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        LiCl-KCl 용융염 내에서 10 g 규모의 Zircaloy-4 폐 피복관 처리를 위한 전기화학적 용해 연구

        이유리,이창화,전민구,강권호,Lee, You Lee,Lee, Chang Hwa,Jeon, Min Ku,Kang, Kweon Ho 한국방사성폐기물학회 2012 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        전해정련을 이용한 폐 피복관 처리의 타당성을 살펴보기 위하여, $500^{\circ}C$의 LiCl-KCl 용융염 내에서 표면이 산화된 10 g 규모의 Zircaloy-4 피복관 및 순수한 Zircaloy-4 피복관의 전기화학적 거동을 살펴보았다. 산화된 Zircaloy-4 피복관이 담긴 basket을 작업전극으로하여 전압-전류 관계를 측정한 결과, 산화되지 않은 Zircaloy-4 피복관과 비교해 Zr의 산화 peak는 Ag/AgCl 기준 전극 대비, 약 -0.7 V ~ -0.8 V로 유사한 반면, 산화 전류의 크기는 확연하게 감소하는 것으로 나타난다. 이러한 결과는 -0.78 V의 일정전위를 가한 전기화학적 용해 실험에서 살펴본 전류-시간 곡선에서도 유사하게 나타나며, 피복관 조각들의 평균 두께 및 무게 변화로부터 확인할 수 있다. Zircaloy-4 피복관이 산화되었을 경우, 표면의 산화막이 피복관의 전도성에 영향을 주어 basket 내 위치에 따라 전기화학적 용해의 균일성 및 속도를 떨어뜨리는 것으로 나타나지만, 표면의 미세한 결함과 Zr 산화물의 상 특성으로 인해 전기화학적 용해가 진행되는 것으로 판단된다. The electrochemical behaviors of 10 g-scale fresh and oxidized Zircaloy-4 cladding hulls were examined in $500^{\circ}C$ LiCl-KCl molten salts to confirm the feasibility of the electrorefining process for the treatment of hull wastes. In the results of measuring the potential-current response using a stainless steel basket filled with oxidized Zircaloy-4 hull specimens, the oxidation peak of Zr appears to be at -0.7 to -0.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl, which is similar to that of fresh Zircaloy-4 hulls, while the oxidation current is found to be much smaller than that of fresh Zircaloy-4 hulls. These results are congruent with the outcome of current-time curves at -0.78 V and of measuring the change in the average weight and thickness after the electrochemical dissolution process. Although the oxide layer on the surface affects the uniformity and rate of dissolution by decreasing the conductivity of Zircaloy-4 hulls, electrochemical dissolution is considered to occur owing to the defect of the surface and phase properties of the Zr oxide layer.

      • 인터뷰 - '가능성의 건축'을 말하다 "조금 더 좋은 것, 조금 더 잘 하고 싶다"

        이유리,Lee, Yu-Ri 대한건축사협회 2020 建築士 Vol.619 No.-

        2017 경기도건축문화상 사용승인 부문 대상. '여주박물관 여마관'을 검색하면 나오면 수상기록이다. 검은 유리로 구성된 반듯한 건물과 남서쪽 모서리가 잘려나간 삼각면이 단정하면서 인상적이다. 검은 유리면은 하늘을, 삼각면은 남한강을 비추는 건물이 자연과 스스럼없이 어우러진다. 설계의 백미는 건물 안에 있다. 돌로 쌓은 층 위에 건물을 두고 건물 안 전면에 통유리를 설치해 남한강 상류와 파란 하늘이 바로 앞에 있는 듯 경이롭게 다가온다. 이곳을 설계한 이성관 건축사가 이곳을 설계한 나이는 68세였다. 현재는 72세, 현역이다. 지난 10월 8일 여주박물관 1층에서 이성관 건축사를 만났다.

      • KCI등재

        우측 반맹을 호소하는 환자 치험 1례

        이유리,손정화,박민정,조기호,문상관,정우상,Ey, Yoo-lee,Son, Jeong-hwa,Park, Min-jeong,Cho, Ki-ho,Moon, Sang-kwan,Jung, Woo-sang 대한한방내과학회 2016 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        Objective: This study presents a case of a 56-year-old Korean male with right-side hemianopia due to stroke. Homonymous hemianopia represents a visual field defect related to loss of vision in all or part of the left or right visual field in both eyes; treatment options for this condition are limited.Method: The patient was treated with acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine (Yangguksanhwa-tang), and electroacupuncture around the eyes. We executed a confrontation visual field exam (the Donders test) to evaluate any visual field defectsResults: The visual field area showed improvement after the management of traditional Korean medical treatments.Conclusion: Based on this case, traditional Korean medical treatments may be effective in treating hemianopia due to stroke.

      • 인터뷰 - "협업은 필수, 그러나 이 산업의 중심은 건축사⋯ 누구도 주인만큼 노력해주지 않아"

        이유리,Lee, Yu-Ri 대한건축사협회 2020 建築士 Vol.613 No.-

        지지부진한 인허가 과정, 부족한 업무대가와 그로 인한 저하되는 건축 퀄리티⋯⋯. 많은 건축사들이 현장과는 다른 건축 법제도와 행정서비스에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 강부성 교수는 실제 현장과 학계를 오가며 건축 법제도 및 행정서비스 개선의 필요성을 꾸준히 제기해왔다. 올해 실시한 제39대 대한건축학회장선거에서도 이를 공약으로 내걸었다. 제39대 대한건축학회장에 당선된 강부성 서울과학기술대학교 건축학과 교수('20. 4. 24 학회장 취임)를 만나 현재 건축계가 당면한 법제도의 해법에 대해 들어보았다.

      • KCI등재

        How Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Reach Their Intracellular Targets in Plants

        이유리,Jinsu Lee,Minsoo Han,Yesol Shin,Jung-Min Lee,Geon Heo 한국분자세포생물학회 2023 Molecules and cells Vol.46 No.6

        Reactive oxygen species (ROS) serve as secondary messengers that regulate various developmental and signal transduction processes, with ROS primarily generated by NADPH OXIDASEs (referred to as RESPIRATORY BURST OXIDASE HOMOLOGs [RBOHs] in plants). However, the types and locations of ROS produced by RBOHs are different from those expected to mediate intracellular signaling. RBOHs produce O2•− rather than H2O2 which is relatively long-lived and able to diffuse through membranes, and this production occurs outside the cell instead of in the cytoplasm, where signaling cascades occur. A widely accepted model explaining this discrepancy proposes that RBOH-produced extracellular O2•− is converted to H2O2 by superoxide dismutase and then imported by aquaporins to reach its cytoplasmic targets. However, this model does not explain how the specificity of ROS targeting is ensured while minimizing unnecessary damage during the bulk translocation of extracellular ROS (eROS). An increasing number of studies have provided clues about eROS action mechanisms, revealing various mechanisms for eROS perception in the apoplast, crosstalk between eROS and reactive nitrogen species, and the contribution of intracellular organelles to cytoplasmic ROS bursts. In this review, we summarize these recent advances, highlight the mechanisms underlying eROS action, and provide an overview of the routes by which eROS-induced changes reach the intracellular space.

      • 일조방해가 스프레이 국화 '옐로우캡'과 '피치팡팡'의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        이유리,박상근,Yuri Lee,Sang Kun Park 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2024 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 일조방해에 의한 광 환경의 변화가 스프레이 국화의 생육과 개화, 절화 품질에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하기 위해 수행하였다. 이를 위해 절화용 스프레이 국화 '옐로우캡'과 '피치팡팡' 품종을 인위적으로 차광 처리하여 무차광 대비 66% 정도의 일조를 방해하였고, 이에 따른 국화의 생육 및 개화 특성, 채화량 등을 조사하였다. 일조방해에 따른 국화의 단위면적당 채화량은 차광과 무차광 처리구에서 유의미한 차이는 없었으나, 개화소요일수는 차광 처리에서 '옐로우캡' 품종은 72.1일, '피치팡팡' 품종은 65.2일로 무차광에 비해 각각 14.1일과 8.9일 정도 개화가 지연되었다. 꽃의 크기와 꽃 수 역시 차광 처리에서 '옐로우캡'과 '피치팡팡' 두 품종 모두 각각 10%와 15%, 30%와 28% 정도 감소하였으며, 화경장은 품종별로 각각 10%와 20%, 줄기의 굵기는 23%와 37%, 절화 생체중은 32%와 33% 정도 감소하여 절화 국화의 품질이 크게 저하되었다. 본 연구의 결과에서 차광 처리한 국화의 개화가 지연됨은 물론 꽃의 크기와 꽃 수가 감소하고 절화의 길이와 생체중 등이 모두 감소한 것으로 볼 때, 인공 건축물 등에 의한 일조방해는 국화의 생장과 화아분화, 화아발달에 필요한 광량을 제한함으로써 절화의 생산성과 품질을 저하시킬 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 일조방해로 인한 국화 재배농가의 피해 구제를 위해 차광 정도에 따른 수확량 감소율 및 상품성 가치 하락률 등에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. This study was carried out to analyze the effect of changes in the light environment caused by the daylight disturbance on the growth, flowering, and cut flower quality of spray chrysanthemums. The spray chrysanthemum 'Yellow Cap' and 'Pitch PangPang' cultivars for cut flowers were artificially shaded to interfere with 66% of sunlight compared to the non-shading, and then the growing and flowering characteristics, and cut flower yield were investigated accordingly. There was no significant difference in the cut flower yield per unit area between the shading and the non-shading treatments. However, the number of days to flowering was 72.1 days for the 'Yellow Cap' and 65.2 days for the 'Pitch PangPang', which were delayed by 14.1 and 8.9 days, respectively, compared to the non-shading light. In the shading treatment, the flower diameter and the number of flowers also decreased by 10% and 15%, and 30% and 28% for both 'Yellow Cap' and 'Pitch PangPang', respectively. The stem length also decreased by 10% and 20%, the stem diameter by 23% and 37%, and fresh weight by 32% and 33%, respectively. The shading treatment delayed the flowering of chrysanthemums and reduced the growth such as flower diameter, number of flowers, and the length and weight of cut flowers. Based on these results, the daylight disturbance by artificial buildings is expected to reduce the productivity and quality of cut flowers by limiting the light intensity needed for chrysanthemum growth, flower bud differentiation, and flower development. Therefore, further research is needed on the rate of decrease in yield and market value according to the degree of shading to relieve damage to chrysanthemum growers caused by the daylight disturbance.

      • 일조방해가 절화 장미의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        이유리,박상근,Yuri, Lee,Sang Kun, Park 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2022 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.24 No.4

        This study was carried out to analyze the effect of changes in the light environment caused by the daylight disturbance on the productivity and quality of the standard cut flower rose cultivar 'Monet'. It was artificially shaded to obstruct the sunlight and the productivity and growing characteristics of roses according to the time of daylight disturbance were investigated. The number of cut flowers per unit area (3.3m<sup>2</sup>) of the cut flower rose 'Monet' was 40 stems in the control, while in the 4-hour, 8-hour, and 12-hour treatments, it was 32, 29, and 25, respectively. As the daylight disturbance time was increased, the number of cut flowers showed a tendency to decrease. In the case of cut flower characteristics related to the quality of cut roses, all characteristics such as flower width, flower height, petal length, and petal width, decreased by 10 to 20% in the 12-hour treatment compared to the control. In addition, growth characteristics such as peduncle length, peduncle thickness, and cut flower height, which determine the marketability of cut roses, also tended to decrease as the daylight disturbance time increased. On the other hand, the number of days to flowering increased by 14.0% from 24.3 to 27.7. The overall growth characteristics were contracted and flowering was delayed as the time of daylight disturbance increased. In the results of this study, as the daylight disturbance time increased, flower size, cut flower length, and fresh weight was decreased. This is due to the decrease in the total photosynthetic amount as the daily average photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was decreased, resulting in a decrease in the quality of roses. It is judged that it is because they do not receive enough carbohydrates necessary for growth and development.

      • KCI등재

        기혼남녀근로자의 일-생활 만족유형화 연구: 직장내 휴가관련 가족친화제도를 중심으로

        이유리,이성훈,박은정,Lee, Yu Ri,Lee, Sung Hoon,Park, Eun Jung 한국가족자원경영학회 2020 가족자원경영과 정책 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this research was, first, to classify work-life satisfaction among married wage workers aged 20-59 years into several distinct types based on two dimensions of work and life, using data from the 20th(2017) wave of the Korean Labor & Income Panel Study. Second, the study aimed to assess the differences in socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, educational level, average monthly income), and workplace-related variables (weekly working hours, full-time employment, job stability, business type, family-friendly leave policies) by work-life satisfaction type. Accordingly, four types of work-life satisfaction were identified: work-life satisfaction, work-life dissatisfaction, work satisfaction, and life satisfaction. There was a significant difference in the type of work-life satisfaction among married waged workers based on sex, age, educational level, and average monthly income. Additionally, there was a significant difference in the type of work-life satisfaction for all workplace-related variables, namely, weekly working hours, full-time employment, job stability, business type, and family-friendly leave policies. In particular, proportionally higher values of work-life satisfaction were evident among the workers in companies with family-friendly leave policies such as paid leave, menstrual leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, and family events leave, whereas there was a high rate of work-life dissatisfaction among the workers in companies without family-friendly leave policies.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationships among Media Usage regarding COVID-19, Knowledge about Infection, and Anxiety: Structural Model Analysis

        이유리,Ju-Yeon Lee,박인후,Mina Kim,전민,김주완,유승형,김재민,김성완 대한의학회 2020 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.35 No.48

        Background: We examined the effects of mass media usage on people's level of knowledge about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), fear of infection, prejudice towards infected people, and anxiety level. In addition, we investigated whether knowledge about COVID-19 can reduce fear, prejudice, and anxiety. Methods: We performed an anonymous online survey in 1,500 residents aged 19–65 years between April 24 and May 5 of 2020. Anxiety level was assessed using the generalized anxiety disorder-7 scale. We used a questionnaire to investigate COVID-19-related media use, knowledge about COVID-19, fear of infection, and prejudice towards infected people. We analyzed the relationships among the variables using the structural equation model. Results: Media use had significant effects on fear of infection, prejudice against infected people, and anxiety. Knowledge about COVID-19 had a significant protective effect on fear of infection, prejudice against infected people, and anxiety. However, the effect of media use on knowledge about COVID-19 was not statistically significant. There was a partial mediating effect of prejudice against infected people and fear of infection on media usage and anxiety. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated significant effects of mass media coverage regarding COVID-19 on fear, prejudice, and anxiety. While knowledge about COVID-19 could decrease fear, prejudice, and anxiety, the use of mass media did not enhance this knowledge. Medical societies should guide mass media reporting of COVID-19 and provide appropriate public education.

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