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      • 한국 기독교의 정치사(IV)

        서광선(Kwang sun Suh) 혜암신학연구소 2015 신학과교회 Vol.4 No.-

        본 논문은 한국 기독교의 정치참여 혹은 교회와 국가의 관계에 대한 역사적 기술이다. 객관적 자료를 중심으로 하되, 필자의 자전적인 기술을 덧붙이기도 했다. 이번 호에서는 1960년대 한국의 정치 현상과 이에 대한 한국 기독교의 반응 및 비판적 참여와 함께 미국에서 유학생으로 철학과 신학을 공부하면서 체험한 시대정신과 미국 기독교 지도자들의 정치 참여에 주목하였다. 특히 한국에서의 4.19 학생 민주주의 혁명에 대한 한국 기독교 지도자들의 반응에 이어 5.16 군사 쿠데타와 함께 이어진 한일 국교정상화에 대한 기독교계의 반응을 돌이켜 보았다. 나아가서, 4.19 학생혁명에 자극받고, 5.16 군사 쿠데타에 충격을 받은 기독교계가 점차 군사 정권에 대한 비판적 목소리를 내기 시작할 때 산업화 시대와 도시화 시대로 접어들면서 사회문제와 산업화와 노동계의 문제, 도시 빈민 문제 등에 관심을 가지게 되는 과정을 짚어 보았다. 이 논문은 박정희 군사 정권의 3선개헌 논의에 대한 교회의 반대가 고조되는 1960년대 말까지의 이야기를 실었다. This paper is to describe the Korean Christian Church leaders’ reaction and response to April 19, 1960 student democratic revolution, May 16, 1961 military coup d’etat, and subsequent military government’s economic development policy as well as Korea-Japan diplomatic normalization talks. The student led demonstration against the corrupt Christian president Syngman Rhee’s regime, which forced Korean Christians to come to terms with the political corruption. The military coup led by General Park Jung Hee ceased all the democratic process of the government in the name of law and order and anti-communism. The Korean public as well as some Christian leaders welcomed the military action. But the military government pushed on with the so-called normalization of Korea-Japan diplomatic relationship in order to receive some amount of reparation which was used to recover the national economy toward industrialization. The military government’s humiliating negotiations with Japan saw Korean Christian leaders’ public oppositions. All in all, the decade of the 1960’s was a revolutionary period in Korean politics as well as Korean Christians’ awakening, which led to their political and social awareness. I also mentioned my personal learning experience in the United States during the same period. The 1960’s in the US was also a revolutionary period : President Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr.’s black liberation movement, anti-Vietnam War movement, as well as university students’ “free speech movement,” and so on. During the period, Christian theology made a radical change in raising political consciousness of the revolutionary time.

      • 한국 기독교의 정치사(Ⅵ) : 민청학련 사건에서 궁정동까지

        서광선(Kwang sun Suh) 혜암신학연구소 2016 신학과교회 Vol.6 No.-

        This is my autobiographical sketch of Korean Protestant church and Christian intellectuals as well as labor movement and people’s involvement in the struggle against military YUSHIN dictatorship of Park Jung Hee for human rights and democracy movement in the latter half of the 1970’s. After 1972, President Park Chung Hee proclaimed a number of the so-called Emergency Decrees to put down Korean people’s basic human rights to criticize and oppose the YUSHIN Constitution and the Emergency Decrees. For example, ED No. 4 which fabricated “Democratic Students’ League” which was to mobilize the unⅣersity students to rise up against the YUSHIN government. Thousands of unⅣersity students including the staff and leaders of Korean Student Christian Federation as well as renowned unⅣersity professors were arrested and tortured. The military tribunal sentenced some of them to death and some to a long term imprisonment. In the process, constitutional rights of freedom of the press, academic freedom, as well as the rights for the labor union movements were denied and oppressed by the police and military powers, in the name of national security against the belligerent North Korean Communist government and high speed economic development drⅣe. As the solidarity movement of Christian community pushed the YUSHIN government, Korean Minjung Theology was born. While there were so many antigovernmental statements, the unⅣersity students as well as the Christian Professors’ Union published open statements against the police brutality and YUSHIN government. Those times teen-age female factory workers protested the government labor policies. In protest against YUSHIN government’s atrocities by the Emergency Decree No. 9, the Catholic church leaders joined the Protestant church leaders as well as political leaders to come out to demand the consitutional reform in Myung Dong Cathedral at the center of the City of Seoul. In 1979, as the decade of 1970’s was drawing to close, a bang went the gun in a secret party house of the president in the late evening of October 26, 1979. Thus ended the 18 years’ iron fist military dictatorship. 이 글은 필자가 살아 온 1970년대 후반 한국 기독교 지성인들과 한국교회가 유신 군사 독재 정권에 저항하여 노동자와 학생들의 인권과 정치적 민주주의의 회복을 위하여 종교적이며 윤리적으로 전개한 신앙 운동과, 이에 대한 박정희 유신 정권의 대응 및 종교탄압의 역사를 기록한 것이다. 특기한 것은 이른바 “민청학련사건”을 조작함으로서 KSCF를 중심으로 한 기독학생의 민주화 운동을 탄압고자 선포한 긴급조치 4호에서부터 시작하여, 유신헌법과 유신정권에 대한 일체의 비판과 논의 자체를 억압하는 긴급조치 9호에 이르기까지의 언론 및 학문의 자유와 노동운동의 탄압 그리고 박정희 유신 정권의 몰락까지의 자전적 역사이다. 이 회고 속에는 한국 민중신학의 태동과 아울러 기독교신학자들의 인권 및 민주화 운동의 신학적 근거를 명문화한 선언, 교회의 노동운동에의 개입과 연대 그리고 기독교계와 정치 지도자들의 3.1절 명동성당 기도회 시국선언 사건, 부마사태로부터 이어진 궁정동에서의 박정희 대통령 시해사건 등이 거론된다. 유신정권 1970년대 후반의 한국교회 정치의 역사인 셈이다.

      • 한국 기독교의 정치사(V) : 유신시대의 교회 민주화운동

        서광선(Kwang sun Suh) 혜암신학연구소 2016 신학과교회 Vol.5 No.-

        한국기독교정치사 연재로 제5회에 해당하는 이 논문은 1960년대말, 박정희 군사정권이 3선 개헌을 강행하고 이어서 유신헌법을 선포하고 유신시대로 돌입하는 1970년대 초반, 한국의 에큐메니칼 기독교 진영의 대 정부 투쟁의 역사를 기술하였다. 박정희 정권은 유신정권을 유지하기 위하여 2번에 걸친 국민투표를 실시하였을 뿐 아니라 긴급조치 1,2,3호 등을 발표함으로써 유신헌법과 유신정권에 대한 비판과 반대운동을 원천적으로 봉쇄하려고 하였다. 이에 대해 한국의 대학생들과 지성인들, 그리고 일반 그리스도인들의 유신반대운동이 시작되었다. 한편, 보수 성향의 한국교회 지도자들은 에큐메니칼 기독교 지도자들의 반 유신 행동을 정교분리 원칙의 위반이라고 비판했다. 이로써 한국교회는 정치와 종교관계 문제에 있어서 분열하고 갈등하기에 이른다. 1974년 한국기독교교회협의회에 인권위원회가 출범함으로써 에큐메니칼 한국 교회와 집단지성의 반 유신, 반 정부, 반 독재 투쟁은 심화된다. This is the 5th part of a series of a political history of South Korean Christianity. This part covers the period from 1969 when the military government of Park Junghee amended the Constitution to make it possible to run the presidency for three times, and from his sudden declaration of YUSHIN Constitution which may be able to allow him to be in power for life, to the early period of the 1970 s when President Park declared Emergency Decrees No. 1,2, and 3 to prohibit all kinds of criticism and civil movements against the YUSHIN Constitution. However, Korean university students, intellectuals and church leaders have organized all out resistance and criticisms against the non-democratic YUSHIN Constitution. On the issue of non-democratic, dictatorial YUSHIN Constitution, the Korean Christian churches were divided into Pro-Yushin and anti-Yushin. In order to organize the anti-Yushin Constitution, the ecumenical NCCK organized the Human Rights Commission in 1974 in order to fight against the YUSHIN Constitution and the Park Junghee Government more effectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • 한국기독교의 정치사 (Ⅱ)

        서광선(Kwang sun Suh) 혜암신학연구소 2014 신학과교회 Vol.2 No.-

        이 논문은 필자의 “자전적(自傳的)” 사회정치적 이야기를 중심으로 하여 1945년 해방 이후 1950년 한국 전쟁 발발까지의 북한의 공산당 정부와 기독교와의 관계를 서술한 것이다. 소비에트 러시아가 북위 38도 이북으로 진주하면서 공산주의 러시아의 지원으로 수립된 북조선인민민주주의공화국은 천주교와 개신교 모두를 친미반공 종교로 규정하고 종교 활동을 규제하고 탄압하였다. 해방 이후 북한의 기독교 지도자들이 기독교 정당 등을 창설하여 민주주의 정치를 표방하였으나 모두 탄압되고 활동은 정지되었다. 급기야 6.25 전쟁이 터지고 필자의 부친 서용문 목사는 체포되어 행방불명이 되었다가, 남한의 국군과 유엔군이 1950년 9월 평양을 탈환하는 가운데 북으로 도망가는 인민군에 의하여 총살당했다. 그는 다른 수많은 북한의 기독교 지도자들과 함께 순교자의 반열에 오른다. This is a socio-political biography of the author who lⅣed through the turbulent time in North Korea immediately after the end of the Second World War until the devastating Korean War of 1950-53. Telling the story of his preacher father who ministered in the North Korean Protestant churches, the author reveals the church-state relationship, during the time of the establishment of SoⅥet-backed North Korean Communist government, namely, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Anti-US Communist North Korean government was suspicious of the Christian churches, both Protestant and Catholic, as anti-Communist and began oppressing the various church actⅣities, including the Sunday worships and the Christian leaders’ political actⅣities such as the establishment of church-related political parties. The story ends with the author’s finding his preacher father’s body riddled by the bullets of North Korean soldiers’ firing squad in October, 1950.

      • KCI등재

        대두 함유 방사선 조사식이를 섭취한 Mouse의 산화적 스트레스

        박선영(Park Sun Young),서대영(Seo Dae Young),서광선(Suh Kwang Sun),이선영(Ly Sun Yung) 韓國營養學會 2007 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.40 No.2

        Food irradiation has been steadily increased in many countries concomitantly with increasing international trades. Harmful contaminants naturally occurred from foods which contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids that are easily oxidized can affect the human anti-oxidation system through the generation of free radicals. Moreover, previous studies proved that r-irradiation may cause production of free radicals in food. We investigated the effect of r-irradiated soybeans in relation to oxidative stress in mice. Oxidative index of mice was evaluated by TBARS, DNA fragmentation in various organs such as blood lymphocytes, liver and kidney. Forty male ICR mice were equally divided into 4 groups and fed control diet or r-irradiated diet containing 50% soybeans (5, 10, and 20 kGy, respectively) for 8 weeks. Peroxide values of the irradiated diets were higher than that of the non-irradiated one and increased according to the storage period. There was no significant difference in weight gain as well as in TBARS value in plasma and kidney of all groups. Liver TBARS value of the group fed with irradiated diet at 20 kGy increased significantly compared with the control group (p<0.05). DNA oxidative damage as measured by alkaline comet assay showed that % tail DNA in the blood lymphocytes of 5 kGy and 10 kGy groups increased significantly over the control group (p<0.05). Also, tail moments of 5 kGy and 10 kGy groups were higher than that of the control group. Ultrastructural examination shows myeline figures and swollen mitochondria in parietal and intestinal epithelial cells of the group fed with irradiated diet. Therefore, considering unsaturated fatty acid content, consumption of soybeans r-irradiated with over 20 kGy or repeatedly may decrease the body's antioxidant mechanism. (Korean J Nutrition 40(2): 138~146, 2007)

      • KCI등재

        실험적인 간암 유발과정에서 Butylated Hydroxytoluene이, 미치는 영향 I : 미세구조적인 연구

        최정목,강대영,서광선,이충식,송규상,김진만,박원학,Choi, Jeung-Mok,Kang, Dae-Young,Suh, Kwang-Sun,Lee, Choong-Sik,Song, Kyu-Sang,Kim, Jin-Man,Park, Won-Hark 한국현미경학회 1997 Applied microscopy Vol.27 No.2

        A morphologic study on the effect of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on experimental hepatocarcinogenesis induced by 3'-methyl-4-dimethyl aminoazobenzene (3'-MeDAB) was investigated. A total of 110 Sprague-Dowley male rats weighting about 200 g each were used for the experiment, and divided into 4 groups; the 3'-MeDAB, BHT, 3'-MeDAB/BHT treated group, and the control group. Four to eight rats of each group were sacrified on the 4th, 8th, 14th and 16th experimental weeks, with continuous pelletized feeding containing 0.09% 3'-MeDAB and 0.5% BHT. The liver was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results were as follows; Electron microscopically, the fine structure of the hepatocytes remained consistently abnormal up to 16 weeks after the 3'-MeDAB treatment. There was no significant difference in the groups observed earlier than in the ones observed later. Many subcellular changes were observed : nuclear change, decreased glycogen, mitochondrial abnormalities, disaggregated rough endoplasmic reticulum, marked proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, dilatation and distortion of bile canaliculi, increased lysosomes, apoptotic bodies, migration of bile ductule cell. In the BHT treated group, the ultrastructural changes of hepatocytes were not significant, except for the lipid droplets and proliferated smooth endoplasmic reticulum among hepatocytes depending on the experimental duration. The various subcellular changes of 3'-MeDAB/BHT treated groups were simillar to those of the 3'-MeDAB treated group, but the degree of changes in the 3'-MeDAB/ BHT treated group decreased compared with those of the 3'-MeDAB treated group. These results suggest that dietary butylated hydroxytoluene has a protective/inhibitory effect on the hepatocarcinogenesis induced by 3'-methyl-4-dimethyl -aminoazobenzene.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁경부암에서 기저막 단백분해 저해효소 (TIMP-2)의 발현에 대한 연구

        김도영 ( Do Young Kim ),서광선 ( Kwang Sun Suh ),노흥태 ( Heung Tae Noh ),이윤이 ( Yun Ee Rhee ) 대한산부인과학회 2004 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.47 No.6

        Objective : The present study was conducted to evaluate the tissue inhibitor of matrix-metalloproteinase (TIMP-2), which leads to tumor proliferation, invasion and metastasis and which can be used as a prognostic factor for cervical carcinoma, and to correlate TIMP-2 with recurrence in cervical carcinoma. Methods : Thirty-three cases of cervical carcinoma and ten control cervices were analysed for expression of TILP-2 by immunohistochemical staining. Results were analysed for possivle correlation with prognostic factors. Results : Lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular invasion, and recurrence groups showed a lower expression tendency of TIMP-2 in tumor cells (0.37 vs 0.88, 0.77 vs 0.93, 0.78 vs 0.91) (p>0.05). However, there was no statistical significance in the correlation of TIMP-2 expression with tumor varialbles. On the other hand, in stromal cells, deep invasion (≥5 mm), squamous cell carcinoma groups showed a higher expression tendency of TIMP-2 (0.80 vs 0.67, 0.74 vs 0.40) (p>0.05) but, there was no statistical significance. However, recurrence group showed a significantly lower expression of TIMP-2 in stromal cells (0.33 vs 0.83) (p<0.05). Conclusion : In spite of no statistically significant correlation in tumor cells, recurrence group showed a significantly lower expression of TIMP-2 in stromal cells. Therefor there was an inverse correlation between expression of TIMP-2 stromal cell and recurrence. These results indicate that expression of TIMP-2 in stromal cells is closely correlated with the recurrence of cervical carcinoma.

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