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        전 생활사 단계의 보름달물해파리(Aurelia aurita s.l.)에 대한 쥐치(Stephanolepis cirrhifer)의 포식과 먹이 선호도 실험

        이혜은,한창훈,이혜현,윤원득,Lee, Hye-Eun,Han, Chang-Hoon,Lee, Hye-Hyun,Yoon, Won-Duk 한국해양학회 2015 바다 Vol.20 No.1

        To determine the predation rate of threadsail filefish, we conducted feeding experiment of threadsail filefish, Stephanolepis cirrhifer on different life stages (medusae, ephyrae, and polyps) of Aurelia aurita s.l. in the laboratory. All size groups of threadsail filefish actively preyed on moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita s.l. and predation rate was proportional to the wet weight of threadsail filefish. Average wet weight 0.5, 1, 2.2 g of threadsail filefish preyed on average $0.77{\pm}0.51g\;fish^{-1}h^{-1}$ of medusae. Average wet weight 150 and 344 g of threadsail filefish preyed on $9.26{\pm}1.61$ and $15.89{\pm}3.67g\;fish^{-1}h^{-1}$ of medusae respectively. In ephyrae and polyps, average wet weight 3.7 g of juvenile of threadsail filefish preyed on 100 ephyrae within 10 minutes and average wet weight 2.2 g of juvenile of threadsail filefish preyed on $5.73{\pm}0.59$ polyps $g^{-1}$ of fish $h^{-1}$. Whereas adults of threadsail filefish did not prey on polyps. In feeding preference experiments to elucidate whether threadsail filefish prey on moon jellyfish in the sea, adults of threadsail filefish preyed on mostly oysters (ca. 60%) and polychaetes (ca. 80%). Medusae were consumed only 2% of total. However, juvenile of threadsail filefish preyed on ephyrae and polyps as well as mysid shrimps. Besides, polyps were consistently consumed during the experiment. Although juvenile of threadsail filefish consumed all kinds of prey, they ceased feeding at temperatures below $11^{\circ}C$, which suggests that possibility of predation on ephyrae may be very low in the sea because ephyrae are released at low temperatures below $11^{\circ}C$ from March to April. Whereas polyps are inhabitable in all seasons in Korean coastal waters, juvenile of threadsail filefish may prey on polyps in the sea. These results suggest that removing moon jellyfish at polyp stage by using juvenile of threadsail filefish is the most effective way for extermination of moon jellyfish.

      • KCI등재

        임플란트 환자의 보철물에 대한 인식 및 관리 실태에 관한 연구

        이혜은,임중재,Lee, Hye-Eun,Im, Joong-Jae 대한치과기공학회 2019 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the improvement of dental care service for patient care. Methods: The survey period was from December 10, 2018 to June 10, 2019. The subjects were 180 patients who were treated with dental implant in 20 dental hospitals and clinics in Daejeon and Gyeonggi province. A total of 145 questionnaires were analyzed except for 35 copies which were unreliable or difficult to analyze. Results: The most important care method for prolonging the life time of dental implant prosthesis was the highest rate of correct brushing (39.4%), and a majority in the subjects used oral hygiene products (91.0%). With regard to discomfort after dental implant prosthesis, food particles between the teeth showed the highest response (49.7%), and discomfort with gum infections and bleeding and reduced mastication increased significantly with age (p<0.05), whereas feeling of irritation decreased significantly with age (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that it approached the perception and discomfort of prosthesis from the patients' point of view. It needs to establish the basic data to improve dental treatment service for patient care.

      • KCI등재

        치과기공사의 전문성 인식이 자기개발 및 전문성 향상 활동에 미치는 영향

        이혜은,Lee, Hye-Eun 대한치과기공학회 2021 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        Purpose: In this study, an attempt was made to identify the extent of dental technicians' perception of professionalism and examine to what extent the perception of professionalism impacts self-development and professionalism improvement activities. Methods: An online survey was conducted for 391 dental technicians for 20 days (i.e., from October 20 to November 10, 2020). Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to examine the correlation between the independent variable and the dependent variable, and multiple regression analysis was performed to analyze the degree of influence of independent variables on self-development and professionalism improvement activities. Results: As a result of examining the impact of dental technicians' perception of professionalism on self-development and professionalism improvement activities, it was revealed that all four subareas of the perception of professionalism, i.e., professional qualification, professional autonomy, social perception, and the sense of calling, were positively impacted. Conclusion: (1) It is necessary to compare and analyze the differences in the perception of professionalism among various dental technologist groups, prepare programs to improve them, and endeavor to ensure the growth of organizational operating system. (2) Self-development and professionalism improvement activities need to be supported so that dental technologists can immerse themselves in their duties with affections for the organization and contemplate and provide educational programs to workers.

      • KCI등재

        Q방법론에 의한 치기공학과 학생의 치과기공사 직업이미지 인식 연구

        이혜은,김영란,Lee, Hye-Eun,Kim, Young-Ran 대한치과기공학회 2020 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to employ a Q-methodological approach that can understand the characteristics of each type according to the subjective structures of humans, to help understand type-specific characteristics and to provide a basis for creating the image of dental technicians among dental technology students based on the characteristics of each type. Methods: The Q-methodology was used for this study. 120 Q-statements were obtained from a qualitative survey of 120 students of the department of dental technology. To select the Q-sample, the Q-population was categorized by taking several repeated readings. The selected statements were reviewed and revised by experts and 33 Q-samples were finally selected. The data were then analyzed using the PQ method program. Results: Among 42 P specimens, 22 were classified into type 1, 9 types 2, and 11 types 3. "Type 1" recognizes the image of dental technicians positively and optimistically (Z=1.29) (Z=1.74), but it is named "self-development oriented" in the sense that steady self-development must be underpinned (Z=1.37). "Type 2" agreed strongly that they could work for a lifetime without age or gender discrimination (Z=2.09). This type was referred to as "professional-oriented" because the recognition of dental technicians is more focused on "professional." "Type 3" was tagged "pride-oriented," showing the strongest agreement that they can be proud of their job as healthcare workers (Z=1.08). Conclusion: Many studies on such an image should be carried out to determine the importance of occupational images and establish desirable status for dental technicians to continue developing.

      • KCI등재

        임플란트 보철의 기능별 환자 만족도 연구

        이혜은,문학룡,Lee, Hye-Eun,Moon, Hak-ryong 대한치과기공학회 2020 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to provide the basic data for improving patient satisfaction and dental services by examining the satisfaction of implant patients who have become important customers of dental treatment due to the increased demand for implants and identifying the factors affecting satisfaction. Methods: Out of 145 questionnaires, excluding 15 questionnaires that were unfaithfully responded to or difficult to analyze, 130 questionnaires were used for the analysis of the satisfaction of the dental patients with implant treatment in 19 dental hospitals and clinics in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. Results: Implant satisfaction was as high as 3.20 (±0.56) for masticatory function satisfaction, 3.19 for psychological function satisfaction (±0.59), and 3.01 (±0.58) for social function satisfaction. Conclusion: Consistent patient care is important because an implant is not a one-shot cure but ends over a period of several months to several years. It is meaningful in that this study measured the satisfaction of implant prostheses evaluated from a patient's point of view and examined various factors and needs affecting patient satisfaction to provide the basic data for research that can contribute to improving the satisfaction of implant patients.

      • Ion Chromatograph를 이용한 작업환경 시료중 산류의 동시분석

        이혜은,김강윤,최호춘,Lee, Hye-Eun,Kim, Gang-Yun,Choe, Ho-Chun 대한산업보건협회 1997 산업보건 Vol.115 No.-

        본 분석기법을 소개하고자 하는 목적은 유해인자별 작업환경 측정 및 특수건강진단 시료 분석에 맞는구체적인 분석결과를 제시함으로써 산업보건관련 유관기관에 실질적인 도움을 주고자 함 입니다.

      • KCI등재

        치과기공소 개설등록제도 개선방안에 대한 치과기공사의 인식조사: 치과의사의 치과기공소 개설등록제도를 중심으로

        이혜은,류재경,이희경,김정숙,임중재,박범우,Lee, Hye-Eun,Ryu, Jae-Kyung,Lee, Hee-Kyung,Kim, Jung-Sook,Im, Joong-Jae,Park, Beom-Woo 대한치과기공학회 2021 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted on dental technicians to examine the problems of the dental laboratory registration system and devise a plan to improve it. Methods: For data collection, an online survey was conducted on 14,015 dental technicians registered in the Korea Dental Technologist Association as of October 2020. Among the collected 405 questionnaires, 391 data were used for analysis. Results: We found that dental technicians felt that the dental laboratory opening registration system was unfair. There were problems including the problem of the verification method of job performance, not acknowledging the difference in the job field, and the lack of understanding of the structure of work cooperation between dentistry and dental laboratories. Furthermore, it was recognized that the system was improved by reflecting the change in job area according to the change of the times. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to reorganize the legal system so that the dental technicians can have their professionalism and autonomy recognized while remaining faithful to the public interest of protecting the national oral health by revising the related regulations, thereby ensuring smooth work activities.

      • KCI등재

        미국 하버드옌칭도서관 소장 한글 방각본 소설 연구

        이혜은,유춘동,Lee, Hye-Eun,Yoo, Choon-Dong 한국비블리아학회 2013 한국비블리아학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        This study targets ten titles of Hangul banggakbon novels in the Harvard Yenching Library to examine the bibliography, system, and characteristics. Among the ten titles, gyeongpanbon Guunmong, Leehaeryongjeon, Chunhyangjeon, Janggyeongjeon, two titles of Sodaeseongjeon, Honggildongjeon, anseongpanbon Yangpungunjeon, and two titles of wanpanbon Hwaryongdo have been found in Korea, too. However, gyeongpanbon Chunhyangjeon, 30 jangbon of Hyogyosingan(孝橋新刊), and wanpanbon Hwaryongdo seogyeseopobon are the ones that can be hardly found in Korea, and the library has possessed it there so far. With the two titles of Hangul banggakbon novels, it will be needed to reexamine the aspects of publishing Hangul banggakbon novels afterwards. Hangul banggakbon novels that Harvard-Yenching Library has now are mostly the ones that can be easily found in Korea, too. It is because the data started to be collected from the 1950's. In comparison with the materials in England, Russia, or Japan in the early 1890's, there are no rare books that cannot be found in Korea. The reason for this may be found from this.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부도서관의 안정복 장서 수집과 자료적 특징

        이혜은 ( Hye Eun Lee ),김효경 ( Hyo Kyung Kim ) 한국고문서학회 2013 古文書硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        순 암 안정복(1712~1791)은 조선 후기의 대표적 실학자 가운데 한 명이다. 그에 대한 연 구는 이미 여러 연구자들에 의해 이루어졌고 그 분야도 역사, 문학, 사상, 교육, 서학(西 學), 지방행정 등 다양한 분야에 걸쳐서 진행되었다. 그런데 그 연구의 바탕이 되었던 순 암 의 여러 문헌들은 조선총독부도서관에서 수집한 자료를 중심으로 현재 국립중앙도서관에 가장 많이 소장되어 있다. 본 연구는 순 암의 소 장본이 조선총독부도서관에 들어오게 된 역사적 배경과 정리 활용 되는 과정을 심도 있게 접근해 보고자 한다. 또한 순 암 장서의 규모를 살피고 자료의 서지 적 특징과 장서의 성격을 파악하는 것에 목적을 두었다. 연구의 결과 조선총독부도서관은 1923년 개관이래 1945년까지 식민지 정책의 하나로 고 서를 수집하였다. 특히 개관 초 1924년부터 1930년까지는 수집된 장서의 수가 가장 많았던 시기로 순 암 장서도 이 기간 중 입수된 것으로 조사되었다. 순 암 컬렉션은 모두 99종 235 책이다. 형태적인 측면에서 보면 다책본의 경우 자료마다의 크기가 다양하며, 한 책 속에 성격이 다른 2-3종 이상의 내용이 기록되어 있으며 사용된 장 서인은 ‘安鼎福印’, ‘廣州安鼎 福百順順庵’, ‘百順氏’를 확인할 수 있었다. 내용적인 측면에서는 저술과 초록을 구분하기 어려운 자료가 많으며, 과거시험과 관련된 초록이 많다는 점을 특징으로 들 수 있다. 이 연구를 통하여 파악된 순 암 컬렉션을 통하여 순 암 안정복에 대한 연구가 보다 심도 있게 진행되기를 기대해 본다. Soonam, Ahn Jeong Bok(1712~1791) was one of the representative Silhak scholars in the late Joseon Dynasty. The studies about Soonam have been done by many researchers in various fields such as history, literature, philosophy, education, Western studies and local administration. Many of Soonam`s books are now mostly preserved in National Library of Korea which collected them from the Joseon Chongdokbu Library (Joseon government-general library). This study approaches the historical background how Soonam`s books were collected by the Joseon Chongdokbu Library as well as the procedures how the books were kept. Also, it is aimed not only to identify the scale of Soonam`s books but to understand the feature and characteristic of the books. The research shows that the Joseon Chongdokbu library collected the rare books from its opening in 1923 until 1945 as one of the colonial policies. Especially, early opening days of the library (1924~1930) were the most distinctive period that majority of books were collected and Soonam`s books were obtained in these period, too. Soonam`s collections consist of 99 titles and 235 volumes. In physical aspect, the size of each book is different in multi-volumes and 2~3 volumes are recorded in a book using the stamps ``安鼎福印’, ‘廣州安鼎福百順順庵’, and ‘百順氏``. In contextual aspect, it is hardly separate the writing and the abstract in many books, and it is distinctive that there are many books on "Civil Service Examination". Further studies on Soonam, Ahn Jeong Bok through his collection comprehended by this study would be expected.


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