 지식과 요인, 즉 맥락에 대한 정보를 기호화된 어휘를 통해서 설명하는 것이 본고의 목적이다. 이를 위해서 Goddard & Wierzbicka(2014)가 제시한 의미 원초소와 프레임넷 데이터의 구성요소를 기반으로 어휘를 관찰한다. 먼저, 감정어 ‘HAPPY’가 나타나는 문맥을 살펴보고 필수 구성 요소인 감정을 일으키는 요인(stimulus)과 선택적 구성 요소인 감정의 정도(degree)를 나타내는 표현을 알아본다. 감정의 정도는 긍정과 부정으로 구분되어 전체문장의 의미에 영향을 준다. Goddard & Wierzbicka(2014)가 ‘HAPPY’의 개념에 대한 의미로 제시한 원초소들이 실제로 어떤 단어로 실현이 되는지 알아보고 그 의미영역(Moe 2003, 정유진•강범모 2015)을 기술한다. 이 연구는 감정이라는 심적 개념이 어휘를 통해 그 의미를 표상하는데 도움이 되며 향후 오피니언 마이닝과 감성분석에 기초 자료로 사용될 것으로 기대한다. This study aims to understand the emotional concept of the word ‘HAPPY’ by examining lexical usages in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). An emotion is defined as a feeling which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with. Emotions are one of the popular topics in psychological fields. They are the words that conceptualize the emotion, ‘happy’. In order to explicate the concept of the word ‘happy’ through lexical usages, this study adopts semantic primitives by Goddard & Wierzbicka (2014) and Feature Elements in the FrameNet II (2016). First, we extract a group of co-occurring words that come together with the word ‘happy’ in the COCA corpus. Second, we divide the words into the Stimulus as a Core Feature Element (FE) and the Degree as a non-Core Feature Element. We also classify the stimulus based on the sematic domain (Moe 2003). The semantic domains allow us to capture the relationships among words in a speaker’s mind. The domain can be served as generalizing the stimuli of the emotion ‘happy’. We expect the conceptualization of the emotion to be represented via words, which come together with the word ‘happy’. This study can be used efficiently to develop opinion mining and sentiment analysis research. 이 논문은 감정 형용사 ‘HAPPY’의 개념을 어휘를 통해서 이해하고자 한다. ‘감정’은 어떤 현상이나 일에 대하여 일어나는 마음이나 느끼는 기분으로 정의된다. 감정이라는 심적 개념과 그 감정을 유발하는 환경에 대한 지식과 요인, 즉 맥락에 대한 정보를 기호화된 어휘를 통해서 설명하는 것이 본고의 목적이다. 이를 위해서 Goddard & Wierzbicka(2014)가 제시한 의미 원초소와 프레임넷 데이터의 구성요소를 기반으로 어휘를 관찰한다. 먼저, 감정어 ‘HAPPY’가 나타나는 문맥을 살펴보고 필수 구성 요소인 감정을 일으키는 요인(stimulus)과 선택적 구성 요소인 감정의 정도(degree)를 나타내는 표현을 알아본다. 감정의 정도는 긍정과 부정으로 구분되어 전체문장의 의미에 영향을 준다. Goddard & Wierzbicka(2014)가 ‘HAPPY’의 개념에 대한 의미로 제시한 원초소들이 실제로 어떤 단어로 실현이 되는지 알아보고 그 의미영역(Moe 2003, 정유진•강범모 2015)을 기술한다. 이 연구는 감정이라는 심적 개념이 어휘를 통해 그 의미를 표상하는데 도움이 되며 향후 오피니언 마이닝과 감성분석에 기초 자료로 사용될 것으로 기대한다. This study aims to understand the emotional concept of the word ‘HAPPY’ by examining lexical usages in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). An emotion is defined as a feeling which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with. Emotions are one of the popular topics in psychological fields. They are the words that conceptualize the emotion, ‘happy’. In order to explicate the concept of the word ‘happy’ through lexical usages, this study adopts semantic primitives by Goddard & Wierzbicka (2014) and Feature Elements in the FrameNet II (2016). First, we extract a group of co-occurring words that come together with the word ‘happy’ in the COCA corpus. Second, we divide the words into the Stimulus as a Core Feature Element (FE) and the Degree as a non-Core Feature Element. We also classify the stimulus based on the sematic domain (Moe 2003). The semantic domains allow us to capture the relationships among words in a speaker’s mind. The domain can be served as generalizing the stimuli of the emotion ‘happy’. We expect the conceptualization of the emotion to be represented via words, which come together with the word ‘happy’. This study can be used efficiently to develop opinion mining and sentiment analysis research.

      • KCI등재

        영유아 관련 법령 및 교육과정 변천 비교에 따른 시설 변화 요구사항 연구

        정유진,오병욱,정진주,Jung, Eu-Gene,Oh, Byeong-Uk,Jung, Jin-Ju 한국교육시설학회 2014 敎育施設 Vol.21 No.1

        The policies is always changes according to the changing times, and changes take place in educational facilities welfare policy. Early childhood facilities, is no exception. Recent, increase in the number of kindergarten and kindergarten children according to policy changes of government's active welfare. This change in pattern, policy changes and increased support to know the impact on the community, and this is not just a simply agenda that they need to be recognized social change. In addition, it can be seen changes in relevant laws and educational process according to childhood policy change flow and depending on social change. In this study, comparative study infants and installation of the facility based on criteria, ensuring standards of early childhood facility site, facilities of evolution of infants care act, act infants, infants of activities safety management. And Standards and facilities that are required to change the direction of the revision is for the purpose of research through changes in kindergarten curriculum to respond the policies flow. Research methods are literature on the various laws and research analysts, leading comparison of different child care and child care policy changes in laws and regulations to review materials are analyzed.

      • KCI등재

        영유아 관련 법령 및 교육과정 변천 비교에 따른 시설 변화 요구사항 연구

        정유진(Jung, Eu-Gene),오병욱(Oh, Byeong-Uk),정진주(Jung, Jin-Ju) 한국교육시설학회 2014 敎育施設 Vol.21 No.1

        The policies is always changes according to the changing times, and changes take place in educational facilities welfare policy. Early childhood facilities, is no exception. Recent, increase in the number of kindergarten and kindergarten children according to policy changes of government's active welfare. This change in pattern, policy changes and increased support to know the impact on the community, and this is not just a simply agenda that they need to be recognized social change. In addition, it can be seen changes in relevant laws and educational process according to childhood policy change flow and depending on social change. In this study, comparative study infants and installation of the facility based on criteria, ensuring standards of early childhood facility site, facilities of evolution of infants care act, act infants, infants of activities safety management. And Standards and facilities that are required to change the direction of the revision is for the purpose of research through changes in kindergarten curriculum to respond the policies flow. Research methods are literature on the various laws and research analysts, leading comparison of different child care and child care policy changes in laws and regulations to review materials are analyzed.

      • KCI등재

        하택신회의 생애와 저작

        정유진(Eu Gene Jung) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2010 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.56

        불굴의 투사 신회는 684년 호북성 양양에서 태어나 758년 75세로 입적하기까지 좌절과 영광의 삶을 살았다. 그는 혜능을 6조로 모시는 일과 남종돈교의 가르침을 천하에 홍포하기 위하여 전 생애를 바친 사람이다. 그 과정에 誣奏로 인하여 流謫의 시절도 있었지만 안사의 난이 起死回生의 기회가 되어 만년에는 황실의 보호 하에 영광을 누리기도 했고, 특히 혜능이 6조로 공인되었기 때문에 기쁨 또한 컸을 것이다. 이런 좌절과 성공의 삶속에서 그가 남긴 저작으로는 『南陽和上頓敎解脫禪門直了性壇語』, 『菩提達摩南宗定是非論』, 『南陽和尙問答雜徵義』, 『頓悟無生般若頌』의 4종이 있다. 이 가운데 『단어』는 신회가 하남성 남양 용흥사에 머물렀던 시대, 즉 720부터 730년 사이, 그의 나이 37∼47세 때 『단어』가 성립되었다. 이는 신회의 초기 선사상을 보여주는 소박한 어록이다. 다음 『보리달마남종정시비론』은 개원 20년(732) 본을 모본으로 한 것이지만 편집은 여러 차례에 걸쳐서 행해진 것이며, 편집한 시기는 732년으로 추정한다. 그리고 『菩提達摩南宗定是非論』과 『頓悟最上乘論』은 원래 별개의 논이었으나 편집하는 과정에 후자가 전자에 삽입된 것으로 사료된다. 그 다음 『남양화상문답잡징의』의 성립순서는 S.6557(=『南陽和尙問答雜徵義』)이 가장 초기의 필사본이고, 다음이 P.3047(『荷澤禪師問答雜徵義』)이며, 맨 나중에 결집된 것이 石井光雄舊藏本이다. 그리고 『정시비론』은 『南陽和尙問答雜徵義』와 『荷澤禪師問答雜徵義』 사이에 존재한다. 즉 『南陽和尙問答雜徵義』에서 『菩提達摩南宗定是非論』을 지나 『荷澤禪師問答雜徵義』에 이르는 신회어록의 변화를 읽을 수 있다. 끝으로 『돈오무생반야송』은 이것이 원래의 제목(原題)이다. 이는 『顯宗記』보다 먼저 성립되었다. 28조설이 나오는 『현종기』는 신회의 몰후에 전개된 것으로 보고 있기 때문에 『현종기』는 신회에게 가탁하여 저작된 것이라고 보아야 한다. The indomitable fighter Shen-hui(神會) was born in Xiang-yang(襄陽) Hu-be-sheng(湖北省) in 684 and died at the age of 75. During his whole life, he lived both frustrated and successful life. He devoted his life to serving Hui-neng(慧能) who is the sixth patriarch of Chan(禪) Buddhism and spreading the teachings of Nan-zong-dun-jiao(南宗頓敎). He once lived in exile because of false accusation, but he sprang back to life thanks to the an-shi-zhi-luan(安史之亂), then he had the honor for a while under the protection of the royal family. Especially he would be really pleased after Hui-neng(慧能) gained official approval as the sixth patriarch. In the frustrated and successful life, he wrote four works: Nan-yang-he-shang-dun-jiao-jie-tuo-chan-men-zhi-liao-xing-tan-yu(南陽和尙頓敎解脫禪門直了性壇語), Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論), Nan-yang-he-shang-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(南陽和尙問答雜徵義), Dun-wu-wu-sheng-bo-re-song (頓悟無生般若頌). Among them, Nan-yang-he-shang-dun-jiao-jie-tuo-chan-men-zhi-liao-xing-tan-yu(南陽和尙頓敎解脫禪門直了性壇語) was written at the age of 37 to 47, namely the times Shen-hui(神會) stayed at Long-xing-si(龍興寺) in Nan-yang(南陽) He-nan-sheng(河南省) from 720 to 730. This is the simple quotation that shows the early Chan(禪) thought of Shen-hui(神會). The next Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論) was modelled on the work of Kai-yuan(開元) 20th year[732 C.E.], it was re-edited several times, and it is shown that the editing was completed in 732. Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論) and Dun-wu-zui-shang-cheng-lun(頓悟最上乘論) were originally different, but it seems that Dun-wu-zui-shang-cheng-lun(頓悟最上乘論) was assigned to Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論) in the course of editing. The next Nan-yang-he-shang-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(南陽和尙問答雜徵義) has the process of establishment as follows. The first manuscript is S.6557 version [=Nan-yang-he-shang-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(南陽和尙問答雜徵義)], the next is P.3047 version[=He-ze-chan-shi-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(荷澤禪師問答雜徵義)], the last is Shi-jing-guang-xiong-jiu-cang-ben(石井光雄舊藏本). And Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論) is present in between Nan-yang-he-shang-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(南陽和尙問答雜徵義) and He-ze-chan-shi-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(荷澤禪師問答雜徵義). Namely, we can see such a change of Shen-hui(神會)`s quotation from Nan-yang-he-shang-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(南陽和尙問答雜徵義) via Pu-ti-da-mo-nan-zong-ding-shi-fei-lun(菩提達摩南宗定是非論) to He-ze-chan-shi-wen-da-za-zheng-yi(荷澤禪師問答雜徵義). Dun-wu-wu-sheng-bo-re-song(頓悟無生般若頌) is the original title and this was established prior to Xian-zong-ji(顯宗記). We have to see that Xian-zong-ji(顯宗記) was written under the pretense of his name, because it is regarded that Xian-zong-ji(顯宗記) containing the theory of the 28 patriarch was written after he died.

      • KCI등재

        현대 한국 간화선의 원류와 구조에 대하여

        정유진(Eu Gene Jung) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2011 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.60

        중국 송대 간화선은 오조법연과 원오극근에게서부터 맹아가 트기 시작하여 대혜 종고에 이르러 대성하게 되었고, 그 후 원대에 들어와서는 고봉원묘와 그의 제자 중봉명본의 활약에 의하여 再起되었다. 한국선, 즉 한국의 간화선은 고려시대의 지눌과 혜심 이후 그 뿌리를 내리고, 그 유행은 원대 고봉원묘와중봉명본에 의하여 이루어졌다. 그 후 조선시대에 들어와서는 고봉원묘의 『선요』를 애독하기 시작하면서 『선요』가 조선시대에 간화선의 표준이 되었고, 특히 휴정의 『선가귀감』은 『선요』의 영향을 많이 받은 것으로 추측된다. 그 다음 조선말, 대한제국 시대에는 경허 등의 활약이 있었으며, 현대에 접어들어서는 특히 경봉이나 성철 등의 활약에 의하여 간화선이 일반 재가자나 납자들에게 보편화되었다고 생각한다. 대혜가 간화선을 주장하게 된 근본 이유는 문자선의 병폐와 무사안일선의 병폐를 바로 잡고, 공안 본래의 의미를 되찾고자 하는 데 있다. 양자의 병폐는 둘 다 깨달음을 소홀히 하는데 있었다. 그래서 대혜는 공안이라는 도구를 들고 나와 자기의 마음바탕을비추어 보는 수단으로 삼은 것이다. 이 공안은 간화선에 있어서 가장 핵심이 되는 요소로서 반드시 있어야 하는 것이지만 이것을 사량분별로써 이해하려고 해서는 절대 안 된다고 강조한다. 즉 단지 의심을 불러일으키는 도구일 뿐이라는 말이다. 경봉선사가 보는 화두란 「학인이 법을 묻는데 格外로서 답을 한 것」이라고 하기 때문에 이는 공안의 본래 의미를 말한 것으로서 원오가 말하는 「문을 두드리는 기와조각」이라는 의미라든가 대혜가 말하는 「의심을 불러일으키기 위한 도구」라는 의미와는 다르게 이해하고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 그리고 그는 또 「화두가 따로 있는 것이 아니다」고 하기 때문에 화두가 정해져 있는 것이 아니고, 그때그때의 상황에 따라 시설된 방편이라고 보고 있는 것 같다. 다음 경봉은 무자공안을 포함하여 화두를 참구하는 방법에 대해서는 그저 간단하게 「무자를 계속 생각하면 된다」고 할 뿐 고봉화상과 같이 구체적으로 믿음, 분심, 의심의 삼자를 체용관계로 연결시켜서 설명하거나그 상호관계를 말하지 않고, 직접 수도하는 자의 입장에 서서 설명하고 있다. 경봉도 고봉과 마찬가지로 이 셋은 솥발(鼎足)과 같아서 그 중 하나만 없어도 참선을 할 수 없다고 강조한다. 그리고 경봉이 화두를 참구함에 있어서 주의해야 할 사항을 언급하고 있는데 이는 대혜 『서장』의 이른바 「간화10종병」을 그대로 옮겨 놓은 것이기 때문에 더 이상 할말이 없다. 경봉선사의 모든 법어집을 읽고 느낀 점에 의거하여 필자의 견해를 피력하면, 물론 심중의 주관적인 경험을 토대로 한 것이지만 지금 한국의 대다수의 납자들은 경봉선사의 가르침과 크게 다르지 않게 간화선을 실참하고 있다고 생각한다. 현재의 이러한 결과를 가져오기까지의 前史를 거슬러 올라가 보면, 한국 간화선의 원류는 멀리 송원대에서부터 비롯되고 있는 것은 말할 것도 없고, 우리나라에 들어와서는 고려시대에 간화선의 교과서와 같은 역할을 한 보조지눌의 『간화결의론』의 영향과 조선시대에 고봉원묘선의 『선요』을 많은 사람들이 애독한 그 영향이 줄곧 이어져 현대에 이르고 있다고 판단한다. Kanhua chan(看話禪) in Song dynasty of China stemmed from Wu zu fa yan(五祖法演) and Yuan wu ke qin(圓悟克勤) and completed its foundation by Da hui zong gao(大慧宗고), and afterward resurged in Yuan(元) dynasty by the activities of Gao feng yuan miao(高峰圓妙) and his diciple, Zhong feng ming ben(中峯明本). Hanguk Seon(韓國禪), namely Korean`s Kanhua chan established its foundation by JInul(智訥) and Hyeshim(慧諶) in Koryo dynasty and its trend was accomplished by Gao feng yuan miao(高峰圓妙) and Zhong feng ming ben(中峯明本) in Yuan dynasty. Afterward Seon yo(禪要) which was wrote by Gao feng yuan miao became a standard text of Kanhua chan in Chosun dynasty which is supposed to have influenced on Son ga gui gam(禪家龜鑑) that was wrote by Hyugeong(休靜). After ward in the late Chosun dynsty, a Korean empire period the remarkableactivities of Kyeongheo(鏡虛) was presented, and present day it is thought that Kanhua chan was widely spread to the Buddhist priest and lay practitioners,especially by the activities of Kyeongbong(鏡峰) and Seongchol(性徹). The principal reason that Da hui insisted Kanhua chan was to correct the illness of Lettered Seon(文字禪) and Complacent Seon(無事安逸禪) and recover the fundamental meaning of Gongan(公案), which illness of both is thought to neglect the fundamental enlightenment of Buddhism. So Da hu came to assert the Gongan, as an expedient of discerning the intrinsic mind of a self. According to Da hu this Gongan is an essential element of Kanhua chan but is strongly emphasized that the Gongan should not be understood by deliberation or discrimination. Namely the Gongan is understood as an expedient of causing the mind of doubt. Seon master, Kyeongbong defined the Head Phrase(話頭) by saying, ``Answer by means of transcendence for the disciple`s question``, which definition expresses the fundamental meaning of Gongan, but its definition shows different view contrary to the view that Yuan wu expressed Head Phrase by saying ``a piece of roof tile for knocking door`` and also to the view of Da hui that defines the Head Phrase as a tool for bring about question. Also Kyeongbong asserted that the Head Phrase is not regulated by any means, so that the Head phrase is just an expedient that is established diversely according to the different situations. Nextly, Kyeongbong expressed his idea of pursuing Head Phrase including ``Letter Wu(無字)`` Gongan by simply defining it by Just continuously concentrateon the ``Letter Wu(無字)``, which is a direct description on the standpoint of practitioners, but it excludes the explanation by master, Gao feng that considering concrete combination of three elements of belief, exertion and doubt. Gao feng explains those three elements on the basis of nature and phenomenon activities or by on the mutual relations of those elements. But Kyeongbong like master Gao feng put emphasis on those three elements by figuring those to the tripod base of a kettle that excluding any of those elements the practices of Seon is not accomplished. And Kyeongbong utters matters that require attention in pursuing Head Phrase but it is just a quotation of ``Ten ills of practicing Head Phrase`` presented in Seojang. Expressing the opinion of arguer on the basis of reading all the works of Kyeongbong Seon master, however is may be a subjective experience it is supposed that most of Seon practitioners of Korean monks follow and practice the teaching of master, Kyeongbong. Approaching the history backward that eventually resulted in the present situation it is needless to say that root of Korean Kanhua chan dates back to Song and Yuan dynasty of China and influenced by Kan hwa gyeol lon(看話決疑論), a work of Jinul(智訥) in Koryo dynasty which was regarded as a textbook in practicing Head Phrase, and also influenced by considering

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이하선 천엽에 발생한 지방종의 치험례

        김정한(Jung-Han Kim),김철훈(Chul-Hoon Kim),김민구(Min-Gu Kim),송진우(Jin-Woo Song),정유진(Eu-Gene Jung),김복주(Bok-Joo Kim) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2010 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.36 No.5

        A lipoma is a benign tumor of matured adipose tissue that usually occurs at the shoulder, back, and abdomen. 13% of lipomas occur in the head and neck area. However, the incidence of lipoma in the parotid gland is very low, approximately 2.5%. A conservational surgical excision is recommended in cases of lipoma of the parotid gland, with only 1-2% of lipomas recurring. We report a case of a lipoma in the parotid gland that was removed by conservational surgical excision. The lesion was exposed by the pre-auricular approach and the tissue was detached. After the parotid gland envelop was exposed, a yellowish mass is observed that was easy to remove due to capsulation. Most authors recommend a surgical excision of the superficial lobe of the parotid gland as the treatment for a lipoma in the parotid gland. However, enucleation only may be a sufficient treatment when a lipoma occurs in the superficial lobe or around the parotid gland. A patidectomy is not needed when a lipoma is located at the superficial lobe of the parotid gland, and a conservational surgical excision is suitable. Therefore, a clinical diagnosis is important for reducing the damage to the facial nerve.

      • KCI등재

        이하선 심층엽에 발생한 다형선종의 보존적 심층엽 이하선 절제술: 증례보고

        안상욱,송진우,정유진,이주민,송원욱,신상훈,정인교,Ahn, Sang-Wook,Song, Jin-Woo,Jung, Eu-Gene,Lee, Ju-Min,Song, Won-Wook,Shin, Sang-Hun,Chung, In-Kyo 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2010 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.32 No.6

        Parotid deep lobe tumors usually has been treated by total parotidectomy. But there is functional and aesthetic side effects such as post parotidectomy depressions, variable aesthetic deformities, facial nerve injury and Frey's syndrome. Conservative limited deep parotidectomy may result in fewer side effect. Preservation of the superficial lobe for deep lobe tumors could decrease the incidence of complications without any problems in the treatment effect. Additionally, the parotid function preservation and cosmetic appearance after operation also satisfy both the patients and surgeons. We report a case of pleomorphic adenoma of the deep lobe which has been successfully treated by conservative deep parotidectomy.

      • KCI등재

        가토의 하악관절에 Collagenase 주입을 통한 관절염 유발 모델에 관한 연구

        송동석,김기현,이재열,정유진,안상욱,송진우,김철훈,신상훈,정인교,Song, Dong-Seok,Kim, Ki-Hyun,Lee, Jae-Yeol,Jung, Eu-Gene,Ahn, Sang-Wook,Song, Jin-Woo,Kim, Chul-Hun,Shin, Sang-Hun,Chung, In-Kyo 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2010 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.32 No.6

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to induce artificial arthritis on rabbit TMJ by injecting collagenase. Materials and Methods: An experimental animal model of arthritis induced by surgical method or intraarticular injection of chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketorolac. Surgical method is complex and needs a long time in inducing arthritis. Intra-articular injection of chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketorolac is simple. But chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketololac needs multiple injections to induce arthritis and mechanism inducing arthritis was known. Collagenase destroys helical domain of type II collagen in extracellular matrix produced by chondrocyte and then induces arthritis. We injected collagenase (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg) into the temporomandibular joint of rabbit. In the control group saline was intra-articularly injected. The condylar cartilage, disk and synovia were histologically examined at 1, 2, 4, 6 weeks after the initiation of collagenase injections. Results: Four weeks after injection of 2.0 mg collagenase, we could see histologic change like arthritis. In other groups, we couldn't see arthritis-like change. Conclusion: In our study, we produce arthritis on temporomandibular joint of rabbit by using injection of collagenase in temporomandibular joint of rabbit. And this experimental osteoarthritis is a useful animal model.

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