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전영주(Young-Joo Jeon) 신영어영문학회 2009 신영어영문학 Vol.43 No.-
Teaching English through English (TETE) means speaking and using English in the classroom as often as teachers possibly can, for example when organizing teaching activities or chatting to students socially. The English Immersion Program seemed to have a hard time to be utilized across the nation for various reasons. As its alternative, TETE has a great impact on English education in Korea. This paper tried to offer the basis of the theory and practice of TETE, exploring the Direct Method and CLT(Communicative Language Teaching). In addition. the best method of TETE was considered. This article also studied the ways TETE can be presented or performed in middle and high schools efficiently. This paper will be beneficial to English teachers and their students in presenting a foundation for the theory and practice of TETE.