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      • KCI등재후보

        고환통과 발열을 호소하는 고환암환자의 치험 1례

        김은희,서영광,김달래,고병희,전성하,어완규,최원철,이수경,Kim, Eun-Hee,Seo, Young-Kwang,Kim, Dal-Lae,Koh, Byung-Hee,Cheon, Seong-Ha,Eo, Wan-Kyu,Choi, Won-Cheol,Lee, Soo-Kyung 사상체질의학회 2007 사상체질의학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        1. Objectives In this case report, We report a case of advanced non-seminomatous germ tell tumor(NSGCT) of the testis to retroperitoneal lymph node. We successfully managed with sasang medical treatment. 2. Methods We treated a man with NSGCT of testis with retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis. We evaluated pain grade by VAS(visual analogue scale). and fever grade by body temperature(by axillary thermometer) 3. Results Pain and fever were improved with the Sasang constitutional medicine. 4. Conclusions Cancer pain and fever was markedly improved by Sasang Constitutional management. Further studies are needed to evaluate the cause of the improvement.

      • KCI등재후보

        자궁암 환자의 수신증으로 인한 소변불리와 조영제로 유발된 발진을 사상방으로 관리한 치험 1례

        김은희,서영광,김달래,고병희,전성하,최원철,이수경,Kim, Eun-Hee,Seo, Young-Kwang,Kim, Dal-Lae,Ko, Byung-Hee,Cheon, Seong-Ha,Choi, Won-Cheol,Lee, Soo-Kyung 사상체질의학회 2007 사상체질의학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        1. Objectives This paper reports a case of cervical cancer patient who showed positive results to Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The target symptoms were urinary disorder due to unilateral hydronephrosis and urticaria due to adverse drug reactions. 2. Methods We measured urinary output and interval. We evaluated skin urticaria by severity and size of itchy site. The patient treated using Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 3. Results and Conclusions Significant improvement was observed in urinary output and interval.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 변질논치(辨質論治)이론과 한국 사상체질(四象體質)의학에서의 체질(體質)이론 비교연구

        김은희,서영광,정의홍,김선형,이수경,고병희,김달래,Kim, Eun-Hee,Seo, Young-Kwang,Jung, Yee-Hong,Kim, Sun-Hyung,Lee, Soo-Kyung,Koh, Byung-Hee,Kim, Dal-Rae 사상체질의학회 2009 사상체질의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        1. Objectives This study is for comparing between theory about "Constitution" in China and Sasang constitutional Medicine in Korea 2. Method I refered to the literatures about "Constitution" published in China and Korea 3. Result and Conclusion 1) "Constitution" in Traditional Chinese Medcine(TCM) is reinterpretation of Traditional Chinese Medcine, while, Constitution in Sasang Constitutional Medicine is an innovative concept developed from Traditional Korean Medicine. 2) The concept of "Constitution" in Chinese Medicien is related to long-term-period symptom or physical condition, while, the concept of Constitution in Sasang Constitutional Medicien includes not only long-term-period symptoms or physical conditions but also natural superiority and inferiority of individual according to 4 type Constitution. 3) The concept of Constitution in Sasang Constitutional Medicien has organized mind-body system than Concept of "Constitution" in Chinese Medicine. According to the theory of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Mind is one of the best important things related type of disease. Lectures of Sasang Constitutional Medicine give a full detail of correlation of Mind and disease. 4) Finally, The concept of "Constitution" in Chinese Medicien is changeable but the Concept of "Constitution" in Sasang Constitutional Medicien is not changeable. changeable elements in Sasang Constitutional Medicien are symptoms and syndromes of disease.

      • KCI등재

        탈식민지 시대의 일본어교육 연구

        김은희 ( Kim Eun-hee ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.44

        해방 이후 일제강점기의 잔재를 서둘러 청산하려는 사회분위기 속에서 일본어교육은 제도권에서 철저하게 배제되었다. 1945년부터 1973년까지는 공식적인 일본어교육이 시행되지 않았기 때문에 일본어교육사 연구에서도 이 기간 동안은 연구의 대상이 되지 못했다. 본 연구는 일본어교육사 연구에서 공백으로 남아 있는 이 시기의 일본어교육과 관련된 정치, 경제, 사회의 변화를 고찰하고 고등학교 제2외국어로서의 일본어교육이 도입되기까지의 시대를 재구성해 보았다. 왜색일소의 사회분위기 속에서도 일본과의 경제교류가 확대되면 일본어가 쓸모가 있을 것이라는 기대감에 학습자가 증가하였다. 전면적으로 도구적 동기부여에 따른 언어학습이었다. 이런 일본어교육에 대한 수요를 감당한 곳은 일어강습소였다. 그러나 일어강습소는 ‘독소’, ‘독버섯’에 비유될 정도로 부정적인 이미지를 가지고 있었지만 일본어가 사회적으로 배제되었던 시대에 유일한 교육 장소였다. 한일간의 경제교류가 활발해지면서 일본기업의 한국진출, 일본인 관광객의 증가, 무역교류가 증대됨에 따라 일본어 수요가 늘어나 공교육에서의 일본어교육의 필요성이 대두었다. 1972년 일어강습소가 허가되고 1973년 박정희 대통령의 지시에 따라 일본어가 고등학교 교과과정에 제2외국어 교과목으로 도입되었다. 국민들은 일본어교육의 필요성을 부정하지는 않았지만 일제강점기의 과거를 다 청산하지 못한 채 다시 일본어교육을 도입해야 하는 상황을 받아들이기가 어려웠다. 이런 사회여론을 극복하기 위해 유신정부는 일본어가 나라발전을 위해 필요한 언어임을 강조하여 일본어교육을 정당화하였다. There was no Japanese language education in Korea from 1945 to 1973. Therefore, no research exists on the history of Japanese education for this period. This study aims to reconstruct the period by reviewing political, economic, and social changes that the language and culture of Japan were considered not permissible within the country. However, there were also expectations that the Japanese language might be useful once the relationship between the two countries improves and, especially economic exchange expands. Japanese education was mostly provided by private Japanese language institutes. Although the image of the Japanese language institutes had was so negative images as to be compared to “toxin” or “poisoned mushroom,” Japanese education in Korea retained life through these institutes. In the 1970s, as Korea’s trade dependence on Japan was growing, demand for Japanese speakers has increased even further, which accelerated the growth of Japanese language education system; in 1972, Japanese language institute was officially permitted, and in 1973, Japanese was introduced as the second foreign language in high school education system directed by President Park Chung Hee. People in Korea did not deny the need for Japanese language education. Yet they could not accept the situation in which they had to endorse Japanese language education despite the still visible influence of Japanese colonial rule. For this reason, the Park Chung Hee regime tried to overcome the unfavorable social atmosphere by justifying Japanese language education as a key to economic development of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        문턱 단계와 문턱전 단계 미숙아망막병증에서 다이오드 레이저 광응고술 후 결과

        김은희,이지은,최희영,엄부섭.Eun Hee Kim. M.D.. Ji Eun Lee. M.D.. Hee Young Choi. M.D.. Boo Sup Oum. M.D. 대한안과학회 2007 대한안과학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        Purpose: To compare outcomes after diode laser photocoagulation between threshold and prethreshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: The outcomes of 133 eyes of 80 infants who received laser treatment with diode laser were retrospectively evaluated. ROP stage was noted upon treatment. Of the eyes studied, 39 were classified as threshold and 94 were prethreshold, and these were further divided into type 1 (72 eyes) and type 2 (22 eyes). Outcomes among the groups were examined, as well as the effects of mean birth weight, gestational age, postconceptional age (PCA) at diagnosis, PCA at treatment, and the interval between diagnosis and treatment Results: Three threshold eyes (7.7%) and 5 prethreshold eyes (5.3%) progressed to unfavorable outcomes. All 5 eyes with prethreshold disease were type 1. Mean birth weight and gestational age were not associated with prognosis. Unfavorable outcomes were related to lower PCA at diagnosis (p=0.022), lower PCA at treatment (p=0.008), and longer intervals between diagnosis and intervention (p=0.015), whereas neither birth weight nor gestational age significantly influenced outcomes. Conclusions: Unfavorable outcomes occurred in threshold and type 1 prethreshold ROP. Earlier treatment appeared to decrease the incidence of unfavorable outcomes.

      • 관계의 렌즈로 들여다보기를 통한 교사의 사고 변화

        김은희(Kim, Eun-Hee) 한국변형영유아교육학회 2009 변형영유아교육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 관계의 본질적 의미를 탐색하고자 시도된 김은희(2008)의 연구에 참여하였던 공동체 T유치원 교사들이 ‘관계의 렌즈로 들여다보기’를 통해 관계를 재개념화하고 관계형성을 위한 교사의 역할을 반성, 사고와 실천의 변화를 가져오는 참여실천연구이다. 교사 11명과 본 연구자는 6주간 유치원 일과에서 참여관찰, 기록, 공유, 면담 과정을 거치면서 차원⋅요소(8×5)로 구성된 관계의 매트릭스에 근거하여 매주 차원별 요소별 관계의 상황과 내용 및 상호작용의 질을 반성하였다. 연구과정에서 도출된 참여관찰기록, 면담자료, 일일⋅주간 저널, 교사 협의록, 교사저널을 참여관찰, 면담, 내용분석 방법으로 질적 분석하였다. 이러한 과정은 교사들로 하여금 관계의 의미를 알고 교실의 관계를 돌아보면서 부족한 관계형성의 내용과 질을 향상시킬 수 있는 실천을 의식적으로 시도하게끔 하였다. 연구 결과, 연구과정에서 교사들은 관계의 본질적 의미를 탐색할 수 있었고, 관계의 개념 및 역할 뿐 아니라 교사자신의 역할에 대한 사고가 변화됨을 볼 수 있었다. 관계형성을 위한 교사의 실천 또한 연령에 따라 차원별, 요소별로 다르게 나타났다. 이를 토대로 연령별 서로 다른 관계차원의 양상과 요소 간 관계를 지원하는 현장교사를 위한 실천 tip을 제시하였다. This study was a participatory action research to investigate the change in the community T kindergarten teachers' thinking and practices on re-conceptualization of relationships by looking through the lens of relationships. The teachers who had been involved Dr. Kim's research(2008) to study the essential meaning of relationships. With 11 teachers who have been participated in this research in the community T kindergarten, this researcher had reflected weekly the situation and contents of dimensional and elemental relationships, and the quality of interaction based on the matrix of relationships composed of the dimensions and elements (8 x 5) over the period of 6 weeks by using participatory observation, documentation, sharing, and interviews. The interpretation and coding of the data from documentation of participatory observation, materials of interviews, daily journals, weekly journals, teacher's assembly records, and teacher's records were ongoing and based on a qualitative analysis of the participatory observation, interviews, and analysis of contents. This process gave opportunities for the teachers to understand the meaning of relationships, and improve the part of insufficient formation of relationships as well as the quality of the relationships in the classroom. In the results of this study, the teachers could investigate the essential meaning of relationships and they could be aware of the change in their thinking of the teacher's role. The results of the teacher's practices of relationship formation were different depending upon children's age in dimensional and elemental relationships. Based on the results, the researcher provided practical tips for classroom teachers who support the relation between different aspects and elements in dimensional relationships in each age group of children.

      • Heme oxygenase-1 유도를 통한 화학 암예방 및 세포보호와 그 분자생물학적 기전

        김은희,김성환,나혜경,서영준,Kim, Eun-Hee,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Na, Hye-Kyung,Surh, Young-Joon 한국환경성돌연변이발암원학회 2006 한국환경성돌연변이·발암원학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Heme oxygenase(HO)-1 is an important antioxidant enzyme that plays a pivotal role in cellular adaptation and protection in response to a wide array of noxious stimuli. Thus, HO-1 induction has been associated with prevention or mitigation of pathogenesis of various diseases, including acute inflammation, atherosclerosis, degenerative diseases, and carcinogenesis. Recent progress in our understanding of the function of molecules in the cellular signaling network as key modulators of gene transcription sheds light on the molecular mechanisms underlyuing HO-1 gene expression. A panel of redox-sensitive transcription factors such as activator protein-1, nuclear factor-kB, and nuclear factor E2-related factor-2, and some of the upstream kinases have been identified as prime regulators of HO-1 gene induction. This review summarizes molecular mechanisms underlying HO-1 expression and the significance of targeted induction of HO-1 as a potential chemopreventive or chemoprotective strategy.

      • KCI등재

        무선통신 환경에서 이동 서버간의 데이터 동기화 기법

        김은희,최병갑,이응재,류근호,Kim, Eun-Hee,Choi, Byung-Kab,Lee, Eung-Jae,Ryu, Keun-Ho 한국정보처리학회 2006 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.13 No.7

        모바일 환경 및 무선 통신 기술이 발달함에 따라 시간과 장소에 제약받지 않고, 이동 시스템 간의 데이터 전송이 가능하게 되었다. 현재 이동 시스템 간의 데이터 통신은 모바일 환경의 고정 서버와 이동 클라이언트 사이에서 소량의 데이터 송수신 및 데이터 동기화 기법을 중심으로 연구되고 있다. 그러나 전장 상황과 같은 환경에서는 두 개 이상의 서버가 상호 독립적으로 이동하며, 상대 시스템과의 정보 공유 및 데이터 동기화를 수행하여야 한다. 이 논문은 모바일 환경에서 상호 독립적으로 이동하는 시스템 간의 데이터 동기화기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 동기화 기법은 제한된 대역폭을 고려한 서버 간의 데이터 전파 경로의 최적화 방법과 통신 단절로 인한 미전송 데이터의 처리 방안을 제시한다 아울러 대용량 서버 간의 전송 데이터 축소를 위하여 정보의 중요도 및 공유 필요성을 고려한 데이터 정제 기법을 제시한다. 제안하는 동기화 기법은 실세계 운용환경에 적용하였고, 대용량 데이터 갱신 전파 후의 데이터 일치의 정확성을 검증하였다. 아울러 서버 확장에 따른 전파 지연 시간을 고려하였을 때 제안된 기법이 허용 오차 내에 정상적으로 동기화가 이루어짐을 확인하였다. With the development of wireless communication techniques and mobile environment we are able to transmit data between mobile systems without restriction of time and space. Recently, researches on the data communication between mobile systems have focused on a small amount of sending out or receiving data and data synchronization at a fixed server and mobile clients in mobile environment. However, two more servers should be able to move mutual independently, information is shared with other systems, and data is synchronized in the special environment like a battlefield situation. Therefore, we propose a data synchronization method between systems moving mutual independently in mobile environment. The proposed method is an optimization solution to data propagation path between servers that considers limited bandwidth and process of data for disconnection communication. In addition, we propose a data reduction method that considers importance and sharing of information in order to reduce data transmission between huge servers. We verified the accuracy of data after accomplishing our data synchronization method by applying it in the real world environment. Additionally, we showed that our method could accomplish data synchronization normally within an allowance tolerance when we considered data propagating delay time by server extension.

      • 노인요양병원 간호사의 섬망에 대한 지식, 섬망간호스트레스 및 섬망간호수행간의 관계

        김은희,Kim, Eun-Hee 한국임상보건과학회 2016 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate knowledge, stress and nursing performance about care for delirium in geriatric hospital nurses. Methods. For this study, data were collected from 242 nurses employed at geriatric hospitals with the capacity of more than 100 beds which were located in A, P and Y cites. Frequency analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA were utilized to analyze the data and Scheffe test was used to conduct post-hoc tests. Results. Nurses showed significant differences in the level of Knowledge, as well as terminal care performance by marital status, nursing experience. A significant relationship was found between knowledge, stress and Delirium care performance. Conclusion. This study found nurses perform delirium care with a high level of stress but with insuffiecient understanding, and thus, showed great needs for related training. Such findings can be useful to develop educational programs to improve knowledge on delirium and plans to reduce stress from delirium for geriatric hospital nurses.

      • 간호대학생의 간호전문직관, 셀프리더십, 임파워먼트와의 관계

        김은희,Kim, Eun-Hee 한국임상보건과학회 2016 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between nursing professionalism, self-leadership, and empowerment in nursing students. Methods. The participants were 226 nursing students. Data collected from November to December 2015 were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients. Results. The mean scores for nursing professionalism ($3.03{\pm}0.41$), self-leadership($3.04{\pm}0.35$), and empowerment($3.13{\pm}0.46$) were above average. nursing professionalism was significantly different according to health concern motivating for nursing. self leadership was significantly different according to grade, religion. empowerment was significantly different according to grade, health concern motivating for nursing. Significant correlations were found between nursing professionalism and self-leadership, nursing professionalism and Empowerment. Conclusions. The results indicate that there is a need to improve nursing professionlism, self leadership, and Empowerment. The above mentioned results should be reflected in the development of effective teaching methods for nursing education program.

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