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      • KCI등재

        The Waste Land 에 대한 프로이드적 접근: 초-자아의 전복

        이규명 ( Lee Kyu-myoung ) 대한영어영문학회 1999 영어영문학연구 Vol.25 No.1

        The aim of this study is to interpret The Waste Land which is the representation of either Eliot’s dream or his unconsciousness in terms of some principal theories out of Freud's second subjects (‘Conscious’/ ’Preconscious’/ ‘Unconscious’) and third ones (‘Libido’/ ‘Id’/ ‘Ego’/ ‘Super-ego’), and then to understand the state of Eliot's mind. But with the framed interpretation moulded into Freudian paradigm, I also suggest my subjective responses to the poem. Of the aspects of conflict between ‘Id’ and ‘Super-ego’ in the poem, in “The Burial of the Dead”, ”April” as “the crudest month” plays a role of 'libido' and “the dead land” means the realm of ‘Unconscious’ involving “mixing memory and desire” repressed by ‘Super-ego.’ This reflects the poet’s repressed ‘Ego’, which also communicates with "Tent" in "The river's tent is...", as a symbol of “tabernacle” functions as ‘Super-ego/ The function of Madame of Sosostris interfering with others’ affairs in life is equal to that of ‘projection’ accompanying ‘introjection’. This hints the absence of the Absolute being, so the perspectives of human affairs by Sosostris are merely self-contained. "A Game of Chess", having the hints of the poet' unhappy marriage, means the man's subverted status not good enough for the woman’s desire, which links to the subversion of ‘Super-ego.’ In “The Fire Sermon”, “my heart” as ‘Super-ego’ is under “My foot” as ‘Id’ means the aspect of the former not reigning over the latter, the subversion of ‘Super-ego’ “What the Thunder Said” shows us the various aspects of ‘Ego’, which means the poet’s diverse pursuits to overcome his contemporary situation. In the whole, the poem shows us the poet’s individuation, even if complex or confusing, which inevitably invites the process of “repression”, the confrontation or conflict between “Id” and “Super-ego”. But Coming to the later parts, ”Death by Water” and “What the Thunder said”, the aspects are finally converged to the point, the compromise between the world and the poet’s desire. The poet dreams of the point of consciousness, the new desire, to overcome the limit of his consciousness within the real world.

      • KCI등재

        도시경제성장을 위한 창조산업의 활성화 및 정책적 노력

        이규명(Lee, Kyu-Myoung),김진열(Kim, Jin-Youl),정문기(Jeong, Moon-Gi) 서울행정학회 2014 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 창조산업이 도시경제에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 정부의 정책적 노력이 창조산업의 활성화에 미치는 영향을 탐색적으로 고찰하였다. 연구 목적을 위하여 기존의 이론과 한국의 현실을 고려하여 창조산업의 분류체계를 구성하고, 창조산업과 도시경제의 관계를 입지계수와 변이할당분석을 통해 분석하였다. 그리고 지방자치단체의 역할을 버블차트분석을 통해 분석하였다. 분석결과, 창조산업이 기반산업인 지역은 창조산업과 도시경제가 함께 성장해 나가는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 또한 각급 지방자치단체의 정책이 창조산업의 급격한 성장을 유발하는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이러한 분석결과는 지방자치단체의 창조산업 관련 정책이 창조산업의 활성화와 이를 통한 도시경제 성장에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 버블차트를 활용하여 지역 내 산업구조에서 창조산업이 차지하는 비중 및 위치를 명료하게 파악하고 창조산업이 활성화 되는 지역의 정책 검토를 통하여 창조산업의 활성화에 정책적인 노력이 영향을 미치고 있음을 탐색적으로 분석하였다. This study examines the relationship between creative industry and the urban economy focusing on Seoul Metropolitan Area and then considers the effect of government`s policy efforts on vitalization of creative industry. To analyze the effect of creative industry on regional economic growth, this study employs location quotient and shift-share analysis. Then, the bubble chart analysis is used to identify the importance and current state of creative industry in the research area and to suggest the policy direction suitable for local conditions. The results show that the growth of creative industry has a positive relationship with urban economy. In doing so, central and local government`s policies for creative industry play significant roles. It implies that at the stage that creative industry is less mature than other industries, government`s active policies should be needed. Prior to that, governments should understand the growth potential and conditions of creative industry that varies among localities.

      • KCI등재

        엘리엇, 예이츠, 스티븐스와 禪

        이규명(Lee, Kyu-myoung) 한국동서비교문학학회 2012 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.27

        This paper is to show us Zen as a kind of life pattern able to be applied to English poetry beyond the cultural differences between the Orient and the Occident. Zen is not far away from daily routines, but it is represented as the life aspect oozed into our life every where. The standard one of Zen examples is that “Why do you look at my fingers, not to look to the moon?” This means that we humans cannot face Thing’s essence, attending to something marginal. After reviewing the points of Zen revealed in the English poetry produced by T. S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats, and W. Stevens, “Little Gidding” includes the meaning of ‘Extra-Text outside Text’ (敎外別傳). And in “Sweeny among Nightingales”, we can find the separation between individual and individual, which means absence of communication as a part of chronic and terminal trends separating between subject and object that Zen resists and persists in constancy among Things in the human society. On the other hand, “The Song of Wandering Aengus” reminds us of the ‘Picture of Ten Oxen’ concerned with the pursuit of truth as capturing a cow in the wood. Also, “Wild Swans in the Coole” means a genesis of arrangement with lake, swans, and humans. Here, humans are not only meaningless existences unable to communicate one another, since Zen may be where artificial intention of human is stopped. In “The Snowmen”, we can see the process of changing being into nothing, in which Zen resides that nullifies the difference between existence and non-existence. The desire of life revealed in “Ice cream-emperor” can be the lethal motive of collapsing humans instead of securing human’s happiness, but most of all humans ignore the caution of Zen that the eruption of overflowing desire results in ruin: in Zen, Building is smashing. In conclusion, Zen, free from serene temples and horrible disciplines for awakening, can be characterized as a factor of daily practices as we drink water.

      • KCI등재

        ‘청탁금지법’ 초점사건, 집단동원, 의제설정 연구: 정책 태도 평가를 위한 어조값(Tone measures) 측정을 중심으로

        이영웅(Lee, Young-Woong),이규명(Lee, Kyu-Myoung),이동규(Lee, Dong-Kyu) 한국지방정부학회 2019 지방정부연구 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘부정청탁 및 금품등 수수의 금지에 관한 법률(이하 청탁금지법)’ 제정과정을 사례로 선정하여 Birkland(1998)의 초점사건, 집단동원, 그리고 의제설정 차원에서 분석하고자 했다. 대통령, 의회, 헌법재판소 모두 청탁금지법의 입법취지 및 헌법합치에 대한 의견을 밝힐 때 세월호 사건을 언급한 바 있다. 이에 본 연구는 해당 법률과 세월호 사건 사이에 모종의 관계가 있을 것이라는 문제의식에서 시작되었다. 구체적으로 청탁금지법 통과에 영향을 끼친 초점사건이 있었는가?, 입법과정에서 의제설정과 집단동원을 확인할 수 있는가?에 대한 답을 찾고자 했다. 분석결과 세월호 사건은 Kingdon(2011)이 언급한 파급효과를 일으킨 다른 영역의 초점사건이었다. 정무위원회 회의록을 통해 공식적 행위자인 행정부와 입법부가 입법논의에 참여하여 최종산물인 위원회안을 도출해내는 동원에 나섰다는 것 또한 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 정책학적 관점을 반부패영역의 입법과정에 적용하여 연구질문을 해결했으며 입법적 개선을 제안함으로써 이론적・정책적 기여를 동시에 해냈다. This study was design to analyze the passage of Anti-corruption law in 2015. Many formal actors including the president, legislators, constitutional court noted that the passage was related to Sewol-ferry disaster. This study tried to find the existence of focusing event and agenda-setting and mobilization. The results showed that Sewol-ferry disaster was focusing event with a spill-over effect. Assembly proceedings supported our suggestion that the administration and legislative branch participate in discussions to reach an agreement. Our analysis brought mixed results on the convergence proposition. Committees couldn’t reach an agreement on interest conflict part of the bill. Failure to pass the part of the bill could make The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission to introduce the regulation on conflict of interest in 2019. The linkage between two legislative attempts can be a prominent site for policy change by learning. Though newly enacted Anti-corruption law greatly increase the probability of punishment, Korean society still needs more diverse and effective monitoring instruments for public sector’s corruption. These instruments will increase the probability of being caught. By solving research questions and suggesting improvements, this study contributed not only academically but also practically.

      • KCI등재후보

        증례 : 망상조직구증 1 예

        김동집 ( Dong Jip Kim ),최규보 ( Kyu Bo Choi ),전종휘 ( Chong Hwee Chun ),이종무 ( Chong Moo Lee ),김교식 ( Kyo Sik Kim ),안영설 ( Young Sul Ahn ),원언식 ( Eun Sik Woen ),문우기 ( Wu Ki Moon ),규명 ( Kyu Myoung Chung ) 대한내과학회 1970 대한내과학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        A case of histiocytosis-X (Letterer-Siwe`s disease) in nineteen year-old Korean female patient which was confirmed by histopathological study was reported and a brief review of literature was made. This case was admitted to our St. Mary`s Hospital with the

      • KCI등재

        기대불일치이론을 적용한 중앙정부 국정업무와 정책수행에 대한 국민만족도 결정요인 : 긍정적ㆍ부정적 불일치의 비대칭적 영향력을 바탕으로

        조유선 ( Yusun Cho ),최흥석 ( Heungsuk Choi ),이규명 ( Kyu Myoung Lee ) 한국행정연구원 2021 韓國行政硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        기대불일치모형은 그동안 공공서비스의 시민만족 결정요인에 관한 연구들에 꾸준히 적용되어왔음에도 불구하고, 중앙정부의 국정업무 수행 전반 및 개별 거시정책 영역들에 대한 만족도에는 적용되지 않았다는 아쉬움이 있었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 2019년에 실시한 정부정책에 대한 국민만족도 설문조사를 바탕으로, 정부 출범 당시 기대와 현재의 성과평가 및 그들 간의 불일치 정도가 만족도에 미치는 영향을 기대불일치모형을 통해 실증 분석함으로써 정부에 대한 대국민만족도 결정요인을 확인하였다. 특히 부정적 기대불일치에 따라서 만족도가 크게 좌우될 수 있음을 밝힘으로써 국민들의 기대감과 성과의 불일치에 대한 정부의 체계적 관리가 필요함을 제시하였다. 또한 본 연구는 중앙 정부의 정책을 11개 정책영역으로 나누어 개별 정책영역에 대하여 기대불일치모형을 적용하여 정책별 만족도 형성과정의 차이를 분석하고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 경제정책의 경우에는 다른 정책 영역보다 부정적 불일치와 긍정적 불일치의 영향력 차이가 가장 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 복지정책과 외교 및 국방정책의 경우에는 만족도에 대한 성과의 직접효과보다 기대불일치를 통한 간접효과가 큰 것으로 나타나 각 개별 정책분야의 특성별로 만족도의 결정과정에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요함을 시사한다. This study aims to investigate the effect of expectancy disconfirmation on citizen satisfaction with the central government performance. Despite its importance, expectancy-disconfirmation theory has not widely adopted to explain the satisfaction formation process of the central government performance and macro policies. Through path analysis of the 2019 survey on the citizen satisfaction with the central government performance in South Korea, this research found that the positive expectancy disconfirmation and the citizen’s perception on the government performance had positive influences on satisfaction level, while expectancy had a limited direct effect. Furthermore, this study tested the asymmetric effects between positive and negative disconfirmation on satisfaction, The results showed that the negative disconfirmation between expectation and perceived performance had a greater impact on satisfaction than the positive disconfirmation. The interesting finding was that economic policy was the policy area where the negative disconfirmation had a greater impact on satisfaction among the other 10 policy areas.

      • 예이츠의「장미」에 대한 원형적 접근 : C.G. Jung의 이론을 중심으로 In the light of C. G. Jung's theory

        이규명 釜山外國語大學校 語文學硏究所 1999 外大語文論集 Vol.14 No.-

        ABSTRACTThe aim of this thesis is to interpret The Rose on the basis of Jung's theory centered on the archetypal aspects, which are represented in the text converted to the stage of 'Unconscious', a writer's dream. Here there is the justification of the application of his theory to the text. The kinds of archetypes are anima, animus, the Self, persona, shadow, wise man/woman, initiation, parenting and etc.In the thesis, the four poems without using the signifier of 'rose' as each theme in The Rose axe interpreted: "Fergus and The Druid," "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "When You are old," and "The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner." As yet, they are neglectfully valued, since critics and readers are much preoccupied in the point that Yeat said that The Rose represents his ex-lover, Maud Gonne, resulting in easily identifing The Rose with her without the process of critical analysis or survey. This causes from the blind or dull views of critics/readers.In "Fergus and The Druid," the former is the archetype of 'persona' as the social position of king to reign over phenomenal or visible order and the latter that of 'wise man' to pursue supreme truth of universe, which is the representation of individualization of 'the Self.' Thus their relations are contradictory and inconsistent. The latter provides "little bag of dreams" for the former longing for an eternal thing, which can be converted to the sublime object of rose. This exemplifies the conflict between 'persona' and 'the Self.'For "The Lake of Innisfree," because of its poetic transparency or clarity, every critic or reader carlessly tends to think of it as a typical lyric. But the isle, "Innisfree", is the poetic space or primordial stage/point in which all archetypes reside and play. It functions as a snug shelter of a hometown to comfort man/woman with terrible trauma or horrible experience from social life, which involves the frustration of the pursuit of the valuable object of rose.In "When You Are Old," the poetic narrator promises the lasting concern on 'persona' sticking to beauty and 'ego' losing beauty in the transition of time. That is to say, he loves not only the weather-beaten object without beauty but also the object coated with skin deep beauty. Here the object means a withered or superficial rose.In "The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner," we think of the archetype of "broken tree as a castrated phallus which represents "the old pensioner" and means an impotent man, The erotic and lively object of rose for which the poetic narrator chases deviates from his boundary and is recurred only in his deep-rooted memory. The aim of this thesis is to interpret The Rose on the basis of Jung's theory centered on the archetypal aspects, which are represented in the text converted to the stage of 'Unconscious', a writer's dream. Here there is the justification of the application of his theory to the text. The kinds of archetypes are anima, animus, the Self, persona, shadow, wise man/woman, initiation, parenting and etc. In the thesis, the four poems without using the signifier of 'rose' as each theme in The Rose are interpreted: "Fergus and The Druid," "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "When You are old," and "The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner." As yet, they are neglectfully valued, since critics and readers are much preoccupied in the point that Yeat said that The Rose represents his ex-lover, Maud Gonne, resulting in easily identifing The Rose with her without the process of critical analysis or survey, This causes from the blind or dull views of critics/readers. In "Fergus and The Druid," the former is the archetype of 'persona' as the social position of king to reign over phenomenal or visible order and the latter that of 'wise man' to pursue supreme truth of universe, which is the representation of individualization of 'the Self.' Thus their relations are contradictory and inconsistent. The latter provides "little bag of dreams" for the former longing for an eternal thing, which can be converted to the sublime object of rose. This exemplifies the conflict between 'persona' and 'the Self.' For "The Lake of Innisfree," because of its poetic transparency or clarity, every critic or reader carlessly tends to think of it as a typical Iyric. But the isle, "Innisfree", is the poetic space or primordial stage/point in which all archetypes reside and play It functions as a snug shelter of a hometown to comfort man/woman with terrible trauma or horrible experience from social life, which involves the frustration of the pursuit of the valuable object of rose. In "When You Are Old," the poetic narrator promises the lasting concern on 'persona' sticking to beauty and 'ego' losing beauty in the transition of time. That is to say, he loves not only the weather-beaten object without beauty but also the object coated with skin deep beauty. Here the object means a withered or superficial rose. In "The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner," we think of the archetype of "broken tree as a castrated phallus which represents "the old pensioner" and means an impotent man, The erotic and lively object of rose for which the poetic narrator chases deviates from his boundary and is recurred only in his deep-rooted memory.

      • KCI등재

        심층의 시학 : 예이츠 시에 대한 융 (C. G. Jung) 적 실천 A Jungian Practice to Yeats' Poetry

        이규명 한국현대영어영문학회 2002 현대영어영문학 Vol.46 No.2

        C. G Jung's analytical psychology is basically different from Freud's psychoanalysis in that the former is in pursuit of causation of daily events and the latter heads for synchronity of pre-history. Accordingly, Freudian positions focus on subjective experiences of history, while Jungian positions center on objective experiences of myth as racial memory far away from history. In the sense Freud's unconscious is concerned with dissatisfaction resulting from the conflicting relation between desire and real world, and Jung's is associated with archetypal qualities to completeness of self. Thus Marxism is believed to be related to Freudian theories that external and real world forms motives of unconscious and Jungian theories, centering on internal and primordial world that makes up base of real world, communicate with occultism and alchemy. When we think of the relation between literature and Jungian theories, we often remind of the practices of archetypal criticism born from Northrop Frye. But the meanings of archetypes argued by Jung and Frye are very different in that the former points out that archetypes clinically serve to accomplish process of individuation through quest of collective unconscious, while the latter reveals that all symbols are literarily converged into universal archetypes, taking such conventional examples as river symbolizes death and rebirth and sun energy and father principle. Of course there are their common points that archetypes imply mythical elements having no relation with real world. In the sense the way that Jungian theories can be applied to literary text is to analyse the symbols as agents of archetypes revealed in Yeats' poetry and amplify our poetic imagination to the meanings of their origin, overcoming 'epistemological obstacle' resulting from Lockian tabula rasa, while Fyre's theories overly adhere to myths of hero that usually go through the trials of quest, initiation(separation, transformation, and return), and sacrificial scapegoat. In the view of Jungian theories, in 「The Lake Isle of Innisfree」, "Innisfree" means maternal space comforting poetic narrator for frustrated idea in the real world. In 「Tower」, poetic narrator longs for completeness of individuation or restoration of self going through transcendence and integration. In 「Lamentation of The Old Pensioner」, "broken tree" means both libidinal retrogression and restoration, so here we find spiritual sublimation of libido as revealed in "my chair was nearest to the fire/ in every company." In 「Fergus and The Druid」, poetic narrator admires "Druid" symbolizing 'wise man' as a major archetype, since he wants to escape from his 'persona' and to remove his characteristic mask. In 「When you are old」, beauty is favored as essential system rather than formal system meaning skin-deep modes. In 「Leda and The Swan」, the episode of "swan" reminding us of the mythic event of between Zeus and Leda, the queen of Sparta in Greek myth means greek tradition attacking and ruling over western society possibly displaced as "Leda", so "a shudder in the loins" means the extension and acception of divinity.

      • 텍스트에 대한 라캉적 태도와 그 실천 : 「벤 벌벤 아래에서」에 나타난 "오브제 쁘띠 아" 'objet petit a" revealed in "Under Ben Bulben"

        이규명 새한영어영문학회 2002 새한영어영문학 Vol.44 No.1

        This paper is an attempt to interpret Yeats's poetry, which is the representation of either his dream of "Unconscious," in terms of the theories of Jacques Lacan. The primary assumption of this analysis is that psychoanalytical approach to texts is possible; every situation in the text corresponds with every situation in the human mind to which the proper terms suggested by Lacan can be referred. Hence, I think that this comes under one of objective ways to texts. To avoid the rigid and reified interpretation molded into the framework of psychoanalysis theory, however, the methodology of reader-response criticism is applied to the analysis of Yeats's poem "Under Ben Bulben." Lacan thought of humans as discontented beings aspiring to fill their desire that had never been filled. Hence, he decentered Eros which would give humans complete pleasure, and critized Ego's trends to grasp the totality of subject or things. Lacan regarded both the conscious and the unconscious as the same. The former is born from the latter, so speaker's utterance represents his/her unconscious situations, as it can be known well from his noted manifestation that "the unconscious is structured like a language" and "the unconscious is the discourse of the Other." Hence, Lacan suggests the relative freedom that allows analyst/reader and analysand/text to communicate each desire on the level of symbolic order instead of making much of the former or disregarding the latter. This means that there is no "subject supposed to be known" in the world. The condition of desire is lack (manque) and people are each the subject of desire which is that of lack. Therefore, Yeats is destined to want Others to desire. Now we desire to fill his desire and to share his unconscious, and vice versa. Using the ways of "transference" and "counter-transference" of reading text, the former is found to depend on its signifiers as the objective evidences of interpretation. On the other hand, the later focuses that readers subjectively reconstruct the fabula of the text. In "Under Ben Bulben," Yeats's desire of jouissance of art stays on a discontent level (point de capiton), and hints at a "repetition compulsion" for the ideal "agalma" or "objet petit a" of art.

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