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        1980년대 민중미술에서 분단의 형상화: 사진이미지 차용을 중심으로

        오송희 미술사학연구회 2020 美術史學報 Vol.- No.54

        This paper examines the appropriation of photographic images in Minjung art in the 1980s in terms of the theme of ‘The National Division in Korea’ rather than stylistic dimension. In Minjung art, the appropriation of photographic images has been dealt with as part of postmodernism or in terms of succession of photographic application preceded by conceptual art, and such stylistic considerations omit the consideration of the contents of photographic images. Therefore, this study analyzes the contents of photographic images borrowed from Minjung art and explains that the problem of the reality that the artists tried to convey through the stylistic choice of borrowing photographic image was rooted in the theme of ‘The National Division in Korea’. The Minjung artists, who attempted to explore media images from the perspective of industrialization and criticism of consumer society, began expanding their sense of theme from individual happiness in consumer society to social happiness, and held exhibitions which expanded the subject consciousness to the theme of historical reality in earnest. From 6·25 exhibition of group ‘Reality&Utterance’ to The Unification exhibition of the ‘Korean National Art Council’, numerous divisions and unification -themed works produced by the artists were based on these historical and press photographs. The photographs borrowed from the exhibits were meant to be objective evidence of distorted reality, and were also used as a tribute to the memories of personal wounds and violence inflicted on all who had been urged to remain silent except for authorized history. For this reason, the appropriation of photographic images in Minjung Art should be considered in terms of subject matter rather than modality. 이 논문은 1980년대 민중미술에서 광범위하게 이루어진 사진이미지의 차용을 양식적 차원이 아닌 ‘분단체제’라는 주제의 형상화 측면에서 접근한 것이다. 민중미술에서 사진이미지의 차용은 그동안 포스트모더니즘의 일환 혹은 개념미술에서 선행된 사진활용의 계승 측면에서 다루어졌으며, 그 구체적인 내용에 대한 고찰은 생략되었다. 따라서 이 연구는 민중미술에 차용된 사진이미지의 구체적인 출처와 내용을 분석하여 민중미술 작가들이 사진이미지 차용이라는 양식상의 선택을 통해 발언하고자 했던 현실의문제가 ‘분단체제’에 있었음을 서술하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 산업화와 소비사회에 대한 비판의 관점에서 매체이미지의 탐구를 시도한 민중미술 작가들은 소비사회 속 개인의 행복을 고찰하는 과정에서 사회적 행복에 대한 고민으로 주제의식을 확장해 가며 본격적으로 역사현실을 주제로 하는 전시를 개최하기 시작했다. 이들은 이전에 선행했던 매체이미지에 대한 관심의 연장선으로 역사사진과 보도사진에 대한 탐구를 이어갔다. ‘현실과 발언’의 주제전인 《6·25》전에서부터 ‘민족미술협의회’의 《통일전》에 이르기까지 민중미술 작가들이 선보인 수많은 분단과 통일 주제의 작품들은 이러한 역사사진과 보도사진을 바탕으로 제작된 것이었다. 전시 출품작에 차용된 사진이미지는 왜곡된 현실을 바로 보게 하는 객관적 증거물로서의 의미를 지녔으며, 공인된 역사 외에는 침묵할 것을 종용받았던 분단에 대한 상처와 폭력의 기억들에 대한 추모의 의미로 사용되었다. 그렇기 때문에 민중미술에서 사진이미지의 차용은 어떤 양식계통의 측면을 넘어, 주제의 측면에서 고려될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        저가 커피 전문점 메뉴 속성의 지불의도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        오송희,송명근 (사)한국관광레저학회 2019 관광레저연구 Vol.31 No.9

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the antecedents of willingness to pay in the domain of low cost coffee service. This research selects Paik’s coffee as the research subject because it is a popular low cost coffee brand in the market. To account for the willingness to pay, this research chose four menu associated attributes, which includes amount of food, taste, menu diversity, and menu healthiness. The main tool of this research is survey to test the proposed hypotheses. This research collected the data using online survey, and the number of observations was 213. For the data analysis, this research executed frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis. Also, this research used the path analysis of structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. Considering outcomes, amount of food and taste are identified as the essential elements to account for the willingness to pay, whereas menu diversity and healthiness are shown as the non-significant attributes.

      • KCI등재

        상담윤리(counseling ethics)에 관한 국내 연구의 동향

        오송희,이정아,김은하 한국상담심리학회 2016 한국심리학회지 상담 및 심리치료 Vol.28 No.2

        The purpose of the present study is to analyze the trends and issues of research on the counseling ethics in Korea, and propose directions for future study. The research subjects, objects and methods of 56 counseling ethics studies, published from 1991 to 2015 were analyzed. The results of the study are as follows: First, studies have been conducted consistently since the early 2000’s. Second, the research primarily reviewed the following: ethical issues (38.4%), ethical codes․law․policy (17%), case and research (16.1%), counselor trait, training and supervision (14.3%), process/outcomes (3.6%), client trait and rights (3.6%), development and validation of tests and measures (3.6%), and development of theory (3.6%). Third, common research objects were counselors. Fourth, most of the research utilized literature reviews. Based on the findings of this study, current issues in the research and implications for future research are discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 국내 상담윤리 연구의 동향을 분석함으로써 상담윤리 연구의 흐름을 파악하고, 앞으로의 연구 방향을 살펴보는 데 있다. 이를 위해 1991년부터 2015년 8월까지 국내에서 발표된 학술지 게재 논문과 학위 논문 중에서 상담윤리와 관련된 총 56편을 대상으로 연구 주제, 대상, 방법 등을 분석하였고, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 발행 연도별 논문 수는 2000년대 이후 지금까지 꾸준히 이루어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 주제별 동향과 관련해서는 특정윤리주제를 개관한 연구(38.4%), 윤리강령․법․제도 연구(17%), 사례연구 및 조사연구(16.1%), 상담자 특성, 훈련 및 슈퍼비전 연구(14.3%) 순이었으며, 상담과정/성과연구, 내담자 특성 및 권리연구, 검사 및 도구개발 연구, 이론개발 연구는 각각 3.6%를 차지했다. 셋째, 연구대상의 경우 대부분의 연구가 상담자를 대상으로 이루어졌다. 넷째, 연구방법의 경우, 문헌연구가 전체 연구의 57.1%를 차지하였고, 양적연구(28.6%), 질적연구(8.9%)가 뒤를 이었다. 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 향후 연구에 대한 방향과 시사점을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Linear accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography and a 3-dimensional facial scanning system: An anthropomorphic phantom study

        오송희,강주희,서유경,이새롬,최화영,최용석,황의환 대한영상치의학회 2018 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.48 No.2

        Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of linear measurements of 3-dimensional (3D) images generated by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and facial scanning systems, and to assess the effect of scanning parameters, such as CBCT exposure settings, on image quality. Materials and Methods: CBCT and facial scanning images of an anthropomorphic phantom showing 13 soft-tissue anatomical landmarks were used in the study. The distances between the anatomical landmarks on the phantom were measured to obtain a reference for evaluating the accuracy of the 3D facial soft-tissue images. The distances between the 3D image landmarks were measured using a 3D distance measurement tool. The effect of scanning parameters on CBCT image quality was evaluated by visually comparing images acquired under different exposure conditions, but at a constant threshold. Results: Comparison of the repeated direct phantom and image-based measurements revealed good reproducibility. There were no significant differences between the direct phantom and image-based measurements of the CBCT surface volume-rendered images. Five of the 15 measurements of the 3D facial scans were found to be significantly different from their corresponding direct phantom measurements (P<.05). The quality of the CBCT surface volume-rendered images acquired at a constant threshold varied across different exposure conditions. Conclusion: These results proved that existing 3D imaging techniques were satisfactorily accurate for clinical applications, and that optimizing the variables that affected image quality, such as the exposure parameters, was critical for image acquisition.

      • KCI등재후보

        83세 여자 환자에서 발생한 담석 장폐쇄 1예

        오송희,조준호,김일수,김우영,박건우,정민웅,박종익,박세령 대한노인병학회 2014 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.18 No.4

        Gallstone ileus is a rare complication of the biliary stone, occurring in 0.3-0.5% of patients with cholelithiasis. The mortality rate is high at 12-27% and early diagnosis and prompt management can improve its prognosis. An 83-yearold woman was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain. The patient previously had a hysterectomy and had received radiation therapy for uterine cancer. Plain abdominal x-ray showed typical findings of small bowel ileus with step ladder patterns. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed biliary-enteric fistula with a 3-cm-sized gallstone in the jejunal loop. Surgical treatment was planned but due to the patient’s wish, conservative treatment was provided for 10 days. In the follow-up CT scan, the stone had moved to the distal ileum but intestinal perforation was suspected. Ileocecectomy and adhesiolysis were performed and the patient recovered fully. Here we report a case of gallstone ileus thatwas treated by surgical removal after 10 days of conservative treatment.

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