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      • KCI등재

        블로그에 의한 유전자변형식품 홍보와 교육 효과

        김주현,김혜영,Kim, Juhyeon,Kim, Hae Young 한국식품조리과학회 2016 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of genetically modified (GM) food promotion and education through the blog. Methods: Education program for consumer-oriented GM foods by the blog was developed and survey was performed by the visitors for totals of twelve weeks. The blog was formed by information (definition, mark etc.) offering style and named as "Correct knowing of genetically modified organisms (GMO)." Event was held to enhance the promotion of the blog from the week 9 to week 12. Results: Visitors of the final week increased 4 times, as compared to those of the starting the event week 9. Most of the 138 consumers (94.5%) did not have prior GMO education experience. The 97 consumers aged 20 years old showed significantly the highest ratios in the experience of blog or website (p<0.01). Comparing before and after the blog education, notification on GM foods and willingness to buy GMO products, the benefit of GMO, willingness to check GMO mark when buying GMO products showed positive change of GM foods (p<0.05). Conclusion: Over 80% answered that the blog helped to understand the GM foods. Thus, we conclude using blog is effective way of GM food promotion and education and continuous efforts are needed to maintain an active blog for the consumer's rights of knowledge about GM foods.

      • KCI등재

        전통 장류에 대한 서울 및 경기일부 소비자의 인식도 조사

        김주현(Kim, Juhyeon) 한국영양학회 2012 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.45 No.6

        This study was conducted to investigate the consumption pattern and perception of traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products in male and female adults aged 19 and over in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do areas in order to promote the development of the products’ industry. The survey was conducted between October 1 to October 15, 2011 among 294 male and female adults aged 19 years and over in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do areas. The gender distribution of the subjects was 33.3% males and 66.7% females. For a perception on traditional dietary life, the degree for enjoying meals with cooked rice as the staple food revealed that 32.3% of the subjects responded ‘strongly agree’. The intake frequency of traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products in the subjects of the study showed that in the case of doenjang, 49.7% of the participants consumed it twice a week and 21.4% consumed it once a week. For gochujang, 59.9% consumed it twice a week and 19.0% consumed it once a week. The perception on the preparation method for traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products showed a low level for traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products. The reason for purchasing traditional foods showed that 77.6% of the subjects made purchases for convenience and 8.2% purchased it for its small package. For the subjects, the priority for purchasing traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products was as follows: in the first rank, ingredients & origin made up 33.7% and price comprised of 26.2% of the priority. Regarding satisfaction for soy sauce and soybean paste products in the market, the degree of satisfaction was high for gochujang. With regard to gender difference, female subjects showed a significantly lower satisfaction for cheonggukjang and kuk-ganjang, and a significantly higher satisfaction for chin-ganjang, compared to the male subjects. The results of the study depicted that consumer’s requirement was high for traditional soy sauce and soybean paste products in the market, particularly for the safety of the products in the market. Consumer satisfaction was relatively positive yet, some efforts are needed in order to improve the quality of cheonggukjang and kuk-ganjang.

      • KCI등재

        공감력과 비판적 사고력 향상을 위한 교양 문학 교과목 운영 방안

        김주현(Kim, Juhyeon) 중앙어문학회 2018 語文論集 Vol.73 No.-

        인제대학교 〈문학의 세계〉 교과목은 핵심 교양 과목으로서 2017년에 최초 개설되었다. 교수자는 1년 간 이 수업을 운영하며 문학 감상과 의사소통 능력을 조합하는 수업 모형으로써 수강생이 타자에 대한 공감력과 비판적 사고력을 키우는 데 강의 목적을 두었다. 이에 따라 문학사회학적 관점에서 적절한 운문/산문 텍스트를 선정해 읽기-쓰기1-토론-쓰기2-읽기-쓰기3-쓰기4 과정을 단계별로 배치했다. 첫째, 시 텍스트를 활용하는 수업에서 수강생들은 시 패러디와 조별 토론을 거쳐 시가 난해하다는 편견을 깨고 타자에게 공감하는 적극적인 독자가 되었다. 이러한 감성은 승자독식과 우승열패 신화가 지배하는 사회에서 공존 · 공생의 의미를 새기는 순기능을 발휘한다. 둘째, 언어를 도구적으로 사용하는 소설 텍스트를 읽은 수강생들은 조별로 논제를 찾고 토론하며 대화하고 설득하는 능력을 함양하게 된다. 이 때 흔히 동서양 ‘명작’을 활용하지만 교수자는 수강생의 눈높이에 맞는 당대소설과 SF소설을 선택했다. 셋째, 읽기-토론-쓰기 과정을 종합한 쓰기4(‘깊이 읽기’보고서)는 학생들의 강력한 텍스트 향유 충동에 의해 퇴색한 측면이 있다. 텍스트를 창의적으로 감상하려는 태도는 자발적이며 ‘쾌락 원칙’을 구현하고 있지만, 상기 두 과정과의 관계 속에서는 과제의 성격을 재검토할 필요가 있었다. 마지막으로 교과목 목적과 목표를 공유하고 공통 교안을 마련해야 한다. (인)문학이 빠르게 위축되는 상황에서 단지 과거의 ‘문학 개론’ 수업 방식을 피하는 것만으로는 불충분하다. “World of Literature” is one of the literature subjects in the curriculum of core liberal arts, established at Inje University in 2017. While teaching this class for around one year, the present educator has developed a teaching model that combines literature appreciation and communication abilities, with a focus on helping students enhance critical thinking and empathy for others. To this end, appropriate poetic and prose texts were selected from the viewpoint of the sociology of literature, followed by the phased arrangement of courses: reading - writing 1 - discussion - writing 2 - reading - writing 3 - writing 4. First, in the course using poetic texts, students were involved in a parody of poems and a group discussion. In the process, they came to break the stereotype that poetry is difficult and emerged as active readers who could feel empathy for others. Such sensibility has a positive function that calls attention to the meaning of coexistence and symbiosis in a winner-take-all, weak-to-the-wall society. Second, when reading novels that use language as a tool, students were able to develop the ability to communicate to and persuade others while seeking topics for group discussion. In this case, it is usually easy to use Eastern and Western classic novels, but the educator selected contemporary and Science Fiction novels considering the students. Third, the course ‘writing 4 (reading deeply)’, into which reading, discussion, and writing courses were incorporated, was discolored to some degree by the students’ intense impulse to enjoy texts. Although the attitude of creatively appreciating texts was voluntary and embodied the ‘pleasure principle’, it was necessary to review the nature of tasks in the relationship between the two courses stated above. Finally, it is now time to share the objectives and focus of this subject and to establish a common teaching plan. In a situation where the influence of the humanities and literature is shrinking quickly, it is insufficient to avoid the existing lesson methods of ‘introduction to literature.’

      • 감성 분석과 토픽 모델링을 통한 주식 게시판 분석 연구

        김주현(Juhyeon Kim),박규동(Kyudong Park) 한국HCI학회 2023 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2023 No.2

        주식 가격 예측 연구들은 객관적인 수치 기반의 정량 데이터 위주로 다수 수행되어 왔다. 하지만, 최근 자연어 처리 기술을 활용하여 분석하기에 적합한 특징을 가진 게시판 형태의 데이터가 점차 늘어남에 따라 가격에 영향을 미칠 만한 이벤트와 여론 및 투자심리를 파악해 볼 수 있는 토대가 갖추어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 특정 주식에 대한 종목토론방 게시글 데이터를 수집하고, 대표적인 자연어처리기술인 토픽모델링과 감성분석을 수행해보고자 한다. 공감, 비공감의 수치를 포함해서 전체 게시글을 크롤링한 뒤 감성사전을 사용하여 부정단어 분포정도를 계산하였다. 토픽모델링으로 나누어진 5 개의 토픽에 속한 주요 단어들을 통해 설명글, 투자유도글, 반대글의 유형을 나눌 수 있었고, 각 공감, 비공감의 비율과 함께 분석해 봄으로써 투자유도글, 공매도관련 게시글에 대한 비공감이 더 높다는 결과를 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 시도한 분석 방법을 통해 특정 주식에 대한 주요 이슈와 그에 따른 투자자의 여론을 빠르게 파악할 수 있었다. 추후, 이러한 분석 방법론을 바탕으로 여론 및 주요 이슈를 시각화 하는 프레임워크를 개발할 예정이다.

      • KCI등재

        월남전 후반기(1970-1975) 귀환 서사에 담긴 ‘한국민 되기’의 (불)가능성

        김주현(Kim Juhyeon) 중앙어문학회 2017 語文論集 Vol.70 No.-

        이 논문은 월남전 후반기 한국이라는 반공 국민국가의 국민으로 난민 상태에 처했던 참전군인 및 월남 교포의 귀환담에 주목했다. 당시 정부는 해방 이후 가장 ‘강한 국민국가’를 운영했지만 이와 대조적으로 월남에서 돌아온 한국인 중에는 국민과 난민 사이를 배회한 존재들이 있었다. 내강외유(內剛外柔)한 국민 국가에서 파월 초기에 해외 파견 ‘인력’으로 송출된 이들은 종전에 이르러 내부 통합을 저해하는 ‘문제아’ 또는 월남 패망의 ‘부산물’로 간주되었다. 황석영과 조선작 소설이 밝히는 바, 사병으로 참전했던 군인들에게 귀국은 계급적 불평등 아래 진행된 ‘사건’이었다. 이들은 운 좋게 전장에서 살아남아 ‘귀국’했으나 제대로 ‘귀환’하지 못해 파국을 맞는다. 이 소설들은 1971년 이후 한국군 철수시기에 발표됨으로써 내강외유한 반공 국민 국가의 역할을 되묻는 사회적 상징이 된다. 둘째, 사이공 최후의 날까지 월남에 있었던 다수의 가난한 ‘따이한’들은 언론의 보도대로 월남전의 한국인 ‘난민’이었다. 그러나 제3국행을 희망한 바람과 달리 이들은 난민으로 인정받지 못하고 입국해 한국민이 되나 이는 한국 정부가 원한 결과는 아니었다. 반면 한국 남성과 결혼한 월남 여성 및 한국인 연고 월남인의 입국기는 패망한 월남인을 보듬는 홍보용 미담으로 활용되었다. 그러나 한국인과 사실혼 관계로 국적을 얻지 못한 월남 여성, 국내 거주를 허락 받은 순수 월남인 난민에 관한 기록 및 후일담은 찾아보기 어렵다. 차후 한국의 월남전 연구자가 풀어야 할 과제이다. This study focuses on the narratives of Korean Vietnam War veterans and returnees from Vietnam who were socially displaced in an anticommunist nation-state during the late Vietnam War period. During this period, the government operated the “strongest nation-state,” while the people within the country were in a displaced state. The people, who were sent to Vietnam as productive “manpower” from the nation-state having an iron hand in a velvet glove, were considered “problem children” who interrupted the internal unification of the nation-state or the “byproduct” of the defeat in the War First, in the novels by Hwang Sok-yong and Cho Seon-jak, the War veterans who were deployed as enlisted soldiers were depicted as “incidents” of class inequality. They were fortunate to have returned from the War, but they never regained normalcy. The novels, published after 1971 when the government announced the withdrawal of Korean military forces, functioned as social symbols that questioned the role of the anticommunist nationstate, which was supposed to have the iron hand in a velvet glove. Second, as the media reported, the “Daihans” who stayed in Vietnam until the last day of Saigon were considered Korean “refugees”; however, those who wished to seek asylum in a third country were never acknowledged as refugees and they returned to Korea and became Koreans. This was not the result anticipated by the government. In this context, the narratives of migrant Vietnamese women who married Korean men and Vietnamese people with Korean heritage were used as promotional tales of how Korea embraced the defeated Vietnam. However, there were no records or reminiscences of stories about Vietnamese women who were denied citizenship, regardless of their de facto marriage to Korean men, or the Vietnamese refugees who were officially allowed to stay in Korea. This is a task for the future studies on the Vietnam War in Korea.

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