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        신경향파시의 재인식

        유성호 ( Sung Ho Yoo ) 한민족문화학회 2014 한민족문화연구 Vol.45 No.-

        신경향파의 등장 맥락을 바라보는 시각은 그동안 두 갈래의 평가를 낳아왔다. 하나는 순조로운 근대시의 발전을 가로막은 ``생채기``에 불과했다는 부정적 시각이고, 다른 하나는 보다 적극적인 의미를 부여하여 프로문학의 발전도상에서 빚어진 이행기적인 의미로 한정하는 시각이다. 후자는 프로시로 나아가는 전 단계의 자연발생적인 성취를 신경향파시로 범주화한 결과이다. 우리는 이러한 두 가지 견해를 넘어서는 차원에서, 신경향파시가 한국 시의 다양성과 공적 심층성을 중요하게 발전시켰고, 나아가 프로문학의 전 단계로서의 이행기적 속성이 아니라 독자적 미학으로도 매우 중요한 속성을 견지하고 있다고 파악할 수 있다. 그 핵심적인 내적 원리는 다름아닌 민족주의와 낭만성을 ``비극성``이라는 미적 범주로 통합, 결속하였고, 민족 현실의 전체성을 사유한 것 등에서 찾을 수 있다. 신경향파시의 초기 단계는 사회적 약자에 대한 소박한 긍정과 신뢰를 담는 데 멈추었다면, 그러한 한계는 이상화, 박팔양에 의해 극복된다. 이들에 의해 약자에 대한 옹호 지향은 민족주의적 열정과 매개되기도 하고 이산離散이라는 민족적 경험과 깊이 결부되기도 한다. 이렇게 신경향파시는 한국 근대시의 계몽적 출발의 초점을 개인으로 돌리지 아니하고 민족 혹은 집단의 경험으로 돌림으로써 새로운 계몽을 추구하였다. 하지만 신경향파시는 카프로 순조롭게 인적 연속성을 이월하지 못하였다. 그것은 그들 자신의 내적 기질에서 연유하는 것이기도 하고, 외적 기율이나 경험의 차이에서 발생하는 것이기도 하다. 신경향파시가 주목했던 ``민족`` 패러다임은 매우 경험적인 것이었던 데 비해, 프로시가 받아들였던 마르크시즘은 너무도 추상적인 것이었기 때문이었을 것이다. 그리고 신경향파시가 주목했던 ``검``이나 ``신`` 같은 종교적 개념이 소멸하고 일방적으로 과학성으로 경사하게 된 것도 카프로의 이월이 신경향파시의 어떤 가능성을 지워버린 실례로 평가될 만하다. 따라서 우리는 신경향파시가 카프로 이월되어간 진화의 양상과 함께, 카프로 이월하면서 소진된 가능성과 자산을 함께 탐색해볼 수 있을 것이다. A perspective on the appearance of the Anti-Conventional School has produced two different assessments until now. A negative viewpoint is that it was merely a ``wound`` that stoped the smooth development of modern poetry. The other actively attaches meaning to it and sees it as a transitional group organized during the developing process of proletarian literature. The latter is the result of categorizing the spontaneous achievements gained prior to proletarian poetry as the Anti-Conventional School poetry. From the dimension of overcoming these two views, this paper proved that the Anti-Conventional School poetry considerably fostered the diversity and public depth of Korean poetry and further it preserved not transitional properties as a preceding phase of proletarian literature but important features as an independent aesthetics. The central inner principle could be found from none other than the fact that it integrated and united nationalism and romantic ideas into the aesthetic category of ``tragedy`` and thought about the totality of national reality. The Anti-Conventional School poetry ended of expressing naive affirmation and trust in the week of society in the early period, however, its limitations were overcame by Lee, Sang-hwa and Park, P`al-yang. With them, the tendency of supporting the week was bridged to the passion for nationalism or deeply associated with national experience of diaspora. In this way, the Anti-Conventional School poetry pursued a new enlightenment by not turning the focus of enlightening departure of modern Korean poetry to individual but to the experience of a race or group. The Anti-Conventional School poetry, however, could not successfully hand over its features to KAPF. This was coming from their cast of mind and from the difference in external discipline or experience. Also, it was because that the paradigm of ``a race`` the Anti-Conventional School poetry paid attention to was extremely empirical, but Marxism accepted by proletarian poetry was too abstract relatively. And the extinction of the religious concepts such as ``geom``(검, god) or ``shin``(신, god) that received attention of the Anti-Conventional School poetry and the inclination toward science could be considered as examples of removing the possibility of the Anti-Conventional School poetry with the transition to KAPF. Therefore, the exhausted possibility and assets of the Anti-Conventional School poetry could be searched with the aspects of evolution during the transition to KAPF.

      • KCI등재

        비만관 유량계 교정 시스템 구축에 관한 연구

        유성호,이동락,이민수,Yoo Sung-Ho,Lee Dong-Rak,Lee Min-Soo 한국유체기계학회 2006 한국유체기계학회 논문집 Vol.9 No.4

        Flow meters in partly filled pipes are set up and run in Korea nowadays, but there are no standard calibration procedures for the flow meters in accordance with ' ISO/IEC 17025. The standard calibration procedure based on the standard calibration procedures for flow meter in closed conduits and the technical notes of flow meter's makers ' is developed. The measurement uncertainty of the calibration for the flow meter in partly filled pipes is evaluated.

      • KCI등재

        무지 외반증 환자의 원위 갈매기형 절골술시 절골면 고정유무에 따른 치료결과 비교

        유성호,김부환,송무호,안성준,서상혁,Yoo, Seong-Ho,Kim, Bu-Whan,Song, Moo-Ho,Ahn, Seong-Jun,Seo, Sang-Hyok 대한족부족관절학회 2006 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Purpose: The distal chevron osteotomy has gained popularity for the mild to moderate hallux valgus, but necessity of fixation is controversy. No fixation of distal chevron osteotomy cause instability, but fixation has problem which has pin site infection and irritability, extension of operation time, discomfort of rehabilitation. So, the author was going to analyse and compare with and without in the fixation of distal chevron osteotomy. Materials and Methods: Between 2004 and 2005, a total 18 patients (20 feet) following with and without in fixation of distal chevron osteotomies. The fixation group (A) was performed for the treatment of 10 patients (10 feet) and no fixation group (B) was done to 8 patients (10 feet). Results: On group A, the mean first MTP (metatarsophalangeal) angle corrected $17^{\circ}$ pre-operatively to average $29^{\circ}$ (range; $20-37^{\circ}$) and the mean first IM (intermetatarsal) angle corrected $10^{\circ}$ pre-operatively to average $15^{\circ}$ (range; $9-18^{\circ}$). On Group B, the mean first MTP angle corrected $16^{\circ}$ pre-operatively to average $29^{\circ}$ (range; $18-33^{\circ}$) and the mean first IM angle corrected $7^{\circ}$ pre-operatively to average $13^{\circ}$ (range; $9-16^{\circ}$) (P>0.05). Clinical results, based on AOFAS score showed an improvement in the overall results. Conclusions: Comparing the clinical and radiographic results of the distal chevron osteotomies no difference in with and without fixation of distal chevron osteotomies.

      • KCI등재

        강직성 양하지마비 아동의 자세조절과 운동성을 위한 물리치료의 중재 내용 분석: 단면연구

        유성호 ( Sung-ho Yoo ),오덕원 ( Duck-won Oh ) 대한물리의학회 2018 대한물리의학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the components of physical therapy interventions to enhance postural control and mobility in children with spastic diplegia. METHODS: Thirsty-eight physical therapists working in rehabilitation settings volunteered to record the components of physical therapy interventions used during 894 treatment sessions for 179 children with spastic diplegia presenting with difficulties in postural control and mobility. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the general characteristics of the therapists, the patients, and the frequency of the interventions. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and chi-square test were used to describe the components of the interventions and the goals of treatment. RESULTS: In clinical practice, physical therapists primarily used methods including “Hands-on: facilitation” (n =1990, 36.47%) and “Hands-off: practice” (n=1355, 24.83 %). Only 13.96% (n=762) of the interventions allowed patients to be independent or active outside of the treatment sessions. Interventions reflecting the therapeutic aims were performed for sitting (17.53%), standing (18.25%), and walking (27.39%). CONCLUSION: Physical therapists mostly used “therapistled” interventions to treat impaired postural control and mobility in children with spastic diplegia. Interventions to facilitate independent activity or practice outside the treatment sessions are infrequently used. These types of interventions were used regardless of the aims of treatment.

      • KCI등재

        황동규 시에 나타난 실존적 고독과 신성한 것의 지향

        유성호 ( Yoo Sung-ho ) 현대문학이론학회 2018 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.73

        황동규의 초기시는 구체적 공간으로부터 일정한 거리를 둔 내면적인 상상적 공간에서 피어올라 왔다. 이후 황동규는 삶의 내부에서 촉발된 ‘시적인 것’의 탐색 과정을 삶의 외부로 확장시켜간다. 때로는 정치적 알레고리를 보여주기도 했고, 때로는 1970년대라는 현실을 온몸으로 껴안기도 했다. 이때 현실적인 것과 동떨어져 보였던 황동규의 시는 물리적이고 폭압적인 권력의 실체를 발가벗기는 더욱 구체적인 현실로 다가오게 된다. 이처럼 황동규는 초기시로부터 인간 내면에 깔려 있는 근원적이고 보편적인 정서로서의 실존적 고독과 삶의 비극성을 일관되게 들려주었다. 이러한 초기시의 사유는 천천히 ‘사랑’이라는 불가항력의 에너지로 몸을 바꾸어간다. 그것은 사랑의 결여 형식을 속 깊이 증언하고 그것을 영속화하는 데 무게중심을 할애한다. 그럼으로써 그는 영속화된 결핍의 상태를 견뎌내면서 결핍의 상황을 상상적으로 넘어서려 한 것이다. 그리고 황동규는 알레고리와 아이러니를 사용하여 현실의 중층적 모순을 드러냈고, 삶과 여행의 일치를 통한 삶의 진정성 회복과 환희, 죽음의 능동적 통찰과 수용, 극(劇)서정시와 여행 모티프에 의해 얻어진 존재의 가벼움 등을 노래하는 과정을 밟아왔다. 그러다가 최근 황동규 시는 가장 신성하고 구체적인 장면과 만나 ‘시적인 것’을 이루어가는 장관을 펼쳐내는데, 우리는 그 안에서 ‘형이상학적 전율’과 ‘신성한 것’에 주목함으로써 지상에서의 힘겨운 삶을 견디고 치유하려는 동일자로서의 경험을 치르게 된다. 한국 현대시의 독자적인 미학적 심화에 기여한 그의 행로는 여전히 진행 중이다. Early poems of Hwang, Donggyu rose from internal imaginary space distant from specific space. After this, he extended the process of seeking ‘the poetic’ stirred up from the inside of life to the outside. He sometimes showed political allegories and sometimes embraced the reality of 1970s. This was when Hwang, Donggyu’s poems which had seemed to be far away from reality came closer as more specific realities stripping the true nature of oppressive power. Like this, Hwang, Donggyu has consistently told existential solitude as original and universal emotion buried in human and tragic aspects of life from the early period of poems. This thoughts of his early poems had been slowly changed into the uncontrollable energy, love and he had put more weight on testifying for a form of lacking love deep in mind and perpetuating it. By doing this, he intended to endure the perpetuated lacking situation and overcome it chimerically. Hwang revealed multi-layered contradictions of realities by using allegories and ironies and underwent a process of describing the restoration of life’s sincerity and the joy through the accordance of life and journey, active insight and acceptance of death, lightness of being acquired with dramatic lyric poems and travel motifs. Then Hwang, Donggyu’s poems met the most sacred and detailed scenes and accomplished ‘the poetic.’ So then, we came to have the experience of becoming the identity who tried to endure and cure the arduous life in this world. His journey as a poet who contributed to the deepening of peculiar aesthetics of modern Korean poetry is still ongoing.

      • KCI등재

        성장기 어린이들의 스포츠클럽 참여 종목에 따른 골격성숙도, 골밀도, 체력 및 유,무산소 능력 비교

        유성호(Sung Ho Yoo),정현철(Hyun Chul Jung),서명원(Myong Won Seo),김현배(Hyun Bae Kim),송종국(Jong Kook Song) 한국발육발달학회 2016 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to compare skeletal maturity, bone mineral density, physical fitness, aerobic and anaerobic capacity in children who participated in different sports. Fifty boys (swimming: N=14; soccer: N=24; taekwondo: N=12), aged 10-12 years old, volunteered to participate in the study. Physique including height, weight, and body circumference were measured. Body composition and bone mineral density were assessed by DXA (Hologic, Co., QDR-4500, USA). Skeletal maturation was evaluated by TW3 method. Physical fitness tests (flamingo balance, sit and reach, grip strength, standing long jump, and side step) were administerd. For aerobic capacity parameters, the Bruce protocol was conducted on the treadmill with Quark b2 (Cosmed, Co., Italy). The Wingate anaerobic power test was performed. All data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. One-way ANOVA was applied to evaluate the difference among sport events. There was a significant difference in skeletal age among groups (F=4.01, p<.05). The swimming group has the most advanced chest circumference compared to the soccer or taekwondo group. There was a significant difference in femoral bone mineral density among groups (F=10.62, p<.001). Sit-ups (F=19.17, p<.0001), and the side-step test (F=12.44, p<.0001) showed significant differences among groups. The soccer group (68.3±7.05 ml/kg/min) had a significantly higher level of peak VO<sub>2max</sub> than the swimming group (61.7±8.06 mL/kg/min) (F=3.52, p<.05). Significant differences in relative anaerobic peak power (F=3.87, p<.05), and mean power (F=4.89, p<.05) were observed among groups. In conclusion, there were differences in skeletal maturity, bone mineral density, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and physical fitness in adolescent boys who participated in different sports. Longitudinal study is necessary to investigate clear relationships between physical activity levels, sports events, life style, and energy intake in children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        하정일의 민족문학론과 탈식민론

        유성호 ( Yoo Sung-ho ) 한국문학연구학회 2019 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.68

        하정일은 한 시대의 주류 담론에 대하여 대항 담론을 구상하고 실천했던 근대문학 연구자이다. 그는 비교적 지속적이고 일관된 담론적 자장을 완성하였는데, 그것을 일별해보면 민족문학론, 리얼리즘론, 근대 성론, 분단 자본주의론, 탈식민론 등으로 개괄할 수 있다. 여기서 우리는 그 구상의 저류(底流)에 흐르는 것이, 한국문학의 탈식민성에 대한 그의 지속적 사유와 실천이었다고 귀납할 수 있다. 가장 먼저 그가 정초하려 했던 것은 민족문학의 이념과 방법이다. 그는 민족문학의 이념과 방법을 이론적으로 해명하면서 그것을 준거로 하여 1930년대 후반과 해방기의 민족문학론을 탐구하였다. 하정일은 민족문학과 리얼리즘의 결속을 논리적으로 추구하였고, 리얼리즘을 축으로 하는 민족문학의 양상을 한국 근대문학에서 역사적으로 발견하는 데 진력하였다. 이처럼 그는 일관되게 민족문학과 리얼리즘의 불가분리성을 역사적으로 추적하였고, 세계문학사의 보편성에서 그 결합 사례를 찾으면서 리얼리즘의 고유성과 독자성을 통해 민족문학의 방법을 규명하고 또 실천해가야 한다는 제언을 수행하였다. 하정일이 후기에 집중적으로 수행한 담론적 기획은 탈식민론이다. 이는 서구의 근대화 신화를 상대화하고 새로운 방식의 실천적 저항 담론으로 나타난 것이다. 하정일은 탈식민성의 계보를 한국 근대문학사에서 탐색하고 그것의 의의와 가치를 밝혀나갔다. 그는 탈식민의 궁극적 지향이 자본주의적 근대를 극복하는 데 있다고 강조하였고, 나아가 탈근대 담론의 가장 큰 맹점이 근대성의 성취와 근대의 극복을 분리한 채 근대 이후로 비약하려는 조급증을 보여준 데 있다고 보았다. 그래서 민족문학론을 기저로 하는 탈식민론이야말로 우리 근대문학의 궁극적 탐침이요 지남이라고 강조하였다. 그는 실천비평에서 민족문학론과 탈식민론이라는 두 개의 축을 중심으로 하여 1990년대 이후 문학을 읽어냈다. 그 점에서 그는 우리 비평사에서 민족문학론과 탈식민론을 깊이 있게 탐침한 이론가요 실천가로 남을 것이다. Ha, Jeong-il is a researcher of modern literature who designed and practiced the counter discourse against the mainstream of the period. He had completed a relatively steady and consistent field of discourse and it includes national literature, realism, modernity, divided capitalism, decolonization and etc. Here, we could induce that his consistent thoughts and practices of the decolonization of Korean literature are at the undercurrent of the design. The first thing he tried to lay the cornerstone was the ideology and method of national literature. While theoretically explaining the ideology and method of national literature, he studied national literature of late 1930s and the liberation period based on it. Ha, Jeong-il logically sought for the unity of national literature and realism and did his best to find aspects of national literature from the history of modern Korean literature. As such, he consistently traced the inseparability of national literature and realism and practiced his suggestion of investigating and practicing the method of national literature through the uniqueness and originality of realism, looking for the example from the universality of world literature. At the latter part of his life, Ha focused on the practice of decolonization appeared as a new style resistance discourse relativizing the myth of western modernization. He explored the genealogy of decolonization from the history of modern Korean literature and clarified its significance and value. He emphasized that the ultimate goal of decolonization was at the overcome of capitalistic modernity and further argued that the biggest blind point of postmodern discourse was from the impatience of jumping right onto the ‘post-modern’ dividing achievements and limitations of modern era. He, therefore, emphasized that the decolonization based on national literature was the ultimate probe and guidance of modern Korean literature. Ha, Jeong-il read literary works after 1990s with two axes of national literature and decolonization in his practical criticism. In this respect, he could be considered as a theorist and doer who explored national literature and decolonization in the history of Korean criticism.

      • KCI등재후보

        생태적 사유와 서정시의 지향

        유성호(Yoo Sung-Ho) 문학과 환경학회 2009 문학과 환경 Vol.8 No.1

        Ecological thoughts arising as the last ethics and a radical alternative in our society, accepts the nature as a life dwelling the scared. Then it has introspective sight on self-replicating theory thinking the ecological thoughts as the source for realizing human desire. However the ecological thought in these days indicates following limitations. First, poems of ecology begin to exposure negative tendency such as average vulgarization and overflowing of materialism. They don't express new aesthetic coordinate showing changing sense and recognition and only include simple dictions describing enjoying the nature and the pose of anti-civilization maximization. Second, poems of ecology show a plain state of union between principal and auxiliary consistently. This is resulted from desire to combine East spirit and ecological intention. Also these poems clearly show the process of erasing subject omitting the process of subject's valuation then absolutely immersing to the nature. Third, poems of ecology are lacking in-depth consideration on class inequality which is mediated with environment problems. This is the most weakness that our poems of ecology showed. This is a example which class recognition arising in 1980s' wasn't meditated with ecological thoughts. Finally, behind hatred of human indicated in recently poems of ecology, we suspect the ultimate negation on human. Absoluteness tendency that the nature is good and human is bad is anti-ecological itself. Because all art rouses through imagination of human. Poems of ecology in the contemporaneous have two tasks. One is they guard against above four problems, the other is they have to extend philosophical foundation.

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