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        축소모델 실험을 이용한 스마트 센싱 기술의 트램 적용성에 관한 연구

        문지호,김정국,서승일 한국방재학회 2015 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.15 No.6

        The roads in metro cities are very congested and interest in tram system has been increased as an alternative of new roads or metro construction, since heavy cost is expected to construct them. However, tram is always exposed to accident, since the tram share the roads with vehicles. Thus, it is important to enhance the safety of the tram for successful introduction of it. In this study, new ‘smart sensing tram’ was proposed to enhance the safety of the tram, and small scale model was developed. Several sensing technologies were used to detect the environmental factors, such as signal and obstacle around the tram, and control the tram. The performance of the proposed tram was verified by using the small scale experiments. From the results, reliable results can be obtained for signal and obstacle detection in the tests. For practical use of the proposed tram, it in necessary to investigate the performance of the tram in various environments as well as the tests in real scale tram. 국내 대도시의 도로교통은 포화 상태이나 새로운 도로 및 지하철 건설에는 막대한 건설비용이 소요되므로 이에 대한 대안으로 트램에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 자동차와 도로를 겸용하는 트램은 항상 사고의 위험에 노출되어 있어, 성공적인 트램 시스템 도입을 위하여는 안전성이 향상된 새로운 형식의 트램이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 기존 트램의 안전성을 향상시키기 위하여 여러 가지 센싱 기술을 적용하여 사물 및 신호 등 주변 환경인자를 인지하고 그 신호를 처리하여 제어하는 ‘스마트 센싱 트램’을 제안하고 제안된 트램의 실현 가능성을 축소모델을 제작하여 검증하였다. 실험 결과, 신뢰도 있는 신호 인식 및 장애물 감지 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 제안된 스마트 센싱 트램의 실용화를 위하여는 보다 다양한 환경조건에 대한 추가적인 연구와 실물 트램에 적용연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        Natural frequency of a composite girder with corrugated steel web

        문지호,이학은,고희정,성익현 국제구조공학회 2015 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.18 No.1

        This paper presents the natural frequency of a composite girder with corrugated steel web (CGCSW). A corrugated steel web has negligible in-plane axial stiffness, due to the unique characteristic of corrugated steel webs, which is called the accordion effect. Thus, the corrugated steel web only resists shear force. Further, the shear buckling resistance and out-of-plane stiffness of the web can be enhanced by using a corrugated steel web, since the inclined panels serve as transverse stiffeners. To take these advantages, the corrugated steel web has been used as an alternative to the conventional pre-stressed concrete girder. However, studies about the dynamic characteristics, such as the natural frequency of a CGCSW, have not been sufficiently reported, and it is expected that the natural frequency of a CGCSW is different from that of a composite girder with flat web due to the unique characteristic of the corrugated steel web. In this study, the natural frequency of a CGCSW was investigated through a series of experimental studies and finite element analysis. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the natural frequency of CGCSW, and the results were compared with those from finite element analysis for verification purpose. A parametric study was then performed to investigate the effect of the geometric characteristics of the corrugated steel web on the natural frequency of the CGCSW. Finally, a simplified beam model to predict the natural frequency of a CGCSW was suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Out-of-plane Buckling of Arches with Varying Curvature

        문지호,윤기용,이태형,이학은 대한토목학회 2009 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.13 No.6

        A number of theoretical solutions have been reported for the elastic out-of-plane buckling of arches with open thin-walled sections. However, most of theses studies are limited to arches with constant curvatures such as circular arches. This paper investigates the out-of-plane buckling of arches with varying curvature. Buckling equations for arches with varying curvature are derived and verified by comparing with those proposed earlier by different researchers. For this, the out-of-plane buckling of circular arches under pure axial compression and pure bending is studied. For an application of the derived buckling equations to arches with varying curvature, buckling loads of parabolic arches are determined. The solutions for parabolic arches are successfully verified by comparing with results of previous researcher and finite element analyses. Finally, comparative studies of circular and parabolic arches are conducted. The results show that the difference in buckling loads of circular and parabolic arches increases as the rise to span ratio increases. A number of theoretical solutions have been reported for the elastic out-of-plane buckling of arches with open thin-walled sections. However, most of theses studies are limited to arches with constant curvatures such as circular arches. This paper investigates the out-of-plane buckling of arches with varying curvature. Buckling equations for arches with varying curvature are derived and verified by comparing with those proposed earlier by different researchers. For this, the out-of-plane buckling of circular arches under pure axial compression and pure bending is studied. For an application of the derived buckling equations to arches with varying curvature, buckling loads of parabolic arches are determined. The solutions for parabolic arches are successfully verified by comparing with results of previous researcher and finite element analyses. Finally, comparative studies of circular and parabolic arches are conducted. The results show that the difference in buckling loads of circular and parabolic arches increases as the rise to span ratio increases.

      • KCI등재

        마오쩌둥 시대 초기 ‘과학적’ 환경 개조관의 부상―1950년대 고무나무 냉해의 농업기상학적 해결

        문지호 역사문제연구소 2023 역사비평 Vol.- No.144

        There are conflicting assessments of the large scale rubber tree plantation project that began in the 1950s under the Mao Zedong(毛澤東, 1893~1976) regime. In the environmental history of China, on the one hand, the ‘northward movement(北移)’ of rubber trees is usually criticised as an “unscientific” “political movement” in the Mao’s era, only resulting in the devastating environmental and social disasters in China. On the other hand, the official history of Chinese government has often praised the same ‘northward movement’ as the China’s supreme scientific achievement in successfully planting rubber trees at the world’s highest altitude. This study aims to reexamine such conflicting historical assessments, and to shed a new light on the relationship between science and politics in the early phase of the Mao’s regime, first, by showing both international politico-economic and environmental contexts in which such a decision was made to move rubber trees northward; second, by analyzing the experimental research on “protective forests” by a newly emerging group of agricultural meteorologists, who played a crucial role in the plantation project, and how they supported the decision. Rather than focusing on the totalitarian characteristics of the socialist state behind the rubber tree plantation, this research recovers the agency of a group of scientists experimentally supporting the plantation and their careful considerations of the relationship between strategically urgent needs of the state and natural and environmental constraints. This perspective offers a valuable chance to reflect on modern China’s endeavors to harness techno-scientific expertise to control environmental disasters. 마오쩌둥(毛澤東, 1893-1976) 집권기부터 시작된 대규모 고무나무 플랜테이션 사업, ‘북이(北移)’에 대해서는 상반된 평가가 존재한다. 한편에는 고무나무 서식에 적합하지 않은 ‘금지구역’을 선택한 ‘반과학적’ “정치적 운동(political movement)”이 환경파괴를 이끌었다는 비판이 있는가 하면, 다른 한편에 과학자들의 노력으로 세계에서 가장 고위도에 고무나무 재배에 성공한 ‘과학적’ 성과라는 상찬이 있다. 본 연구는 고무나무 플랜테이션 사업을 추진하는 데 결정적인 역할을 담당한 과학자, 그 중에서도 농업기상학자들의 ‘방호림’ 실험 연구를 분석함으로써 과학과 정치의 관계를 둘러싼 이 사업의 역사성을 재검토한다. 첫째, 마오 시기 고무나무 재배를 둘러싼 일련의 결정은 중국이 처한 국제정치적인 경제 고립과 냉해라는 자연 재해가 중첩된 이중적 위기를 모두 해결하고 혁명을 완수하려 한 중국 공산당 정부의 고심이 얽힌 가운데 만들어진 정치적이자 과학적인 선택이었다. 둘째, 중국의 고무나무 플랜테이션 사업은 1950년대 중후반 속출한 냉해를 해결하는 과정에서 환경적 어려움을 극복하려 분투한 적극적 대응의 역사가 만든 결과물이다. 셋째, 고무나무 플랜테이션 사업은 과학적인 전문성이 당정의 정치적 전문성과 결합해 추진되었지만 그 과정에서 관련 행위자들의 다양한 입장들이 교차한 역사적 사건이기도 했다. 본 연구는 20세기 중반 마오 시기의 대표적 환경파괴로 여겨지는 사례를 사회주의 국가의 전체주의적 성격에만 초점을 맞추는 대신 그 속에서 중요한 역할을 한 과학자 집단에 주목하는 역사적 관점을 취한다. 이런 관점은 오늘날 환경재해를 과학기술적으로 통제하려는 중국의 시도를 성찰할 수 있는 계기와도 맞닿아있다.

      • KCI등재

        융합적 연구를 위한 도자기 보존과학과 도자사학 언어의 접목: 『경기도 광주관요 종합분석 보고서』를 중심으로

        문지호,Moon, Jiho 한국문화재보존과학회 2020 보존과학회지 Vol.36 No.6

        한국에서는 1960-70년대를 거치며 도자기라는 유물을 역사적으로 또는 과학적으로 분석하는 학자들이 등장하여 오늘날 각각 도자사와 보존과학이라고 불리는 분과가 형성되었다. 그러나 두 분과는 도자기라는 같은 대상을 연구함에도 독자적인 연구 스타일을 형성한 결과 서로의 연구를 이해하고 소통하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본고는 백자를 분석한 사례들에 초점을 맞추어, 『경기도 광주관요 종합분석 보고서』와 이 보고서의 분석을 담당한 보존과학자의 다른 연구를 역사적으로 추적함으로써 두 분과가 가진 연구의 특징과 역사를 살피면서 다음과 같은 질문에 답하고자 한다. 첫째, 도자기를 연구하는 두 분과의 설명 스타일이 지닌 특징과 차이는 무엇일까? 둘째, 두 분과의 소통이 점차 어려워지는 이유는 무엇일까? 셋째, 두 분과가 다시 소통할 수 있는 교역지대가 있다면 그 가능 조건과 산물은 무엇일까? 본고에서는 도자기를 분석하는 두 분과의 설명 스타일을 언어적 관점에서 분석한 뒤, 보존과학이 도자사와 공통언어를 공유하고 있음에도 분석기법이 세분화되고 정량화됨에 따라 그 과정에서 생산되는 과학 데이터가 점차 도자사와 무관한 것처럼 보이게 되었음을 주장한다. 그러나 두 분과가 공유한 공통언어의 존재는 보존과학 데이터가 새로이 해석되어 다시 도자사 연구로 확장될 수 있는 가능성을 보여주었다. During the 1960-1970s, a group of ceramic conservation scientists and ceramic historians in South Korea came together and established their own disciplines. While the two disciplines share the same ceramics as the subjects of their research, there has been little interaction between the two as their research outputs are articulated in remarkably different languages. This paper aims to address the following questions by using a case study that focuses on the research on white porcelains centered on the project of Gyeonggi Museum and a series of studies conducted by one of the museum's project research teams. First, what are the characteristics of and differences between the explanation styles of the two disciplines that share the same research subjects of ceramics? Second, why has the communication between the two disciplines become difficult? Third, if there can be a trading zone wherein the two disciplines would be able to communicate again, what would be its epistemic conditions? The focus of this paper is the relationship between scientific data and ordinary language, which the two disciplines have shared from their inception. By analyzing the relationship, I first argue that, as the analytical techniques of conservation science have become more developed, conservation science's data have gradually lost its relevance in ceramic history, in spite of a shared common language between them; Second, I argue that by recovering the import of shared language again, the scientific data can be placed in a different practical context, providing novel interpretations that are relevant and often consequential to ceramic history.

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