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        원대(元代)와 세종대(世宗代) 자동 물시계 시보시스템 비교

        윤용현,김상혁,민병희,임병근,YONG-HYUN YUN,SANG HYUK KIM,BYEONG-HEE MIHN,BYONG GUEN LEEM 한국천문학회 2024 天文學論叢 Vol.39 No.1

        In this study, we investigated the time signal devices of Deungnu (circa 1270) and Gungnu (1354), the water clocks produced during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). These clocks influenced Heumgyeonggaknu (1438) of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), exemplifying the automatic water clocks of the Yuan Dynasty. Deungnu, Gungnu, and Heumgyeonggaknu can be considered as automatic mechanical clocks capable of performances. The Jega-Yeoksang-Jip (Collection of Calendrical and Astronomical Theories of Various Chinese Masters) contains records of Deungnu extracted from the History of the Yuan Dynasty. We interpreted these records and analyzed reproduction models and technical data previously produced in China. The time signal device of Deungnu featured a four-story structure, with the top floor displaying the four divine constellations, the third floor showcasing models of these divinities, the second floor holding 12-h jacks and a 100-Mark ring, and the first floor with four musicians and a 100-Mark Time-Signal Puppet providing a variety of visual attractions. We developed a 3D model of Deungnu, proposing two possible mechanical devices to ensure that the Time-Signal Puppet simultaneously pointed to the 100-Mark graduations in the east, west, south, and north windows: one model reduced the rotation ratio of the 100-Mark ring to 1/4, whereas the other model maintained the rotation ratio using four separate 100-Mark rings. The power system of Deungnu was influenced by Suunuisangdae (the water-driven astronomical clock tower) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127); this method was also applied to Heumgyeonggaknu in the Joseon Dynasty. In conclusion, these automatic water clocks of East Asia from the 13th to 15th centuries symbolized creativity and excellence, representing scientific devices that were the epitome of clock-making technology in their times.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세종의 흠경각 건립 의미와 옥루의 구조

        윤용현(Yun, Yong-hyun),기호철(Ki, Ho-chul) 한국고전번역원 2017 民族文化 Vol.49 No.-

        1438년 1월 경복궁 천추전 서쪽에 장영실이 제작한 옥루를 설치한 흠경각이 완성되었다. 세종은 우승지 김돈에게 흠경각 건립의 과정과 그곳에 설치한 옥루를 설명하는 「흠경각기」를 짓도록 하였는데, 이것이 『세종실록』에 실려 전한다. 그간 이것만으로 흠경각에 대한 구조를 연구하고 그 복원을 모색하여 왔으나, 『동문선』, 『신증동국여지승람』, 『어제궁궐지』 등에도 이 기문이 실려 전한다. 이것들을 대조하였더니 『세종실록』에 수록된 「흠경각기」에 잘못된 글자들이 있었다. 이를 바로잡으니, 그간 겉으로 드러나 작동하는 시보장치가 4단으로 이루어진 자동물시계가 아니라 5단이었다는 사실을 확인하였다. 이에 따라 그 내부 구조도 수정되어야 할 것이다. 흠경각은 이미 완성된 보루각의 자동물시계와 경복궁 후원 簡儀臺의 천문 의기가 멀리 떨어져 있어 시시때때로 편리하게 관측하기 어려워 이를 해결하려는 목적으로 만든 자동으로 작동하는 천문시계인 옥루를 설치했던 건물이었다. 흠경각 옥루는 자동물시계에 태양 운행 장치를 결합하여 대단히 작고 정밀하게 만든 것으로, 時 · 更 · 點을 모두 청각과 시각으로 확인할 수 있도록 만든 것이었다. 그와 더불어 欹器를 설치하고 《빈풍도》를 벌려 놓아서 天道의 차고 이지러지는 이치를 보고 백성이 농사짓는 어려움을 볼 수 있게 하였는데, 이는 조선의 창안이었다. 이런 흠경각의 설치는 세종이 추구한 7년에 걸친 대규모 천문의기 제작 사업이 완성되었다는 선포였으며, 하늘을 본받고, 시의에 순응하며, 공경하는 뜻을 극진히 하고, 백성을 사랑하고, 농사를 중히 여기는 인후한 덕에서 비롯한 것이라고 천명한 기념물이었다. On Jan 1438 (Year 20 of King Sejong’s reign), Heumgyeonggak was constructed by the Chosŏn Dynasty. The building was exclusively dedicated to the Ong-nu, the automatic water clock that was invented by Chang yŏng-shil. Concerning the event, it is well known that the detailed description is still common in the Annals of Chosŏn Dynasty. According to the record, King Sejong ordered Kim Don, the royal secretariat, to write the “Heumgyeonggakgi in which the process of the building construction and the specific explanation of the Ong-nu clock were described. So far, it was only this book that scholars considered while making a hypothesis about the structure of the automatic water clock. Contrary to what is generally known, there are also the concerned records in Tongmunsŏn(『東文選』), Shinjŭngdonggukyŏjisŭngnam(『新增東國輿地勝覽』), Ŏjegunggwŏlchi(『御製宮闕志』). As a result of comparing the newly reviewed documents with the existing Heumgyonggakgi record, we confirmed that there were some mistakes in the latter. After fixing this error, we know that the water clock was made of a quintupled stage, not a quadrupled stage. As this is clearly different from the believed doctrines about the Ong-nu, this study revealed its structure should be modified. Until the Heumgyeonggak was built, the automatic water clock and astronomical instruments were set in different buildings, making them uncomfortable to use. To solve this difficulty, King Sejong ordered installation of the Ong-nu that combines astronomical instrument functions on the water clock in the Heumgyeonggak The Ong-nu clock was small but very precise. As the current time was reported by the alarm, the people were able to check it n ot only with t heir e yes, b ut also by t heir e ars. I t was f urther a lso accompanied by a number of facilities and paintings reminiscent of Confucian teachings. By seeing the movement of the Ong-nu, the Chosŏn King identified that the season had changed and tried not to forget how hard the people farmed throughout the year. The construction of Heumgyonggak and the invention of the Chosŏn people was such a declaration that a great project for making water clock and astronomical instruments independently was finally completed after seven years of their effort. It was a monument that encouraged the King to always respect the will of the Heaven, love his people and not to forget the importance of farming forever.

      • KCI등재

        겨례과학인 무쇠 솥

        정동찬(Chong Tong-chan),윤용현(Yun Yong-hyun),김삼기(토론자) 비교민속학회 2005 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.28

        Our ancestors had made with metal household goods, weapons, and bells and Buddhist images, which are used in Buddhist temples. The pot which is used until recently has no legs, round-shaped bottom, narrowed-in outlet and brim. The pot is necessary for living, but has been treated as a trivial thing like water or air, because the importance of the pot is not recognized. The pot has complex manufacturing steps like molding, cast-iron, subtracting and pouring metallic stains, which shows an example of our ancestor's scientific wisdom. Moreover, tools and terminologies related to cast-iron are invented and created by our ancestors themselves. Therefore, the pot shows how our ancestors have utilized the metal and applied it in real life. According to literature, remains and vestiges, the cast iron cooker has been used since our ancestors had discovered and utilized the cast iron. But recently the cast iron pot has been replaced by the electric rice-cooker, steam rice-cooker etc. The most up-to-date steam rice-cooker with whole body heating method is invented using the scientific principle, which is used in cast iron pot. Namely, our ancestors' scientific wisdom is applied to newly high technology, and based on development of our living and the future science.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        壁畵를 通해서 본 高句麗의 탈 것 文化

        鄭東璨(JEONG Dong-chan),尹用賢(YUN Yong-hyun),李康烈(LEE Gang-ryeol),金容萬(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2004 고구려발해연구 Vol.17 No.-

        From our country the cart is initially confirmed from Nitan Formation of Jueuiri about 7th~8th century before era and has really been used on the Iron Age. 40 carts and 4 cart wheels has strikingly shown from 18 ancient tombs among 95 ancient mural tombs of Koguryo. The ancient tombs which have cart in ancient mural tomb are Yaksuri ancient tomb, Anak 1 ancient tomb, Anak 3 ancient tomb, Duckheungri ancient tomb, Muyong tomb, Ssangyeong tomb, Ohoebun 4 ancient tomb, Ohoebun 5 ancient tomb, Jangcheon 1 ancient tomb, Susanri ancient tomb, Yeogjeon tomb of Pyeongyang, Taeseongri 1 ancient tomb, Palcheongri ancient tomb, Gosandong 7 ancient tomb, Gamsin tomb, Gakjeo tomb, Daeanri 1 ancient tomb, and Tonggu 12 ancient tomb. The cattle and horse drew the cart in Koguryo. The horse had used for quick moving for hunting and warfare, and the cattle for drawing the cart. The nobility used horse and cart for going out, and the women used the cart. The major uses of the cart are; 1) to transport person. The cart of the ancient mural tomb of Koguryo. corresponds to here. 2) to carry burden. This kind of cart is visible in Muyong tomb and Gakjeo tomb. 3) for weapon as an applied cart, such as Chungja, Unje, Pocha. The size of the Koguryo's cart can be presumed by the size of the people which are visible in the ancient mural tomb. The mean height of the Koguryo's people can be estimated by the height of Yeanri's people of Gaya and the picture of a cattle drover in ancient mural tomb of Koguryo. The cart for male has an open-room and been pulled by cattle (Anak 3 unit) or horse (Duckheungri). The open-cart of Anak 3 has a sunshade to be high. People can see the left and right sides when they are seated on the chair. The bending chair has been set on a cartwheel and has tree plank on chair back. The cart of Duckheungri has round flower-shaped umbrella in the roof. In the case of the female cart, the palanquin which has roof on top and curtains on left and right sides has been set on cartwheel. The size of the palanquin is similar to cartwheel. The can for carrying burden such as shown in Muyong tomb has larger cartwheel (151.5㎝) than that of cart for transporting people, and has closed-room. After 5th century the Koguryo. used closed-room cart for foreign trades. The Koguryo. exported Iron and Gold to Silwi which is situated on the Hwun river. Because the Iron is heavy, trading Iron means the development of transportation tools. Koguryo, uses the cart for trading and expands its influence on me neighbor countries, and finally developed as ancient nation for the first time. It was possible by the cart-making technique and engineering technique related with road and bridge construction.

      • 청동거울 경면의 연마기법에 관한 실험 연구

        배채린 ( Chaerin Bae ),조남철 ( Nam Chul Cho ),윤용현 ( Yong Hyun Yun ) 공주대학교 문화재보존과학연구소 2019 문화재과학기술 Vol.14 No.1

        청동거울의 경면 처리법 중 연마기법은 사용한 재료나 방법에 대해 구체적인 기록이 거의 남아 있지 않다. 실제 생활에서 청동거울을 빛낼 때에는 상대적으로 간편한 연마를 상용하였을 것으로 추측되나 유물의 성분이나 표면 분석을 통해 표면처리기법을 확인하기는 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 연마를 통한 청동거울 경면 표면처리 기법을 실험적으로 검증하였다. 문헌에 기록된 내용을 바탕으로 연마재와 윤활제를 선정하고, 3단계에 걸쳐서 연마한 뒤 결과를 실체현미경과 분광측색계를 통해 알아보았다. 분석결과 연마가 진행됨에 따라 표면이 점차 균일하게 연마되어가는 것을 확인하였으며 연마 후 전반적으로 L*값이 상승한 것으로 보아 반사율이 증가했음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 연마 재료는 송탄분과 우지를 사용하는 것이 가장 균일하게 연마되었으며 분광 반사율의 증가 폭도 가장 커 연마효과가 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 실험 결과는 앞으로 청동거울의 경면 연마 기법에 대한 연구의 기초 자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. The polishing technique about surface treatment technique of the bronze mirror has no detailed records about used materials and methods. When polishing a bronze mirror in real life, it surmised that relatively they use simple methods in the past. But it is difficult to determine the treatment technique through the surface analysis. In this study, we experimentally confirmed that the bronze mirror surface treatment technique through polishing. Thus, select abrasive and lubricant on the basis of the ancient documents and observe the results through stereoscopic microscope and spectrophotometer. As the result, it is confirmed that the surface is becoming polished evenly. After polishing process, the L* values were generally rose, which means that the increasing of reflectivity. Also, it could be confirmed that pine charcoal powder and beef tallow is the most effective abrasive materials. These results are also expected to be used as the basis for the study of the polishing technique of bronze mirror in the future.

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