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      • KCI등재

        생태계위해성평가 기반 마련을 위한 한국 도입 외래 포유류 목록 구축

        박수곤,이도훈,Park, Su-Gon,Lee, Do-Hun 한국환경생물학회 2020 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구에서는 국내에 도입된 외래 포유류를 조사하여 생태계위해성평가와 외래생물 관리 데이터베이스 구축에 필요한 기초자료를 제시하고자 했다. 이를 위해 관상 목적으로 도입된 외래 포유류, 개인 간 거래되는 외래 포유류 등 사육 환경에서의 외래 포유류와 자연에 유입된 외래 포유류를 조사하여 한국에 도입된 외래 포유류 목록을 구축하였다. 한국에 도입된 외래 포유류는 총 163분류군으로 확인되었다. 관상 목적으로 도입된 외래 포유류는 11목 44과 139분류군, 개인 간 거래되는 외래 포유류는 5목 19과 28분류군, 자연생태계에 유입된 외래 포유류는 총 4목 7과 8분류군으로 나타났다. 국내 도입된 외래 포유류의 효과적인 관리를 위해서는 도입된 모든 종의 목록을 토대로 종별 개체수, 도입지역 등 기초적인 정보의 확보가 중요하다. 아울러, 자연생태계 유출 시 나타날 수 있는 생태계위해성에 대한 객관적 평가를 통해 잠재적인 위해 정도를 구분하고 이에 근거한 관리정책의 체계적 연계가 필요하다. 마지막으로, 국내 자연생태계에 유입된 Capra hircus, Cervus nippon taiouanus, Felis catus, Myocastor coypus, Ondatra zibethicus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Ovis aries, Rattus norvegicus 등 8분류군에 대해서는 확산 변화 양상에 관한 지속적인 모니터링과 서식 변화 수준에 따른 즉각적 대응체계 구축 등 국가 차원에서의 확산 제어 방안 마련이 시급히 요구된다. This study investigated the exotic mammals introduced to Korea to present the basic data necessary for ecological risk assessment and the establishment of an alien species management database. For this purpose, a list of alien mammals introduced to Korea was established by investigating alien mammals introduced for zoo exhibits purposes, alien mammals in breeding environments traded between individuals, and alien mammals introduced into nature. A total of 163 taxa were identified as alien mammals introduced to Korea. There were 139 taxonomic groups of ornamental alien mammals, including 11 orders, 44 families, 129 species and 10 subspecies; 28 taxonomic groups of alien mammals traded between individuals, including five orders and 19 families; and eight taxonomic groups of alien mammals introduced into nature, including four orders, seven families, seven species, and one subspecies. For the effective management of alien mammals introduced to Korea, it is important to collect basic information, such as a list of all species introduced, their populations, and introduced areas. It is also necessary to apply proactive management policies according to the degree of potential risk by preemptively evaluating the ecological risks that may arise from the introduction of alien species into natural ecosystems. For the eight taxonomic groups of Capra hircus, Cervus nippon taiouanus, Felis catus, Myocastor coypus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Ondatra zibethicus, Ovis aries, and Rattus norvegicus identified to be introduced into the natural ecosystem of Korea, the provision of proliferation control measures at the national level, continuous monitoring of changes in diffusion trends, and immediate response based on the degree of change are required.

      • KCI등재후보

        First Report of the Leopard Slug (Limax maximus), a New Alien Species in Republic of Korea

        박기범,김지희,박수곤(Su-gon Park),문창곤(Chang-gon Mun),김수환,조영호,박영준 국립생태원 2024 국립생태원회보(PNIE) Vol.5 No.2

        On August 21, 2023, the National Institute of Ecology reported the sighting of an invasive slug resembling Limax maximus Linnaeus, 1758. near Bambat Tree Frog Park, Suwon-si, Korea. This slug is known for its aggressiveness. Specimens were collected around the park and from nearby farms. Through barcoding analysis and sequence comparison, it was identified as L. maximus, confirming its presence in Republic of Korea, alongside two previously identified Limax species, Limax flavus Linnaeus, 1758 and Lehmannia marginatus O. F. Müller, 1774. This study represents the first documented report of L. maximus in the country.

      • KCI등재

        추나요법과 근막이완요법의 연소성 특발성 측만증 환자 3례에 대한 증례 보고

        조희근,이상영,한세혁,신준혁,박수곤,김민성,황춘호,박진우,성인형,정필선,설재욱,김대훈,최은실,Jo, Hee-Guen,Lee, Sang-Young,Han, Sae-Hyuk,Shin, Jun Hyuk,Park, Su-Gon,Kim, Min-Sung,Hwang, Choon-Ho,Park, Jin-Woo,Sung, In-Hyung,Jung, Pil-Sun,Sul, 척추신경추나의학회 2013 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Objectives: This report of three cases illustrates the potential effect of chuna therapy and myofascial release technique on back pain and curve regression in the at-risk, skeletally immature patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Methods: The correction program for scoliosis takes 3 month per case. Chuna Therapy and MRT were given once a week and other oriental medicine care was given twice a week to care the complications of scoliosis. The Cobb's angle(by X-ray, Full spine view) and Visual analogue scale(VAS) were evaluated before and after the treatments. Results: After the program, both of Cobb's angle and VAS decreased. Conclusion: Though it is a case report, we found Chuna Therapy and MRT might have valid effect on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. Further rigorous case series and controlled trials are warranted.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 큰발윗수염박쥐(Myotis macrodactylus)의 유전적 집단 구조와 계통 유연관계

        김유경(Yoo-Kyung Kim),박수곤(Su-Gon Park),한상훈(Sang-Hoon Han),한상현(Sang-Hyun Han),오홍식(Hong-Shik Oh) 한국생명과학회 2016 생명과학회지 Vol.26 No.7

        본 연구는 미토콘드리아 DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome B (CYTB)와 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) 유전자 서열의 다형성을 근거로 제주도 큰발윗수염박쥐 집단의 유전적 집단 구조와 계통 유연관계를 조사하는 데 목적이 있다. 동아시아 박쥐에서 CYTB 유전자 haplotype은 14개의 haplotype들이 발견되었고, ND1은 9개의 haplotype들이 발견되었다. 집단별 haplotype의 분포는 지역-특이적인 양상을 보였다. ND1 haplotype 분석결과에서 제주도 집단은 4개의 haplotype을 나타내고, 한라산 소집단과 서부지역 소집단은 3개 haplotype을 나타내었으나, 동부지역 소집단에서는 제주도 전체에서 공통으로 발견되는 1개(Nd03)의 haplotype만 출현하였다. NJ tree에서 제주도 집단은 강원도 집단보다 일본 집단과 더 근연으로 확인되었다. 중국과 일본의 모계선조 계보 사이의 분화 시점은 0.789±0.063 MYBP으로 추정되었고, 제주도와 일본의 모계선조는 약 17만 년(0.168±0.013 MYBP) 전에 분리된 것으로 판단된다. 제주도 집단은 적어도 5만 년 이전에 이주한 것으로 보인다. 또한 ND1 haplotype 분석결과는 제주도 집단이 이주 후에도 지역 내에서의 적어도 2회 이상의 유전적 분화를 겪었다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구결과는 동아시아 큰발윗수염박쥐의 계통 유연관계를 이해하는 데 중요한 기초자료가 될 것이며, 향후 한반도의 남부와 중국, 러시아 등에서 시료 확보를 통해 집단 간 진화적 상관관계를 이해하는 데 필요한 설득력 있는 자료가 마련되어야 할 것이다. This study was carried out to reveal the genetic population structure of the Jeju Island population and the phylogenetic relationship of East Asian populations of the large-footed bat (Myotis macrodactylus) based on the genetic polymorphisms of mitochondrial cytochrome B (CYTB) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) gene sequences. A total of fourteen and nine haplotypes were found in the CYTB and ND1 sequences from East Asian bats, respectively. Haplotype distribution showed locality specific patterns. The results from ND1 haplotype analysis showed that the Jeju Island population has four haplotypes: the Mt. Halla and Western subpopulations have three ND1 haplotypes, but the Eastern subpopulation has just a single haplotype Nd03, which is commonly found on this island. The neighbor-joining (NJ) tree showed the closer relationship between Jeju Island and Japan rather than that between Jeju and Gangwon-do Province. The divergence time between the maternal ancestor lineages of Japanese and Chinese populations was estimated to be 0.789±0.063 MYBP. The secondary divergence between Jeju and Japanese bats was calculated about to be 0.168±0.013 MYBP. The Jeju population has immigrated to the island at least fifty thousand years ago. In addition, ND1 haplotype analysis suggested that the insular bats have experienced at least two further genetic differentiation events within this island. Consequently, these findings suggested that the results of this study may play a critical role in understanding the phylogenetic relationship among East Asian bat populations of M. macrodactylus. To prepare more explainable information on evolutionary correlation, analysis is still required to examine using expanded samples from China, Russia, and southern parts of the Korean Peninsula.

      • 제주도에 분포하는 박쥐류 현황과 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐의 계통유연관계

        김유경 ( Yoo Kyung Kim ),박수곤 ( Su Gon Park ),김태욱 ( Tae Wook Kim ),박선미 ( Seon Mi Park ),한상현 ( Sang Hyun Han ),안근재 ( Keun Jae Ahn ),오홍식 ( Hong Shik Oh ),강경희 ( Kyung Hee Kang ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the bat (Chiroptera) fauna in Jeju Island. Bat distribution has been monitored for last eleven years (since July 2006 to April 2016). We visited and survey the bat distribution in fifteen natural lava tubes, three sea caves, nineteen artificial cave encampments constructed during 20th century, five natural forest regions nearby Hallasan (eco-corridors) and one sea-shore area. Bat specimens were also confirmed at two local museums in Jeju Island. From the present study, we found 9 species of 6 genera belong to 3 families, which was quitely different from the records had previously described in Jeju Island since 1928. Five species (Rhinolophus ferrumequium, Myotis bombinus, Myotis rufoniger, Myotis macrodactylus and Miniopterus schreibersi) were commonly found to live in lava tubes and cave enforcements. But only Rhinolophus ferrumequium was found in a sea cave and five species including Murina leucogaster and Pipistrellus abramus were found in eco-corridors. Myotis aurascens were only observed in the cave enforcements. We have also confirmed the existence of specimens, including Tadarida insignis, stored at the local museums. From the results of this study, we actually could not found the remaining seven species (Hypsugo savii, Miniopterus fuscus, Myotis mystacinus, Myotis ikonnikovi, Myotis branditii, Myotis petax and Pipistrellus endoi). From the investigation of bat species, Myotis rufoniger which is known as one of endangered species were detected in four different locations including two lava tubes, one forest region, and one cave enforcement. This is the first time of finding for Myotis rufoniger in the artificial architecture. In addition, one of rare finding species Myotis bombinus in Korean Peninsula, which were found in several lava tubes and cave enforcements, in some cases they were observed in the large population over one-hundred individuals. The Tube-nosed bat (Murina leucogaster) was discovered for the first time through this study in 2009, which was found in the mountainous forest regions nearby Hallasan in summer season. Interestingly, Myotis aurascens were also discovered firstly in spring season of 2015. Myotis aurascens were discovered three locations of cave enforcements but the localities were restricted only in the western region of Jeju Island. Using the bat specimens fo Myotis aurascens collected from three different locations, we tried to examine the morphometric and phylogenetic relationship among the records in the East Asia. The bat population of Jeju Island had smaller levels of HBL and Hfcu, but greater levels of TL, EL, FAL, and Tra than those of the Korean Peninsula population. Jeju bats had wide range in the lengths of FAL and Hfcu comparing to those of European bats. From the bimonthly monitoring to each finding site, we have actually failed to observe those again, estimating that they use those CEs as the daily-roosting place in activating seasons. The sequences of CYTB and COI genes showed identical sequences among Jeju Myotis aurascens bats tested, indicating that they are maternally related. The results from molecular phylogeny showed that the sequences of these bats located on the same branch with those for Myotis aurascens in the phylogenetic trees. Besides, the nucleotide sequences of the Jeju Myotis aurascens bats showed the closest relation with those of Korean Peninsula. Consequently, these findings indicate that the bats of Myotis aurascens, verified the natural distribution in Jeju Island, have originated from a single maternal origin and differences in morphological and genetic backgrounds form those of Korean Peninsula and the other countries, and had probably immigrated via Korean Peninsula from the northwest. The results of this study showed that it should be carried out to reconstruct the bat fauna and to reveal the natural habitation status of each species in this island in the future. In addition, these findings will contribute as basic information for understanding the migration history and biogeographic relationship of bats in East Asia, and for planning the conservation and management programs of the wildlife in Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        제주도에서 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐(Myotis aurascens)의 분포 현황 및 계통 유연관계

        김유경(Yoo-Kyung Kim),박수곤(Su-Gon Park),김태욱(Tae-Wook Kim),박준호(Jun-Ho Park),프라딥 아디카리(Pradeep Adhikari),김가람(Ga-Ram Kim),박선미(Seon-Mi Park),이준원(Jun-Won Lee),한상현(Sang-Hyun Han),오홍식(Hong-Shik Oh) 한국생명과학회 2015 생명과학회지 Vol.25 No.12

        본 연구는 제주도 서식이 명확히 확인되지 않았던 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐(M. aurascens)의 분포 현황과 계통 유연관계를 조사하기 위하여 수행되었다. 제주도 남서부의 진지동굴 3개 지역에서 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐 무리가 관찰되었다. 형태형질에 대한 비교결과에서 제주도 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐는 한반도 집단에 비해 HBL과 Hfu는 짧고, TL, EL, FAL, Tra는 더 길었다. 제주도 집단의 FAL, Hfcu는 유럽 집단보다 더 넓은 크기 변이를 나타내었다. 서식장소에 대한 주기적인 방문조사 결과, 같은 장소에서 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐들이 재확인이 되지 않았고, 이는 해안과 내륙의 진지동굴을 활동기 동안에 일간 휴식처로 이용하는 것으로 추정되었다. 본 연구에서 이용된 모든 제주도 박쥐들에서 두 가지 유전자(CYTB, COI)의 염기서열들이 모두 동일하게 나타나, 이들이 모두 동일한 모계의 후손들로 추정되었다. 분자 유전학적 연구결과는 제주도 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐의 서열들이 계통수 상에서 기존에 유럽과 아시아의 M. aurascens 서열들과 동일한 분지에 있었다. 뿐만 아니라, 제주도 집단에서 얻은 염기서열들은 한반도에서 보고된 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐의 서열과 가장 근연인 것으로 확인되었다. 결과적으로 본 연구를 통해 제주도에서 자연서식이 확인된 대륙쇠큰수염박쥐들은 모두 동일한 모계선조에서 기원하였고, 한반도나 다른 지역 집단들과는 형태적, 유전적으로 다른 배경을 보유하고 있어, 한반도를 경유하여 제주도로 이주해 온 집단으로 판단된다. 이상의 결과는 향후 제주도 포유동물의 유입경로와 생물지리학적 상관관계를 이해하는 데 있어 중요한 기초자료가 될 것이다. This study was aimed to investigate the distribution status and phylogenetic relationship of Myotis aurascens in Jeju Ialnd, which has not clearly confirmed until now. We found three groups of M. aurascens from three different cave enforcements (CEs). The bat population of Jeju Island had smaller levels of HBL and Hfcu, but greater levels of TL, EL, FAL, and Tra than those of the Korean Peninsula population. Jeju bats had wide range in the lengths of FAL and Hfcu comparing to those of European bats. From the bimonthly monitoring to each finding site, we have actually failed to observe those again, estimating that they use those CEs as the daily-roosting place in activating seasons. The sequences of CYTB and COI genes showed identical sequences among Jeju bats tested, indicating that they are maternally related. The results from molecular phylogeny showed that the sequences of these bats located on the same branch with those for M. aurascens in the phylogenetic trees. Besides, the nucleotide sequences of the Jeju bats showed the closest relation with that of Korean Peninsula. Consequently, these findings indicate that the bats of M. aurascens, verified the natural distribution in Jeju Island, have originated from a single maternal origin and differences in morphological and genetic backgrounds form those of Korean Peninsula and the other countries, and had probably immigrated via Korean Peninsula. These findings will contribute as basic information for understanding the migration history and biogeographic relationship of mammals on Jeju Island in East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        사향쥐(Ondrtra cuniculus)의 정착 및 서식지 이용에 관한 연구

        김영채,홍선희,이창우,김아름,박희복,박수곤,김민한,이도훈,Kim, Young-Chae,Hong, Sun Hee,Lee, Changwoo,Kim, Areum,Park, Heebok,Park, Su-Gon,Kim, Minhan,Lee, Do-Hun 한국환경생물학회 2020 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 침입종 사향쥐의 국내 자연생태계 정착 여부를 확인하였다. 아울러 관리전략 수립과 현장 관리에 필수적인 관리대상지역과 기초적인 행동특성 정보, 서식지 이용에 관한 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 해외의 사향쥐 관리 동향을 파악하여 정착 단계에 따른 관리 방향을 검토하였다. 그리고 국내 72개 사육농가의 위치정보를 확보하였고, 실태조사를 통해 경기도, 충청남도, 경상북도, 세종특별자치시 소재 5개 지역을 자연 유출 가능성이 높은 지역으로 제시하였다. 또한, 2016년부터 2018년까지 3년간 동일 지점에 서식하는 개체를 모니터링하였다. 2018년 모니터링 지역에서 포획한 개체의 연령이 1.2년생으로 확인되었으며, 2012년 이후 해당지역에 추가적인 개체 보충이 없었다는 사실에 근거하여 국내 자연생태계에 사향쥐가 정착한 것으로 판단하였다. 국내 자연에 정착한 사향쥐는 0.0027 ㎢ (MCP 95%)의 작은 행동권을 나타내었으며, 봄철과 가을철 규칙적인 이동성을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 사향쥐의 서식이 관찰된 지역은 서식환경의 교란이 높게 발생한 지역이었으며, 사향쥐의 흔적 출현 빈도는 부엽식물과 부유식물의 생육이 왕성한 개방수역과 개체의 은신처로 활용 가능한 습생목본 식생유형에서 높게 확인되어 이들의 생태적 특성과 섭식 습성이 그대로 반영되었다. 국제적인 침입종 사향쥐가 국내 생태계에 정착하였고, 향후 확산이 우려되는 만큼 정부 차원의 선제적 대응과 과학적 관리를 위한 필수 자료 구축이 검토될 필요가 있다. This study was conducted to determine whether invasive muskrats settle in the natural ecosystem of Korea. The study also aimed to provide information on the selection of target areas, basic behavioral characteristics, and habitat use-related data, all of which are essential for effective management strategy establishment and site management. To this end, a trend in international muskrat management was identified to examine the management direction according to the settlement stage. We also secured the location of 72 domestic farmers and classified five regions in Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Sejong Special Self-governing City into regions with high potential for natural leakage to raise the need for a quick survey. We determined that muskrats successfully settled in the natural ecosystem of Korea, based on the fact that we consistently identified a muskrat habitat at the same point for three years, from 2016 to 2018, the age of the captured population was estimated to be 1.2 years, and there had been no additional make-up factors near the habitat since 2012. The muskrats that settled in Korea showed a small home range of 0.0027 ㎢ (MCP 95%) and were estimated to show regular mobility before Spring and Autumn. Also, the areas where the muskrat habitat was observed had a high level of habitat environment disturbance and their ecological and food intake characteristics reflected that disturbance. Muskrat traces were high in hydrophyte vegetation, which can be used as a hideout in open waters and where the growth of both floating leaved plants and floating plants are prevalent. Since international invasive muskrats have already settled in the domestic ecosystem and there is concern about their proliferation in the future, the government must consider a preemptive response and scientific management.

      • KCI등재후보

        운문산의 포유류상

        김태욱 ( Tae Wook Kim ),김병수 ( Byoung Su Kim ),장민호 ( Min Ho Chang ),박수곤 ( Su Gon Park ),한상현 ( Sang Hyun Han ),오홍식 ( Hong Shik Oh ) 한국환경생물학회 2013 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구는 경상북도 청도군 운문산 자연휴식년제 지역 일대의 포유류상을 밝히기 위해 2007년 12월부터 2009년 9월까지 수행되었다. 조사결과 6목 11과 24종의 포유류의 서식을 확인하였다. 우점종으로는 고라니 Hydropotes inermis, 다람쥐 Tamias sibiricus, 두더지 Mogera wogura, 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 Apodemus peninsulae 등이었다. 특히, 천연기념물(NM)과 환경부지정 멸종위기종(ES)인 하늘다람쥐(Pteromys volans; NM #328, ES II급), 수달(Lutra lutra; NM #330, ES I급), 삵 (Prionailurus bengalensis; ES II급), 담비 (Martes flavigula; ES II급) 등 법적보호종 4종이 발견되었다. 다양한 포유류 종과 법적보호종의 서식에 대한 지리적 분포를 확인한 이 결과는 조사지역이 포유류의 서식에 필요한 자연생태계의 매우 양호한 조건을 갖추고 있는 지역임을 반영한다. 반면, 관리동물 종으로 지정된 들고양이가 다수 관찰되었다. 운문산 자연 생태계의 건전한 유지와 생태계 위해 동물의 관리 방안을 마련하기 위해서는 지속적이고 장기적인 연구조사가 필요하다. This study investigated mammal fauna in the sabbatical area of Mt. Unmun, Kyungsangbuk-do from December, 2007 to September, 2009. A total of 24 species belonging to 11 Families, 6 Orders, were identified in the survey area. Dominant species were as follows: Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis), Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus), Korean mole (Mogera wogura), and East Asian field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae). Especially, four Legal Protection Species specified as National Monument (NM) and Endangered Species (ES) found in this survey were as follows: Flying squirrel (Petromys volans; NM #328 and ES level II), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra; NM #330 and ES level I), Leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis; ES level II) and Marten (Martes flavigula; ES level II). These results on the geographical distribution of various mammal species and Legal Protection Species indicate that this area is a valuable ecosystem for native mammal species. On the other hand, many feral cats were also found and specified as a management species. The results of this study show that further long-term investigation and management plan are needed to protect against harmful species and maintain the native ecosystem of Mt. Unmun.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        요추 추간판 탈출증의 한의학적 치료와 슬링운동 병행 치료 효과

        양미성 ( Mi Sung Yang ),강대희 ( Dae Hee Kang ),기영범 ( Young Bum Ki ),박수곤 ( Su Gon Park ),조희근 ( Hee Geun Cho ),최진봉 ( Jin Bong Choi ),설재욱 ( Jae Uk Sul ),김선종 ( Sun Jong Kim ) 경락경혈학회 2010 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.27 No.4

        Objectives: Herniated lumbar intervertebral disc is common reason causing back pain. Lumbar stabilization exercise prevent back pain recurrence by strengthening lumbar muscles. Sling Exercise Therapy(SET) is a system for spinal muscle stabilization and strengthening using fixed string and mobile band. The purpose of this study is to investigate and measure the effectiveness of SET and oriental medicine for Herniated lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods: The subjects for this study are 40 patients suffering from Herniated lumbar intervertebral disc in our clinic. They were measured and compared by Visual Analogue Scale(VAS), 4 grades of recovery degree and sex, age, period of disease, disc herniation type, times of exercise. Results: In the above index, the score(VAS, 4 grades of recovery degree) improved after treatments. But they make no difference between sex, age, period of disease, disc herniation type and times of exercise. Conclusions: These results suggest that SET may be used for Herniated lumbar intervertebral disc for pain management and muscle strengthening as an essential treatment regardless of sex, age, period of disease and disc herniation type.

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