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      • 수술환자에 있어 수술실내에서 수술대기 시간이 불안에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이혜원,이규정,김해옥,이해옥,김혜숙,이미경,송말순,Lee, Hea-Won,Lee, Kyu-Chung,Kim, Hae-Ock,Lee, Haik-Ock,Kim, Hea-Suk,Lee, Mi-Kyung,Song, Mal-Soon 대한간호협회 1990 대한간호 Vol.29 No.3

        This study was attempted to provide us with basic information on how to improve understanding with patients for operation, and to offer then better nursing and treatment. This kind of study will help scientific application to nursing practice and operating room. The data was collected by interviewing 29 patients who underwent the elective surgery under the general anesthesia at Y hospital in Seoul. The interview ran from October 15 to December 15, 1989. The research instrument was a anxiety measurement device (SAAI) originally developed by Spielberger, et al and modified by Jung-Tack Kim. 1. Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis one was that there would be a difference in state anxiety level according to a time difference in watiting for operation. This hypothesis was rejected(state.anxiety level one hour before operation P>.05, r-.747, State anxiety level half an hour before operation P>.05, r-.1550, state anxiety level just before operation, P>.05, r=.1099). However, state anxiety, evel appeared to be associated with a longer watiting period, like one day before operation (P<.05, r-.4628). Hypothesis two was that there would be a difference according to state anxiety level of patients for operation. This was rejected. (Change of blood perssure in systolie P>.05 r=.1082, Change of blood pressure in diastolic P>.05, r=.088, Change of pulse rate, P>.05, r-1.909) 2. Examining trait anxiety and state anxiety levels, the average level of trait anxiety was 42.034, and the average level of state anxiety one day before operation was 43,000. The average level of state anxiety was averaged 42.356 in a waiting room for operation. 3. Examining the state anxiety level by time period, the one hour before was 42.379 the level half an hour before 42.276, and the level just before operation 42.414. The low level of state anxiety was due to the fact that premedication was not eliminated. 4. Age and time period like one day before operation was related to state anxiety level (F=5.271, P<.0.01) and blood pressure in waiting room for operation. That is, state anxiety level and blood pressure of patients one day before operation appeared high. Sex was relation to changes of blood pressure ; the blood pressure of male patients appeard higer than of female patients. A marital status was also related anxiety level one hour before operation the married patient for operation showed a higher state anxiety level than that of the unmarried patient for operation. Education was similarily related to trait anxiety level in which highly educated patients show lower levels of trait anxiety than poorly educated ones. Motive for hospitalization was related to state anxiety level for patient one hour before operation (F=6.464, P<.05) likewise, patients who are supposed to undergo operation hastily showed higher levels of anxiety than patients who expect elective surgeries.

      • 생명공학의약품의 약동학 시험 지침 개발 연구

        이혜원 ( Hae Won Lee ),윤영란 ( Mi Sun Lim ),임미선 ( Sook Jin Seong ),성숙진 ( Joo Mi Lee ),이주미 ( Sung Min Park ),박성민 ( Keum Han Noh ),노금한 ( Sung Ho Park ),박성호 ( Eun Jung Kim ),김은정 ( Won Ku Kang ),강원구 ( Young Ra 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2012 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.22 No.0

        Modem biologics are biotechnology-derived therapeutics, ineluding recombinant therapeutie proteins like monoclonal antibodies, cytokines and tissue growth factors. Although the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic biologic should be evalu-ated based on the same general principles as small molecules, careful considerations should be given to bioanalyties and phannacokinetics when designing pharmaeokinetic studies of biologics during their drug development, due to their dif-feren physicochemical properties compared with small molecules. The aim of this study was to develop draft guid-ance on pharmacokinetic studies of therapeutic biologics in clinical studies. All the elements outlined in the current Food and Drug. Administration (FDA), European Medicinal Agency (EMEA), and International Conference on Hannom-isation (ICH) guidelines and regulations, and the related literatures previously published were searched and evaluated. In this drall guidance, the specitic problems to the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic biologics that need special consideration sideration during drug development process were addressed, and differences in pharmacokinetic characteristics between biologics and small molecules affecting the content of the development programme were presented.

      • KCI등재

        크리핑 벤트그래스 품종의 생육 특성

        이혜원(Hae-Won Lee),정대영(Dae-Young Jeong),심상렬(Sang-Ryul Shim) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2003 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.17 No.2,3

        The growth characteristics of creeping bentgrass seeded in the seaside landfill golf<br/> course are as follows.<br/> 1. As a result of analysis on the chemical characteristics of soil mixture used for<br/> turfgrass ground in this experiment, soil pH was 7.9, which is somewhat higher than the creeping bentgrass reference value of pH 5.5~6.5; T-N(%) was 0.02, which is proper for the reference value, and trace element too lacked.<br/> 2. The cultivar with the fastest water infiltration was Seaside Ⅱ recorded as 226.2㎝/sec, while that with the slowest water infiltration was Pennlinks recorded as 141.1㎝/hr which was too faster than the USGA water infiltration reference value of 15~30㎝/hr. For the surface hardness of turfgrass ground with different cultivars, no statistically significant variation was found between the Penncross grass and the Pennlinks recorded as 18.6㎜ and 19.1㎜, respectively. The soil penetration was the highest in Pennlinks recorded as 7.6㎏/㎠ and lowest in Penn A-1 as 6.1㎏/㎠.<br/> 3. As a result of evaluation on visual quality at the early stage of growth, Penncross showed the most excellent visual quality compared to the others. However, Penn A-1 showed the most excellent visual quality at a late stage of growth around Sep. 17, 2003, and it was also excellent in the evaluation of visual color. Seaside Ⅱ showed higher density around the root and the longest root length and was highly resistant to salt compared to others, but the initial sprouting rate was not satisfied, and the visual quality in the summer season was inferior to others.<br/> 4. As a result of measurement of the traffic injury, Penncross showed the most tolerant to the traffic stress and Pennlinks showed the most susceptible.<br/> <br/>

      • KCI등재

        탄자니아 교육 정책의 변동을 둘러싼 정치적 동학과 주요 이슈

        이혜원 ( Lee Hae Won ),김성수 ( Kim Sungsoo ) 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2023 국제지역연구 Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구는 독립 직후부터 탄자니아 정부가 추진해 온 교육 정책의 변화 과정을 살펴보고, 변화의 방향과 내용에 대해 특히 교육 정책의 방향이 바뀌게 된 두 번의 중요한 시점 - 1967년 아루샤 선언과 1986년 IMF와의 협정 체결 - 을 중심으로 알아본다. 탄자니아는 독립 직후부터 교육 환경을 개선하기 위한 다양한 정책적 노력을 기울여왔으며, 초기 강력한 국가 주도의 ‘자립을 위한 교육’ 정책 아래 국민들의 요구, 정부의 의지와 리더십 그리고 국제사회의 지원에 힘입어 성인문해율 향상, 보편적 초등교육 면에서 눈에 띄는 성과를 거두었다. 그러나 이러한 성과는 안정적으로 유지되지 못하고 시기별로 그 등락이 극명하게 갈리는 현상을 보인다. 본 연구는 이 두 시점에 체제의 변화를 겪으며 탄자니아 정부가 교육 분야에서 어떠한 정책적 선택을 했고, 이에 따라 어떤 결과들이 나타났는지 자세히 살펴본다. 또한 오랜 식민지 기간을 거친 탄자니아가 독립 직후부터 목표로 삼았던 탈식민주의와 자립을 추구하는 과정에서 당면하게 된 딜레마와 그러한 딜레마가 가장 잘 드러나는, 현재 탄자니아에서 중요하게 논의되는 두 가지 이슈 - 교육 언어로서 영어 사용, 사립학교의 증가 - 에 대해서도 살펴본다. Since its independence, Tanzania has made various policy efforts to improve its education. With the state-led ‘Education for Self-Reliance’ policy, Tanzania made significant progress in adult literacy and universal primary education. However, the achievements did not sustain and rather fluctuated greatly from period to period. The fluctuation in terms of its performance may be explained by different education policies of each period. This article traces the changes of educational policy in Tanzania since independece and examines why and how the policy has changed. The special attention is paid to the two turning points - 1967 Arusha Declaration and signing an agreement with IMF in 1986. In addition, the article discusses two current issues that reveals Tanzania’s long-time dillema in education - the use of English as a language of instruction and the increase in private schools. Tanzanian case well illustrates how many young African countries’ goal of decolonization and self-rerliance have been pursued, achieved or frustrated in the field of education.

      • KCI등재

        켄터키 블루그래스의 단용 및 퍼레니얼 라이그래스와 혼영에 따른 생육 특성

        이혜원(Hae-Won Lee),정대영(Dae-Young Jeong),심상렬(Sang-Ryul Shim) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2004 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.18 No.1

        The growth characteristics of cool season turf grass in the seaside landfill golf courses with the single-use of kentucky bluegrass and mixed-use with kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass in the coast line are as follows.<br/> Water infiltration rate was higher in the kentucky bluegrass single-use groups recorded as 95.6_125.9cm/hr than in the groups mixed with kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass recorded as 180.3_386.2cm/hr. The surface soil hardness and the soil penetration were ranged from 16.6 to 18.0mm and from 6.0 to 7.3kg/cm², respectively. The cultivar that showed the most excellent visual quality and visual color in the kentucky bluegrass single-use groups was Midnight (KB2), whose density around the root was relatively excellent, as well. North Star (KB3) known as highly resistant to salt was the secondarily excellent cultivar. Brilliant (KB1) had visual quality of about third grade, however, it see med profitable to develop turfgrass ground by virtue of its high density. As of April 26, 2003, when 2 weeks had passed after see ding, the visual quality was better in the groups mixe d with kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass than in the kentucky bluegrass single-use groups. The most excellent visual color was found in Midnight(KB2)+Brightstar SLT(PR2) among the groups mixed with kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. On August 4, 2003, a disease was found from one experimental group in Blackstone(KB4) and expanded into more than 50cm of diameter.

      • KCI등재

        윤동주 시의 운율 연구

        이혜원(Lee hae-won) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2001 한국학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        In this paper, I have identified the relationship between rhythm and meaning in Yoon Dong-joo's poems. The rhythmic characteristics of his poems are on the basis of syntactic dimension In terms of this, his poems are classified by three kinds according to the construction method of line and stanza, and the differences between them are investigated. Basically the poet ensured rhythmic individuality by dividing line and stanza according to the meaning of the poems. This shows the close relation between rhythm and meaning. Yoon's works are classified by the set-form verses divided into line and stanza regularly, the prose poems without line division or divided according to the paragraphs and the free verses with irregular line division. The set-form verses reflects the sense of beauty heading for the control and balance of emotion. The poems which don't keep the strict definite form, in addition to it, which are transformed a little reveal poetic changes delicately. the prose poems make the description of psychology or situation real. They form free rhythm as the various techniques are mixed in them. His major works belong to free verse which shows dynamic rhythms. They realize maximum balance between the rhythm and the meaning. Dynamic rhythms express inner sound confronting conflict and will effectively. Especially this study tries to emphasize that dynamic rhythms of free verses are made on the basis of rhythm experiments of the set-form verses and the prose poems. By this Yoon Dong-joo largely expanded the possibility of the free verse. The basic principle making rhythms of his poems is in changing the inner movement such as emotion or mind into the movement of sound. In this terms he should be considered to be a through poet to the idea and method of modem poetry. His rhythms are the examples showing a close relationship between the rhythm and the meaning, the possibility of their combination, and the union method of tradition and modernity. I think these characteristics should be studied continuously.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        임상연구 : 반폐쇄식 회로를 이용한 폐쇄회로 마취 시 신선가스 유량이 호흡일에 미치는 영향

        유해선 ( Hae Sun You ),서령선 ( Young Sun Seo ),신혜원 ( Hye Won Shin ),이혜원 ( Hye Won Lee ),임혜자 ( Hae Ja Lim ),장성호 ( Seong Ho Chang ),윤석민 ( Suk Min Yoon ) 대한마취과학회 2006 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.50 No.5

        Backgound: The effect of anesthetic techniques, such as closed circuit anesthesia (CCA) using semiclosed circuit system and semiclosed circuit anesthesia (SCCA), on the work of breathing has not been studied yet in detail. This study was purposed to compare the work of breathing according to anesthetic technique (CCA, SCCA). Methods: Thirty patients were assigned to receive either SCCA group or CCA group (n = 15). Anesthesia was induced with propofol 2 mg/kg with 2% lidocaine 1 ml. Two percents isoflurane with O2 and N2O 2 L/min were given for 10 min to patients initially to wash in functional residual capacity and the breathing circuits. In SCCA group, anesthesia was maintained with 2% isoflurane in O2 2 L/min and N2O 2 L/min throughout the surgery. In CCA group, O2 was reduced to 200 ml/min and N2O to 100 ml/min with isoflurane vaporizer setting adjusted to 4% for anesthesia maintenance. When the operation was ended, the vaporizer setting of isoflurane deceased to zero and then O2 was increased to 4 L/min for the arousal of the patient. We measured the inspiratory/expiratory concentration of isoflurane, end-tidal CO2, the hemodynamic parameters, the change of airway pressure, the work of breathing, and compliance at anesthetic induction and emergence in both groups. Results: There were no significant differences in the inspiratory/expiratory concentrations of isoflurane, the hemodynamic parameters, end-tidal CO2, airway pressure, the work of breathing and compliance between the groups. Conclusions: CCA using semiclosed circuit system does not increase the work of breathing compared to SCCA. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 50: 495~500)

      • 가정간호 시범사업 간호진단 및 간호중재 분석 연구

        서미혜,이혜원,전춘영,Suh, Mi-Hae,Lee, Hae-Won,Chun, Choon-Young 대한간호협회 1996 대한간호 Vol.34 No.5

        As home care in developing and becoming part of the health care delivery system in Korea, it is necessary to examine the use of nursing diagnoses and related nursing interventions with a view to increasing the standardization of nursing recording. This study was done to examine the nursing diagnosis and related nursing interventions used in home care. Data were collected using a chart review of the nursing notes written for the home care given to 38 patients who had pulmonary diseases or traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries and who had received home care as part of a demonstration home care project in a college of Nursing in Seoul. Early on in the project discussions as to format and use to nursing diagnosis was done and a tool was developed based on Gordon's eleven functional catergories with the addition of categories to cover family and environment. This tool was used in the data collection. Data included nursing diagnosis, etiologies and interventions. Real numbers and percentages were used in the analysis. The results show that the most frequently used diagnoses were in the category of physical function (75.6%), followed by the category of emotional and social function (21.8%). The least frequently used category was the one for family and environment (2.6%). The order of the frequency of recorded nursing interventions was the same, 82.3% for physical function, 16.2% of emotional and social function and 1.5% for family and environment. Under the category of physical functioning the most frequently used nursing diagnoses were related to mobility (62.2%), nutrition (23.6%) and elimination (11.9%). The frequencies of nursing interventions for these three diagnostic categories were 69.8%, 16.0% and 10.8% respectively. For emotional and social functioning, the most frequently used diagnoses were for cognition-perception (37.1%), self-perception (30.6%) and perception of health (23.7%). The ordering of the frequency of nursing interventions varied slightly. The most frequently used interventions were for the category of self-perception (31.7%) followed by cognition-perception (24.1%) and perception of health (22.9%). Looking at individual diagnoses, it was found that within the categroy of physical functioning, the most frequently used diagnosis was "impaired physical mobility" (29.5%) and this diagnosis involved 43.9% of the interventions. This was followed by "ineffective breathing pattern" (19.4%) with 17.7% of interventions, and "alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements" (11.2%) with 8.1% of the interventions. For the emotional social category, noncompliance was the most frequently used nursing diagnosis (18.2%) with 19.2% of the interventions. This was followed by "anxiety" (13.4%) with 13.6% of the interventions and by "knowledge deficit" (13.4%) but with only 5.5% of the interventions. The other diagnoses and interventions did not follow this pattern of frequency. Although there were a large number of diagnostic and intervention events, the number of actual diagnoses and interventions used were relatively small ranging from six interventions for "knowledge deficit" to 40 interventions for "imparied physical mobility". From this it can be concluded that the results of this study could be used as basic data for the development of standardized charts with respect to nursing diagnosis and interventions for clients with pulmonary disease and clients with traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries. Interventions that were direct care activities (1178) were much more frequent that education (430), and assessment and observation (148). There were also few diagnoses or interventions related to the family and the environment. This suggests two areas that need to be developed in home care and that need to be considered in the development of standardized records for use in home care.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 의사들이 바라보는 북한의 정신의학 현황

        김석주,박영수,이혜원,박상민,Kim, Seog-Ju,Park, Young-Su,Lee, Hae-Won,Park, Sang-Min 한국정신신체의학회 2012 정신신체의학 Vol.20 No.1

        연구목적 : 남북한의 정신의학 체계나 내용이 매우 다를 수 있지만 현재까지 북한의 정신의학에 대한 정보가 거의 없다. 본 연구에서는 북한의 정신의학의 현황에 대해 알아보려 하였다. 방 법 : 남한에 거주하고 있는 북한이탈주민 중 북한에서 10년 이상 의사 경력이 있던 3명을 면담하였다. 정신건강의학과 환자 진료 경험, 북한 정신의학의 실상, 북한의 정신건강의학과적 치료, 일반 북한 주민들의 정신장애 인식도, 북한의 자살에 대해 반구조화 면담이 진행되었다. 결 과 : 북한의 정신건강의학과는 49호라고 불리며, 대부분 확연한 정신병적 증상이 있는 경우에만 정신건강의학과에서 진료를 하였으며, 비정신병적 우울증이나 불안장애는 정신건강의학과에서 주로 다루지 않는 편이었다. 정신장애의 병인은 유전적 이유 등 생물학적 요소에 집중되었으며, 사회심리적 요소나 정신역동적 요소는 정신장애의 병인으로 중시되지 않았다. 정치이념적 요소와 정신의학은 별개로 간주되었다. 주로 입원과 생물학적 치료를 시행하였으나, 인슐린 혼수 요법과 같이 상당히 뒤떨어진 치료법이 사용되고 있었다. 사회 전반적으로 정신장애에 대한 편견은 심하였다. 북한에서는 자살을 민족 반역으로 간주하며 자살이 드물었다. 결 론 : 북한의 정신의학 현황은 남한의 정신의학 현황과는 큰 차이를 보였다. 과거 사회주의 국가의 정신의학과 유사한 점이 많지만, 북한 고유의 정신건강의학과적 특성도 가진 것으로 판단된다. Objective : Psychiatry in North Korea is believed to seem very different from psychiatry in South Korea. However, there is nearly no information regarding psychiatry in North Korea until now. Our study aimed to get information about North Korean psychiatry. Methods : Three North Korean defectors in South Korea, whose clinical experience as medical doctors in North Korea was over 10 years, were recruited. They underwent the semi-structured interview, content of which included the clinical experience with psychiatric patients, the details of psychiatry, the treatment of psychiatric patients, the stigma of mental illness, and the suicide, in North Korea. Results : In North Korea, psychiatric department was called as 49th(pronounced as Sahsip-gu-ho in Korean). Only patients with vivid psychotic symptoms came to psychiatric department. Non-psychotic depression or anxiety disorders usually were not dealt in psychiatry. The etiology of mental illness seemed to be confined to biological factors including genetic predisposition. Psychosocial or psychodynamic factors as etiology of mental illness appeared to be ignored. Psychiatry was apparently separated from political or ideological issues. The mainstay of psychiatric treatment is the inpatient admission and out-of-date therapy such as insulin coma therapy. Stigma over mental illness was common in North Korea. Suicide is considered as a betrayal to his/her nation, and has been reported to be very rare. Conclusion : The situation of psychiatry in North Korea is largely different from that of South Korea. Although some aspects of North Korean psychiatry are similar to psychiatry in former socialist countries, North Korean psychiatry is considered to have also its unique characteristics.

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