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      • KCI등재

        국민학교(國民學校) 및 집단주거시설(集團住居施設) 아동(兒童)의 요충감염현황(蟯蟲感染現況)

        김종성,이준상,주경환,임한종,Kim, Jong-Seong,Lee, Joon-Sang,Joo, Kyoung-Hwan,Rim, Han-Jong 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1988 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.13 No.1

        본 조사에서는 서로 다른 주거환경에서 생활하는 집단군에 대해 셀로판테이프항문주위도말법으로 요충감염현황에 대하여 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 국민학교 및 집단시설거주아동 2,966명을 조사하여 484명이 요충란 양성자로 나타나 16.3%의 양성률을 보였다. 2) 지역별 조사에서 대도시지역의 경우 총 1,144명을 조사하여 79명이 양성자로 나타나 6.9%의 양성률을 보였고, 농촌지역에서는 총 1,268명을 조사하여 193명이 양성자로 나타나 15.2%의 양성률을 보여 대도시지역보다 농촌지역에서 터 높은 감염양상을 보였다. 3) 남, 여별 조사에서는 남자, 1,528명을 조사하여 240명이 양성자로 나타나 15.7%의 양성률을 보였으며, 여자의 경우 1,438명을 조사하여 244명이 양성자로 나타나 16.9%의 양성률을 보여 남, 여별 감염률은 큰 차이를 타나내지 않았다. 4) 국민학교 아동의 학년별 조사성적을 보면 대도시지역 국민학교 아동의 경우 저학년에서 고학년으로 올라갈수록 감염률이 저하되었으나 농촌지역 국민학교 아동의 경우 감염률에 있어서 학년별로 현저한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 5) 주거환경별 조사에서는 국민학교 아동 2,412명을 조사하여 272명이 양성자로 나타나 11.3%의 양성률을 보였고, 고아원(영아원, 육아원) 아동 416명을 조사하여 136명을 조사하여 76명이 양성자로 나타나 55.1%의 높은 양성률을 보여 국민학교보다 집단거주시설 아동에서 더 높은 감염양상을 보였다. An epidemiological study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of E. vermicularis infestation among children in primary schools and orphanages. A total of 2,966 children in primary schools and orphanages was examined for F. vermicularis by means of cellotape anal swab technique. The purpose of the present studies is to determine the prevalence of enterobiasis among children and to make a comparison with the rate of infestation by survey areas. The result could be summarized as follows : 1) The egg positive rate of cellotape anal swab method was 16.3% out of 2,966 children. 2) The egg positive rate of urban area was 6.9% out of 1,144 children and the egg positive rate of rural area was significantly higher than that of urban area. 3) The egg positive rate of boys and girls were 15.7% out of 1,528 children and 16.9% out of 1,438 children. 4) The egg positive rate of primary schools, orphanages and mental retardation child group was 11.3% (out of 2,412), 32.7% (out of 416) and 55.1% (out of 138) respectively. There was noted a tendency of decrease in prevalence by increase of the age.

      • KCI등재

        강원도(江原道) 횡성군(橫城郡) 일부지역(一部地域) 간(肝) 및 폐(肺) 디스토마 감염상황(感染狀況)

        최원영,Choe, Won-Yeong 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1978 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.3 No.1

        이제까지 알려진 바에 의(依)하면 우리 나라에서 간(肝) 및 폐(肺)디스토마 분포양상(分布樣相)은 강원도지역(江原道地域)이 가장 저율(低率)로 나타난 것을 볼 수 있다. 그 이유(理由)로서는 이들 양흡충은 반드시 제(第)1 및 제(第)2중간숙주(中間宿主)를 통한 生活環(생활환)이 완성(完成)되어야만 하는데, 이들 중간숙주분포(中間宿主分布)가 강원도지역(江原道地域)이 낮은 까닭인듯 하다. 우연(偶然)한 기회(機會)에 저자(著者)는 강원도(江原道)의 일부지역(一部地域)은 폐(肺)디스토마의 감염(感染)이 적지 않다는 정보(情報)를 입수(入手)하고 이에 흥미(興味)를 갖게 되었으며, 특(特)히 농후감염지역(濃厚感染地域)으로 예상(豫想)되는 횡성군(橫城郡)의 일부지역(一部地域), 폐(肺), 청일면(廳日面) 신대리(里) 일대(一帶)와 서원면(面) 유현리(里)에서의 간(肝) 및 폐(肺)디스토마의 감염상(感染相)을 파악(把握)할 목적(目的)으로 본(本) 조사(調査)를 전도(全圖)하였다. 검사방법(檢査方法)으로는 일단(一旦) 간(肝) 및 폐(肺)디스토마의 VBS 항원(抗原)으로 피내반응검사(皮內反應檢査)를 실시(實施)하여 간(肝)디스토마 피내반응검사(皮內反應檢査)에 대(對)해서는 객담검사(喀痰檢査)와 면역혈청반응으로 보체결합반응(補體結合反應), 간접형광항체반응(間接螢光抗體反應) 및 Ouchterlony 반응(反應)을 하여 좀더 정확(正確)한 감염상황(感染狀況)을 파악(把握)하고저 하였다. 그 결과(結果)의 개요(槪要)는 아래와 같다. 1. 횡성군(橫城群) 신대리(里)와 우현리(里)의 주민(住民) 680명(名)에 대(對)한 폐(肺)디스토마의 VBS항원(抗原)에 의(依)한 피내반응양성율(皮內反應陽性率)은 12.4%이었고 간(肝)디스토마의 피내반응양성율(皮內反應陽性率)은 12.5%이었다. 2. 성별(性別)에 따른 피내반응양성율(皮內反應陽性率)의 차이(差異)는 간(肝)디스토마의 경우, 여자(女子) 7.4%에 비(比)하여 남자(男子)가 17.1%이었고, 폐(肺)디스토마의 경우는 여자(女子)가 20.7%인데 반(反)하여 남자(男子)가 42.9%로서 2배(倍) 이상(以上)의 고율(高率)이었다. 3. 연령별(年令別)로 보면, 간(肝)디스토마 피내반응양성율(皮內反應陽性率)은 31~40재(才)가 22.1%로 가장 고율(高率)이었고, 폐(肺)디스토마 양성율(陽性率)은 21~30재(才) 사이가 58.5%로서 가장 높았다. 4. 폐(肺)디스토마 피내반응양성자(皮內反應陽性者)에 대(對)하여 객담검사(喀痰檢査)를 실시(實施)한 바 105명(名) 중 11명(名)(10.5%)의 충란검출자(蟲卵檢出者)를 볼 수 있었다. 또 이들에 대(對)한 면역혈청반응(免疫血淸反應)으로 보체결합반응(補體結合反應), 간접형광항체반응(間接螢光抗體反應) 및 Ouchterlony 반응(反應)을 실시(實施)한 바, 각각 42.5%, 50.3% 및 45.8%로서 거의 일치(一致)된 성적(成績)을 나타내어 피내반응양성자(皮內反應陽性者)의 약반수(約半數)에서 이들 혈청반응(血淸反應)이 양성(陽性)으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        농어촌의료(農漁村醫療)서비스 개선사업(改善事業)에 대한 보건소(保健所) 공무원(公務員)의 인식도(認識度)

        김영길,박재용,감신,한창현,차병준,Kim, Young-Gil,Park, Jae-Yong,Kam, Sin,Han, Chang-Hyun,Cha, Byung-Jun 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1998 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.23 No.2

        This study was performed investigate the opinion of civil servants in Health center about Rural Health Service Improvement Project The survey by mail was carried out for 447 servants of 25 health centers in Kyungsangbuk-do and the data were collected through self-administered questionnaires to servants about need, participation, concern, and comprehension for the project and satisfied with current facility and equipment of health center. The results were as follows. Generally considered, 48.2% of the improved health center servants was satisfied with health center building and 14.0% or 24.1% of the improving or unimproved center was. About the location of health center, 37.7% of the improved health center servants was satisfied, 25.9% of the unimproved center was. Of the improved health center servants, 43% was satisfied with the medical equipment but in unimproved place, the dissatisfaction was appeared higher than any other place. 49.7% of respondents was participated in making out the Rural Health Service Improvement Project. 50.6% was interested in this project. In the improved area. 65.5% of health center servants replied that the mayor's or county executive's concern about this project was high and 46.5% in councilors but in the unimproved area. their concern was low. About the contents of the project. 24,6% of the servants in the improved center, only 15.2% in unimproved center replied that they had known well. After making out the plan, 13.6% of respondents was unsatisfied with this plan and 17.1% replied that the estimating method of selecting the project area was not good. After the improvement of institution and equipment, 86.1% of health center servants answered that the medical service provided by health center would increase but 59.2% replied that the residents' utilization rate of private medical facility would decrease. The servants of the improved health center replied that the recognition about the developing will of health service(91.2%), the efficiency(91.2%), the quality of health and medical service(93.0%), the amount of health project(91.2%) were improved. In health center which had already improved the institution and equipment, 88.5% of servants replied that the residents' utilization for health center was increased. So, this project should be continuously carried out for health center and health center must develope new project to fit region condition.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 주민의 심혈관 질환 위험요인 평가

        나백주,박경수,임정수,선병환,남해성,손석준,Na, Baek-Ju,Park, Kyung-Soo,Lim, Jung-Su,Sun, Byeong-Hwan,Nam, He-Sung,Sohn, Seok-Joon 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1998 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.23 No.2

        Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in Korea. Their risk factors can be classified as either modifiable or nonmodifiable and among modifiable factors are high bood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol, obesity and cigarette smoking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for the cardiovascular diseases in a rural community and to get basic data for the development of a community-based rick reduction intervention program. Evaluation involved population-based, cross-sectional samples of adult residents in a rurual community. We measured blood pressure, body fat percent by bioelectric impedance fatness analyzer and serum cholesterol and interviewed adult residents over 20-year-old age. Blood pressure was checked twice and hypertension was classified by the sixth report of the Joint National Committee on Detection. Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The Cutpoints for high blood cholesterol was used National Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines and those for obesity was 25% in male. 30% in female. The results were as follows: 1. Prevalence of definitive hypertension was 59.7% in males and 54.4% in female. 2. Prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was 14.3% in male and 18.2% in female. 3. Prevalence of obese was 10.7% in male and 41.1% in female. 4. Among definitive hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity 52.1% possessed one risk factor, 12.6% two risk factors and 2.5% three risk factors in males. In females 41.4% possessed one risk factor and 27.6%. 5.7% respectively. 5. The smoking rate was 65.8% in males and 5.2% in females. Our results are used effectively for the community-based intervention towards cardiovascukr diseases risk reduction. However, because of limitations in our study design, further datas are needed including other risk factors and in-person clinical datas.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國) 일부(一部) 농촌주민(農村住民)에 대(對)한 혈액학적(血液學的) 고찰(考察) -혈압치(血壓値)와 적혈구용적치관계(赤血球容積値關係)를 중심(中心)으로-

        남택승,강득용,Nam, Taik-Sung,Kang, Duk-Yong 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1977 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.15 No.1

        A study on blood pressure and hematocrit values of 1,559 people in 19 Korean rural areas was carried out in 1974 and the results were analyzed statistically. Obtained as follows: 1. The blood pressure according to sex and age groups (from the twenties to the seventies) was as follows: 1) The blood pressure of male by age group il) In the twenties, M (mean) was 125. 85/74, 15mm/Hg, a (standard deviation) was 15.9/10.2, and ill (standard error) was 1.55/0.99. (2) In the thirties, ${\delta}$ was 123.93/77.19 mm/Hg, a was 14.4/10.8, and m was 1.24/0.93. (3) In the forties, M was 128.44/81.15 mm/Hg, a was 23.9/14.7, and m was 2.16/1.33. (4) In the fifties, M was 128.48/181.24 mm/Hg, a was 24.7/13.9, and m was 2.05/1.16. (5) In the sixties, M was 135.80/81.70 mm/Hg, a was 27.4/18.8, and ${\delta}$ was 2.74/1.88. (6) In the seventies, M was 146.84/83. 16mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.5/10.0, and m was 5.62/2.30. 2) The blood pressure of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 117.89/73.33 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 15.7/12.1, and m was 1.42/1.09. (2) In the thirties, M was 118.04/75.71 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 16.9/13.0, and m was 1.13/0.87. (3) In the forties, M was 120.92/78.17 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 20.9/12.9, and m was 1.42/0.87. (4) In the fifties, M was 122.14/79.55 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.2/15.9, and m was 1.63/1.07. (5) In the sixties, M was 131.57/84.29 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 28.4/16.9, and m was 2.58/1.53. (6) In the seven ties, M was 139.62/86, 54 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 22.4/15.7, and m was 4.38/3.09. And the range of systolic blood pressure in male was 70~230 mm/Hg and in female was 80-230 mm/Hg. The range of distolic blood pressure in male was 50~160 mm/Hg and in female was 40~140 mm/Hg. 2. The hematocrit value according to sex and age groups was as follows: 1) The hematocrit values of male by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 42.72%, ${\delta}$ was 3.05, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 41.77%, ${\delta}$ was 3.29, and m was 0.28. (3) In the forties, M was 41.39, ${\delta}$ was 3.86, and m was 0.35. (4) In the fifties, M was 40.12%, ${\delta}$ was 3.65, and m was 0.30. (5) In the sixties, M was 39.88%, ${\delta}$ was 3.81. and m was 0.38. (6) In the seventies, M was 38.47%, ${\delta}$ was 2.27, and m was 0.52. 2) The hematocrit values of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 35.40%, ${\delta}$ was 3.37, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 35.50%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 35, and m was 0.22. (3) In the forties, M was 35.75%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 18, and m was 0.22. (4) In the fifties, M was 35.84%, ${\delta}$ was 3.30, and m was 0.22. (5) In the sixties, M was 35.70%, ${\delta}$ was 3.35, and m was 0.30. (6) In the seventies, M was 35.08%, ${\delta}$ was 3.08, and m was 0.60. The range of hematocrit values in male was 23~50% and in female was 18~50% (un associated with age groups). 3. In comparison with the blood pressure and the value of hematocrit of study groups showed that the blood pressure raised higher but the value of hematocrit got lowered on the contrary as the groups are getting older. 4. Total number of patients with hypertension was 165(10.6%) which were consisted with 71 male (11.3%) and 94 female (10.1%). But only two cases of the male patient and one case of the female patient were associated with protein uria. 5. The incidence of anemia by hematocrit values was as follows: 1) The incidence of male anemia patients based on$\leqq$41% ($\leqq$39%). (1) In the twenties, incidence was 43.90% (16.98%). (2) In the thirties, 41.48% (25.93%). (3) In the forties, 42.62% (25.41%). (4) In the fifties, 62.76% (40.69%). (5) In the sixties, 70% (38%). (6) In the seventies, 84.21% (73.68%). 2) The incidence of female anemia patients bailed on $\leqq$3

      • KCI등재

        최근 3년간 포항시 사망수준의 변화

        최병순,채정욱,Choi, Byung-Soon,Chae, Jeong-Uk 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1998 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.23 No.2

        To find health problems of Pohang city and to plan the activities to solve them in the situation of localization, the mortalities of the citizens in recent three years from 1994 to 1996 were analyzed from the notices and the certificates of death. The ratios of the notices with the certificates of death In the rural area of Pohang city were higher than those of whole country, the ratios of the urban area were lower than the respective ones, and the ratio differences between the rural and urban area were increasing. It may be that medical facilities are not within easy access of the rural inhabitants. especially in the rural south district with high population density. The proportional mortality indicators(PMI) were lower them those of whole country, much lower in male. So the health status of young aged males is relatively unsatisfactory. The urban inhabitants died in hospitals about two times more than the rural inhabitants and the differences were increasing. It may be that living and housing conditions and socio-cultural differences affected on the places of death. Because it is thought that death in hospitals will be growing at high speed, it is necessary to enlarge facilities fur funeral services. The age standardized mortalities were lower than those of whole country and age grouped mortalities were also the same. There were not any consistent and meaningful findings in the sex ratios of mortality according to the age groups or the calendar years. The mortalities by neoplasms and cardiovascular diseases according to the twenty one major causes of death were rapidly increased from the middle ages in both male and female. So it is important to plan the activities for early detection and health maintenance or promotion by behavior modifications. The leading causes of death were cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive diseases, and traffic accidents. And accidental drowning because of coastal area, liver diseases in male, and low respiratory tract diseases in female were the leading causes of death in part of age groups.

      • KCI등재

        개회충에 감염된 생쥐에 있어서 시기별 단백분해효소 활성의 변동

        주종윤,정명숙,주경환,Joo, Chong-Yoon,Chung, Myung-Sook,Joo, Kyoung-Hwan 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1998 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.23 No.2

        Toxocariasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by infestation of humans with larvae of Toxocara canis, the common roundworm in dogs. Two syndromes have been identified : visceral larva migrans and ocular toxocariasis. In this study we were characterized proteinase activity in crude extracts from liver, lung, kidney and heart of mice infected with Toxocara canis and the dynamics of their changes in different stages of disease. The optimal pH was 5.5. In liver of mice infected with Toxocara canis, the maximun activity of proteinase was observed in 5 day post infection. In lung, the activity reached its maximun on 5th day in A group (infected with 100 embryonated eggs), and on 5th week in B group (infected with 50 embryonated eggs). In kidney, the maximum activity was shown at 6th week in A group, and in B group was shown at 10th day. In early infection, the activity reached its maximun in heart of mice infected with Toxocara canis. As we could see, the dynamics of the changes of proteinase activity in mice is similar in the case of the disease with other biochemical and immunological indices observed in toxocariasis.

      • KCI등재

        한 농촌 면단위지역 영아의 예방접종실태에 관한 조사

        위자형,이보은,Wie, Cha-Hyung,Lee, Bo-Eun 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1998 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.23 No.2

        In order to find out the status of routine-immunization in a rural area, this study was performed, through analyzing the data which was obtained from the immunization register of infants who was born at Su-Dong myun in 1996 and 1997, managed by Su-dong Myun health subcenter. The results are as follows. 1. B.C.G immunization rate was the highest such as 52.2% within 1 month and next order such 34.8% at 2 month in 1996. In 1997, the highest such as 73.8%, almost all, within 1 month. 2. D.P.T immunization rate in 1996 showed, almost all, the highest at 3 month(79.4%) for 1st dose and at 5 month(78.4%) for 2nd dose. However, the rate for 3rd dose showed the highest at 7 month(51.4%), and next order at 8 month(35.1%) and at 6 month(13.5%). D.P.T immunization rate in 1997, similarly showed the highest at 3 month(81.8%) for 1st dose, at 5 month(71.2%) for 2nd dose and at 7 month(71.4%) for 3rd dose. 3. Hepatitis B immunization rate showed the highest at birth at once or within one week(87.0%) for 1st dose in 1996 and (94.7%) in 1997. The rate for 2nd dose showed the highest at 2 month(51.7%) in 1996 and (50.0%) in 1997, and next order at 1 month(44.8%) in 1996 and (34.4%) in 1997. The rate for 3rd dose showed the highest at 3 month(54.8%) in 1996 and 5 month(54.8%) in 1997, and next order at 5 month(25.8%) in 1996 and at 3 month(26.0%) in 1997. 4. Measles immunization rate was 76.1% in 1996. The rate(76.1%) by the kind of vaccine was the highest with measles-MMR(34.8%), and with MMR(32.6%) and next order with measles(8.7%). The rate by measles immunization time(month) was the highest such as 35.0% at 9 month and 10 month respectively and the rate by MMR was the highest at 16 month(35.5%), and 15 month(22.5%), 13 month (12.9%) and 14 month(12.9%) in next order.

      • KCI등재

        65세 이상 노인에서 우울증을 동반한 만성질환상태에 따른 자가 평가 건강수준

        이명진,손혜숙,Lee, Myeong Jin,Sohn, Hae Sook 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 2012 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.39 No.4

        Objectives: To compare the self-rated health in chronic disease patients with depression, chronic disease patients, and depression patients, and to observe the related factors to the self-rated health of people age 65 and older. Methods: The subjects were 2,549 elderly people, over 65 years old in Busan Metropolitan City who participated in 2009 community health survey. Association between self-rated health and general characteristics, life style and disease status were observed. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Analysis of complex sample was done with SAS (ver. 9.2), using ${\chi}^2$-test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Among total 2,549, there were 740 normal people (29.8%), 50 people with depression (1.8%), 1,495 people with other chronic diseases (58.2%), and 264 people with the comobidity of depression and other chronic diseases (10.1%). Good self-related health accounted for 20.3% for the whole, 33.4% for normal, 16.7% for chronic disease, 16.1% for depression, and 3.2% for chronic diseases with depression. Disease, gender, education, income, alcohol drinking, regular exercise and regular walking were independent factors associated with the good self-related health. Conclusions: It is suggested that when the chronic disease control program for the elderly is developed, depression care should be considered along with the program. This program should be given priority to the women and the vulnerable classes and should also be related to the regular walking. 본 연구는 부산지역 65세 이상 노인을 대상으로 질병상태를 정상, 만성질환, 우울증, 우울증을 동반한 만성질환의 4군으로 구분하여 질병상태에 따른 자가 평가 건강수준을 비교하고, 자가 평가 건강 수준에 관련된 요인을 관찰하고자 하였다. 연구 자료로 부산광역시 2009년 지역사회건강조사 자료를 활용하였고, 그 중 65세 이상 노인 2,549명을 추출하여 연구 대상으로 하였다. 자료는 SAS program(ver. 9.2)을 이용하여 ${\chi}^2$-test, multiple logistic regression을 복합표본분석 방법으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 자가 평가 건강수준이 만성질환과 우울증의 단일질환만을 가진 경우보다 만성질환에 우울증을 동반한 경우 매우 낮게 관찰되었고, 만성질환자의 우울증 동반율이 높았다. 질병 상태이외에 여자에서, 교육수준이 낮은 경우, 경제수준이 낮은 경우, 중등도 운동을 하지 않는 경우, 걷기 운동을 하지 않는 경우 자가 평가 건강수준이 낮았다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 노인 만성질환관리 사업에 우울증 관리를 연계한 사업 모형을 개발하여 지역사회에 적용할 것과 노인 만성질환 관리 사업에서는 우선대상으로 취약계층과 여성을 고려하고, 운동 사업을 연계하는 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국농촌의학(韓國農村醫學)의 장래(將來)

        정해식,Chung, Hae-Sik 한국농촌의학지역보건학회 1977 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.15 No.1

        As, in Korea, rural economy has a rapid growth and medical health care becomes more necessary for rural inhabitants, we are planning to enlarge the medical care networks and aid childbirth free of charge and perform lower cost medical care in order that more inhabitants are benefited and more available for medical care in rural society. Further, we will make it a basement of the policy to equalize benefits of medical care and medical insurance system.

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