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      • KCI등재

        벼 담수표면직파재배에서 파종량과 생장조절제 처리에 따른 내도복성과 수량성

        송동석,김용재 한국작물학회 1996 Korean journal of crop science Vol.41 No.1

        국내 쌀 생산비를 절감하여 국제경쟁력을 제고시키기 위한 일환으로 벼 담수표면직파재배에서 많이 발생하는 도상에 대한 기초연구로 담수표면직파재배에 있어서 파종량과 생장조절제 처리에 따른 내도복성과 수량성에 대한 시험을 하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 파종량에 따른 입묘수는 60.9~143.4개/$m^2$의 분포를 보였으며, 립묘율은 71.7~76.1%로 양호한 경향이었다. 2. 파종량이 많을수록 간장이 길었으며, 생장조절제 KIM-112 처리에 의한 하위절간의 단축으로 간장 단축이 뚜렷하였고, 처리시기에 따라 단축정도는 각각 달랐다. 3. 생장조절제 KIM-112 처리는 엽각과 상위엽을 작게하여 직립화에 의한 수광태세가 개선되었으며, 또한 간기중이 증가하였으며 파종량이 많을수록 도복경감 효과가 컸다. 4. 줄기 좌절시 모멘트와 간직경은 파종량이 많을수록 감소하였으며 그 정도는 KIM-112 처리에서 훨씬 작았고, 단위면적당 이삭수는 파종량이 증가함에 따라 많아졌고, 등숙률과 천립중은 KIM-112처리에서 약간 높았다. Experiments were conducted to effect of seeding rates and growth regulator (KIM-112) application on lodging resistance and yield in direct seeding on flooded paddy surface. The number of seedlings per $m^2$ were ranged from 61 to 143, and seedling ratios were from 71.7 to 76.1%. The culm length was increased with the higher seeding rates. The culm length was significantly shortened by KIM-112 application, and the shortened effect of internodes were various with application times. The leaf angles with the culm and top leaves were errected and position of light reception by KIM-112 application, also the weight of culm base was increased. The bending moment at breaking of culm and culm diameter were decreased according to the higher seeding rates. The number of panicles per $m^2$ were increased according to the higher seeding rates. The ripened grain rate and 1, 000 grains weight became higher than the untreated control.

      • KCI등재

        가토의 하악관절에 Collagenase 주입을 통한 관절염 유발 모델에 관한 연구

        송동석,김기현,이재열,정유진,안상욱,송진우,김철훈,신상훈,정인교,Song, Dong-Seok,Kim, Ki-Hyun,Lee, Jae-Yeol,Jung, Eu-Gene,Ahn, Sang-Wook,Song, Jin-Woo,Kim, Chul-Hun,Shin, Sang-Hun,Chung, In-Kyo 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2010 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.32 No.6

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to induce artificial arthritis on rabbit TMJ by injecting collagenase. Materials and Methods: An experimental animal model of arthritis induced by surgical method or intraarticular injection of chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketorolac. Surgical method is complex and needs a long time in inducing arthritis. Intra-articular injection of chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketorolac is simple. But chemical agent like LDH, papain, ketololac needs multiple injections to induce arthritis and mechanism inducing arthritis was known. Collagenase destroys helical domain of type II collagen in extracellular matrix produced by chondrocyte and then induces arthritis. We injected collagenase (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg) into the temporomandibular joint of rabbit. In the control group saline was intra-articularly injected. The condylar cartilage, disk and synovia were histologically examined at 1, 2, 4, 6 weeks after the initiation of collagenase injections. Results: Four weeks after injection of 2.0 mg collagenase, we could see histologic change like arthritis. In other groups, we couldn't see arthritis-like change. Conclusion: In our study, we produce arthritis on temporomandibular joint of rabbit by using injection of collagenase in temporomandibular joint of rabbit. And this experimental osteoarthritis is a useful animal model.

      • KCI등재

        벼 도복관계형질 특성의 품종간 차이

        宋東錫,金容在,林俊澤,金晋鎬,李成春 韓國作物學會 1996 Korean journal of crop science Vol.41 No.4

        본 연구는 직파재배시 문제가 되는 도복관련 형질의 품종간 차리를 구명하기 위해 벼 품종들의 생육특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 엽면적, 엽중, 경중 및 건물중 등은 출수기에 최대치를 보였으나 생육이 진전됨에 따라 감소하였고, 신근발생은 30일 묘에서 최고치를 보였으나 생육이 진전됨 에 따라 오히려 감소하였으며, 동진벼와 청명벼가 신근발생이 가장 양호한 품종이 었다. 2. 신장절간의 좌절시 모멘트는 제4절간의 모멘트가 950 g·cm로 가장 컸고 상위절간일수록 작았다. 3. 동진벼와 청명벼가 제4절간 좌절시 모멘트가 가장 커 도복에 가장 강한 품종이었다. 4. 간기중과 줄기 좌절시 모멘트간에는 r=0.825 고도의 유의성을, 도복지수와 간기중, 근중간에는 각각 r=-0.869 , r=-0.919 로 고도의 부의 유의성을 보였다. This experiment was to evaluate the growth characteristics of lodging resistance cultivated at sandbed in rice varieties. Five varieties were used in this studies. The leaf area, leaf dry weight, culm dry weight and total dry weight of cultivated rice seedling at sandbed showed the maximal values at heading stage, but decreased according to growth development. The number of newly developed roots of rice seedlings cultivated at sand pot were the most at the 30 days seedling stage, but those were decreasing at 40 to 45 days seedling stage. Cheongmyungbyeo and Dongjinbyeo showed the most vigor in newly developed roots. The bending moment at breaking of rice internodes were the largest at the 4th node, but decreased at the top internodes. Cheongmyungbyeo and Dongjinbyeo were proved lodging resistant varieties by the bending moment. The weight of culm base was positively correlated with bending moment at breaking of rice culm, but lodging index was negatively correlated weight of culm base and root dry weight, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        벼 담수표면 직파재배에서 파종기가 도복에 미치는 영향

        宋東錫,金容在,李成春 韓國作物學會 1996 Korean journal of crop science Vol.41 No.2

        벼 담수표면직파재배에서 많이 발생하는 도복에 대한 기초연구로 파종기 이동에 따른 도복정도와 도복관련형질의 변리에 대한 시험분석을 하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 입모수는 91~144개/m2 당의 분포를 보였으며, 입모율은 61.7~91.8%로 적정수준이 었다. 2. 파종기 이동에 따른 출총반응은 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라 5~15일 정도 출수소요일수가 단축되었으며, 6월 9일 파종구의 경우 중생종인 일품벼와 서안벼 그리고 중만생종인 대청과 동진벼의 출수기가 8월 28일~29일로 안전출수 한계기가 약간 경과하였다. 3. 간장은 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라 단간종과 장간종 공히 급격히 작아졌는데, 그 단축정도는 장간종이 단간종보다 철씬 컸다. 4. 품종별 도복발생 정도는 단간종인 오봉벼와 S101에서 0.17로 가장 경미하였고, 동진벼는 장간종이면서 도복정도가 1.25를 보여 도복저항성이 컸다. 5. 섬유세포의 길이는 도복에 강했던 오봉벼와 S01에서 각각 920, 1,084u m를 보였으며, 도복에 약했던 대청벼와 팔공벼는 각각 1,281, 1,275u m를 보였다. 섬유세포의 폭은 반대의 경향을 보였다. 6. 도복관련 형질 중 도복지수는 파종기가 늦어질수록 작았으며, 오봉벼와 S101에서 1.03~l.15로 가장 낮은 분포를 보였으며, 대청벼와 팔공벼는 1.42~l.70을 보였다. 엽초부착 좌절시 모멘트는 오봉벼와 S101에서 1510.0~1930.4g.cm로 대청벼와 팔공벼의 1127.2~1287.6g.cm보다 컸으며, 줄기의 재질을 나타내는 휨 응력 역시 같은 경향이었다. The method of direct seeding on flooded paddy surface in rice is known to be the most labor saving cultural practice in rice. However, this method has a problem in practical use such as severe lodging occurring at the reproductive growth stage. The objectives of this study were observated degree of field lodging and variation of lodging-related characteristics with different seeding dates. The number of seedlings per m2 were from 91 to 144 plants, and seedling ratios were from ranged from 61.7% to 91.8%. Days from seeding to flowering were shortened from 5 to 15 days by the later seeding dates. Heading dates of Ilpumbyeo, Seoanbyeo, Daecheongbyeo and Donjinbyeo on June 9 showed slightly elapsed on the critical stable heading time from, August 28 to 29. The culm length was effective in longer clum varieties than semidwarf varieties. The degree field lodging (degree of lodging: 0~9< 9 : complete lodging) in Obongbyeo and S101 with semidwarf varieties were 0.17, whereas 1.25 in Dongjinbyeo with long culm. The lodging resistant varieties and later seeding dates shortened the length of fibrous in the clum, and thickened fibrous in the clum, respectively. Obongbyeo and Sl0l showed stronger resistance to field lodging. The lodging resistant varieties, Obongbyeo and Sl0l, showed lower values of lodging index from 1.03 to 1.15 than those of lodging susceptible varieties, Daecheongbyeo and Palgongbyeo ranged from 1.42 to 1.70. Bending moment with leaf sheath were greater in lodging resistant varieties (Obongbyeo and Sl0l),1510.0~1930.4g.cm, than those in the lodging susceptible varieties (Daecheongbyeo and Palgongbyeo), 1127.2~1287.6g.cm.

      • 벼 湛水直播栽培에 있어 耐倒伏性 形質에 關한 硏究

        宋東錫,徐仁錫,許祥萬 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1995 農業科學硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        Lodging has been recognized as one of major causes of yield reduction in rice culture. This experiment was conducted to investigate the relationships between physical characteristics of culm and lodging resistance of varieties in direct seeding on flooded paddy surface in rice plant. Ten varieties with different lodging resistance were grown in paddy fields and varietal occurrence of field lodging and lodging-related characteristics were observed. Seedling ratios were ranged from 73.7 to 74.6%, and number of seedlings per ㎡ were from 115 to 117 plants. Obongbyeo and S101 showed stronger resistance to field lodging whereas Daecheongbyeo and Palgongbyeo were susceptible to lodging. The lengths at the 3th, 4th and 5th internodes of semidwarf varieties were 2.3, 3.3 and 0.7㎝ shorter, respectively, than those of long culm varieties. The lodging resistant varieties, Obongbyeo and S101, showed lower values of lodging index from 1.11 to 1.15 than those of lodging susceptible varieties, Daecheongbyeo and Palgongbyeo ranged from 1.65 to 1.70. Bending moment with leaf sheath were greater in lodging resistant varieties, 1510.0∼1691.7 g·㎝, than those in the lodging susceptible varieties, 382.8∼557.1 g·㎝. Therefore, it is recommended to select a genotype with lower value of lodging index as well as higher value of bending moment for breeding lodging resistant varieties.

      • 砂耕베드를 利用한 移植栽培에 있어서 벼의 生育特性에 關한 硏究 : 直播栽培 벼의 品種選拔을 中心으로 Variety Selection of Direct Seeding Culture

        宋東錫,李洪宰,金東喆 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        This experiment was to evaluate the growth characters of lodging resistance cultivated at sandbed in rice varieties. Five varieties were used in this studies. The results were as follows ; 1. The number of roots cultivated rice seedling at sand pot were the most at the 20 to 35days seedling stage, and the amount and dry weight of roots were the heaviest at the 30 to 35days seedling stage, and those were decreasing at 40 to 45days seedling stage. 2. The change in leaf area meter of cultivated rice seedling at sandbed were the largest at the 10 weeks after transplanting, and the that of Cheongmyeong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo were 305.6 to 307.9㎠, and Daecheong-byeo and Hawseong-byeo were 268.6 to 278.9㎠, and Palgong-byeo was 243.4㎠, respectively. 3. The leaf dry weight of cultivated seedling at sandbed was the heaviest at the heading stage, and that of Cheongmyeong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo were 1.47 to 1.68g, and that was heavier 0.35 to 0.43g than at Daecheong-byeo and Hawseong-byeo and Palgong-byeo. The culm dry weight of Palgong-byeo, Cheongmyeong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo were 2.62 to 2.77g at heading stage, and that of Daecheong-byeo and Hawseong-byeo were 2.05 to 2.42g. The dry weight of root of Cheongmyeong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo were 0.69 to 0.90g, and Daecheong-byeo, Hawseong-byeo and Palgong-byeo were 0.57 to 0.64g. The total dry weight of Dongjin-byeo was the heaviest, and that of Cheongmyeong-byeo, Palgong-byeo, Daecheong-byeo and Hawseong-byeo were 21.39g, 19.98g, 18.87g, 17.42g, respectively.

      • 벼 直播栽培에 있어서 倒伏發生 要因과 對策

        宋東錫,金晋鎬,李洪宰 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Lodging has been one of major causes of yield reduction in rice cultivation. Lodging of rice plant is classified into three types, that is, bending type(Tongil), breaking type(Japonica variety) and culm bottom type(Direct seeding). The degree of lodging depends on morphology and chemical composition of culm, leaf sheaths and roots, as well as environmental factors such as wind and rain. The physiological effects of lodging in rice plant were Young's modulus, culture conditions and bending strength. The measure methods of the strength of culm were bending and breaking resistance, reconstruction power and bending strength. The damage factors of lodging were lake of photosynthesis, impede of move in nutrient and water and period of lodging. Tolerance of plant against lodging is determinded not only be heredity(the short and strong culm, good rooting system), but also growing practices, e.g., the method of fertilizer application or water management, plant density and seeding depth also affect the occurrence of lodging. Major countermeaserus against lodging are the utilization of short-culm varieties, minimum application of nitrogen fertilizer at culm elongation time, midseason drainage, application of growth regulators, and windbreaking tree and net system.

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