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      • KCI등재

        개방형 하드웨어 플랫폼 기반의 확장 용이한 스마트 홈 IoT 시스템

        이진,박광일,신종하,유성은,Lee, Jin-hae,Park, Gwang-il,Shin, Jong-ha,Yoo, Seong-eun 대한임베디드공학회 2016 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        Recently, many changes have been made to people's life patterns as the technological advances in the ICT industry. The fusion of smart phones and various IT technologies has brought people convenience and welfare. A typical example of such fusion is the smart home. However, the existing smart home systems are difficult to be changed or extended. So we design a new smart home system with extensibility that can easily adopt legacy appliances and be scaled up. Among a variety of smart home features, this paper deals with IoT Devices that are responsible for controlling power or transmitting and receiving sensing values, IoT Gateway that connects users and consumer electronics via Internet, and Smart Home Manager that monitors and controls these components in the proposed smart home system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        연구 논문 : 개념사의 학문적 구성과 사전적 기획 사이에서 -『코젤렉의 개념사 사전』을 중심으로-

        이진일 ( Jin Il Lee ) 한림과학원 2011 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.7

        개념은 우리가 일상에서 드러내는 언술을 통해 나타나지만, 그 속에는 한 시대의 경험과 입장이 녹아 있으며, 처음 만들어진 이래 시대에 따라 의미가 변해 왔다. 이에 따라 연구는 언어나 명칭이 갖고 있는 고유의 의미론적 역사를 추적하는 일과 그 대상이 만들어져 실제로 진행된 역사의 탐구 사이를 왕복하는 일이 된다. 즉 개념사 연구란 한 개념이 겪는 진행사(Sachgeschichte)와 의미사(Bedeutungsgeschichte)를 통시적(diachron) 차원과 공시적(synchron) 차원을 함께 엮어 내어 재구성하는 시도이다. 근대의 정치-사회적 기본개념을 정리하여 사전으로 출간하는 계획은, 1963년 오토 브룬너, 베르너 콘쩨, 라인하르트 코젤렉 등 하이델베르크 대학 역사학부의 ``근대 사회사 연구모임``(Arbeitskreis fur Moderne Sozialgeschichte)이 중심이 되어 시작되었다. 사전기획의 기본의도는 "유럽의 과거로부터 우리의 오늘날까지 걸쳐 내려오면서 근대로의 전환을 증언하고, 이를 규정하거나 이들 의미내용이 변화하는 환경 속에 적응하고, 그런 한에서 그 의미들이 변화되는 그런 개념들을 파악하는 일에 둔다"는 것이었다. 그리하여 첫 성과물인 제1권이 출간된 1972년 이래, 25년이 지난 1997년, 마침내 모든 기획이 종료된다. 18세기 중반부터 개념의 고전적 지형에 근본적인 의미변화가 진행되었고, 옛 단어들은 새로운 의미내용을 얻게 되었으며, 그 이후 궁극적으로 모든 개념들은 새로운 상황에 놓이게 된다. 자연과 역사, 세계와 시간에 대한 변화된 관계, 즉 ``근대(Moderne)``의 시작이 그것이었다. 이 시기를 코젤렉은 ``자텔차이트(Sattelzeit)``로 표현하였다. 최근 한림대에서 번역 출간된 일련의 개념사 사전 시리즈 중에서 코젤렉의 ``자텔차이트``라는 가정을 가장 충실하게 확인할 수 있는 항목은 단연 ``진보``(2010)와 ``문명과 문화``(2010)이다. In the last few years, a number of German historians have become aware of ``History of Concepts``(Begriffsgeschichte). Modern ``History of Concepts`` emerged in contrast to a history of events and politics, which oriented merely toward a chronological series of events. Its most influential advocate are Otto Brunner, Werner Conze and Reinhart Koselleck in Germany. They edited the Historisches Lexikon, consist of 6 Volumes with articles on ca. 120 ``Grundbegriffe`` from 1972 to 1997, nearly a quarter century. In them was Reinhart Koselleck the most exponent and pioneer of this school. He studies a methodology of historical concepts, whose major work combines intellectual and institutional history. In his programmatic introduction, Koselleck defines the subject of the Lexicon as "leading concepts of historical movements which, in the course of time, are the subject of historical research". Begriffsgeschichte deals with the synchronic and diachronic interpretation of words and lead concepts of historical movement. His central concept is the change and progress of modernity through the ``Sattelzeit``. These hypotheses are merely heuristic anticipations. Koselleck characterized in this concept sometime between 1750 and 1850, a modern phase, which the European begins to transform the society, to develop the technology revolutionary. This period achieves cultural renaissance and most important meanings especially of those ``History of Concepts``. We can verify Koselleck`s hypotheses clearly through the Begriffsgeschichte of ``progress`` or ``culture/civilization``.

      • KCI등재

        독일에서의 인구-인종주의 전개와 생명정치 -"생존공간"과 제국을 향한 꿈 2-

        이진일 ( Jin Il Lee ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.50

        Foucault distinguished not only the right of sovereignty und the mechanism of discipline, also a third technic of power, that aims the regulation of population. According to Foucault, the old power of death since 17th century increasingly overlaid by a new form of power, a bio-power, that goals to manage the life. The point of this analysis is the concept of bio-power that Foucault developed in the 1970 years in the College de France. In the late 19th century took place in Germany a new shift of paradigm, that has eugenic idea. The two Great War and Nazi populationspolicy lead to a extreme break with the traditional development of population in Germany. In this connection established the medicine and racial-hygiene as a new guiding disciplines for the populationsproblem. In such a ideology began pronatalism on the basis of their ‘selection’ or conditional character. With the begin of 2. World War started the forced Emigration with hitherto unsuspected dimension. Particularly the Racepolicy of Nazi Party was characterized with expel, exclusion of Jews and genocide. Already during the Weimar Republic perceived far beyond the area of specialist scholars the quite radical intellectuals die Populationsproblem very important. The spread of racial anti-semitism is therefore closely linked to the enforcement of biology. Foucault identified as the addressee of bio-power generally the population. His analyze emphasize the centrality of the rule of Bio-Politics to modern state and the constitution of Bio-Power in its different historical forms, and crucially, the link between the population and the government of state, that has become so important to understanding both Neoliberalism and development of Bio-Science today.

      • KCI등재

        해양과 ‘공간혁명’ ― 칼 슈미트 (Carl Schmitt)의 <땅과 바다>를 중심으로 ―

        이진일 ( Lee Jin-il ) 수선사학회 2018 史林 Vol.0 No.63

        Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) has wrote his < Land and See - A World - Historical Meditation > (original: Land und Meer, Leipzig 1942) in the year of 1942, a book narrated to her daughter Anima. Schmitt has long been recognized as one of the most important and notorious - with his Nazi association - german jurist and political theorist. He argumented the fundamental conflict between land-based and sea-based countries in his book. The antagonism between land and sea is symbolized by the struggle between whale-fish, the Leviathan and animal, the Behemoth, which made allusion to the tensions between Russia and England, more important Germany vs. Anglo-America. For Schmitt, “World history is a history of landappropriations,” but the shift of Interest from earth to sea changed in the understanding and experience of space: “A spatial revolution.” The first ‘spatial revolution’ began with European exploration and the discovery of the ‘New World’ in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which offers the occasion for an elemental transformation in the western culture. He attacks the European imperialism, even though he asserted fundamental conservative cultural criticism, defended the local, particular traditions threatened by european Expansionism. He hoped a new spatial revolution, that National Socialism might establish both land and air in continental Europe. He claims, that “the conquest of air space creates a new image of the world, which overcomes the prior separation of the elements of land and see. ...” For Carl Schmitt, the political Space-Planning appears as a state order, with which the opposition between freedom and statehood brought into line with the contrast between land and sea.

      • KCI등재

        반응표면분석을 이용한 아가콩의 추출조건 최적화

        이진만(Jin-Man Lee),나임정(Im-Joung La),이도상(Do-Sang Lee),김화정(Hwa-Jung Kim),김영일(Young-Il Kim),이형민(Hyung-min Lee),허상선(Sang-Sun Hur) 한국응용과학기술학회 (구.한국유화학회) 2021 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.38 No.6

        고품질의 아가콩 음료개발을 위해 반응표면분석법에 의한 추출조건을 최적화 하였다. 아가콩의 최적 볶음조건은 250 ℃, 30분으로 설정하였다. 추출시간, 추출온도에 따른 아가콩의 품질지표인 pH, 색도 및 이소플라본 함량은 1% 이내에서의 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 추출온도와 추출시간이 길어질수록 이소플라본 함량은 높은 것으로 나타났다. 반응표면분석의 이소플라본 추출 공정 최적화 결과 추출온도는 99.5 ℃, 추출시간은 1.7 h으로 나타났으며, 이 조건에서 이소플라본의 최적 수율은 10.63 μg/mL로 예측되었다. Response surface methodology was applied to determine the optimum extract conditions(extract temperature and time) for the high-quality Agakong beverage. The optimal roasting condition for Agakong was set at 250 ℃ for 30 minutes. As quality criteria of Agakong, pH, color values and isofavone contents with extract temperature and extract time, the probability value (p<0.01) demonstrated a high significance for the regression model. It was found that the higher the extraction temperature and the longer the extraction time, the higher the isoflavones content. The optimized conditions of extraction isoflavones from agakong were found to be optimized ratio of extraction temperature 99.5℃, extraction time 1.7 h and the maximum rutin yield was 10.63 μg/mL.

      • KCI등재

        감나무(Diospyros kaki Thunb)잎 추출물에 대한 화장품약리활성 검증

        이진만 ( Jin Man Lee ),김일출 ( Il Chool Kim ),허상선 ( Sang Sun Hur ) 대한미용학회 2013 대한미용학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        In this study, we investigated the bioactive characteristics of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb) leaf extracts possibly to utilize as cosmeceutical ingredients. The bioactive characteristics of cosmeceutical ingredients in persimmon leaves including anti-oxidation activity, whitening effect and anti-wrinkle effect were examined. The extraction yields by using hot water and ethanol were 18.71% and 12.87%, respectively. For anti-oxidation experiments, the electron donating activities of both hot water- and ethanol-extracts were very high showing over 62.4% and 71.5% at 50 ppm, respectively, and increased in a concentration-dependant manner. In the measurement of SOD-like activity, ethanol- and hot waterextracts showed 63.7% and 58.5% at 1,000 ppm, respectively. In the inhibitory activity of xanthine oxidase, the ethanol extract was significantly higher (85.2%) than hot water extract (68.7%) at 1,000 ppm. In inhibitory activity of tyrosinase, no inhibitory activity was detected at the concentration of 10 ppm, however it showed an inhibitory activity of 68.7% at the concentration of 50 ppm. Both collagenase and elastase inhibitory activities were higher in the ethanol extract compared to that of hot water extract. At the concentration of 50 ppm, the collagenase inhibitory activity of ethanol extract was over 60%. Taken together, these data suggest that the persimmon leaf extract is effective in whitening and anti-wrinkling, thus it might strongly be considered as potential functional cosmetic components.

      • 개구부 면적에 따른 저형 전단벽의 강도 감소 특성

        이진아(Lee Jin-Ah),배백일(Bae Baek-Il),최현기(Choi Hyun-Ki),최윤철(Choi Yun-Cheol),최창식(Choi Chang-Sik) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.28 No.1(구조계)

        The renewal of existing buildings rather than new construction has increased due to it's cost effective characteristics. Remodeling is also an environmentally-friendly approach that reduces the amount of waste in construction site. Remodeling can sometimes include partial destruction of the structural members of a building. In addition it is important that the buildings under going remodeling retrofitted to make themselves stable and meet up with the future demands for better structural performance. There are many types of remodeling, however, Engineers and architectures preferred to make two or more separated spaces to one wide space. Performing this type of remodeling, in the case of wall dominant apartments, partial damage of structural wall is going to be an essential problem. However, there are insufficient studies about partial damage, that is, openings. Present ACI standard have no clear way to evaluating the opening effect of the structural wall. AIJ have the provision about strength reduction factor 'r'. However, this reduction factor cannot exactly evaluate the reduction effect of openings because this factor 'r' was determined through the elastic analysis. Therefore, in this study, 2 structural wall specimens were tested and many specimens of previous studies were collected. Using these data, we performed statistical study about strength of structural wall which have the opening in wall panel. And we performed parametric study to verifying shear strength reducing effect by opening area.

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