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      • KCI등재

        唐代 王維 詩의 異體字 解讀에 關한 小考

        신의선 중국인문학회 2016 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.62

        The purpose of this study is to review the variants, which can be frequently found in the poetry anthology among the other Chinese classics, and to understand its meaning. In order to achieve this goal this paper researched several original printings of Wang Wei's poems as well as the annotations from the Tang Dynasty to find non-identical characters among the various editions and examined whether the differences are related with the use of the variants. The study considered that these altered characters could be the results of misreading or misspelling of the variants. Through the examination in respect of meaning and shape of the Chinese character, this paper showed the necessity of recognition of the variants, and of its accurate interpretation when we study the Chinese classic literatures.

      • KCI등재

        한중 선시 속 불이 관념과 갈등 해소를 위한 제언

        신의선 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.104

        This paper explores the causes and resolution of conflicts nurtured by cycle of discriminations rooted in social inequality in terms of perception. To discern distortion of perception in the cycle of discriminations, the paper reviews works of Zen Poetry, especially the works from Korea and China where Zen Buddhism flourished, that embody Non-duality in Zen Buddhism which leads to absolute equality by breaking all discriminatory notions. In efforts to elaborate Non-duality implied in the pieces, the study examines poems and Non-duality in three aspects: Non-duality in rich and poor, Non-duality in political gain and loss and Non-duality in socio-cultural differences. With examination this study identifies that conflicts stem from cognitive distortion of polarized thinking that discriminates against other groups and clings to wealth, profit, a self of illusion and differences while being ignorant and blindly pursuing her or his own goal based on their myth, not realizing the truth of non-self and emptiness: emptiness of wealth, power, honour, social rank and position. I hope wisdom of Non-duality in Zen Poetry, which encourages to embrace such ignorance and find enlightenment, can help resolve widespread social conflicts.

      • KCI등재

        선종 문예 심미와 인성 교육에 관한 소고 - 한중 선시의 불이(不二) 미감을 중심으로 -

        신의선 중국인문학회 2020 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.74

        The exponential progress of modern technology benefits our contemporaries on economic prosperity and, at the same time, throws questions regarding true human nature and its recovery. In order to answer those questions, this paper examined Zen Aesthetic Non-Duality in Korean and Chinese Zen Poetry to review its implications for Moral Education. The study explored underlying relations between Zen Aesthetics and Moral Education and analyzed Zen Aesthetic Non-Duality in three aspects : Material/Spiritual, Human/Nature, and Individual/Society. Based on the analysis, the study further reviewed value and meaning of Zen Aesthetic Non-Duality in respect of educational materials for Aesthetic and Moral Education. This paper examined Zen Aesthetic Non-Duality and anticipates Non-Duality Aesthetic would be used as educational material and help younger generation to achieve harmony with nature and all-beings in the world, while having healthy mind and relaxed and contemplative view on life.

      • KCI등재

        고통과 극복의 시적 체현 - 중당 백거이의 선시 속 생로병사의 문제를 중심으로

        신의선 한국중국학회 2022 중국학보 Vol.100 No.-

        This paper aims to explore poet’s inner trace in overcoming the anguish of life, focusing on Zen-Poetry from the Tang Dynasty in which Zen Buddhism prospered and poetry was flourished. Among numerous pieces from the Tang Dynasty, the study examined the works of Bai Juyi, who struggled with various diseases and threw the fundamental questions in four sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death. With examination of his work this paper tried to follow the inner trace of his meditational search for the truth. The burden of life and death is fair to everyone and the sufferings from aging and sickness are also natural phenomena encountered in everyone’s lifelong journey. Any kind of sufferings is something everyone wants to avoid and causes yet another anguish because it is inevitable by its nature. Given that, it is important to encourage people to realize the inevitable nature of the sufferings and guide them to live a free life by being freed from the sufferings with their own will. Such awakening was led by the Zen Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty which encouraged people to contemplate their inner self, to become aware of themselves and then to reach nirvana. Most of the writers of the time, including Han Shanzi, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi made the Zen practice a daily routine. This practice became the foundation to consider poetry and Zen are identical, resulting the creation of numerous Zen poetry embodies enlightenment. Especially, Bai Juyi contemplated deeply about the four sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death and tried to overcome such sufferings as he struggled with chronic diseases. This paper focused on this aspect of his life and attempted to approach the inner trace of overcoming the pain embodied in his works. I hope this study would become a valuable reference for those who desire to be free from their sufferings and to restore peace and freedom. 본고는 唐代 禪宗의 흥성과 詩 창작의 번영으로 탄생한 禪詩 작품을 중심으로 시인이 인생의 고뇌를 극복해 간 내면의 자취를 탐색하는 데에 목적을 두고 있다. 그중 일생을 갖가지 질병에 시름하면서 생로병사의 근원적인 물음에 다가갔던 白居易의 선시를 대상으로 삼아 그의 참구 과정을 살피고자 하였다. 생사의 과업은 누구에게나 공평하고, 노고와 병고 역시 인생의 여정 속에서 만나게 되는 자연스러운 현상이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이러한 일체의 고통은 누구에게나 늘 피하고 싶은 대상이기에 또 다른 번민을 야기하기도 하므로, 고통의 본질을 직시하고 각자가 그것에서 주체적으로 벗어나 자유로운 삶을 영위할 수 있도록 안내하는 일은 중요하다. 그러한 일깨움의 선봉에 있었던 당대의 선종은 각자가 자기 내면을 관조하여 자성을 자각하고, 그로써 해탈에 이르도록 이끌었던 바, 寒山子, 王維, 白居易 등을 비롯하여 당대 대부분의 문인들은 선법 수행을 일상화하였다. 이는 곧 시법 역시 선법과 동체로 간주하는 바탕이 되어, 깨달음을 함축한 다수의 선시가 탄생하였다. 특히 백거이의 경우 고질적인 질병을 달고 살았던 탓에 생로병사의 고통에 대해 투철히 고민하고 극복하고자 노력하였던 바, 본 발표문은 이러한 면모에 착안하여 그의 작품에 체현된 고통 극복의 과정에 접근하기를 시도한 것이다. 이와 같은 고찰의 내용이 모종의 고통에서 벗어나 본래의 평안과 자유를 회복하기를 열망하는 이들에게도 유의미한 참고 자료로 거듭나기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        Selection of oncoplastic surgical technique in Asian breast cancer patients

        신의선,김효인,송승용,유대현,이동원 대한성형외과학회 2018 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.45 No.1

        Background Oncoplastic surgery is being increasingly performed in Korean women; however, unlike Westerners, Korean women usually have small to moderate-sized breasts. To achieve better outcomes in reconstructed breasts, several factors should be considered to determine the optimal surgical method. Methods A total of 108 patients who underwent oncoplastic surgery from January 2013 to December 2016 were retrospectively investigated. We used various methods, including glandular tissue reshaping, latissimus dorsi (LD) flap transposition, and reduction oncoplasty, to restore the breast volume and symmetry. Results The mean weight of the tumor specimens was 40.46 g, and the ratio of the tumor specimen weight to breast volume was 0.12 g/mL in the patients who underwent glandular tissue reshaping (n=59). The corresponding values were 101.47 g and 0.14 g/mL, respectively, in the patients who underwent reduction oncoplasty (n=17), and 82.54 g and 0.20 g/mL, respectively, in those treated with an LD flap (n=32). Glandular tissue reshaping was mostly performed in the upper outer quadrant, and LD flap transposition was mostly performed in the lower inner quadrant. No major complications were noted. Most patients were satisfied with the aesthetic results. Conclusions We report satisfactory outcomes of oncoplastic surgical procedures in Korean patients. The results regarding specimen weight and the tumor-to-breast ratio of Asian patients will be a helpful reference point for determining the most appropriate oncoplastic surgical technique.

      • KCI등재

        중화권 그림책 속 불이(不二)의 상징적 심상 - 타이완 작가 지미(幾米)의 『별이 빛나는 밤(星空)』을 중심으로

        신의선 한국기호학회 2019 기호학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper focuses on symbols in picture books and investigates imagery represented in art works and its meaning. The study examines Chinese picture books written in Chinese pictorial characters, and among the others particularly scrutinizes the World famous picture book, Starry Starry Night(2009) by Jimmy Liao. Starry Starry Night portrays protagonists' inner world entangled in a sense of loss and loneliness arises from the modern city life. Considering symbolic imagery is implied in narrative flow that starts from internal conflict then leads to identification and sympathy for a certain character, developing self-awareness and eventually insight to life, the study examined the causes and resolution process of internal conflict from viewpoint of Non-duality from Zen ideology. The study suggests the image embodied in the non-duality aspect of time, space and existence embraces Non-duality nature of all things in the world and insight of protagonist. I hope this study on internal imagery that implies fundamental meaning of existence will further developed into material to encourage nurturing positive mind set of picture book readers living in the insensitive modern society. 본고는 글과 그림이 결합된 텍스트인 그림책의 상징성에 주목하여 작품에 체현된 심상과 그 의미를 탐색하는 데에 중점을 두었다. 특히 중화권 그림책의 경우, 이미지화된 한자의 사용, 시와 그림을 하나로 보는 시화일여(詩畫一如)의 관점, 현상 너머의 진실한 의미를 중시하는 상외지의(象外之意)의 태도 등이 어우러진 문화적 토양 위에서 탄생하여 함축성과 상징성을 풍부히 담고 있다. 이에 세계적으로 호응을 얻은 지미 리아오의 『별이 빛나는 밤(星空)』(2009)을 주요 고찰 대상으로 삼았다. 『星空』은 현대 도시 생활 속의 고독과 상실에서 자유롭지 못한 주인공의 내면세계를 다루고 있다. 심리적 갈등, 특정 대상에 대한 동일시와 공감, 근원적 자아의 탐색과 삶의 통찰로 이어지는 서사 속에 상징적 심상이 나타나는 바, 주인공이 경험한 내적 갈등의 원인과 해결 과정을 선사상의 ‘불이(不二, non-duality)’ 관점에서 접근하였다. 이들 심상을 시간적・공간적・존재적 不二의 측면에서 분석한 바, 그 상징적 의미에 세상만물의 불이적 품성과 삶에 대한 통찰이 깃들어 있음을 확인하였다. 존재의 본질적 의미를 담고 있는 이들 내적 표상에 대한 본고의 시도적 고찰이 나날이 각박해지는 현대 사회를 살아가는 독자의 긍정 심리 향상을 위한 자료로 연계되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        소식(蘇軾) 시(詩)의 선적(禪的) 심상(心象) 고찰(考察)

        신의선 영남중국어문학회 2014 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.66

        This paper explores the insightful mental image in poems, which reflects the empty mind of the poet, mainly focusing on Sushi`s poetry. Sushi, a famous literati of the Song Dynasty, suffered from repeated ouster but eventually overcame the tribulation, as reflected in his work, through the self-transcendence that is achieved from unceasing self- examination. We investigate the transcendence aspects of the insightful mental image in Sushi`s poetry and categorize them into three insights; impermanence obtained from the contemplation of nature, non-self encountered in relationships, and dissatisfaction experienced from the his long period of political exile. We believe that this study on introspection and inner worlds of the poet allows us to step forward to the better understanding of the poetry.

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