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      • KCI등재

        도시공원 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사에 따른 체감열 특성 평가

        박선영(Park, Sun-Young),주진희(Ju, Jin-Hee),윤용한(Yoon, Young-Han) 한국도시설계학회 2009 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 청주시에 위치한 도시공원을 대상으로 기온·습도ㆍ풍향ㆍ풍속 및 산소 등 여름철 도시공원이 내포하고 있는 열섬저감효과를 실측하고, 근린주민을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 체감열에 대한 의식조사를 수행하였다. 이에 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사의 결과를 비교·검토하여 근린주민의 체감의식까지 수용된 실측결과를 바탕으로 실제 공원의 배치 및 식재설계 등 계획에 입안할 수있는 기초자료를 제공함을 목적으로 한다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 공원 주변의 기온저감효과와 영향범위, 공원의 쾌적감, 냉량감 및 청정감 등의 항목에서 기온의 실측데이터와 주민의식조사를 비교한 결과, 풍향을 중심으로 풍상측과 풍하측을 구분한 실측 및 의식조사의 결과를 제외하고 공원의 규모가 클수록, 공원으로의 거리가 가까워질수록 거주하는 근린주민은 쾌적감을 느낀다고 응답하였다. 따라서, 도시공원에 대한 열섬현상 완화를 고려해 같은 규모의 공원일 경우, 분산 배치하는 것이 좋으나 공원규모가 클수록 풍하측 기온저감의 영향범위가 넓어지는 경향을 나타내 공원 규모의 확대가 중요함을 보여주고 있다. This study has investigated the air temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind velocity and oxygen in urban parks in Cheong-ju. Heat-island temperature decrease effect in urban parks during summer was measured, and the sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents was investigated through a questionnaire survey. Based on the actual results after comparatively analyzing the measurement of thermal environment and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents, basic data are presented to elaborate on the urban development plans such as for park placement and planting design. The study result showed that neighborhood residents felt greater comfort sensation when they are closely located to a larger park. When actual temperature data and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents were compared in terms of temperature decrease effect and extent, comfort sensation, coldness sensation, and cleanliness sensation, similar results were observed in almost all categories except for wind direction which was divided into windward and leeward. Therefore, the significance of this paper is that its results can be used to elaborate realistic and practical park development and management plans in green network and resident’s use of parks.

      • KCI등재

        유신체제와 국가의 유사종교화 : 대통령 탄핵 사태의 이해를 위한 시론(試論)

        박선영(Park, Sun Young) 한국동양정치사상사학회 2020 한국동양정치사상사연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 논문은 유신체제에 대한 이해의 지평을 넓히지 않으면 박근혜 대통령 탄핵 사태의 역사적 맥락을 정확히 인식하기 어렵다는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 유신체제에 대한 한국 학계의 해석은 “독재자의 장기집권을 위한 체제”였다는 시각이 여전히 주류를 이루고 있다. 그러나 우리는 2017년 전대미문의 대통령 탄핵 사태와 그 배경에 대한 이해를 위해서도 이제까지와는 다른 시각으로 지난 유신체제의 정신사적 의미를 고찰해 볼 필요가 있다. 한국의 유신체제는 그 이름만이 일본의 유신에서 유래한 것이 아니라, 일본의 유신이 지향했던 천황제 국가주의를 통한 근대화와 그것을 가능하게 만든 일본적 ‘시민종교’를 본뜨는 형태로 추진되었다. 그러나 국가신도와 결합한 일본의 시민종교에 필적하는 것을 한국은 자신의 전통 속에서 소환할 수 없었다. 따라서 국가 주도의 새마음운동과 같은 시민종교 창출을 위한 시도는 국가주의를 위한 유사종교의 형태로 추진되었고, 그러한 구조 속에서 지난 대통령 탄핵 사태에서 논란이 된 박 전대통령의 통치 스타일과 인간관계가 배태되었던 것이다. This thesis explores the impeachment of President Park, Geun-hye in the context of the Yushin System in the 70’s in terms of its political spiritual core. Up to the present, the mainstream understanding of the Korean academia is that the Yushin system existed for the only one person and there was not much diversity in its interpretation of it for the reason of political correctness. For better understanding of the unprecedented impeachment of President Park, it is necessary to delve into the spiritual core of the Yushin System from a new perspective. The Korean Yushin System does not only get its name from the Japanese Meiji Yushin, but also pursued the Japanese emperor system with the Shinto as its state religion which was widely accepted and practiced among Japanese people as civil religion. Korean, on the other hand, was deprived of this religious practice in the state level. Therefore, the Saemaeum movement of this period had a characteristic of pseudo-religion and can be understood in the context of a civil religion, comparable to Japanese Shinto, to form a strong nationalistic ideology. The former President Park’s private associates and her style in governance can be understood in this context, causing scandals that led to the impeachment.

      • Articulation Patterns of Children who Developed Articulation Disorders Associated with Ankyloglossia

        박선영(Sun-Young Park),심선희(Sun-Hee Shim),장은실(Eun-Sil Jang),엄태훈(Tae-Hoon Eom),김영훈(Young-Hoon Kim),이순주(Soon-Ju Lee) 대한소아신경학회 2013 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        목 적 : 설소대와 조음장애의 관련성과 설소대 환아에서 조음장애 유무를 감별하는데 필요한 임상지침을 제시하기 위해 조음장애를 동반한 설소대 환아의 조음양상의 특징을 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 2002년 1월부터 2012년 12월까지 의정부성모병원 소아청소년과 외래를 방문한 124명의 환아 중 설소대를 제외한 다른 조음기관의 해부학적 이상, 신경학적 질환이나 발달/언어지연을 가진 46명의 환아를 제외한 총 78명을 설소대 유무에 따라 각각 환자군 23명과 대조군 55명으로 나누어 그림자음검사를 통해 조음양상을 비교분석하였다. 결 과 : 두 군에서 조음오류를 보인 자음유형에 따라 집계한 각 환자수는 연구개비음의 경우에만 차이를 보였다. 하지만 자음유형에 따른 조음오류의 환자별 관찰빈도수의 총합은 양순파열음, 연구개파열음과 연구개비음에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 조음오류의 변화유형에 따라 집계한 환자수는 두 군에서 차이를 보이지 않았다. 하지만 조음변화 유형에 따른 환자별 관찰빈도수의 총합은 환자군에서 전설음화와 마찰음화가 낮게 관찰되었고, 경음화와 격음화과 높게 관찰되었다. 결 론 : 본 연구를 통해 설소대를 동반한 조음장애 환아의 일부에서 해부학적 이상을 동반하지 않은 기능적 조음장애 환아와 구별되는 특징을 보이는 결과를 관찰할 수 있었지만, 이를 설소대를 동반한 모든 조음장애 환아로 일반화할 수는 없었다. 따라서 설소대와 조음장애의 관련성은 여전히 논란의 여지가 있으며, 또한 수술적 치료를 포함한 설소대 치료를 결정하는데 주의를 기울여야 할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose : We investigated articulation patterns in children with ankyloglossia who developed articulation disorders in order to determine the relationship between ankyloglossia and articulation disorders, and to clinically detect children who have articulation disorders associated with ankyloglossia. Methods : The participants of this study were 23 children with articulation disorders that accompanied ankyloglossia and 55 controls with functional articulation disorders independent of anatomical problems, who were admitted to our hospital from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2012. All children underwent speech-language pathologic evaluation using the Picture Consonant Articulation Test (PCAT; Young-Tae Kim, 1994). We retrospectively compared collected data between the subject and control groups using Fisher's exact test and odds ratio tests with a 95% confidential interval for categorical variables and the independent Mann-Whitney U-test for continuous variables. Results : The number of patients with articulation errors in the velar nasal was lower significantly only in the subject group (P =0.038). The total numbers of articulation errors in the bilabial plosive, velar plosive and velar nasal also were lower (P=0.007, P˂0.001, and P=0.034, respectively). There were no differences in the numbers of patients with articulation errors according to phonological changes between the two groups. However, the total numbers of fronting and frication were lower in the subject group (both P˂0.001), but the total numbers of plosivation and tensing were higher (P =0.002 and P =0.008, respectively). Conclusion : This study showed that the relationship between an articulation disorder and ankyloglossia is doubtful, although some results suggest that ankyloglossia may cause articulation errors only in certain individuals. Therefore, clinicians should be careful when determining the relationship between ankyloglossia and articulation disorders and use caution when making a treatment decision.

      • KCI등재

        박목월의 후기시에 나타난 죽음의식의 은유체계

        박선영(Park, Sun-Young) 한국문학회 2009 韓國文學論叢 Vol.52 No.-

        본고의 목적은 흐루쇼브스키의 지시틀 이론을 활용하여 박목월의 후기시집 『경상도의 가랑잎』, 『사력질』, 『무순』에 나타나는 죽음의식이 어떠한 은유적 의미체계 속에서 시적 의미를 생성하는지 밝히고, 이를 통해 드러나는 그의 인식의 확장과 갱신을 밝히는 것이다. 2장에서는 박목월의 후기시에 나타나는 죽음의식에 공기적 해체 은유가 형성되고 있음을 논의하였다. 그의 시 <시간>, <적가>, <청파동> 등에서는 ‘물기’의 증발에 의한 해체를 통하여 죽음의식이 형상화되고 있으며, 그의 시 <무제>, <이별가>, <도포 한 자락> 등에서는 ‘바람’의 흩음에 의한 해체를 통하여 죽음의식이 구체화되고 있다. 3장에서는 그의 후기시에 나타나는 죽음의식에 사물적 해체 은유가 형성되고 있음을 논의하였다. 그의 시 <수안보까지>, <회색의 새>, <나의 자시> 등에는 죽음의식이 다소 소극적으로 드러나고 있는 반면, 그의 시 <얼굴>, <눈썹·B>, <액> 등에는 죽음의식이 보다 적극적으로 표출되면서 허무감이 형성되고 있다. 이처럼 박목월의 후기시에는 공기적 해체 은유와 사물적 해체 은유가 형성되어 죽음의식이 구체화되고 있다. 그의 시에는 다층적인 지시틀에 의해 은유가 형성되어 다의적인 죽음의식을 생성하면서 긴장성을 확보하고 있다. 이러한 다양한 층위로의 의미론적 변용은 그의 인식의 창조성을 잘 보여준다. This study is to explore in what metaphoric meaning system the perception of death in Park Mok-wol's late period poetry 『Fallen Leaves in Gyeongsang Province』, 『Pebbles』, and 『Randomness』 generates poetic meanings by employing Hrushovski's theory of frame of reference and unveil his perceptual expansion and renewal discovered through this process. The second chapter discusses that perception of death shown in his late period poems is characterized by metaphors on atmospheric dissolution. His poems such as <Time>, <The Ode of Mourning>, <Cheongpa-dong> embody the perception of death through the dissolution of entity by means of the evaporation of moisture, while his other poems like <Untitled>, <A Song of Paring>, and <A Train of His Robe> materialize the awareness of death via materials being scattered by the wind. The third chapter discusses that the perception of death appeared in his late period poems is described by metaphors on material dissolution. For example, his poems <To Reach Suanbo>, <A Grey Bird>, and <My Middle Of The Night> somewhat passively express the perception of death, while other poems <A Face>, <Eyebrows. B>, and <A Frame> describe a sense of emptiness by actively revealing the perception of death. In short, Park's late period poetry shows his perception of death through metaphors related to aerial and material dissolutions. His poetry forms metaphor via various levels of frames of reference, generating multiple perceptions of death and thereby maintaining tension. The semantic transformation at various levels showcases the creativity of his perception.

      • KCI등재

        박목월 초기시의 공간 은유

        박선영(Park, Sun-young),박슬기(토론자) 숭실대학교 한국문학과예술연구소 2010 한국문학과 예술 Vol.5 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 흐루쇼브스키의 은유 이론을 활용하여 박목월의 초기시집 『청록집』, 『산도화』에 나타난 시적 공간이 어떠한 은유체계 속에서 기독교적 초월성을 생성하는지 밝히고, 이를 통해 드러나는 그의 인식의 확장과 미학적 갱신을 조명하는 것이다. 우선 2장에서는 박목월의 초기시에 나타난 자연 공간의 인간화에 대하여 논의하였다. 박목월 초기시의 자연은 이상세계를 표상하며 이는 실현 불가능한 ‘머언’ 거리감을 지니고 있다. 그는 이 거리감을 없애고 자연과 합일하기 위하여 초월을 지향하는데 이것은 외부세계가 내면화되는 양상으로 드러나고 있다. 그리고 3장에서는 그의 초기시에 나타난 인간 공간의 자연화에 대하여 논의하였다. 이것은 내부세계가 외면화되는 양상으로 드러나고 있다. 이처럼 박목월 초기시에는 자연 공간의 인간화, 인간 공간의 자연화라는 은유 양상을 통하여 시적 의미와 긴장이 생성되고 있다. 그의 초기시의 시적 공간에는 다소 단순한 은유적 의미망이 형성되고 있음에도 불구하고 은유가 초기시의 의미를 창조하는 중요한 시적 원리로 작용하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. The purposes of this study are to explore in what metaphoric system the poetic space in Park Mok-Wol’s early period poetry 『Cheong-rog-jib(靑鹿集))』, 『San-do-wha(山桃花)』 generates the Christian transcendence by employing Hrushovski’s theory of metaphor and to explain his perceptual expansion and esthetic renewal through this process. In chapter two, the humanization of natural space shown in Park Mok-Wol’s early period poetry is discussed. The Nature in his early period poetry represents an ideal world and it seems to be impossible to realize. Park Mok-Wol directs transcendence to unite with the Nature by reducing the impossibility and it is expressed with internalization of outside world. In chapter three, the naturalization of human space shown in his early period poetry is discussed. It is expressed with externalization of inside world. In short, in Park Mok-Wol’s early period poetry poetic meaning and tension are generated by the metaphoric systems, the humanization of natural space and the naturalization of human space. Although somewhat simple metaphoric meaning systems are generated in the poetic space of his early period poetry, metaphor is the important poetic principal that creates the meaning of his early period poetry.

      • KCI등재

        박목월의 후기시에 나타난 초월성의 은유 미학

        박선영(Park Sun-young) 우리말글학회 2009 우리말 글 Vol.46 No.-

        This study is to explore in what metaphoric system the Christian transcendence in Park Mok-wol's late period poem 『The Big and Soft Hands』 generates poetic meanings by employing Hrushovski's theory of frame of reference and examine his esthetic renewal unveiled through this process. The second chapter discusses metaphor of visionary life that appears in Park Mok-wol's poems. His poems embody transcendence through visionary experience by the direct revelation of God. It materializes vitality infinitely expanding via vertical and horizontal expansions. The third chapter discusses metaphor of paradoxical awakening in his poems. His poetry unveils paradoxes by identifying the death of ego with a new life. This realizes transcendent awakening as “Emptiness” by the death of ego interacts with and merges with “Refreshment” by the divine life. In the fourth chapter, metaphor of omnipresent divinity in his poetry is discussed. Park's poems written in the late period embody direct transcendence by the divine omnipresence. He materializes the omnipresent divinity as he forms various frames of reference. In short, Park's late period poetry 『The Big and Soft Hands』 realizes transcendence using various metaphors related with visionary life, paradoxical awakening and omnipresent divinity. His poems create poetic meanings and tension by combining various frames of reference in metaphoric relations, and thereby reveal his perceptual expansion and aesthetic renewal.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 초 국립영화제작소의 `문화`와 `영화`: 군사정권의 공보정책과 문화영화

        박선영 ( Sun Young Park ) 이화사학연구소 2017 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.54

        This paper was focused on films that promoted “culture” among “culture films” produced during the military rule period between coup on May 16, 1961 and the beginning of Park Chung-hee administration in December, 1963. Culture films during this time were official films produced by the National Film Production Center under the first Korean film legislation enacted in Korea since its liberation from the Japanese rule. Produced around the time when Taehan News and culture films were mandatorily screened before every feature film was shown in theaters, these culture films had to be in line with public information policies of the military regime. However, public information goals and policies faithfully reproduced in films faced moments of unexpected criticism. During that time, the military regime established detailed and effective public information policies to justify the coup and the regime`s rise to power. It utilized “culture” in various ways to this end. First, the regime attracted international cultural events to Korea to promote the legitimacy of its rule as well as the cultural nature of the regime to foreign nations. Second, the military regime attempted to boost domestic demand through industrial expos. It also attempted to engrave the image of positive “development” in Korean people`s minds by displaying industrial spectacles of modernization at expos. Third, the regime planned and held cultural events such as folk culture festivals to develop “tradition.” Through festivals honoring military figures in Korean history such as Yi Sun-shin and Chungnyol-gong (Lord of Loyalty and Righteousness), the regime attempted to link the history of Korean people to the story of the military regime. These cultural events were featured in films and showed in screens of theaters. They were used to instill the military regime`s public information goals in masses. Interestingly, cultural events that were hurriedly put together around that time seemed to have been created in order for Korea to attract “foreign currency.” The title “Tourism Korea” was born a result of the interest of the United States and South Korea`s military regime to increase Korea`s economics. To acquire foreign currency, the military regime reorganized infrastructure, implemented legislations, repaired tour routes, operated tourist hotels, and levied amusement taxes. Then also developed various cultural products. Invitation to Korea (1963) was a cultural film that embodied intentions of the military regime. The synopsis of the film was focused on inviting Smith, a fictional American who had fought in the Korean War, and his wife to Korea and giving them a tour of the country. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this film contained everything the military regime readied for “foreign” tourists. The film featured cultural products of “Tourism Korea,” including local cultural festivals such as Shilla Festival and Namwon`s Chunhyang Festival, hotels such as state-run Bando Hotel and others in Hwach`on and Sogwipo, Jeju Island, a nightclub at Walker Hill Hotel which was opened in January 1963, sex tourism, and more. One thing that is worthy of note is that while the film introduces a tour course for an American couple, it summons “Koreans living abroad” by directly addressing them in the second person. In the end, this film was actually a message to Koreans living abroad, particularly those living in Japan, since the military regime needed their wealth. Therefore, films suggesting folk culture festivals began to emerge in Korea in 1962. They were developed as “traditional cultural products” to bring in foreign currency. It also paints a black picture of the future of “Tourism Korea” by commercializing women through the promotion of sensual female dancers and sex tourism which, became major parts of Korean tourism during Park Chung-hee administration.

      • KCI등재

        박두진 수석시편의 여성화 양상 고찰

        박선영 ( Park Sun-young ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2017 어문론총 Vol.72 No.-

        돌의 세계에 매료된 박두진 시인의 후기 시작(詩作)은 돌과의 지극한 사랑 속에서 이루어진다. 돌밭을 순례하며 고독 속에서 빚어낸 수석시편은 시인의 독자적인 시정신이 집약되어 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. 그런데 박두진의 시 연구는 주로 초기시에 편중되었으며 후기에 발표한 수석시편에는 주력하지 못하였다. 또한 그의 수석시가 은유적 사유에 근거해 있음에도 불구하고 기존의 연구는 대부분 상징이나 알레고리 차원에서 검토되었다. 따라서 본고는 박두진 시인이 수석에 천착한 이후 처음으로 출간한 시집 『수석열전』의 시편을 대상으로, `돌`의 표상성 너머에서 전개되는 은유적 의미의 증폭과 긴장의 심화 양상을 탐색하는 데 목적을 두었다. 특히 본고에서는 박두진의 『수석열전』에 나타나는 여성화된 돌의 이중적 의미 변주에 집중하였다. 수석시에서 여성화된 돌은 초월적 존재와 미적 존재로 전이되는 가운데 시인의 절망적 한계 인식과 에로스의 추구가 구현되고 있다. 이를 통해 인간의 존재론적인 문제와 결부된 `돌`이 상징에서 은유로 이행되면서 의미의 세계가 확장되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 흐루쇼브스키의 은유이론을 활용하여 수석시의 은유 양상을 분석한 이 글은 돌에 응집되어 있는 시인의 다층적인 사유의 결과 미감을 도출해냈다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. Poet Park Du-jin`s poetry written in the latter period of his career was the result of his long-lasting fascination with stones. Produced in solitude while walking on these stones, his poetry on Suseok or viewing stones is significant in that it reveals the essence of his independent poetic spirit. However, studies on his poetry were mainly focused on poems written during the earlier period of his career, rather than the latter. In addition, despite the fact that his Suseok poetry is based on his metaphorical thinking, most of the existing studies were limited to exploring symbols and allegory. For these reasons, this paper intends to analyze the aspects of metaphorical meaning extension, and the intensifying tension which are developed beyond the representation of stones in relation to Park`s “Suseok-yeoljean,” of which was the first to be published since he began pursuing viewing stones. This paper particularly focuses on dual meanings of stones personified as feminine in his Suseok poems. Stones expressed as female figures in the poetry embody his awareness of desperate limitedness as well as the pursuit of eros as they further transformed into transcendental and aesthetic beings. As the representation of stones associated with the ontological issues of human beings shifted from symbol to metaphor through this process, their meanings extended. Analyzing metaphorical aspects of his Suseok poems with Hrushovski`s metaphor theory, this study is meaningful in that it derives its `texture` and aesthetic sense from the poet`s multi-layered thinking reflected in stones.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 발달지연 자녀와 일반 자녀를 둔 어머니의 행복과 불행에 대한 연구

        박선영 ( Sun Young Baak ),박영신 ( Young Shin Park ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2015 교육문화연구 Vol.21 No.6

        본 연구의 주된 목적은 발달지연 자녀와 일반 자녀 어머니의 행복과 불행을 규명하는데 있다. 분석대상은 총 1,294명(발달지연 자녀 어머니: 571, 일반 자녀 어머니: 723)이었다. 측정도구는 박영신(2015)이 제작한 행복 질문지였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정생활에서 행복할 때는 두 집단 모두 가족과 함께 할 때였다. 둘째, 가장 행복할 때로는 두 집단 모두 가족과 함께 함, 가정의 화목이었고, 그 다음으로 발달지연 자녀 어머니는 자녀출산과 성장, 일반 자녀 어머니는 항상 행복함이라고 했다. 셋째, 행복하기 위해 해야 할 일로 두 집단 모두 자기조절을 지적했다. 그 다음으로 발달지연 자녀 어머니는 긍정적 사고, 일반 자녀 어머니는 가정화목 유지라고 했다. 넷째, 행복의 조건으로는 두 집단 모두 가정의 화목을 지적했고, 다음으로 건강, 자기조절이라고 했다. 다섯째, 가정생활에서 불행한 때로, 발달지연 자녀 어머니는 자녀 발달지연으로 응답한 반면, 일반 자녀 어머니는 부부간 불화로 응답했다. 여섯째, 가장 불행할 때로 두 집단 모두 가정의 불화를 지적했고, 그 다음으로 발달지연 자녀 어머니들은 자녀 발달지연으로, 일반 자녀 어머니는 가정의 불화로 응답했다. 이러한 결과로부터, 자녀의 장애가 한국 어머니의 행, 불행 인식에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인임을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the happiness and unhappiness of mothers with delayed(MWD) and normal children(MWN). A total of 1,294 respondents(MWD: 985, MWN: 723)completed the happiness questionnaire developed by Park, Young-shin(2015). The results are as follows. First, both group reported being most happy in family life when they were together with their family. Second, for overall happiness, both group reported when they were together with their family, harmonious family. As for MWD, followed by after giving birth to children and see them grow. As for MWN, followed by always being happy. Third, as for the question of things to do for their happiness, both groups reported that they needed to self-regulate. As for MWD, followed by positive thinking. As for MWN, followed by maintaining harmonious family. Fourth, as for the basis of happiness, both group reported that harmonious family, followed by maintaining healthy, self-regulation. Fifth, MWD reported being most unhappy in family life when their children had developmental delay. As for MWN, they reported that there was marital conflict. Sixth, as for overall unhappiness, both group reported that there was conflict in the family. As for MWD, followed by when their children had developmental delay. As for MWN, followed by conflict in the family. These results indicate that children`s disability is the core factor for mothers` perception on their happiness and unhappiness in korea.

      • KCI등재

        꽁치(Cololabis saira)의 물성연화를 통한 고령친화형 수산식품의 개발 및 품질특성 평가

        박선영,장미순,오재영,이석민,박시형,최유리,김진수,강상인,Sun-Young Park,Mi-Soon Jang,Jae-Young Oh,Seok-Min Lee,Si-Hyeong Park,Yu-Ri Choe,Jin-Soo Kim,Sang-In Kang 한국수산과학회 2023 한국수산과학회지 Vol.56 No.6

        This study was conducted to prepare curry potato pancakes (CPP), curry fish balls (CFB) and steamed eggs (SE) using Pacific saury Cololabis saira as senior-friendly seafood and to determine the physical property stages and quality characteristics of the prepared food. Escherichia coli concentrations were undetected in all the products, which is considered an acceptable limit for senior-friendly foods. On applying the physical properties standards according to the Korean Industrial Standard, saury CPP, saury CFB, and saury SE were classified as the 1<sup>st</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup>, and the 3<sup>rd</sup> stages as senior-friendly seafood, respectively. Regarding the nutritional properties per 100 g of the three types of senior-friendly seafood using saury according to the Korean food code, CPP had three types of nutrients (protein, riboflavin, and niacin), whereas CFB and SE had four (protein, riboflavin, niacin and calcium) and six (protein, vitamin D, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and calcium) types of nutrients, respectively.

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