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        말기암환자의 영적안녕, 말기암환자 가족의 죽음에 대한 태도 및 영적안녕 간의 관계

        안옥희(Ahn Ok Hee),김정이(Kim Jung Ee),소향숙(So Hyang Sook) 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 2019 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.24 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the spiritual well-being of terminal cancer patients and their families’ spiritual well-being and attitudes toward death. Methods: Conducted from April to May 2018, this descriptive cross-sectional study included 118 patients and their families from six hospice/palliative care facilities. The survey employed structured questionnaires including the Functional Assessment of Chronic-Illness Therapy-Spirituality for patients and the Death Orientation scale and spiritual well-being for their families. Data were analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics with SPSS for Windows 18.0. Results: Families’ spiritual well-being and attitudes toward death were related to the type of religion they followed; Christians, Protestants, and Catholics held more positive views than Buddhists and those who did not follow a religion. The spiritual well-being and attitude to death of terminal cancer patient’s family were related to religious types, so Protestants and Catholics had a more positive view than Buddhists and non-religious ones. Family members’ existential well-being scores were remarkably high when the patient spent a short period in the hospice ward and when they themselves were in good health and had jobs and a high monthly income. The spiritual well-being of terminal cancer patients was positively related to the spiritual well-being of their families, which, in turn, was positively related to their attitudes toward death. Conclusion: It is deemed necessary to develop hospice-specific, customized support programs that take into account religion to improve the spiritual well-being of terminal cancer patients and their families.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제결혼 이주여성 건강관련 선행연구 분석

        안옥희(Ok-Hee Ahn),전미순(Mi-Soon Jeon),황윤영(Yoon-Young Hwang),김경애(Kyung-Ae Kim),윤미선(Mi-Sun Youn) 한국농촌의학 지역보건학회 2010 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 국제결혼이주여성을 대상으로 다양한 학문분야에서 발표된 건강관련 선행연구 분석을 통하여 현재까지 진행된 연구들의 경향을 파악하고자 시도하였다. 국제결혼 이주여성을 대상으로 2004년 6월부터 2009년 6월까지 최근 6년간 발표된 국내 학회지논문 및 학위논문 60편을 연구대상으로 선정하여 연구대상 논문의 일반적 특성, 저자의 전공분야, 건강영역별 주제어와 변수 및 주요변수의 측정도구를 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 국제결혼이주여성 대상 논문 중 51편(84.9%)이 2007년 이후 발표되었으며, 발표형태는 석사논문 43편(71.7%)이 가장 높게 나타났다. 연구대상 논문 중 학회지 발표는 13편으로 한국가족복지학(3편, 23.1%)에 가장 많은 논문이 게재되었고, 석사학위논문은 사회복지학전공자가 25편(53.2%)으로 가장 많았다. 건강영역별로는 건강영역 2편(3.3%), 사회적 건강영역 18편(30.0%), 정신적 건강영역 36편(60.0%), 신체적 건강영역 4편(6.7%)이었다. 건강영역별 주제어는 사회적 건강영역에서의 주제어는 ‘적응’과 ‘의사소통’ 2개이며, 정신적 건강영역의 주제어는 ‘결혼만족’, ‘생활만족’, ‘사회적 지지’, ‘스트레스’, ‘우울’, ‘부부갈등’, ‘갈등’ 등 7개였으며, 신체적 건강영역의 주제어는 ‘의료서비스기관 이용’과 ‘건강증진행위’로 나타났다. 연구대상 논문의 건강영역별 주제어에 따른 변수를 살펴보면, 건강영역 주제어의 변수는 삶의 질 2개, 사회적 건강영역의 주제어에 따른 변수는 적응 16개, 의사소통 5개이며, 정신적 건강영역 주제어 중 결혼만족 25개, 생활만족 11개, 사회적지지 3개, 스트레스 9개, 우울 25개, 부부갈등 25개였으며, 신체적 건강영역의 주제어에 따른 변수는 의료서비스기관 이용 6개, 건강증진행위 5개로 나타났다. 가장 많은 변수가 사용된 주제어는 변수가 25개인 결혼만족, 우울, 부부갈등으로 나타났다. 연구대상 논문의 건강영역별 주제어에 따른 주요변수의 측정도구 중 2회 이상 사용된 측정도구만을 제시한 결과, 건강 영역에서 주제어 ‘삶의 질’의 측정도구는 Campbell(1976)과 보건복지부(2005), 사회적 건강영역에서는 주제어 ‘적응’의 변수 중 문화적응의 측정도구 Sandhu & Asrabadi(1994), 정신적 건강영역에서는 주제어 ‘우울’의 변수 중 문화적응스트레스 측정도구 Sandhu와 Asrabadi(1994)가 가장 많이 사용되었다. 결론적으로 국제결혼 이주여성을 대상으로 한 논문은 최근 다양한 학문분야에서 다양한 주제들로 연구되고 있으나 대부분이 한국 내 정착과 관련된 근본적인 문제만을 다루고 있다. 그러나 국제결혼 이주여성에게 쉽게 적응하기 어려운 타문화권의 생활은 신체적, 정신적, 사회적 불건강 상태를 초래할 수 있다. 즉, 본 연구의 주제어에서 알 수 있듯이 국제결혼 이주여성과 가족들에게 잠재적인 건강문제가 발생할 수 있음을 예측할 수 있다. 따라서 국제결혼 이주여성들의 한국 내 적응과정을 돕고 2차적으로 발생할 수 있는 건강문제를 예방하기 위하여 건강과 관련된 다각적인 연구 및 건강관리 방향을 모색할 필요가 있다고 사료된다. Objectives: This study was for analyzing the research about international marriage immigrant women and a trial to find the right direction for future research. Methods: Sixty articles published from June, 2004 to June, 2009 were reviewed and analyzed according to the general characteristics, major of author, and theme of health domains. Results: Most of them were master’ thesis(71.7%) and journals(21.7%) and doctoral dissertation(6.7%) have been published mostly after thesis. Among 83.3% for quantitative research, descriptive(33.3%) and descriptive correlation(41.7%) methods were the most used and there were some qualitative researches(16.7%). The most frequently used data gathering method was questionnaire(81.7%) and the next was interview(16.7%). The major rates of the author were 61.7% for social welfare and 2.1% for nursing. The investigated variables in social health domain were adaptation(28.3%), and communication(1.7%). In psychological health domain, marriage satisfaction(16.7%), life satisfaction(11.7%), and depression(10.0%) were most researched. Utilization of medical center(5.0%) and health promotion behavior(1.7%) were investigated in physical health domain. Conclusions: Above this, most articles were researched about the adaptation of international marriage immigrant women. But the life in foreign countries can cause physical and psychosocial unhealthy conditions, so many-sided health related researches are supposed to be conducted for adaptation and prevention health problems of international marriage immigrant women.

      • KCI등재

        일개 농촌지역 중ㆍ노년층의 건강행위 영향요인

        안옥희(Ok-Hee Ahn),정혜경(Hae-Kyung Chung),박영주(Young-Joo Bark) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2005 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the influential factors on health behavior of the middle and elderly generations in a rural community. Methods: The subjects of this study were 495 people. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results: 1. The differences of health behavior by sample characteristics were found to have significance of age, marital status, residence status, education level, and occupation. 2. The level of health behavior was related positively to the level of social support and self-efficacy. The level of health behavior was related negatively to the level of anxiety and depression. 3. The multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of health behavior was social support, followed by anxiety and self-efficacy. A combination of social support (42.1%), anxiety (3.0%) and self-efficacy (0.8%) accounted for 45.9% of the variance in health behavior in the middle and elderly subjects. Conclusions: The findings of this study could be effectively used to develop a practical management strategy to help promote health and health behavior of the middle and elderly people living in rural communities. In addition, the one idea to be emphasized should be the development of efficient health education programs that can have a favorable effect on the middle and elderly generations' physical, psychological and social health.

      • KCI등재

        일 지역 대사증후군 위험인자와 건강행태에 관한 연구

        안옥희(Ahn, Ok-hee),최성희(Choi Seong-hui),김서현(Kim, Seo-Hyeon),류시옥(Ryu, Si-Ok),최영미(Choi, Young-Mi) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.12

        최근 우리나라는 사회 · 경제적으로 급성장하면서 생활습관과 질병양상이 다양하게 변화하여 만성질환 발병에 중대위협을 받고 있다. 특히 만성질환의 원인요소를 공통적으로 포함하고 있는 대사증후군의 위험요인은 예방관리가 시급하며 우리나라 성인의 대사증후군 유병률은 22.4%로 많은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 본 연구는 SPSS 23.0을 사용하여 2014년 지역사회건강조사 원시자료 12,481명 중 충실히 응답된 전라북도 대상자 12,185명을 분석하였다. 대상자의 건강행태의 특성에 따른 대사증후군 위험요인 유무 차이는 성별, 흡연, 연령, 교육수준, 격렬한 신체활동 일수 등에서 유의하게 나타났다. 본 연구는 대사증후군 위험요인 중 이상지혈증, 고혈압 및 당뇨가 있는 집단에게 음주, 흡연 및 격렬한 신체활동 요인에 관한 건강증진프로그램의 참여를 활성화 시키는 방안이 필요함을 강조하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 일 지역 대사증후군 위험요인과 건강행태를 분석하여 건강생활실천 요소를 규명하고 건강증진 활성화에 기여하는 기초자료로 제공하고자 한다. Recently, Korea has undergone rapid social and economic development, and with that came various changes in living habits and disease patterns; the nation, accordingly, has been alerted to the associated risks of chronic ailments. As risk factors of metabolic syndrome commonly include causal factors of chronic diseases, prevention is important. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Korean adults is 22.4%, which comprises a large portion of the whole disease (Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013). This study aims to examine the elements of healthy living practices by analyzing the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and health behaviors, and provide basic materials to contribute to the activation of health promotion. Among 12,481 subjects of the source data from the 2014 community health survey, which was performed on adults aged 19 and over in Jeonlabuk-do, 12,185 people were analyzed in this study using SPSS 23.0. There were significant differences with respect to sex, smoking status, age, education level, and number of days of physical activity among the results of the difference of the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome according to the characteristics of the health behavior of the subjects . Of the risk factors for metabolic syndrome, this study emphasized the necessity of strategies to promote health programs regarding the management of drinking, smoking, physical activities, depression, subjective health condition and quality of life to the group of those with dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 역량강화 프로그램 개발 및 적용

        안옥희(Ahn, Ok-Hee),장수정(Chang, Soo-Jung),김서현(Kim, Seo-Hyeon) 한국웰니스학회 2016 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        본 연구는 간호대학생의 문화적 역량과 국제보건 핵심역량을 함양하고 사회적 거리감을 줄이기 위한 다문화 역량강화 프로그램을 개발하여 적용하고 그 효과를 확인하였다. 연구대상은 전라북도 W대학 4학년 간호대학생 실험군 40명, 대조군 48명으로 비동등성대조군 전후설계로 시행하였으며 10주(30시간)의 다문화 역량강화 프로그램을 개발하여 적용 전·후의 문화적 역량, 국제보건 핵심역량 및 사회적 거리감의 효과를 SPSS 23.0을 이용하여 기술통계와 Independent test로 분석하였다. 실험군과 대조군에게 프로그램 적용 후 문화적 역량(t=6.722, p<.000)과 국제보건 핵심역량(t=4.897, p<.000)은 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 사회적 거리감(t=-1.952, p=.054)은 낮아지기는 하였으나 두 군 간의 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 간호대학생을 대상으로 문화, 다문화정책, 우리나라에 이민 온 사람의 국가에 대한 이해, 다문화 가족, 다문화 간호, 다문화와 의사소통, 생활터별 다문화 간호, 글로벌 보건의료 등의 내용으로 프로그램을 적용한 결과 문화적 역량 하부 5영역과 국제보건 핵심역량 하부 6영역의 모든 영역에서 역량이 향상되었다. 따라서 세계화 시대에 국내외의 다양한 간호 환경에서 대상자를 위한 중재를 수행하는 간호사를 위하여 다문화 사회에 대비하는 다문화 역량강화를 위한 교육이 필요함을 시사하고 있다. This study attempted to foster undergraduate students majoring nursing cultural competence and global health competence, and develop and implement programs to reduce social distance to verify the pertinent effects. Method : On the subjects of senior undergraduate students majoring nursing included 40 students in the experimental group and 48 students in the comparison group in W University in Jeollabuk-do, this study conducted with pre- and post-design of non-equivalency comparison group, and analyzed cultural competence, global health core competence and effectiveness of social distance before and after program implementation by developing 10 week program (30 hours) with descriptive statistics and Independent test by using SPSS 23.0. Results : For the experimental and comparison groups, after implementation of programs, it was found that there was a significant difference in cultural competence (t=6.722, p.000) and global health core competence (t=4.897, p<.000), and although social distance was found to be lowered (t=-1.952, p=.054), there was no difference found between the two groups. Conclusion : From the results of implemented programs with the contents of culture, multicultural policies, understanding of people immigrating to our country, multicultural families, multicultural nursing, multi-culture and communication, setting approach of multicultural health promotion, and global health medicine, etc., on the subjects of undergraduate students majoring nursing, competence was found to get improved in all the domains such as five sub-domains of cultural competence and six sub-domains of global health core competence. Accordingly, this study suggested that it was necessary to have education to improved cultural competence and global health core competence to prepare for multicultural society for nurses who perform their tasks with domestic and overseas diverse nursing environments and nursing subjects in this global era.

      • KCI등재

        신규임용 보건진료전담공무원의 직무교육 참여 경험

        안옥희(Ahn, Ok Hee),김하정(Kim, Ha Jung),임현숙(Lim, Hyun Suk) 질적연구학회 2020 질적연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate meanings and nature of participation experiences of nurses appointed as community health practitioners during 24 weeks of their first job training. Methods: Data were collected with an in-depth interview for 11 new community health practitioners who were receiving job training in J and C Provinces. The main question was "What experiences do you have with your job training as a new community health practitioner?" For interview materials, the analysis method of Giorgii (1999) was used. Results: Themes included "being excited about my new status and role changes during job training," "being afraid according to the accumulation of knowledge about duties of a community health practitioner," "taking active part and being patient in the job training course" and "getting qualified and feeling proud by completing the job training course." Conclusion: Job training courses for new community health practitioners who are in charge of health care require new strategies for learning guidance and evaluation in order to strengthen the capacity of professional theory education. In order to strengthen the capacity of practical education, training period, region, participating institutions, contents, and evaluation methods with a continuous and systematic plan should be prepared.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        레크리에이션댄스가 저소득층 여성노인의 심맥관기능과 혈청지질치에 미치는 효과

        윤숙례(Sook Rye Yoon),안옥희(Ok Hee Ahn) 한국노년학회 2002 한국노년학 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 건강증진을 위한 자가간호로 건강에 대한 인식이 낮은 저소득층 여성노인을 대상으로 음악과 춤을 이용하여 노인이 즐겁게 참여할 수 있으며 또한 상호작용의 기회를 증가시킬 수 있는 레크리에이션댄스를 실시한 후 노인의 심맥관기능과 혈청지질치를 분석하여 실제 적용할 수 있는 효과적이고 접근 가능한 건강증진 프로그램을 운영하여 성공적인 노후생활을 향유하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 노인간호학의 중재방안을 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 결과는 다음과 같다. 레크리에이션댄스를 실시한 후 안정시 수축기혈압이 감소하였으며, 안정시 이완기혈압은 증가하였고, 안정시 맥박은 감소하는 경향이었으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 실험 후 총 콜레스테롤(total cholesterol)은 유의한 감소를 보였고(t=-3.023, p = 0.008), 고밀도지단백콜레스테롤(high density lipoprotein-cholesterol)은 유의한 증가를 보였으며(t=-3.869, p = 0.001), 저밀도지단백를콜스테롤(low density lipoprotein-cholesterol)은 감소하는 경향이었으나 유의하지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 보인 레크리에이션댄스가 총콜레스테롤, 고밀도지단백콜레스테롤, 저밀도지단백콜레스테롤를 개선하는 효과가 있었다. 그리고 안정시 수축기혈압, 이완기혈압, 맥박은 부분적으로 좋아졌다. 본 연구에서 실시한 레크리에이션댄스가 종합사회복지관을 이용하는 저소득층 노인들에게 적합한 건강증진 프로그램으로 노인의 건강생활에 유익하게 기여한 것으로 생각된다. 앞으로 다양한 많은 대상자에 대해 장기적으로 효과의 지속성에 대한 검증연구가 추후에 이루어지기를 제언한다. The subjects in this study were the elderly women, in a low class community, who generally had poor cognition for their health maintenance and promotion. As the recreation dance on music was applied to them, they could enjoy dancing and increase their social interaction chances. Therefore, intervention of geriatric nursing care, which is applicable, accessible and effective, could be proposed for the successful life in old age. After the recreation dance, results were obtained as follows: Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate at rest of the experimental group were not significantly changed compared with the control group. In serum lipids, total cholesterol of the experimental group was significantly decreased, whereas HDL-cholesterol was increased compared with the control group. LDL-cholesterol was slightly decreased compared with the control group, but that has no statistical significance. In conclusion, the results show that the recreation dance applied to the elderly women improves health condition. Therefore this program can play a good function of intervention of geriatric nursing care and be recommended.

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