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      • KCI등재

        김영정 논제와 정상 조건문

        박정일(Park, Jeong-Il) 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 2011 철학사상 Vol.40 No.-

        故 김영정 교수는 비판적 사고와 형식논리학의 ‘멋진 조화’를 꿈꾸며 ‘선제논리’라는 프로그램을 제시하였다. 불행하게도 그 프로그램은 실패로 끝났다고 여겨지는데, 그럼에도 불구하고 나는 “김영정 논제”는 여전히 유효하다고 생각한다. “김영정 논제”란 전칭명제와 특칭명제를 모두 조건문을 포함하는 양화문장으로 파악해야 한다는 주장이다. 김영정 교수는 전칭긍정명제와 특칭긍정명제를 각각 (∀x)(Sx ⊃ Px)와 (∃x)(Sx ⊃ Px)로 기호화해야 한다고 주장한다. 그러나 나는 김영정 교수의 프로그램이 실패할 수밖에 없었던 근원적인 이유는 우리의 조건문을 실질 함언으로 파악했다는 점에 있다고 생각한다. 그리하여 우리는 실질 함언이 아니라 우리의 언어실천에서 실제로 사용되는 조건문, 즉 비트겐슈타인의 “정상 조건문(normal conditional)”(p → q)을 김영정 논제와 결합하면 어떤 귀결이 나올지를 탐구할 수 있다. 이러한 “수정된 김영정 논제”에 따르면, 가령 전칭긍정명제와 특칭긍정명제는 각각 (∀x)(Sx → Px)와 (∃x)(Sx → Px)로 기호화해야 한다. 그렇게 되면 수정된 김영정 논제는 정상 조건문의 특성을 파악하기 위한 중요한 열쇠와 통로 역할을 한다. 더 나아가 이러한 생각들이 정리가 되면 예컨대 (A → B와 A → ∼B가 둘 다 참이 되는) 기바드(Gibbard) 현상은 존재하지 않는다는 것이 판명되며, 기존의 논의가 얼마나 혼란스러운 것인지를 깨닫게 한다. 요컨대 우리는 비트겐슈타인의 정상 조건문과 김영정 논제를 결합하여 “수정된 김영정 논제”를 설정한 후 이 논제를 일관성 있게 유지할 때 어떤 귀결이 나올지를 탐구할 수 있으며, 이를 통하여 “수정된 김영정 논제”를 일관성 있게 유지하는 것은 가능하다는 것, 그리고 이를 통해 전통적인 대당사각형이 복원된다는 것, 정상 조건문 p → q의 조건부 부정은 p → ∼q라는 것, 또 정상 조건문의 또 다른 사용(⇒)이 있다는 것, p → q의 대우는 ∼q ⇒ ∼p라는 것을 확인할 수 있다. The late Professor Young-Jeong Kim propounded the ‘Presupposition Logic’ program, longing for harmony between critical thinking and formal logic. Unfortunately that program is regarded as a failure, but I believe that Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis is still relevant. Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis asserts that both a universal proposition and a particular one should be considered as a quantified proposition which contains a conditional. Professor Young-Jeong Kim asserts that a universal affirmative proposition and a particular affirmative one must be symbolized as (∀x)(Sx ⊃ Px) and (∃x) (Sx ⊃ Px), respectively. However, I believe that the fundamental reason that Professor Young-Jeong Kim’s program could not help but end in failure is that he regarded our conditional as a material implication (conditional). Hence we need to consider the case that in Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis, a material implication should be replaced with a conditional which is used in our real language practice, that is, Wittgenstein’s normal conditional. According to this “modified Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis,” a universal affirmative proposition and a particular affirmative one must be symbolized as (∀x)(Sx → Px) and (∃x)(Sx → Px), respectively. Then, the modified Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis plays an important role in providing an important key and the path to for grasp the characteristics of a normal conditional. Furthermore, after we arrange our thoughts in regard to this matter, we will come to know that the Gibbard phenomenon in which both A → B and A → ∼B are true does not exist, and come to realize how confusing the previous thoughts about conditionals are. In a nutshell, we can investigate what consequences can be derived if we maintain this modified thesis consistently after we combine Wittgenstein’s normal conditional with Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis. And through this we can ascertain that it is possible to maintain the modified Young-Jeong Kim’s thesis, that we can rehabilitate the traditional opposition square, that the negation of a normal conditional p → q is p → ∼q, that there is another kind of use for a normal conditional(⇒), and that the contraposition of p → q is ∼q ⇒ ∼p.

      • KCI등재

        대규모 LPWA기반 네트워크에서 분산된 주차 공간 관리서비스의 설계 및 구현

        신열 ( Shinyeol Park ),정종필 ( Jongpil Jeong ),동범 ( Dongbeom Park ),병준 ( Byungjun Park ) 한국정보처리학회 2018 정보처리학회논문지. 컴퓨터 및 통신시스템 Vol.7 No.10

        Due to the development of cities and the increase of vehicles, effective control of parking space management service in cities is needed. However, the existing parking lot management system does not provide limited or convenient service in terms of space and time. In this paper, we propose distributed parking space management service based on large scale LPWA (Low-Power Wide-Area). The parking sensor collects parking space information from the parking lot and is transmitted over a low-power wide network. All parking data is processed and analyzed in the IoT cloud. Through a parking space management service system in all cities, users are given the temporal convenience of determining the parking space and the area efficiency of the parking space.

      • KCI우수등재

        고용접근성에 기반한 산업단지 교외화 지수 개발 및 적용

        박정일(Park, Jeong-Il) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2015 國土計劃 Vol.50 No.6

        While there is a growing concerns that developments of new industrial parks are spread out to rural areas or otherwise undeveloped land at the outskirts of the urban area, very few studies attempt to empirically investigate the locational patterns of industrial parks in Korea. Using spatial dataset for industrial parks from 2001 to 2014 and eup-myeon-dong level population data in 2000, this study develops and applies a sprawl index for individual industrial park that accounts for its job accessibility or job-resident spatial matching. Results of the sprawl index analysis show that industrial park location became more inaccessible relative to populated places, especially, after the year 2008, when the special act for simplification of authorization and permission procedures for industrial parks was enacted. Measuring industrial park sprawl as accessibility among job potential and populated places gives planners and policy makers a better understanding how industrial park locations link to the strategies for increasing job opportunities for urban neighborhood and for promoting sustainability through slowing greenfield consumption and suburbanization of industrial activities.

      • KCI등재

        동관왕묘 입지의 풍수 분석

        박정해(Park Jeong-hae) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2012 아시아문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        숭인동에 위치한 동묘는 동관묘라고도하고 관제묘라고도 한다. 관우를 모시고 제사 지내는 사당으로, 임진왜란 때 지원군을 보낸 명은 동관왕묘를 건설할 것을 조선에 요구한다. 조선은 달갑지만은 않았으나 거부할 수도 없는 상황이었다. 그래서 명의 체면도 살려주면서 조선의 자좀심도 지킬 수 있는 여러 상황논리를 입지선정에 녹여내고 있다. 입지의 선정은 선조 때의 명풍수로 유명한 박상의가 하였는데 입지를 선정한 풍수학인을 확인할 수 있는 건축물이다. Dongmyo which is located at Sungin-dong in Seoul, Korea is also called Dong-kwan-wang-myo or Kwan-je-myo. It is a shrine to hold an memorial ceremony to a hero, Kwan-woo of 『History of Three States(三國志)』 in the ancient China. Ming dynasty that sent reinforcements to the Joseon dynasty during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 requested to build up Dongmyo. It was not satisfactory condition to the Joseon dynasty but there was no choice. The location selection of Dongmyo that contains complicated situation at that time reflects both logics to keep the nation’s own position and to meet the Ming dynasty’s request. Dongmyo is the architecture that shows the achievement of famous Feng shui specialist, Park Sang-wui at that time.

      • GIS를 이용한 접근불능지역의 홍수지도제작에 관한 연구

        박정기(Park, Jeong Gi),윤홍식(Yun, Hong Sik),공만식(Kong, Man Sik),염민교(Youm, Min Kyo) 한국측량학회 2011 한국측량학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2011 No.4

        분쟁국가간의 공용하천에서의 물 분쟁은 상류측의 수문자료나 지형자료를 취득하기가 매우 어렵고 민감한 문제로 제한적인 자료만을 취득할 수밖에 없어 극한 홍수시에 그 피해정도를 예측하기는 매우 힘들다. 그로인해 홍수억지대책 마련에 어려움이 있고, 실제 극한홍수발생시 대피 매뉴얼이 정해지지 않아 더 큰 피해를 입을 수 있는 위험이 있다. 본 연구에서는 제한적인 자료만을 취득할 수 있는 접근불능지역에서 지형데이터를 구축하고 Godunov 기법의 2차원 천수방정식 해석 알고리즘을 이용한 BreZo모델를 이용하여 극한 상황에서 모의실험을 하여 홍수도달시간, 침수유형, 침수영향범위, 침수심을 구하고 최종적으로 홍수지도를 제작하였다. Especially in case of the disputes about sharing river between disputed nations, it is very hard to collect the hydrologic data and the topographic data of upriver so the limited data only is possible because of a matter of a delicacy. Therefore it is so hard to predict the damage of havoc. Because the evacuation manual of a real flood situation isn’t set, there is a danger of the greater havoc. This study is to build the topographic data from inaccessible area where the limited data could be obtained, to draw the flood-risk map with BreZo model using analysis algorithms on two-dimensional shallow water equations of Godunov-type scheme, and to obtain the time of flood concentration, the flooding type, the scope of flood and the depth of inundation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈연간 동종 조혈모세포 이식 후 이식편대숙주질환과 함께 발생한 급성 호산구성 폐렴

        환성 ( Hwan Sung Park ),옥태진 ( Tae Jin Ok ),김유재 ( You Jae Kim ),김광운 ( Guang Un Kim ),소은 ( So Eun Park ),안지현 ( Ji Hyun An ),김윤구 ( Yun Ku Kim ),정재호 ( Jae Ho Jeong ),김수정 ( Su Jeong Kim ),이유미 ( Yu Mi Lee ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2011 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.71 No.6

        Pulmonary complications occur in 40~60% of patients who receive hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and are a source of substantial morbidity and mortality. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia (AEP) is an uncommon, non-infectious pulmonary complication occurring in HSCT recipients. We now report the case of a 52-year-old man with AEP who was treated with allogenic HSCT due to acute myeloid leukemia. He complained of fever, cough and dyspnea 390 days after allogenic HSCT. He also had skin and hepatic graft versus host disease (GVHD). Hypoxemia, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on a chest x-ray and eosinophilia in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were also noted in several tests. His symptoms, pulmonary infiltrates, hepatic dysfunction and skin lesions rapidly improved after treatment with corticosteroid therapy. Our case supports the idea that AEP is a late phase non-infectious pulmonary complication and one of the manifestations of chronic GVHD.

      • KCI등재

        교과서 『이즈의 무희』의 교육적 가치 -다이슈칸 서점 일본 고등학교 국어교과서를 중심으로-

        박정이 ( Jeong Yi Park ) 한국일본어교육학회 2016 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.75

        "This paper is intended to clarify the issue of educational values on “Izu’s Dancer (Izuno Odoriko)” in Japanese high school language textbook, which has been published by Daishukan publishing company. This paper finds some interesting results, by investigating the internal and external elements of the reason why the modify original version of “Izu’s Dancer(Izuno Odoriko)” in Japanese high school language textbook from 1959 to 2013: firstly, it is found that “Izu’s Dancer(Izuno Odoriko)” was starting to be highlighted as a textbook materials after awarding as Japan``s first Nobel Prize, even though the novel had already been introduced before that; secondly, the original version of “Izu’s Dancer(Izuno Odoriko)” had been modified in the textbook, in which chapter four was fully deleted deliberately. It is assumed that the reason why the chapter was omitted is that there are some factors of discrimination of gender and status in the original version of the novel. With this kind of modification, the tradition and ideal style of “Japanese women”(namely “Yamato Nadeshiko”) would be re-created in the textbook; thirdly, it is found that the “richness of Japanese literature” has been emphasized in the textbook, which can be elucidated when investigating the object and goal of section and excise question in the textbook. Overall, this paper reaches that the introduction of ”Izu’s Dancer(Izuno Odoriko)” in textbook emphasizes on Japanese-ness and the richness of Japanese literature, even though it is assume that the value of literature itself is very independent from some political implications and state crafts in general."

      • KCI등재

        효율적인 유전자 전달을 위한 Transferrin과 PEI가 도입된 O-carboxymethyl Chitosan의 합성

        순정 ( Sun Jeong Park ),변지예 ( Ji Ye Byeon ),소영 ( Soyoung Park ),김영민 ( Young Min Kim ),남정표 ( Joung Pyo Nam ),성철 ( Seong Cheol Park ),영훈 ( Yung Hoon Park ),나재운 ( Jae Woon Nah ),장미경 ( Mi Kyeong Jang ) 한국키틴키토산학회 2014 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구에서는 키토산의 유전자 전달 효율과 암세포 표적효율을 향상시키기 위하여 OCMCh의 amine group과 carboxyl group에 각각 표적물질인 TF와 양이온고분자인 PEI를 도입하여, 유전자 전달체인 POPT를 제조하였다. 제조된 POPT는 1 H-NMR 을 통해 성공적으로 합성되었음을 확인하였고, DLS를 통해 입자크기를 측정한 결과 POPT의 비율이 증가함에 따라 입자크기가 작아지며, POPT가 나노 크기의 입자를 형성함을 확인하였다. 또한 전기영동 실험을 통해 POPT가 pEGFP-N1와 복합체를 잘 형성하며, heparin 실험결과 혈액 내에서 pEGFP-N1를 잘 방출할 수 있으며, DNase로부터 pE GFP-N1를 보호할 수 있음을 확인하였다. POPT의 유전자 전달효율은 정상세포와 암세포를 사용하여 확인한 결과 POPT 가 증가할수록 유전자 전달 효율이 향상되며, TF의 표적능력으로 인해 암세포에서만 유전자가 전달됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 같은 실험 결과들을 통해 POPT는 암세포만을 표적해 유전자를 전달할 수 있는 전달체로써 사용 가능성이 있는 우수한 물질로 사료된다. 추후에 수행할 실험에서는, 이러한 시스템의 가능성을 보다 더 정확히 확인하기 위하여 동물실험을 진행할 예정이며, 질병을 치료할 수 있는 유전자를 전달체를 통하여 전달하는 실험을 통하여 유전자 치료를 수행할 수 있는지 여부를 확인하는 연구를 진행할 것이다. The polyethyleneimine / O-carboxymethyl chitosan / polyethyleneglycol / transferrin (POPT) copolymer was evaluated as nonviral gene delivery carrier. The structural analysis of POPT copolymer was confirmed by 1-proton nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H-NMR). The particle size of - pEGFP-N1/POPT polyplexes was confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results of DLS showed that the particle sizes of pEGFP-N1/POPT polyplexes has small size of 130~260 nm. The binding ability with pEGFP-N1, pEGFP-N1 protecting assay against DNase, and pEGFP-N1 release assay through heparin of POPT were evaluated by gel retardation assay. In addition, gene transfection effect of pEGFP-N1/POPT polyplexes was evaluated in fibroblast cell line (L929, without transferrin receptor) and cervical cancer cell line (HeLa-S3, with transferrin receptor) cells. The results of transfection were shown that green fluorescence was cancer cell more expression than normal cell due to receptor mediated endocytosis between transferrin of POPT and transferrin receptor on the cancer surface. Therefore, pEGFP-N1/POPT polyplexes could be a promising gene delivery system.

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