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      • KCI등재

        외교문서 관리제도의 개선 방향

        전현수,Jeon, Hyun-Soo 한국기록학회 2006 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.13

        이 글은 2005년에 공개된 한일회담문서(1952-1965)를 중심으로 해서 우리나라 외교기록의 보존관리 및 공개 제도의 현황을 살펴보고 그 개선 방향을 검토한 것이다. 2000년 1월 <기록물관리법>이 시행되기 전에는 외교문서의 보존관리제도가 부실하여 중요 기록이 계통적으로 폐기되어 왔다. <기록물관리법>의 시행으로 외교기록의 보존관리 환경이 현저히 개선되었다. 특히 출처보전의 원칙에 따른 등록, 분류, 편철이 제도화된 것과 비밀기록 원본의 폐기가 금지된 것은 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 그러나 제도 개선을 위해서는 더 많은 기록관리 전문가가 배치되어야 하고, 폰드 형성도 이루어져야 한다. 외교문서 공개심의의 전문성을 강화하기 위해서 외교문서 공개 작업에 직업 외교관만이 아니라 역사학자, 아키비스트, 국제관계전문가 등 민간 전문가의 참여가 확대되어야 하고 이를 위한 제도적 개선도 이루어져야 한다. 한일회담문서의 보존관리와 관련해서는 일본, 미국 등 외국 생산 문서자료의 체계적인 수집보존 대책을 수립하고, 협상 참가자들의 개인기록의 보존관리대책을 수립하는 것이 필요하다. 역사학자, 아키비스트, 국제관계전문가, 국제법학자 등 전문가들로 간행위원회를 조직하여 국제적 규범에 따른 외교문서 편찬간행 사업도 추진해야 한다. My suggestions in this paper come out of the review of the records on the Korean-Japanese negotiations(1952-1965). Before January 2002, the enforcement of the public records law, we had a poor management system of the diplomatic records. For a long time the diplomatic records of Korean government has not been preserved and managed according to the international and professional standards. So many important records have been probably lost and unsuitably classified, preserved for the future use. By the coming of public records law this deplorable situation in the management of diplomatic records has been much improved. However the registration, classification, compilation, based on the principle of provenance were not so sufficiently realized. It is now very urgent to employ more archivists in the relevant governmental institutions and organizations, and to introduce the concept of record group for the management of diplomatic papers. Also at the preparatory work for the publication of the diplomatic papers it is strongly needed to make a room for the participation of the civil experts such as historians, archivists and political scientists. In the case of publication of the Korean-Japanese papers it is also necessary to take the relevant American and Japanese governmental records on Korean-Japanese negotiations and private records of the actors of the times into account. Moreover it must be also seriously considered to start a big project for the elaborate edition of the important records of the foreign policy of the nation.

      • KCI등재

        1946년 북조선 도,시,군 인민위원회 선거

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ) 대구사학회 2014 대구사학 Vol.116 No.-

        In November 1946, the elections of provincial, municipal, county People`s Committees were held in every part of North Korea. Through these elections, the temporary local authorities became the permanent organs of the government. However, the role of these elections did not end with giving local authorities legitimacy and legality. Indeed, the provincial, municipal, and county Committee members gathered in a congress in February 1947 and composed the People`s Council and the North Korean People`s Committee, setting up the North Korean nation-building project. The People`s Committee elections were to make of the North Korean society a Soviet democracy. They enabled the institutionalization of a sociopolitical mobilization system that connected the Workers` Party of North Korea, the North Korean Provisional People`s Committee, the National Democratic United Front, the Parties and Social organizations, and the people to each other, thereby strengthening the role of the Workers` Party as a leader. Albeit election rules prescribed general, direct, equal election and secret vote, only the Parties and social organizations that joined the United Front could recommend candidates. The electorate`s power to choose a candidate who could represent its interests was highly limited. Because the electorate had to vote for or against the United Front candidate by casting ballots in either a white or black ballot box, the secrecy of voting was not guaranteed and opposition was thus fundamentally prevented. (Professor of Department of History, Kyungpook National University, jeonhs@knu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        노인의 운동몰입에 대한 현상학적 연구

        전현수(Jeon, Hyun soo),심윤식(Shim, Yun-Sik),우상연(Woo, Sang-Yeon) 한국웰니스학회 2018 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 한국의 문화 내에서 건강운동에 참여하는 노인들을 대상으로 운동몰입의 경험에 대해 자세히 살펴봄으로써 건강운동에 참여하는 노인들이 경험하는 운동몰입의 현상과 그 의미를 심층적으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 운동(테니스 및 탁구)에 참여하고 있는 65세 이상 노인들 10명을 대상으로 심층면담을 실시하였으며, 관찰 및 문헌고찰 등을 통하여 연구의 타당도를 확보하고자 하였다. 심층면담 자료를 토대로 노인들이 경험한 운동몰입의 구성요인들에 대하여 분석한 결과, 발생이전 요인(‘호적수; 능력과 도전목표의 조화’, ‘명확한 목표’,‘컨디션’), 진입요인(‘집중’), 경험요인(‘통제감’, ‘무의식중의 자동화’, ‘시간의 변형’, ‘신체적 활성화’), 방해요인(‘환경적 요인’, ‘인적 요인’)등으로 나타났다. 다음으로 노인이 경험하는 운동몰입의 경험적 특징을 일반생활몰입과 비교한 결과, 일반 생활몰입에서는 경험하기 어려웠던 짜릿한 기분이 몰입을 경험한 운동이 끝난 뒤에도 어느 정도 지속되는 것으로 나타났으며, 신체의 움직임을 통해 몰입을 경험함으로써 더 큰 만족감을 얻는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 노인들에게 있어 운동몰입의 경험은 `자기목적적`이며 `삶의 한 부분`으로서 작용한다는 점에서 노인들에게 더욱 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. This research closely examined about the experience of exercise flow of the elderly who participate in the exercises within Korean culture to deeply study about the phenomenon of the exercise flow of the elderly who participate in healthy exercises as well as its implication. For this, the in-depth interviews were conducted for 10 of the older adults who have the experience of concentration while participating in health exercises (table tennis, tennis). As a result of the analysis of the components of the exercise flow experienced by the elderly based on the in-depth interview data, the factors before the occurrence of the exercise concentration (‘Good Rival ; Harmonization of the competency and challenge goals’, ‘Clear goals’, ‘Condition’), Exercise flow entry factors (‘Concentration’), Exercise concentration experience factors (‘Sense of control’, ‘automation while being unconscious’ , ‘deformation of the time’, ‘physical activation’), and the interference factors for exercise flow (‘environmental factors’, ‘human factors’) were shown. The experience of concentration through exercises not only provides positive feeling like excitement but also makes one to get greater satisfaction that the concentration that can be experienced in daily life through physical and mental health improvement. Lastly, it was found that the experience of exercise flow was more positive for the elderly because it was ‘self-purposeful’ and functioned as ‘a part of their lives’.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신 초기에 합병된 소장폐색

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ),김현준 ( Hyun Jun Kim ),최영칠 ( Young Chil Choi ),이태의 ( Tae Ui Lee ),정두용 ( Doo Yong Chung ) 대한산부인과학회 2009 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.52 No.5

        Intestinal obstruction occurs rarely as a cause of acute abdominal pain during pregnancy. It is very difficult to make diagnosis, as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are commonly associated with pregnancy, and X-rays are avoided if possible. However, delayed diagnosis can cause intestinal strangulation, which results in a high incidence of maternal morbidity, mortality, premature labor, and fetal loss. The incidence of intestinal obstruction seems to increase at the time of rapid uterine size changes such as between 16~20 weeks, 32~36 weeks or even in the puerperium. The possibility of intestinal obstruction must always be kept in mind when a pregnant woman with an operation scar on her abdomen develops abdominal pain. We present a case of small bowel obstruction during early pregnancy with a brief review of the literature who had the history of right salpingo-oophorectomy and appendectomy operation.

      • KCI등재

        건강운동 참여자들의 자결성 동기와 운동지속의도의 관계: 신체상 자기차이의 조절효과를 중심으로

        전현수(Jeon, Hyun Soo),김현우(Kim, Hyun Woo) 한국체육교육학회 2021 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 건강운동에 참여하는 사람들의 자결성 동기, 운동지속의도의 관계에서 신체상 자기차이의 조절효과를 검증하는 것이다. 방법: 피트니스 및 수영 종목에 참여하고 있는 300명의 자료를 바탕으로 연구를 진행하였으며, 질문지의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증을 거친 후 연구의 목적에 맞도록 자료분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 첫째, 성별에 따라 신체상 자기차이의 방향에 차이가 나타났다. 남성은 더 건장한 체형이 되기를 희망하고 있는 반면, 여성은 더 날씬한 체형이 되기를 희망하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 신체상 자기차이에 따라 자결성 동기가 다르게 나타났다. 신체상 자기차이가 높은 집단이 낮은 집단에 비해 외적규제, 의무규제, 확인규제를 더 높게 지각하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 자결성 동기와 운동지속의도의 관계가 신체상 자기차이에 따라 달라지는 조절효과가 증명되었다. 신체상 자기차이를 높게 지각하는 집단에서는 확인규제가 운동지속의도에 가장 많은 영향력을 미치는 반면, 신체상 자기차이가 낮은 집단에서는 내적동기가 운동지속의도에 가장 많은 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 이러한 결과를 통해 운동 자체로부터 오는 내적인 즐거움도 중요하지만, 신체상 자기차이를 크게 지각하고 있는 사람들에게는 체형 및 건강 관리 등의 이유가 운동을 지속하는데 더 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다는 것이 확인되었다. Purpose: This study analyzed the moderating effect of body image self-discrepancy on the relationship between self-determined motivation and intention of exercise adherence in exercise participants. Method: This study was conducted based on the data of 300 exercisers. After the verification of reliability and validity of questionnaires data was analyzed for the purposes of this research: independent samples t-test, and multi-group analysis. Results: First, the orientation of body image self-discrepancy was statistical different depending on gender. It turns out that women tend to prefer a smaller and more petite body, but men tend to prefer a larger and more muscular shape. Second, there were statistical difference in self-determined motivation according to body image self-discrepancy. External, introjected and identified regulations were higher in the group that perceived the body image self-discrepancy high. Third, the relationship between self-determined motivation and intention of exercise adherence were moderated by body image self-discrepancy. In the group that perceived the body image self-discrepancy high, identified regulation had the most influence on the intention of exercise adherence, whereas in the group that perceived the body image self-discrepancy low, intrinsic motivation had the most influence on the intention of exercise adherence. Conclusion: These results show that the inner pleasure from exercise itself is important, but for those who perceive a high difference in body shape, reasons such as body shape and health management can become more important factors in continuing exercise.

      • KCI등재

        6.25전쟁 전후 시기 민간인 학살 연구 - 경상북도 예천군을 중심으로

        전현수 ( Jeon Hyun-soo ) 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2021 한국학논총 Vol.55 No.-

        1960년 제4대 국회의 조사에 의하면 6.25전쟁 전후 시기 대구경북 지역에서는 약 5,082명의 민간인이 학살되었는데, 예천군에서는 전체 피해자의 3.6%에 달하는 183명의 피해자가 발생하였다. 2007년 경북대학교 연구팀의 조사 결과 제4대 국회에서 집계한 피해자 수의 약 2배에 달하는 373명이 희생되었다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 예천군은 12개 읍면과 265개 행정리로 구성되어 있는데, 절대 다수의 지역에서 주민들이 전쟁 피해를 입었다. 예천군에서 민간인 학살 피해는 전쟁 발발 직후인 1950년 7월과 인민군 후퇴시기인 1951년 1월에 집중적으로 일어났다. 보도연맹사건과 미군폭격사건에 의한 희생자가 가장 많았다. 용궁면과 개포면, 지보면에서는 보도연맹사건 희생자가 많았고, 보문면과 감천면에서는 미군오폭사건 희생자가 많았다. 압도적 다수의 피해자가 남성이었다. 피해자는 전 연령대에서 발행했지만, 20대와 30대에서 특히 많은 피해자가 나왔다. According to a 1960 probe by the fourth National Assembly, approximately 5,082 civilians were slaughtered in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region in the several years before and after the start of the Korean War. 183 of the victims (3.6% of the total) perished in Yecheon-gun. Upon further investigation in 2007, a Kyungpook National University research team determined that the true figure of civilian casualties in Yecheon-gun was 373, more than twice the original estimate by the National Assembly. Yecheon-gun consisted of 12 eups and myeons, and 265 administrative lis. In the absolute majority of these subdivisions, residents were ravaged by the war. The civilian massacres in Yecheon-gun were concentrated in July 1950, immediately after the outbreak of the war, and in January 1951, when the People's Army was retreating. The Gukmin Bodo Yeonmaeng incident and the United States Air Force’s “friendly-fire” attacks accounted for the two largest shares of the casualties in Yecheon-gun. In Yonggung-myeon, Gaepo-myeon, and Jibo-myeon, there were many victims of the Gukmin Bodo Yeonmaeng incident, and in Bomun-myeon and Gamcheon-myeon, there were many victims of the US friendly-fire bombing. The overwhelming majority of the victims were men. There were victims of all ages, but civilians in their twenties and thirties figured prominently.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        수술 전 양측 태아 심장박동으로 확인된 자연적인 이소성 임신

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ),신현준 ( Hyun Jun Shin ),김익희 ( Ick Hee Kim ),정두용 ( Doo Yong Chung ) 대한산부인과학회 2012 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.55 No.5

        Heterotopic pregnancy, combined intrauterine and extra-uterine (ectopic) pregnancy, is a potentially fatal condition that rarely occurs in natural conception cycle. There has been a rise of this entity mainly due to ovulation induction and in vitro fertilization performed in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology. Diagnosis is often delayed causing life threatening situations, since heterotopic pregnancy is still rare and unexpected in natural conception. We report a case of patient with spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy in the fi rst trimester with a review of the literature. Transvaginal ultrasound confi rmed heart activity of both embryos in uterus and the right ampulla portion.

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