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      • 도하개발아젠다 전경협상과 환경통상정책 과제

        강상인,Kang, Sang-In 한국환경정책평가연구원 2002 환경정책연구 Vol.1 No.1

        The Ministerial Declaration of the 4th WTO Ministerial Meeting at Doha in November 2001 announced the launch of the New Round and a completion date of January 1st, 2005. It agreed to eventually negotiate trade and environment linkage issues, such as the relationship between the WTO rules and Multilateral Environment Agreements and the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services. The Committee on Trade and Environment was instructed to pursue work on all items on its agenda within the current terms of reference and to give particular attention to the effects of environmental measures on market access, relevant provisions of the TRTPS Agreement, and labelling requirements for environmental purposes. This means that far the first time, the members of the WTO will discuss and negotiate trade and environment linkage in the framework of multilateral trade negotiation. Korea, from the standpoint of a smaller open economy heavily dependent on international trade, is obliged to overcome the challenges imposed by the environment agenda in the Doha declaration. This study examined the linkage among environment, economic growth and international trade in order to review the possible trade and environment policy implications in Korea. Mutual supportiveness of trade and environment depends much on the effectiveness of trade and environment policy coordination. In this regard, we conclude that the Korean government should provide an appropriate institutional framework to promote closer cooperation among policy makers engaged in negotiations. Trade and environment policy review and environmental impact assessment of trade negotiation should be considered as a work programme of this institutional policy coordination framework.

      • KCI등재

        반응표면분석법을 활용한 조미굴김의 개발 및 특성

        강상인,이정석,허민수,김진수 한국수산과학회 2020 한국수산과학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        To develop a seasoned laver from cooking oyster effluent (C-COE), this study optimized the C-COE concentration,roasting temperature and time using response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal C-COE concentration, roastingtemperature and time for producing seasoned laver from C-COE were 31.0%, 182.2°C and 21.1 sec, respectively. The proximate composition of the seasoned laver prepared with C-COE under the conditions was 5.2% moisture,37.4% crude protein, 8.2% crude lipid, 11.1% ash, 38.1% carbohydrate. The water activity of the prototype seasonedlaver was 0.038. The prototype had stronger taste and flavor intensities than a commercial product. There was no difference(P>0.05) in the Hunter color value between the prototype and the commercial product. The peroxide (POV)and acid values (AV) of the prototype were 6.0 meq/kg and 1.4 mg KOH/g, respectively, which are considered acceptable. The results suggest that the seasoned laver with C-COE developed can be industrialized.

      • 자유무역협정의 환경친화성 제고방안

        강상인,김재준 한국환경정책평가연구원 2003 한국환경정책평가연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2003/re-17 No.-

        환경과 무역연계에 관한 통합적 접근은 무역자유화가 지방(local), 국가(national),지역(regional), 지구(global) 환경에 어떠한 파급효과를 가져오는가 또는 환경정책 및 규제가 국제무역 특히 개도국 및 최빈국의 선진국 시장접근에 미치는 영향은 어떤 것인가에 관한 의문에서 출발하며, 환경과 무역의 연계문제를 다루는 국제통상협상의 주요 쟁점을 구성한다. 지난 2003년 9월 멕시코 칸쿤에서 개최된 제5차 세계무역기구(WTO) 각료회의에서 도하개발아젠다(DDA) 무역자유화협상과 관련된 주요 쟁점에 대한 중간평가는 예상된 성과를 도출하지 못하였다. 이에 따라 다자간 무역자유화 협상에 상당한 난항이 예상되는 시점에서, 다자간 자유무역협상의 중요한 보완수단으로 인식되어온 양자 혹은 지역국가간의 자유무역협정(FTA)에 대한 관심이 크게 대두되고 있다. 지역, 양자간 자유무역협정은 상품 혹은 서비스부문의 교역자유화는 물론 직접투자, 무역원활화, 인력이동 등 보다 심화된 교역장벽제거를 통해 협정 당사국간의 경제통합정도를 높일 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 반면, 각 국이 독자적인 국내 환경정책목표 달성을 위해 설정한 환경규제 기준 및 정책의 차이는 종종 국가 간 교역에 상당한 실질적 교역장벽으로 작용하는 경우가 발생한다. 따라서 환경규범, 규제기준 및 환경 정책협력의 강화를 통한 교역장벽해소는 주요한 지역자유무역협정의 구성요소로 인식되어야 한다. 이를 위해서는 협상 혹은 환경부문을 담당하는 정부부처를 중심으로 진행중인 자유무역협정 논의과정에서 적절한 환경성 검토가 이루어질 수 있는 제도적 장치를 마련해야 한다. 또한 자유무역협정을 통한 국가간 교역확대 및 경제통합의 진전은 당사국 국가경제의 생산, 소비, 자원이용의 변화에 따라 상당한 환경파급효과를 유발할 수 있으며, 궁극적으로 환경오염, 생태계 파괴, 자원고갈의 원인이 될 수 있다. 자유무역협정에 따른 환경파급효과를 정확히 예측하고 부정적 환경효과를 최소화하기 위한 정책대안을 모색하며, 발생하는 환경문제를 비용 효과적으로 해결할 수 있도록 환경기술 혹은 환경정책부문의 협력수요를 발굴하는 정성 및 정량적 분석체계수립이 요구된다. 본 연구는 이에 따라 자유무역협정과 환경이슈에 대한 이상의 개괄적 논의와 자유 무역협정 확대정책에 대한 우리나라의 적극적 대응입장을 고려할 때,자유무역협정의 환경파급효과에 대한 정성 및 정량분석을 위한 가이드라인과 정태적 분석모형을 개발·활용토록 함으로써 향후 정부가 추진할 자유무역협정의 부정적인 환경파급효과를 사전에 예방하는 등, 자유무역협정의 환경친화성을 제고할 수 있는 적절한 대응 방안을 수립하여 시행하는 것이 필요하다는 인식에서 출발하였다. 자유무역협정의 환경성 평가는 무역협상과 함께 시작되는 것이 바람직하며, 평가에는 협상의 초기단계에서 예측 가능한 환경성 평가결과와 함께 협정이 가져올 부정적인 환경효과에 대한 대응조치 등이 포함되어야 한다. 또한 환경영향평가를 수행하는 실무자가 자유무역협정의 협상과정에 참여하는 것이 중요하다. 이는 단계별 협상을 통해 진행되는 자유무역협정의 각 협상단계를 이해하고 그 과정에서 얻어지는 협상정보를 환경영향평가에 통합하는 장점을 가져다 준다. 최근 관심을 모으는 전략적 환경영향평가를 무역자유화의 환경성 평가에 Since the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002 endorsed the importance of mutual supportiveness between environmental protection and promotion of sustainable development under the open and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, the environmental impacts of trade liberalization have become a theme of heated debate at global, regional and national level. In understanding overall linkage between trade and environment, we need to recognize that trade is not the major factor which causes the environmental degradation. The relation between trade and environment depends on the specialization structure and the inter-industrial difference in induced environmental impacts from production. It is generally accepted that, without appropriate environmental policy intervention, the economic growth driven by trade liberalization may speed up the environmental degradation. But in the long run, international trade could contribute to the environmental protection by facilitating the worldwide diffusion of environment-friendly technologies and goods. The WTO Annual Report 2003 observed that most WTO members are now party to at least one regional free trade agreement and many to several. And the upward surge in regional trade agreements was most strongly felt in the Asia Pacific region, where countries long in favor of multilateral-only liberalization have whole-heartedly embraced the regional option. Japan, with the entry of its free trade agreement with Singapore in November 2002, became the latest regional trade agreement convert among the WTO members. And Korea, having signed a free trade agreement with Chile, follows Japan. The free trade agreement between Korea and Chile is under ratification process in Korea. Having concluded the Japan-Singapore free trade agreement, Japan is working to introduce a kind of environmental review process in its free trade agreement policy. Japanese Ministry of Environment constructed a working group with some experts in academia to examine the possibility of introducing the environmental impact assessment for trade liberalization under the free trade agreement. Also, Korea takes a similar approach in its environmental review process on free trade agreement policy. From the trade and environment linkage point of view, a quantitative approach to the environmental impact of free trade agreement provides decision-makers with more helpful policy reference than a qualitative analysis. This study analyzed the air pollution impact in Korea induced by trade liberalization between Korea and Japan. A standard multi-region CGE model based on GTAP data base Ver. 5.0 and Korean air pollution inventories in 1998 was used to give a quantitative feature of trade and environment linkage in Korea. The simulation result shows that the aggregated environmental effect depends on the change of specialization structure between pre and post trade liberalization. The inter-industrial difference of emission coefficients and of disposal cost by pollutant type plays a major role in determining the scale of the aggregated environmental effect. The free trade agreement between Korea and Japan reduces the overall air pollution emission by 0.36%(-) but increases the pollution disposal cost slightly by 0.06%(+). The rate of disposal cost increase is much smaller than that of the real GDP(O.28%). This type of quantitative analysis can provide useful environmental policy guidelines for pursuing ""win-win strategy"" in trade and environment linkage.

      • KCI등재

        피조개(Scapharca broughtonii) 조미가공품의 관능 및 영양특성

        강상인,윤인성,최관수,김주성,이정석,허민수,김진수 한국수산과학회 2020 한국수산과학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        The objective of this study was to investigate the sensory and nutritional characteristics of seasoned broughton’sribbed ark Scapharca broughtonii product (S-BRA). Based on 100 g, the proximate composition of S-BRA was 68.9g moisture, 16.1 g crude protein, 4.0 g crude lipid and 4.0 g ash. The salinity was 2.2 g. Based on the results of a tasteintensitytest using an electronic tongue, S-BRA had a stronger umami taste and less sourness than the control (BRAprepared with commercial seasoning sauce) (P<0.05). In a sensory evaluation, S-BRA scored higher for appearance,taste, flavor, and texture compared to the control. The total amino acid content based on 100 g of S-BRA was 16.04g, and the major amino acids were aspartic acid, glutamic acid, leucine, and arginine. The S-BRA was higher in calcium,phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc than the control. The fatty acid content based on 100 g of S-BRA was3,242 mg, and the major fatty acids were 16:0, 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3. These results indicated that S-BRA had greaternutritional value than the control.

      • KCI등재

        향어(Cyprinus carpio) 함유 야채죽의 제조공정 최적화

        강상인,김예율,김진수 한국수산과학회 2023 한국수산과학회지 Vol.56 No.3

        This study optimized the vegetable rice porridge preparation process with Israeli carp Cyprinus carpio (VRP-IC). The optimum heating period for Israeli carp paste (IC-P) in a retort was 120 min as per yield results. Response surface methodology was performed with IC-P/[rice (glutinous rice: non-glutinous rice=6:4) (Rice, RI)+vegetable (carrot: zucchini=1:1) (vegetable, VE)] (X1) and RI/VE (X2) as independent variables; viscosity (Y1), hardness (Y2), amino nitrogen (Y3), and overall sensory acceptance (Y4) as dependent variables. Optimum rates of IC-P, RI, and VE were 47.37%, 24.49%, and 28.15%, respectively; predicted multiple response optimum values for the dependent variables were 20,150 mPa·s, 2,002.9 N/m2, 193.1 mg/100 g, and a 6.4 score for Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4, respectively. Under optimum conditions, experimental values for Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4 were 20,359.8±191.9 mPa·s, 2,015.0±9.6 N/ m2, 188.1±4.9 mg/100 g, and a 6.5±0.2 score, respectively, which were not significantly different from the predicted values (P < 0.05). Results of F0 value, viscosity, hardness, volatile odor intensity, and browning suggested that the optimum sterilization period was 25 min. VRP-IC prepared under the optimum conditions was superior to commercial vegetable rice porridges in sensory evaluations.

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