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        배터리 전해질 유기용매인 EC(Ethylene Carbonate)의 연소특성치 측정

        장유리,장유,최재준,하동명 한국가스학회 2023 한국가스학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Earthquakes are one of the most important disasters affecting underground structures. Urban gas underground pipes may cause safety problems of structures in the event of an earthquake. Since Korea began digital observation, the number of earthquakes has been steadily increasing. The seismic design standard for urban gas pipes was established in 2008, but it is difficult to estimate the impact of pipes in the event of an earthquake based on the installation of pipes. In this study, structural analysis was performed on PE (polyethylene pipe) pipes and PLP (polyethylene coated steel pipe) pipes, which are mainly used as buried pipes in Korea, according to environmental and pipe variables in the event of an earthquake. This study sought to find the variables of the most vulnerable buried pipe by modeling pipes through Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and generating displacement on the ground. Through this study, it was confirmed that the larger the elastic modulus of the soil, the deeper the buried depth, the smaller the tube diameter, and the higher the pressure, the more PLP pipes are affected by earthquakes than PE. Based on these results, the vulnerable points of buried urban gas pipes are inferred and used for special inspections of buried pipes in the event of an earthquake.

      • 堀辰雄の空間表象 : 初期作品から『軽井沢文学』への移行をめぐって

        張유리 韓國日本文化硏究會 2013 日本文化論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        従来、堀辰雄研究において東京と軽井沢は、主として作家自身の人生経験との関わりから言及されてきた。モダン都市東京を舞台とした水族館他の初期短編と、『美しい村』 『風立ちぬ』などの<軽井沢文学>は、生い立ちの空間としての東京と、療養․安住の場としての軽井沢という二つの空間の志向性が別々に論じられてきたが、それは研究の枠組みを定型化させる結果を招き、多様なアプローチを妨げる原因になってきたと思われる。本稿では、このような従来の研究を批判する立場から、堀辰雄文学における空間に対する新しい解釈を試みるべく、上記作品を中心に彼の小説テクストに現れている東京と軽井沢の表象の包括的な分析を行い、その特徴を明らかにした上で、堀辰雄文学の始まりと言われる聖家族の空間設定を分析することで、堀辰雄文学における東京から軽井沢への移行の問題について考察する。これまでの作家論的な接近とは異なる見地から、断絶した空間として捉えられてきた東京と軽井沢の表象を連続線上に置いて分析することによって、堀辰雄の<軽井沢文学>に対する新たな視座を提示することを試みる。

      • KCI등재

        잡지 『장한』 창간호를 통해 본 기생의 글쓰기 - 한의 표출과 자기 치유를 중심으로 -

        장유리 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 동서인문학 Vol.- No.63

        The women’s magazines in Joseon started its history in 1906 when Gadyeongjapji was first published, and they made big progress in 1920–30s. During this period, various types of women’s magazines were published. In this diversification of women’s magazines, I noticed Janghan, the magazine written mainly by ‘Gisaeng’. Up until the time, the Gisaeng had not possessed any opportunity to speak out as the members of the society through public channels. Under this circumstance, they launched Janghan as the media through which they expressed their opinions to the public. The notion of ‘Han’ underlies the writings of various Gisaeng in Janghan, which expressed their deep sorrow about their unfortunate circumstances, their grudge against the world, and their setback resulting from the reality. On the other hand, however, they also seem to have tried to resolve their frustration based on ‘Han’ with their companies through Janghan. In this paper, I classified Gisaeng’s texts included in the first issue of Janghan and analyse their self-recognition and the notion of Han expressed in each type of texts. Also, I explored the significance of Janghan from the perspectives of ‘Hanpuri’ and self-healing. 1906년에 『가뎡잡지』가 창간되면서 그 역사가 시작된 조선의 여성잡지는 1920- 30년대에 큰 발전을 이루었다. 이 시기의 여성잡지는 양적으로 발전을 보이는 동시에 다양한 성격을 가진 잡지가 등장하였는데 이러한 여성잡지의 다양화 속에서 단연 눈에 띄는 것은 기생이 중심이 되어 만든 잡지 『장한』의 출현일 것이다. 이전까지 기생은 공적인 통로를 통해 사회의 일원으로서 발언할 기회를 거의 가지지 못한 존재였다. 그러한 상황 속에서 기생들이 세상을 향해 자신의 말을 발신할 수 있는 미디어를 스스로 만든 것이 『장한』이었다. 『장한』에 실려 있는 다양한 기생들의 글에는 자신의 불우한 처지에 대한 한탄과 세상에 대한 원망, 현실에 대한 좌절감과 체념을 바탕에 둔 ‘한’의 정서가 나타나 있다. 하지만 한편으로는 그 한을 같은 처지에 있는 기생 ‘동무’들과 함께 풀어보고자 하는 바람도 동시에 담겨 있다. 이 논문에서는 『장한』 창간호에 실린 기생들의 글을 유형별로 분류하여 글에 나타난 그녀들의 자기 인식과 한의 양상을 살펴보고 나아가 이러한 글쓰기가 한풀이와 치유-자기 회복-로 이어진다는 관점에서 잡지 『장한』이 가진 의의를 도출하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        『モダンTOKIO円舞曲』に見られる1930年、東京 –浅草・銀座・丸の内の表象を中心に–

        장유리 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        In this article, I studied the representation of urban space in “MODERN TOKIO RONDO” which is considered as the first anthology focusing on urban space in modern Japanese literature. “MODERN TOKIO RONDO”, published in Syunyodo in May, 1930, contains 12 representative Japanese modernism novels such as Yasunari Kawabata’s “The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa” and Tatsuo Hori’s “Aquarium”, themed Tokyo in 1930s. Whereas each of the novels has been studied as an individual work, the studies on “MODERN TOKIO RONDO” as a single anthology have been scanty. Based on that point, I analyzed “MODERN TOKIO RONDO” as a single organic text and derived the cognition of a modern city, Tokyo and its meaning shared by modernism writers at that time from the representation of Tokyo in the anthology. “MODERN TOKIO RONDO”, published in 1930 when “the renaissance festival of the imperial capital” was held, is the first volume of “Worldwide Metropolitan Jazz Literature” (all 15 volumes) themed the metropolises of the world. This project not only promoted the revival of Tokyo destroyed by the great Kanto Earthquake but also tried to place Tokyo in the same position as global metropolises. In “MODERN TOKIO RONDO” seemingly praising revived Tokyo, however, there are apolaustic urbiculture and criticism of machine and city civilization at the same time. And the change of the cultural center in 1930s from Asakusa to Ginza․Shinjuku in Tokyo in “MODERN TOKIO RONDO” suggests that people had changed from passive enjoyers “just watching” to active doer “experiencing”. Moreover, the anthology offers some approach to revaluate Marunouchi that has been mentioned just as the center of business until now as the center of Tokyo in 1930s.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution of Freely Dissolved Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Yellow Sea: Application of Improved Passive Sampling Technique

        장유리,정해진,김나영,김기범 한국해양과학기술원 2022 Ocean science journal Vol.57 No.2

        A high-speed rotation-type passive sampling device (HSR-PSD) was designed to effectively measure the freely dissolved hydrophobic organic contaminants in an aquatic environment, and the operating conditions of the HSR-PSD were optimized. In addition to the HSR-PSD, a conventional high-volume water sampler was applied to the Yellow Sea near Korea, and the distributions of three environmental phases of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated. The HSR-PSD, operating for under 12 h at 1000 rpm, can measure the freely dissolved concentrations of PAHs up to log KOW = 6. Total freely dissolved PAH concentrations obtained from the HSR-PSD were from 0.67 to 1.9 ng/L in the Yellow Sea. The PAH levels were higher by one order of magnitude than those in other oceans. Concentrations of PAHs in dissolved and particulate phases ranged from 10 to 20 ng/L and from 0.0062 to 0.060 ng/L, respectively. Unlike the spatial distribution of dissolved PAHs, the concentrations of freely dissolved PAHs in water and predicted PAHs in fish are higher in the central regions than in coastal areas of the Yellow Sea. Locations with high bioavailable PAHs are adjacent to identified potential sources, demonstrating that PAHs, in the freely dissolved phase, tend to be more consistently distributed near to potential sources than those in the dissolved phase.

      • 「매춘부」

        장유리 경희대학교 대학원 일어일문학과 2022 일본학논집 Vol.45 No.-

        한국・일본문학산책 86-102 작가 소개 및 작품 해설 103-104

      • KCI등재

        Cone beam형 전산화단층촬영장치를 이용한 하악 제1대구치 근심 치근의 danger zone에 관한 연구

        장유리,최용석,최기운,박상혁 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2007 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.37 No.2

        Purpose : To examine the danger zone of mesial root of mandibular first molar of patient without extraction using CBCT(cone -beam computed tomography) to avoid the risk of root perforation. Materials and Methods : 20 mandibular first molars without caries and restorations were collected. CT images were obtained by CBCT(PSR9000N TM, Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan), reformed and analyzed by V-work 5.0 (CyberMed Inc., Korea). Distance between canal orifice and furcation was measured. In cross sectional images at 3, 4 and 5 mm below the canal orifice, distal wall thickness of mesiobuccal canal (MB-D), distal wall thickness of mesiolingual canal (ML-D), distal wall thickness of central part (C-D), mesial wall thickness of mesiobuccal canal (MB-M) and mesial wall thickness of mesiolingual canal (ML-M) were measured. Results : The mean distance between the canal orifice and the furcation of the roots is 2.40 mm. Distal wall is found to be thinner than mesial wall. Mean dentinal wall thickness of distal wall is about 1 mm. The wall thickness is thinner as the distance from the canal orifice is farther. But significant differences are not noted between 4 mm and 5 mm in MB-D and C-D. MB-D is thinner than ML-D although the differences is not significant. Conclusion : The present study confirmed the anatomical weakness of distal surface of the coronal part of the mesial roots of mandibular first molar by CBCT and provided an anatomical guide line of wall thickness during endodontic treatment.

      • KCI등재


        장유리 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2015 일본연구 Vol.23 No.-

        In this paper, I analyzed the representation of urban space in A Clumsy Angelby Hori Tatsuo and One Day of a Novelist Mr. Gubo by Park Taewon in terms of a flâneur, which were written from a modernological perspective focusing on the relationship between the imperial capital, Tokyo, and the colonial capital, Gyeongseong, in the 1930s. Also, I tried to investigate the meaning of the imperial capital, Tokyo, to Korean young men by analyzing the experiences of Tokyo described in One Day of a Novelist Mr. Gubo. “I” in A Clumsy Angel internalized Tokyo and reconstructed it as a space in his consciousness by omitting a description of its real streets, while Gyeongseong in One Day of a Novelist Mr. Gubo was described as a city that had several boundaries such as desire/life, Japan/Joseon, materialism/mind and modern/premodern times. Flaneuring can be considered as a self-awareness deed performed in an urban space. In the case of “I” in ‘A Clumsy Angel’, he establishes self-awareness after considering Tokyo as a perfectly private space through flaneuring. Meanwhile, the flaneuring of ‘Mr. Gubo’ shows “a time lag,” which means a delay in time and consciousness existent between Tokyo and Gyeongseong, and ‘Mr. Gubo’ could not cross the several boundaries of Gyeongseong generated by “the time lag.” And thereby, ‘Mr. Gubo’ failed to cognize an urban space, Gyeongseong, as a private space and to perceive himself in the space. “The time lag” accompanied in the young Korean’s experiences of Tokyo is represented as a device which made him recognize his yearning for suzerainty, Japan, and his own limits behind it. 本稿では、1930年代における帝都東京と植民地の首都、京城の関係に注目して、考現学的な観点から書かれたといわれる堀辰雄の「不器用な天使」と朴泰遠の「小説家仇甫氏の一日」に現れている都市空間表象を両作品における遊歩者の有様を中心に比較分析した。さらに、「小説家仇甫氏の一日」における東京経験の現れ方を分析することで、植民地青年における帝都東京の意味を探ることを試みた。「不器用な天使」の「僕」が東京という都市空間から街景を削除することで、都市を内面化して意識上の空間として再構成しているのに対し、「仇甫」における京城は「欲望/生活、日本/朝鮮、物質/精神、近代/前近代」といった様々な境界が存在する空間として描かれている。遊歩という行為は都市空間の中で行われる自己認識の行為としても解釈できるが、「僕」は遊歩を通じて東京を完全な私的領域とした上で自己認識を試みていた。一方、「仇甫」の遊歩には東京と京城の間に存在する時間的․意識的遅れを意味する「時差」が現れており、「仇甫」は「時差」によって生じた京城における様々な境界を克服することができずに、京城という都市空間を私的領域として認識することにも、その空間の中で自己を認識することにも失敗している。植民地青年の東京経験に付随しているこの「時差」は、植民地が宗主国に抱いている憧憬と、その裏にある自らの限界の自覚として現れているのである。

      • KCI등재

        식민지시기 조선 여성들의 스포츠 수용 - 1920-30년대 여성 잡지를 중심으로 -

        장유리 일본어문학회 2021 일본어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        In this study, I study the relationship between the empire of Japan and the colony Joseon by considering how the sports as a culture had been accepted from the 1920s to the 1930s. I mainly analyzed the women’s magazines of the 1920s and 1930s. I revealed the dual structure of discrimination, the colonial disparity and the gender disparity that the Joseon women had to experience in the pop culture by analyzing the sports articles in the women’s magazines of Joseon. I mainly examined the sports articles published in three major women’s magazines of Joseon, <Sin Yeoseong>, <Sin Gajeong> and <Yeseong>. Sports were considered as a means that not only liberated but also strengthened the women’s bodies and minds. However, the women’s physical and mental liberation due to the modernity of sports was directly connected to the image as a good wife and mother after all. In other words, the sports in the women’s magazines of Joseon played a role to lead the women to the traditional gender roles using their modernity.

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