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      • KCI등재

        이용목(李容穆)의 『백석만성가(白石謾成歌)』를 통해 본 19세기 말 국문시가 창작의 한 국면

        박영민 ( Park Yeong-min ) 한국시가학회 2022 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.55 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the internal driving force behind Baekseok(白石) Lee Yong-Mok(李容穆) writing the 『Paeksuk-mansungga(白石謾成歌)』 in 1898 when he 73 years old. The 18 poems included in 『Paeksuk-mansungga』 are only 22 lines at the longest and 5 lines at the shortest, making it difficult to say that they are Gasa(歌辭) or Sijo(時調). He wrote poems lightly as he wanted by advocating the attitude of ‘play(戲作)’, and this means that such a creative attitude may have been a driving force that obscures the genre regulations. Lee Yong-Mok defines himself as a recluse(處士) throughout the 『Paeksukmansungga』 and reveals his attitude of life to live in the surrounding nature around Baekun-Dong(白雲洞), keeping a distance from the world. However, it can be considered that Lee Yong-Mok shows an aspect of recluses in the late Joseon Dynasty, which tried to lay the foundation for life based on the ideal form of recluse without establishing his position in an unfavorable reality. 『Paeksuk-mansungga』 is a collection of poems in which Lee Yong-Mok, who claimed to treat himself, expressed the feeling of helplessness and loneliness he felt in his later years. In conclusion, the significance of pre-modern poetry style until 1898 of giving a voice to the Lee Yong-Mok is in the situation at the end of the 19th century, when the singing/performance culture developed and collection of poems was compiled and distributed.

      • 팽창식 보트의 국내외 시험 규정 비교를 통한 안정성 확보의 필요성 연구

        박영민(Yeong-Min Park),강민수(Ming-Su Kang),임장곤(Jang-Gon Im),김헌우(Hyen-Woo Kim) 한국항해항만학회 2022 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2022 No.2

        국내 ‘수상레저기구 안전검사 기준(해양경찰청 고시)’ 의 고무보트 안전검사 기준을 국제 표준 및 관련 법령(ISO-6185, 미국 ABYC 단체표준, 미국해양경비청 USCG, 뉴질랜드 해양법 NZ Maritime Law)과 비교를 통해 안정성(stability) 확보를 위하여 개선 방안을 제시하고자한다. 현행 ‘수상레저기구 안전검사 기준’의 고무보트는 승선정원 13인 이상 및 특정 항해 구역에 대해서만 복원성 조건을 요구하고 있어 13인승 이하의 고무보트는 안정성 조건이 전무한 실정이다. 특히, 국제 표준 및 관련 법령과는 약 38개의 검사항목에 누락 또는 미흡한 차이가 있으며, 이에 국내 기준과 국제 표준과의 비교 분석을 통해 개인의 최소 안전을 담보 할 수 있는 고무보트의 안전성 확보 방안을 마련하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        드라이버 구매에 대한 소비자의 구매동기요인

        박영민(Park Yeong Min),김정락(Kim Jeong Lag),김성국(Kim Seong Gug),박명국(Park Myeong Gug),이상일(Lee Sang Il),손종열(Son Jong Yeol) 한국사회체육학회 2003 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This study was aimed at examining closely the differences between demo-graphic characteristics and consumers` ones about participating in golf and the effects they have on the interrelation, centering on the interrelation between consumers` purchasing factors and their behavior after purchase and making decision for repurchasing behavior of consumers in Korea. Based on the results of data analysis, conclusions were drawn with the following two aspects. First, in the analysis of purchasing motive factors according to demographic variables, `price factor` did not exhibit significant differences, but there were statistically significant differences in `performance factor` according to `sex and age`, `subject matter factor` according to `sex and occupation`, `design/color tone factor` according to `age`, `famous brand factor` in `monthly income`, `product fashion factor` according to `career`, `fellows and relatives inducement factor` according to `sex, martial status, and monthly income`, `salesman inducement factor` according to jobs in `martial status and monthly income`, `prior use experence factor` according to `sex, martial status, and age`, `advertisement factor` according to `sex and residence`, `famous players factor` according `age`, and `A/S and free gifts factor` according to `career`. Second, in the analysis of purchasing motive factors according to consumers` characteristics about golf, `price factor` did not show any significant differences, but there were statistically significant differences in `performance factor` and `subject matter factor` according to `career and average bat`, `design/color factor` in `field rounding frequency`, “famous brand factor` according to `career`, `product fashion factor` in `the frequency of using golf practice ranges`. `fellows and relatives inducement factor` and `salesman inducement factor` according to `average bat, the frequency of using golf practice ranges, and field rounding frequency`, `prior use experence factor` according to `career, average bat, and field rounding frequency`, `advertisement factor` according to the frequency of using golf practice ranges`, and `famous players factor` and `A/S and free gifts factor` according to `average bat`.

      • KCI등재

        지지재 이상계의 <초당곡>·<인일가> 연구

        박영민 ( Park Yeong-min ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2015 고전문학과 교육 Vol.30 No.-

        이 연구는 지지재 이상계의 <초당곡>과 <인일가>를 작품론의 층위에서 분석함으로써 이상계의 현실 인식과 문학적 대응을 고찰하는 데에 목적을 둔다. 향촌사족 가사 이해의 편폭을 확장하는 토대를 마련하기 위함이다. 이상계는 장흥 벽지의 향촌사족으로서 적극적으로 가사를 창작, 향유한 인물이다. 젊은 시절에는 관직에 진출하여 가문의 영예를 지키고자 하였으나 그것이 녹록치 않아 좌절감을 맛보기도 하였다. 만년에는 지명(知命)의 깨달음을 바탕으로 스스로를 다스리고 문중을 이끌었다. 1808년 현재의 전라남도 장흥군 용산면 부용산 자락에 초당을 짓고 자연을 벗 삼아 살면서 <초당곡>과 <인일가>를 창작하였다. <초당곡>은 현달할 수 없어 좌절하고 슬퍼하던 화자가 자신의 깨달음에 기초하여 슬픔을 극복하고 자신을 회복하는 과정이 반영된 노래라고 할 수 있다. 자연을 완상하고 술을 마시며 신선의 풍류를 노래함으로써 적잖이 쌓여 있던 인생의 시름과 회포를 풀어내는, 술회와 치유의 문학이라는 것이다<인일가>는 향촌의 현실과 문중의 처지에 비추어 가문 윤리를 재정립하려 한 작품이라고 할 수 있다. 가문 안팎을 엄습한 현실 문제에 대응하기 위하여 사람답게 사는 방법을 묻고, 성인의 뜻이 담긴 오륜을 부연함으로써 가문 윤리를 구체적, 현실적으로 제시한 노래라는 것이다. 두 작품에는 이상계의 신분의식과 위기의식이 반영되어 있다. 전자의 경우에는 가난한 처지와 달라진 세태를 있는 그대로 받아들인바, 희석되어 나타나고 후자의 경우에는 향촌사회의 현실적 문제에 직면한바, 고조되어 나타난다. 이에 따라 가문으로 몰두하게 된 이상계는 가문으로 똘똘 뭉쳐 위기의 시대를 견디고자 하였던 듯하다. 자기 삶을 자손들의 반면교사로 제시함으로써 바람직한 삶의 양식을 마련하는 동시에 가문 윤리를 모색하고 처세 논리도 만들면서 문중을 단속하였다. 가문의 사활을 앞에 두고 살아남기 위한 절실한 대응으로 가사를 창작하였다고 할 것이다. 결론적으로 이상계는 신분의식을 내려놓되 위기의식을 견지하며 올바른 방향으로 가문을 이끌고자 한 지극히 인간적인 가장이라 할 수 있다. 나아가 두 작품은 18세기 향촌사족 가사의 명맥을 잇고 있으나, 이전과는 달라진 의식과 현실을 반영한, 그렇다고 19세기 현실비판 가사까지 나아가지는 못한, 그 사이에 위치하는 작품으로 이해된다. This paper aims to examine Jijijae(止止齋) Lee Sanggye(李商啓:1758~1822)’s perception of reality and literary reaction by analyzing his works, Chodanggok and Inilga. In doing so, it is expected to provide the bases for deeper understanding of ‘hyangchonsajok(鄕村士族: country aristocrat)’ gasa(歌辭). Lee Sanggye, one of ‘hyangchonsajok’, has actively involved in writing and reciting activities of ‘gasa’, living in the remote village of Jangheung(長興). Once, as a youngster, dreamt to be a successful official who can foster family’s honor but failed, he finally grasped the meaning of ‘understanding destiny(知命).’ After that, he has spent his latter days disciplining not only himself but the whole family members. In 1808, he built a thatched cottage at the foot of Booyoung mountain, Yongsanmyeon, Jangheunggun, and wrote Chodanggok and Inilga there, living in the nature. Chodanggok represents Lee’s emotional changes, moving from frustration caused by failing to be a high official to overcoming and recovering from the failure. That is, Chodanggok is a gasa which depicts and heals himself resolving accumulated sorrows and despairs, by enjoying the nature, drinks, and gaiety of hermit’s life. On the other hand, Inilga is a gasa that rebuilds a family's ethical morality, in accordance with the changing reality of his family and village. In other word, Inilga is a gasa which elaborates the detail of family ethics to face with the realities around his family, by asking a question regarding the attitude toward life and preaching Oryoun(五倫: five basic moralities). These two works also reflect Lee’s class consciousness and crisis awareness at the same time. The former, however, is presented faintly as he understood the nature of changing society. The latter, on the other hand, is showed strongly as he decided to confront with the problems aroused in the society he belongs to. Lee seems to overcome the social crisis throughout reinforcing family solidarity. Also he preached about the exemplary life to his descendants, even depicting himself as a bad model, to suggest a way to survive in the world. Therefore, his gasa works are created in the struggling process of finding ways for family survival. Conclusively, Lee Sanggye can be said as an a family head who gave up the class consciousness for family, while keeping crisis awareness to lead family into right tracks. Therefore, Lee’s two works can be positioned in between the continuum of 18th century ‘hyangchonsajok’ gasa and 19th century’s gasa which criticizes social reality, in terms of partially showing the transition of consciousness according to the changing society, but not containing sharp criticism to the social reality.

      • KCI등재

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