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        Anti-inflammatory Effect of Shea Butter Extracts in Canine Keratinocytes

        임다혜,배슬기,오태호 한국임상수의학회 2021 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        Shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa) is a fat extracted from shea tree nuts and contains relatively high levels of non-glycerides. Triterpenes, the main non-glyceride component, exhibit a variety of biological activities such as antitumor, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Shea butter extract (SBE) has been used to treat various skin problems such as burns, eczema, and rash in human medicine, but little is known about the activity of SBE on canine skin. This study evaluated the cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory effect of SBE in canine keratinocytes. Cytotoxicity of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 5-50 ng/mL) and SBE (50-200 g/mL) was evaluated using the CCK-8 assay. Non-cytotoxic concentrations of LPS and SBE were administered to canine cell cultures to evaluate anti-inflammatory effects. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of SBE, the levels of IL-1, IL-8, IL-12, and TNF- were measured using ELISA kits. The concentration of each cytokine was quantified in control, LPS-treated, LPS + SBE-treated groups. Increased levels of IL-1, IL-8, and IL-12 were found in LPS-treated groups relative to control groups. LPS + SBEtreated groups showed a lower level of IL-1, IL-8, and IL-12 than LPS-treated groups. These results suggest that SBE may have application as a topical agent for canine inflammatory skin diseases. However, further in vivo study is needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of SBE in dogs.

      • KCI등재

        부모의 부정적 양육태도가 청소년의 친구관계에 미치는 영향: 학업열의와 협동심의 병렬 이중매개효과

        임다혜,김춘경 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.12

        Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the parallel dual mediation effect of academic engagement and cooperation on the correlation between negative parental attitudes and adolescents' friend relationships. Methods This study used 4th wave data (7th graders) of the Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018 (KCYPS 2018). The parallel dual mediation effect analysis were performed through Model no. 4 of SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro 4.2. Results First, adolescents’ academic engagement, cooperation and friend relationships showed negative correlations with negative parental attitudes. However, adolescents’ academic engagement, cooperation, and friend relationships showed a positive correlation with each other. Second, The effect of negative parental attitudes on adolescents' friend relationships was verified to have a significant mediation effect on academic engagement and cooperation, respectively. On the other hand, in the size of the indirect effect between the mediation variables, cooperation was higher than academic engagement. This means that the negative parental attitudes not only directly affect adolescents’ friend relationship, but also indirectly affect adolescents’ friend relationship through academic engagement. In particular, cooperation has a key impact in the process of leading to adolescents’ friend relationship. Conclusions This study presented the basis that academic engagement and cooperation have an important influence on the impact of negative parental attitude on adolescents' friend relationships. It provides basic data for parent education and youth counseling programs that help teenagers promote their friend relationship.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 분석을 통한 택시승차밀집구역과 택시승차대 위치의 비교

        임다혜,권영상 한국도시설계학회 2019 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        Recently, a policy to install a taxi stand for citizen convenience has been promoted, but a low utilization rate became an issue. The purpose of this study is to compare the location of the poorly used taxi stand and the spatial density of taxis. The research method was conducted by visualizing big data for taxi driving and public open data for taxi stand. In detail, Moran’s I, Hot-spot analysis, and Kernel Density Estimation are used, and 7 administrative districts were selected by the rush hours, and midnight time zone. As a result, in the midnight time zone, the spatial autocorrelation of taxi rides was high, and the spatial density of taxis is distributed. The taxi stand is highly used when it is located in or near the spatially dense area of taxi ridings, the taxi stand is lowly used when taxi stand exists outside the spatial dense area of taxi ridings. In the future, to make the utilization of taxi stand increase, plans could be suggested that the taxi stand is installed near a spot where taxi riding is extremely high. 최근 시민들의 편의를 위해 택시승차대를 설치하는 정책이 추진되었으나, 실제 이용율이 저조한 측면이 지적되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 서울시에서 이용이 저조한 택시승차대의 위치와 택시승차밀집구역을 비교하는 것이다. 연구의 방법으로 택시승차대의 공공개방데이터와 택시운행 빅데이터를 시각화하여 분석하였다. 구체적으로 모란지수, 핫스팟분석, 커널밀도추정을 활용하였고, 출근시간대, 퇴근시간대, 심야시간대에서 택시승차가 많은 행정동 7개를 선정하여 택시승차밀집구역과 택시승차대의 위치를 비교했다. 분석결과, 서울시의 택시승차는 심야시간대에 공간적 자기상관성이 높으며, 택시승차밀집구역의 범위가 넓게 분포했다. 택시승차대가 택시승차밀집구역 인근에 존재하지 않을 경우 택시승차대의 이용정도가 낮은 편이었고, 택시승차대가 택시승차밀집구역 내에 위치하거나 인근에 위치할 경우 이용정도가 높은 편이었다. 향후 택시승차대 이용을 향상시키기 위해서 택시승차가 많은 지점에 택시승차대를 설치하는 방안을 고려해볼 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        랜덤 포레스트 모형을 활용한 청년들의 주택 유형별주거환경 만족도 영향 요인 중요도 분석– 주거실태조사(2020) 데이터를 활용하여

        임다혜,권영상 한국도시설계학회 2022 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        This study aims to analyze the importance of residential environment elements byhousing type(multi-detached, studio, apartment complex) using random forest modelto improve the residential environment quality for young adults. The analysis resultsare as follows. In multi-detached housing type, sanitation level of house andaccessibility of housing environment were important. In studio type(so-called‘Officetel’ in Korea), neighborhood noise and accessibility of public institution wereimportant. In apartment complex type, accessibility to commercial facilities andparking conveniences were important. Important elements by broader categories werededucted as the following; neighborhood crime safety and air pollution in individualbuilding type(multi-detached house and studio) and accessibility to cultural facilitiesin residential land use type(multi-detached house and apartment complex). In allhousing types, important factors were house satisfaction, accessibility to medicalfacilities, and educational environment, trust between neighbors, and pedestriansafety. This implies that the residential environment elements should be dealtdifferently by housing type and land use in supplying housing for young adults andimproving the residential environment. 본 연구는 청년 주거환경의 질적 수준을 높이기 위한 목적으로 청년들의 주택 유형별(다세대ㆍ다가구, 오피스텔, 아파트)로 주거환경 만족도와 관련된 요인들의 중요도를 랜덤 포레스트 모형으로 분석한 연구이다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 다세대ㆍ다가구 유형에서는 주택의 위생 수준과 대중교통 접근성, 오피스텔 유형에서는 근린의 소음과 공공기관 접근성, 아파트 유형에서는상업시설 접근성과 주차 편의가 중요 요인으로 파악되었다. 유형 간 공통적인 특징은 개별 건물형태인 다세대ㆍ다가구와 오피스텔에서는 근린의 범죄안전과 대기오염이 중요 요인으로 파악되었고, 용도지역상 주거지역에 위치한 아파트, 다세대ㆍ다가구는 문화시설 접근성이 중요 요인으로 파악되었다. 모든 유형에서 공통 요인으로는 주택 만족도, 의료시설 접근성, 교육환경, 이웃간 신뢰, 보행안전이 중요 요인으로 파악되었다. 이는 향후 도시의 청년 주택 공급과 주거환경개선시 주택 유형과 토지이용을 고려하여 주거환경 요소들을 다르게 접근해야 함을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        시선추적기를 활용한 7-8세 고기능 자폐범주성장애 아동들의 얼굴표정에 대한 정서인식 특성 분석

        임다혜,홍경훈 한국언어청각임상학회 2023 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.28 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to investigate characteristics of peer’s facial emotion recognition (FER) in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HF-ASD) through gaze patterns; and to suggest implications through comparison with typically developing (TD children). Methods: The participants were 10 children with HF-ASD aged 7-8 years and 10 children with TD matched on chronological age. Children performed FER tasks consisting of two types of stimuli (static, dynamic) for four basic emotions (happy, sad, anger, surprise) and their eye movement were measured while they performed the task using an eye-tracker. The emotion recognition accuracy, proportion of fixation, and heatmap were analyzed, and correlation analysis was conducted. Results: The HF-ASD group performed significantly poorer than the TD group in overall emotion recognition and made significantly more errors only in anger. There was no statistically significant difference in emotion recognition between static and dynamic stimuli in both groups. There was no interaction effect between group and emotion type and areas of interest (AOI). Only the interaction effect between emotion type and AOI was significant in the TD group. The HF-ASD group tended to look more at the mouth than the eyes and look relatively more at non-feature area of the faces compared to the TD group. These gaze patterns seem to affect the accuracy depending on emotion types. Conclusion: Children with HF-ASD have deficits in FER and show gaze patterns different with TD peers. The results of this study suggest that a deficit in FER of children with HF-ASD is related to gaze pattern.

      • KCI등재

        중강도 유산소 운동이 숙취해소와 간 대사 효소에 미치는 영향

        임다혜,윤소미,이희진,이윤빈,정민기,이대택 한국웰니스학회 2020 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on hangover awareness, blood alcohol concentration, liver metabolic enzymes, and neuromuscular exercise ability in hangover situations after alcohol consumption. A total of two experiments were conducted, divided into 1 and 2 according to the hangover cancellation method (stable rest or moderate intensity aerobic exercise) through 9 cross-design experiments on 9 adult men. Subjective hangover symptoms were evaluated through a questionnaire, and blood alcohol levels and levels of liver bilirubin (AST, ALT, GGT) were confirmed by blood tests. And neuromuscular motor skills test (equilibrium, distance perception ability, response time) was performed. As a result, there was no difference in hangover awareness, blood alcohol concentration, and relaxation of hangover between rest and exercise in liver metabolism enzyme. In the three neuromuscular motor skills tests, equilibrium, distance perception, and response time, the difference between stable rest and exercise did not show any results. 본 연구는 알코올 섭취 후 숙취상황에서 중강도 유산소 운동이 숙취자각, 혈중 알코올 농도, 간 대사 효소, 신경근운동능력에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 하였다. 20대 성인 남성 9명을 대상으로 교차 설계 실험을 통해 숙취해소방법(안정 휴식 혹은 중강도 유산소 운동)에 따라 1차, 2차로 나누어 총 2회의 실험을 진행하였다. 설문지를 통해 주관적 숙취 증상을 평가하였고, 혈액 검사를 통해 혈중 알코올 농도와 간 대사효소(Total bilirubin, AST, ALT, GGT)의 수치를 확인하였다. 신경근 운동능력검사(평형성, 거리 지각 능력, 반응시간)를 시행하였다. 그 결과 숙취 자각도, 혈중 알코올 농도, 간 대사 효소에서 안정 휴식과 운동 간의 숙취해소 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 평형성, 거리 지각 능력, 반응시간 총 세 가지의 신경근운동능력검사에서 안정 휴식과 운동 간의 차이는 세 항목 다 결과가 나타나지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        부모의 심리적 통제가 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향

        임다혜(Dahye Im),김춘경(Choonkyung Kim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.8

        목적 본 연구는 아동의 관계적, 외현적 공격성에 영향을 주는 환경적, 개인적 주요 요인을 선정하여 아동의 문제행동에 대한 부모의 자녀 이해도 증진 및 효과적인 상담 개입방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 방법 이를 위하여 부모의 심리적 통제가 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성에 미치는 영향에서 도덕적 이탈과 정서조절능력의 매개효과를 검증하였다. 대구⋅경북에 위치한 5개 초등학교 4~6학년 아동 684명을 대상으로 PCS-YSR, 관계적⋅외현적 공격성 척도, 도덕적 이탈 척도, 정서조절능력 척도를 사용하여 분석하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 23.0를 사용하여 측정변수들 간의 관련성을 살펴보고자 상관분석을 실시하였다. 다음으로 변인 간의 매개효과 검증을 위해 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 결과 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부모의 심리적 통제와 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성, 도덕적 이탈은 서로 유의미한 정적상관을 보였다. 반면, 정서조절능력은 다른 변인들과 서로 유의미한 부적상관을 보였다. 둘째, 부모의 심리적 통제는 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성에 영향을 미치며 도덕적 이탈이 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 부모의 심리적 통제는 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성에 영향을 미치며 정서조절능력이 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 본 연구결과를 통해 아버지와 어머니의 심리적 통제가 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성에 미치는 영향력을 확인하였으며, 도덕적 이탈과 정서조절능력의 매개효과가 검증되었다. 이를 통해 아동의 관계적⋅외현적 공격성을 완화할 수 있는 측면에 대한 아동상담 및 부모교육 프로그램의 기초자료를 제공할 수 있다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to improve parents' understanding of children's problem behavior and to present effective counseling intervention plans by selecting major environmental and personal factors that affect children's relational and overt aggression. Methods The effect of parents' psychological control on children's relational and overt aggression was verified through the mediating effect of moral disengagement and emotion regulation. PCS-YSR, relational and overt aggression scale, and emotion regulation scale were used for 684 students in 4th to 6th grades at 5 elementary schools in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do. The collected data were analyzed for correlation between measurement variables using SPSS 23.0. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed to verify the mediation effect between variables. Results First, there was a significant positive correlations between parents' psychological control and children's relational and overt aggression, and moral disengagement. On the other hand, there was significant negative correlations in emotion regulation and the other variables. Second, it was found that parents' psychological control affects children's relational and overt aggression, and moral disengagement is partially mediated. Third, it was found that parents' psychological control affects children's relational and overt aggression, and their emotion regulation is partially mediated. Conclusions As a result of this study, the influence of psychological control of fathers and mothers on children's relational and overt aggression was confirmed, and the mediating effect of moral disengagement and emotion regulation was verified. These findings can provide basic data for child counseling and parent education programs that can alleviate children's relational and overt aggression.

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