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        용량형 압력센서용 디지탈 보상 인터페이스 회로설계

        이윤희,택전신사 (澤田辛司),서희돈,최세곤 ( Youn Hee Lee,Kouji Sawada,Hee Don Seo,Se Gon Choi ) 한국센서학회 1996 센서학회지 Vol.5 No.5

        In order to implement the integrated capacitive pressure sensors, which contains integrated interface circuits to detect the electrical output signal, several main factors that have a bad effect on the characteristics of sensors must be improved, such as parasitic capacitance effects, temperature/thermal drift, and the leakage current of a readout circuitry. This paper describes the novel design of the dedicated CMOS readout circuitry that is consists of two capacitance to frequency converters and 4 bit digital logic compensating circuits. Dividing the oscillation frequency of a sensing sensor by that of reference sensor, this circuit is designed to eliminate the thermal/temperature drift and the effect of the leakage currents, and to access a digital signals to obtain a high signal-to-noise(S/N)ratio. Therefore, the resolution of this circuit can be increased by increasing the number of the digital bits. Digital compensated circuits of this circuits, except for the C-F converters, are fabricated on a FPGA chip, and fundamental performance of the circuits are evaluated.

      • KCI등재

        파슨스 이론의 사회 평형(Social Equilibrium)개념에 대한 재조명

        이윤희 ( Youn Hee Lee ) 한국사회역사학회 2008 담론 201 Vol.10 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of social equilibrium that is the essential presupposition in Parsons` theory. In spite of being the target of criticism for a long time, this concept has never been fully examined yet. Thus, this paper gives full attention to this concept, especially focusing on the methodological strategy and theoretical significance implied in it. Parsons holds that societies are systems which always tent to equilibrium, even if they do not reach it. He conceives of social change as the movement from one equilibrium to another as the internal forces are changed and rebalance themselves. Based on these statements, it is suggested in this paper that the concept of social equilibrium has a dynamic characteristic, providing the useful tool to grasp the very nature of social reality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영화관객 연구: 인터넷 시대의 관객 능동성

        이윤희(Lee, Youn Hee) 한국영화학회 2012 영화연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This paper is about actual film audiences. As we know, the audience is an essential part of the film. There is no film which makes not to be shown to audiences. But in the historical approaches of film, audiencs, as a key concept, remains problematic as we can never really know. The semiotic and phychoanalytic screen theory represented a particular development of the spectatorship in accordance with its text-centered convention. In screen theory, there can be no struggle at the site of the interface between subject(audience) and text(film), From a film business perspective, audiences need to be measured. They are treated just as a target for the film marketing business. So far, film audiences are considered as passive, absent-minded people. Therefore, the status of the film audience is low. But the contemporary phenomenon of convergence transform the audience relationship with the film. The media industries are undergoing another paradigm shift. New media was going to push aside old media. For instance, the Internet was going to change the network environment, and this would enable consumers to more easily access media content that was personally meaningful to them. Walter Benjamin argued that the ability to mass-produce and mass-circulate images would have a profoundly democratic impact. He also argued that a new form of popular expertise would emerge. Today we would perceive that is expectation comes true. In the case of 〈Old Partner〉, I could find audiences’ participation via the Internet, and it has the power of making a syndrome. 〈Old Partner〉 which is the independent documentary film has surprisingly become a big hit. Without the audiences’ active participation via the Internet, 〈Old Partner〉 could not be that kind of issues in 2009. The political effects of these audiences’ activeness come out only through the critical reading of films but also through access to collaboration and participation. Audiences will be getting more powerful in the age of the Internet. Now we should reconsider the status of film audience.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        애니메이션의 환상성과 리얼리티에 대한 연구

        이윤희(Lee Youn Hee) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2007 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.12

        환상이 현실과 반대되는 영역이라는 생각은 널리 퍼져 있는 오해로서, 사실 환상은 현실과 밀접한 공생관계를 가진다. 환상은 상식적인 사람들이 생각하는 리얼리티의 범위를 벗어나 있으되, 일종의 대안적 리얼리티로 인정할 수 있는 수준을 넘어갈 정도로 벗어나지는 않아야 하기 때문에, 현실은 환상의 출발점이며 끊임없는 참조대상이다. 애니메이션도 마찬가지로 애니메이션이 보여주는 환상의 세계 역시 리얼리티를 기반으로 하였을 때만 성립된다. 비현실성의 힘은 현실성과의 대조에서 나오며, 애니메이션이 관객을 매혹시키는 힘은 비현실성과 현실성, 비사실성과 사실성 사이의 끊임없는 진동에서 나온다. Animation techniques that can freely create any movement of color and shape produce strong attraction by visualizing fantasy. Like animation, fantasy is often misunderstood that it has nothing to do with reality, but it is not the case. Fantasy introduces a little confusion in our symbolic order by reorganizing elements from reality and commonness. This confusion, which becomes desire, induces attraction. However, the confusion beyond our comprehension creates total chaos in which we cannot be interested. Attraction happens only when the introduced confusion is far less than the total symbolic order which has already been established. The images of animation are neither completely mundane to us nor beyond our comprehension; thus, animation produces attraction by offering us images that stimulate our unconscious desire.

      • KCI등재

        과학기술의 사회적 수용 -유전자변형생물체(LMO) 사례를 중심으로-

        이윤희 ( Youn Hee Lee ),한민영 ( Mi Young Han ) 한국사회역사학회 2010 담론 201 Vol.13 No.1

        The rapid development of high technology in the 21st century has not only changed human life in the most fundamental way ever but also enhanced the dynamics and complexity of society as a whole. As a result, most of recent social problems are intertwined with scientific technologies. As Korea has already entered into the stage of `high-tech society,` socio-technological conflicts tend to be gradually diversified and complicated. Therefore, social effort for interaction between the technology system and the social system is urgently required. This study attempts to examine the manifest and latent issues related to social acceptance of scientific technology by focusing on Living Modified Organism(LMO). On the one hand, it is considered that LMO is the most pivotal technology for economical development and national prosperity in the future. On the other hand, however, it is strongly criticized by its severe harmfulness for human race and environment. For identifying the degree of consensus and conflict, this paper draws upon in-depth interview with professionals selected among five groups such as scientist, corporate executive, government official, civil movement leader, and journalist in the field of LMO. The results of content analysis showed that `economic benefit vs ecological risk`is the core in dispute. This study also confirmed that contrary informations as well as confusion of terminology aggravated discordance among professionals and interest groups. Therefore, the findings of this study strongly demonstrated the urgent need for establishing the communication system among LMO professionals in order to reduce social conflicts and eventually to achieve national consensus for social acceptance of highly advanced scientific technologies in the 21st century. Besides, new experience of interdisciplinary study attempted in this paper would be helpful to set up academically inclusive community among natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities for further study.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 커뮤니티와 취향의 관계에 대한 고찰

        이윤희 ( Youn Hee Lee ) 한국영상미디어협회 2006 예술과 미디어 Vol.5 No.1

        온라인 커뮤니티는 1990년대에 편리하면서도 평증주의적이고 정서적인, 인간관게의 새로운 장으로 자부하면 등장했지만, 그 성장 과정에서 예상하지 못했던 많은 변화를 거쳐오고 있다. 현제 인테넷 커뮤니티의 종류는 크게 그룹 커큐티니와 개인 커뮤니티로 구분된다. 사용자들이 반쯤 익명적인 상태로서, 특정주제에 대한 정보 교류와 함께 인간적 교걉을 누리는 것이 전형적인 인터넷 그룹 커뮤니티활동이라고 한다면 , 오프라인에서 이미 형성된 인덕 네트워크를 온라인상으로 유지하고 확장하는 것이 적형적인 개인 커뮤니티 활동이다. 인터넷 커뮤니티 활동은 취향과 밀접한 상관이 있다. 사용자는 자신의 취향에 관련된 그룹 커뮤티니에 가입하고, 그 커뮤니티 안에서 자신의 취향이 정당하다는 것을 재확인 받는다. 이 과정에서, 취향에 대한 계속된 확신은 타인의 취향에 대한 적대감의 양상으로 나타 난다. 또한 거듭되는 온라인 그룹 커뮤티니 활동 속에서 개인은 다른 회원들로부터 강요된 취향까지도 자발적인 자기의 것이라고 생각하면서 그 실현을 위해 노력한다. 이러한 행위는 행위자의 주관성 속에 내면화된 사회질서, 즉 아비투스의 영향이라고 볼 수 있다. 사용자가 커뮤니티 내에서 제공하는 자신의 명성에 대한 욕구의 측면이 잇다. 더 많은 사용자들이 자신이 속한 커뮤니티에서의 자신이 구축해놓은 내용물을 보고 감탄하기를 바라는, 즉 자신의 취향에 탁월하다는것을 디수에 의해 인증받고 싶어하는 보상심리는 커뮤니티에서는 정보구축을 유발하는 하나의 언동력이라고 추정된다. On -line community was introduced in 1990s as a whole new dimension of hu¬man connection that would enable emo¬tional, egalitarian relationship through new technology. However, during its de¬velopment, it is going through many changes that were not foreseen. On -line community activities are very closely related to taste. A user joins an on -line group community which suits his/her taste, then that taste is confirmed by the community, During this process, continual confirmation on his/her taste often produce hatred of other people`s taste. Also, once a user is emotionally at¬tached to a community, he/she voluntarily tries to match the taste of other members in his/her community, not realizing the taste was, in fact, forced. This kind of ac¬tion is caused by the influence of habitus, a social order internalized in a person`s subjectivity. The information that a user offers in his/her community is not only to serve the common good, but also to ac¬quire fame. The desire for confirmation by public that his/her taste is dis ¬tinguished is one of the driving forces of information construction in on -line communities.

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