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        베트남 결혼이주여성 부부의 임신·출산 및 양육준비를 위한 개별교육의 효과

        김영미,조갑출,Kim, Youngmee,Cho, Kap-Chul 한국아동간호학회 2017 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.23 No.4

        Purpose: The study was undertaken to see whether the culturally sensitive education for perinatal care using a face to face approach improves understanding of spouse's culture, knowledge of pregnancy and parenting skills, and self-efficacy among Korean husbands and Vietnamese wives. Methods: This study has a pre- and post-test study design conducted in a total of 13 couples who live in Seoul and agreed to participate. The education program consisted of lecture and hands on practice. The self-administered questionnaires and the checklist developed based on the educational purpose were used to assess the education effects. Results: The knowledge scores on Korean/Vietnamese culture, pregnancy and parenting skills as well as the performance scores on hand washing, pelvic strengthening, feedings and newborn bathing techniques were significantly improved in both husbands and wives after education, but pelvic floor exercises were improved only in wives. Conclusion: Overall, the individual education for culturally sensitive perinatal care was effective in our study participants.

      • KCI등재

        시교육에 있어서 감성의 문제와 그 가능성

        김영미(Kim YoungMee) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.4

        이 연구는 ‘감성’의 측면에서 시교육의 문제를 검토하고자 한 것이다. 시교육에서 감성의 문제에 대한 논의는 미미하다. 하지만 감성은 시를 존재하게 하는 핵심 인자이다. 시교육에서 감성의 문제는 시의 핵심에 대한 논의와 연관된다. 감성은 직관의 힘에 의해 세계에 대한 대결로서의 시를 존재하도록 한다. 또한 언어의 너머에 존재하는 대상을 드러낼 수 있도록 만든다. 사물의 내부로 침투하여 그 본질을 파악하는 힘이 되기도 한다. 이를 통하여 세계를 발견하는 절대자유를 획득하는 힘으로 작용한다. 시에 대한 감성적 접근은 딱딱하고 메마른 시 수업을 부드럽고 넉넉하게 만든다. 강렬하고도 순간적으로 독자의 내면을 변혁시킨다. 학생들이 시를 읽는다는 것은 시인이 인식한 세계에 이입되는 것이고, 그의 감성과 동궤에 서는 심미적 체험이다. 이로써 내면의 확장과 혁명, 자기다움을 만드는 것이 가능해진다. 시교육에서 감성의 문제에 대한 논의가 확대되어야 하는 이유이다. Reiterating that poem is a product of human sensibility can be an unnecessary repetition of already known facts. But it cannot be denied that as a form of art, poem fundamentally takes its roots in human sensibility. Revisiting emotional aspects of poem is related to what should be taught in poetry education and, more fundamentally, why poetry should be taught. As our societies get more civilized, humans, as societal beings, inevitably face increasing pressure. In the era when the ability of imagination and creativity is more emphasized, how to approach to poetry education can be a meaningful question. It cannot be denied that knowledge acquisition has been emphasized in our poetry education, which has led to little or no attention to inspiration, which is the most important aspect of the study of poetry. Inspiration is something which comes before theory-centered pedantic explanation and is something which makes human true human beings. In poetry education, inspirational approach enriches the study of poetry that could be otherwise dry and colorless. Studying poetry is the moment of spark when emotion of readers meets with the emotion that poets deliver through his or her work. It can be powerful moments which can instantly provoke changes in inner mind of readers. Emotional restoration is the process to re-erect otherized oneself which has experienced continuous loss of its own identity. It is a way to find its own identify and secure its absolute status. Securing absolute status which cannot be intruded by others is the basic condition to set human dignity. In the era where machine tends to take the upper hand, issues on human dignity should be looked back and reviewed. New discourse is required to be made in poetry education. Poetry education should put an emphasis on emotional aspects such as sensitivity, intuition, inspiration and artistic experience. It is time to acknowledge that we are living in the era which is in a dire need of such educational approaches.

      • KCI등재

        대재앙의 시대와 생존의 힘: 필립 로스의 『네메시스』

        김영미 ( Youngmee Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2024 현대영미소설 Vol.31 No.1

        Philip Roth has constantly explored who and what determines the course of a person's life in his all writings. Nemesis, his final work presents us a young Jewish man, Burky Cantor who works as a physical teacher and wants to be a full grown man despite his shameful biological and physical condition. As a Jewish young teacher, Burky faces terrifying polio epidemic situation in Newark, which seems to be similar to the Holocaust of Europe at that time. Roth presents us how Burky faces that urgent situation, how he decides to escape from it, and how he copes with the tragic consequences of it. The protagonist lives in eternal shame because he cannot forgive his mistaken choices and betrayal of his ideals. He is so obsessed with what he has gone through that he lost his sense of living, and has been living an extremely shrunken and desolate life with deeper feeling of shame. He constantly criticizes himself, connects his bad luck and sadness cases and fights against God because he thinks it is all due to God's cruel intention. Therefore, there is only a devastation in his life which is highly contrasted with the life of narrator’s who had contracted with polio like him in the past but has been enjoying the warmth, the vitality and the beauty of life. It seems that he not only survived the traumatic experience but also could get deeper understanding and sympathy of others. In this respect, even though the novel depicts a Jewish character in a very specific context, the character is not shown particularly struggling with the problem of Jewish identity and American identity. Rather, it tries to focus on what contributes to survive the disaster which is uncontrollable and unavoidable. The contrasting course of living in Burky and the narrator shows the importance of seeing circumstances in a proper distance and context, living with understanding and sympathy with others, and actively jumping into real life. This novel has even more special implications today, given that we are living in an era of cataclysmic crisis such as environmental disasters, wars, and viral infectious diseases.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 중심 교실 활동을 접목한 교육대학원 영문학 수업 사례

        김영미(Youngmee Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2017 영미문학교육 Vol.21 No.1

        This study introduces an English literature course integrated with learner-centered classroom activities in a graduate school of education and to evaluate it by students’ feedbacks and my course reflections. English literature courses in Korea for undergraduates or graduate students are usually designed by lecture or seminar (discussion) style teaching. Students, however, often have difficulty showing their personal responses to the English literature text through discussion due to various reasons such as EFL context or lack of discussion experience, which leads to students’ lack of confidence creating a bit depressed atmosphere in the classroom. That’s why I attempted to use learner-centered classroom activities in the English literature course. As is widely known, classroom activities have many advantages; channeling reader’s personal responses to various expressional forms, engaging readers to learn the process of analysing text and inducing their responses, and encouraging them to value their learner-centered learning experience by accomplishing tasks by themselves. My students were pre-service English teachers in a graduate school of education in Gyeonggi province, so the course objectives were both to read texts for fun as a learner and to find educational implications through classroom activities as a teacher. Although I tried to keep the balance among lecture, discussion, and classroom activities, this paper mainly describes the process and reflections involved in classroom activities.

      • KCI등재

        식민지기 오락문제와 전통오락 통제에 관한 일고찰-줄다리기 사례를 중심으로-

        김영미 ( Kim Youngmee ) 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2017 한국문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        본고의 목적은 식민지기 줄다리기를 둘러싼 갈등 양상을 검토함으로써 당대 조선사회에서 전개되었던 전통오락 통제의 한 단면을 고찰하는데 있다. 식민지기 조선인의 오락문제에 관한 담론에는 세시풍습에 해당하는 전통오락이 주로 언급되면서도 그것을 오락으로 간주하는 않는 상반된 시선이 교차하고 있었다. 그러나 전통오락은 `오락 不在`라는 문제에 대한 대안으로 각광을 받게 되는, 일견 모순된 양상 속에서 그것의 사회적 의미를 구축해 간다. 이에 본고는 오락문제에 결부시켜 줄다리기가 `오락 不在`에 대응할 수 있는 전통오락으로써 사회적 의미를 구축하게 되는 맥락을 재구성해보고자 했다. `민중적·대중적 오락` 혹은 `운동(=스포츠)`의 한 종류로써 줄다리기가 각광을 받았던 사실이 그러한 점을 뒷받침해주고 있다. 그리고 이는 오락문제에 결부되어 전통오락이 유지되었던 혹은 장려될 수밖에 없었던 당대의 복잡한 맥락을 보여준다. 식민통치 권력의 경우 식민지의 전통오락을 통제, 금지, 해체하려는 전략을 구사하면서도 `오락 不在`라는 문제에 직면해 전통오락의 적절한 활용을 꾀하는 태도를 취하였다. 이는 식민지 통치에 전통오락이 어떻게 통제, 활용되었던가를 보여주는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 태도는 식민통치 권력에 국한된 것이 아니었다. 당대 줄다리기에 대한 사회적 여론이 일방적인 긍정이나 부정이 아닌 양면적 형태로 전개되었던 것에서 그러한 측면을 확인할 수 있었다. 석전과 더불어 대규모 집단 놀이로써 조선을 대표했던 줄다리기는 식민통치 아래 다양한 갈등 관계를 형성하면서 쇠퇴와 성행의 역동성을 보여준 전통오락이었다. 사회적·문화적 의미가 중첩된 `보수성`과 `일상성`을 토대로 한 줄다리기의 존재 양상은 `식민성`과 `근대성`에 충돌하면서도 절충을 통해 나름의 전통성을 견지하는 한편, 그를 둘러싼 복잡한 갈등이 `사건화`되었던 것이다. 이는 줄다리기에 대한 입장이 `허가와 금지` 혹은 `긍정과 부정` 사이에서 중첩된 경계가 형성되었던 맥락을 시사하고 있는 것이다. 여기에는 `식민통치 권력`과 『東亞日報』나 『朝鮮日報』와 같은 매체로 대변되는 `조선인 식자층` 그리고 생활주체로서의 `식민지 대중`이라는 각 주체의 욕망이 얽혀져 있었다. 줄다리기를 둘러싼 갈등이 일방적으로 금지되어 사라지거나 쇠퇴된 것이 아니라 보다 역동적인 관계망 속에서 전개되었던 과정은 당대 전통오락을 둘러싼 복잡한 사회적 기제를 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있다. This study aimed to investigate the control of traditional plays during the Joseon era through analysis on conflict over a tug of war during the colonial period. In particular, the fact that a tug of war was meaningful as a traditional play during the Joseon Dynasty when there was no decent entertainment was examined. The popularity of a tug of war as a type of `popular entertainment` or `exercise (sports)` backs up this contention, which symbolically represents the historical context that traditional plays were maintained or promoted. For example, after facing a problem of `the absence of entertainment`, a necessity of popular entertainment emerged. As a result, a social semantic network on a tug of war was reconstructed accordingly. A tug of war, a leading group play during the Joseon Dynasty along with seokjeon (“stone battle”), was traditional entertainment which displayed dynamic ups and downs by forming diverse conflicts under colonial rules. In other words, based on `conservativeness` and `dailiness` in which social and cultural meanings were overlapped, a tug of war developed into a dual type, not just a positive or negative one only. Furthermore, a tug of war held on tradition to a certain extent through compromise despite collision with `coloniality` and `modernity` while the related complicated conflicts emerged. In terms of a view on a tug of war, in other words, an overlapped boundary between permit and prohibition or between positive and negative aspects was formed. In fact, the desires of `colonial ruling power`, `literate stratum of Joseon people` represented by the Dong-A Ilbo and the Chosun Ilbo and `the masses under colonial domination` were entangled. A context that conflict over a tug of war didn`t just diminish or disappear but developed in a more dynamic network reveals one side of Joseon society during the colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        수치 감정의 프레임으로 본 쿳시의 『치욕』

        김영미(Kim Youngmee),이명호(Lee Myungho) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2016 영미연구 Vol.36 No.-

        수치심은 우리 ‘존재의 깊은 차원’을 건드리는 ‘영혼의 병’으로 알려져 있는데, 그 가장 큰 특징은 자기 자신의 가치 부정이다. 본 연구는 수치감정의 프레임을 통해 그의 후기작에 속하는 『치욕』을 분석한다. 주인공 데이비드 루리의 내면 변화를 이해하기 위해서는 수치감정이 중요하다고 보는 것이다. 그의 수치 경험은 학생과의 섹스 스캔들로 대학에서 불명예 퇴출된 데 있지 않고 딸의 농장에서 일어난 강간사건과 그여파로 드러나듯, 딸을 지켜내지 못한 백인가부장의 무력감에 있다. 이 무력감이 아파르트헤이트 체제이후의 현실인 변화된 인종관계와 긴밀한 연관이 있다는 점에서 그의 수치심은 새로운 현실에 대한 그의 부정적 관점을 드러낸다. 그러나 관습적인 수치 프레임으로 여성의 강간을 바라보기를 거부하고, 변화한 흑백관계를 개인과 자아를 넘어서 역사적 관점에서 바라보는 딸, 병들고 쓸모없어 보이는 존재들도 위로와 사랑을 받을 권리가 있음을 보여주는수의사 베브를 통해 그는 소유와 특권을 넘어서는 삶의 방식, 사랑의 방식의 가치를 인식하게 된다. 그는 이 새로운 인식을 통해 수치심을 극복하고 주변의 삶을 긍정하게 한다. 이와 같은 주인공의 내면 변화와 삶의 긍정은 변화하는 남아공의 미래에 대한 작가의 긍정을 함축한다는 것이 이 논문의 결론이다. This study attempts, in the frame of shame, to analyze the experiences of David Lurie, a white intelligent man in a post-apartheid South African society, whose life J.M. Coetzee depicts as disgraceful in his Disgrace. The feeling of shame is regarded as very agitating and harmful to one’s ego states because it is based on self doubt and self degradation. In this frame of shame, it is possible to see Lurie’s inner changes more clearly. His shame is closely related with losing his own white patriarchal power in the post-apartheid South African reality. His most shameful experience is not his sexual scandal at his university but his daughter’s rape and her later decision to give birth to a mixed baby as its aftermath and become the third wife of Petrus, who came to be considered a new black patriarch in a new society. He suffers lots of shame in a changing racial relationship and undergoes powerlessness in this society. At the end of the novel, however, his feelings, attitudes, and viewpoints about himself, his daughter, and their new life are much changing. He is more positive, with his feeling of shame replaced by love. He comes to be beyond patriarchal right, ownership, and ego centric sexual desire, showing all attentions and kindness to other existences thanks to his daughter Lucy and other female character Bev.

      • KCI등재

        욕망의 좌절과 시기 감정: 1960년대 한국 엘리트의 감정 구조 - 손장순의 『한국인』을 중심으로 -

        김영미 ( Kim Youngmee ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2017 비교문화연구 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 한국 사회에서 민주주의와 근대화의 기틀을 잡아가던 1960년대를 살아가는 엘리트의 감성구조를 손장순의 『한국인』을 통해 살펴보았다. 작가는 1960년대 초의 불안정하고 부조리하며 불운한 한국 사회가 일그러진 남성 엘리트들을 낳았다고 제시하고 있다. 60년대 대부분의 엘리트들이 그러했듯이 소설속에 나오는 남성인물들은 모두 입신출세의 욕망, 사회적, 물질적으로 안정된 위치를 갈망하고 있다. 그런 점에서 이들은 개인주의적이고 속물적이다. 이들은 모두 동질적인 세계에서 동질적인 가치를 추구하고 있기 때문에 시기 감정에 더 많이 노출되어 있다. 우월함/열등함, 승리/패배의 이분법적 사고로 세상과 인간을 바라보는 이 인물들은 자신들의 열등함과 상대의 우월함에 매우 고통스러운 감정을 느끼며 일탈과 불법을 통해서라도 우월함의 위치를 고수하고자 한다. 그들은 자신들의 이런 감정의 실체를 모르고 있지만, 그들이 가지고 있는 이런 마음 상태는 시기의 감정에 다름 아니다. 이 시기감정은 그들의 삶을 더욱 파국으로 몰고 간다는 점에서 파괴적이다. 시기감정 속에 있는 선망의 감정 역시 타자지향적인 사고, 타자에 대한 이상화와 자신의 내적인 결핍에서 기인하며 개인의 삶을 더욱 피폐하게 한다는 점에서 위험하게 재현되어 있다. 소설 속에서 선망은 자기 향상보다 열등함과 내적인 결핍과 더 연관되어 있고, 자신과 타자의 극복할 수 없는 거리를 강조하고 있다. 시기와 선망의 부정적인 감정의 대척점에 희연이라는 인물이 있다. 외부의 시선, 외부의 욕망과 독립적인 거리를 유지하고 자신의 내적, 정신적 가치, 자신의 고유한 삶의 가치를 추구하는 여주인공, 희연을 통해 시기 감정의 극복의 길을 시사 받을 수 있다. This study tries to examine the emotion of the elite characters in Son Jangsoon`s early novel, The Koreans. In this novel, most characters are found to have an envy feeling, except for two female characters, Heeyeon and Sue Han. Although the writer does not consciously explore the envy feeling here, she excellently represents the harmful effects of the envy feeling. In this novel, the envy feeling is related to the desire for success and its frustration. In 1960`s, people had high expectation of improvement in their individual lives. The elite groups were more likely to have a successful life with good education. But in this novel, these elite people suffer from frustration of their desire and experience of the envy feeling. The impressive point in this novel is that not only females but also males are shown to have the envy feeling. Envious people have the tendency to compare themselves with people around them, to feel shame in an inferior position and to aspire for superiority. In these envious characters, the feeling of envy reveals their lack, their inferiority and it never provides them with the way to escape from their suffering situation. The writer suggests that the envy feeling can be overcome by pursuing other valuable things and focussing not on other people`s desire but on their own desire.

      • KCI등재

        『망고 거리의 집』에 형상화 된 도시 거리와 보도의 장소 경험

        김영미(Kim, Youngmee) 문학과환경학회 2019 문학과 환경 Vol.18 No.2

        이 논문은 산드라 시스네로스의 『망고 거리의 집』의 주요 배경인 대도시 거리의 장소 경험을 다루고 있다. 좀 더 구체적으로 이 연구는 대도시의 가로와 보도가 인간에게 특별하고 의미있는 장소 경험을 제공할 수 있다는 점을 전제로 주인공 에스페란자의 망고 거리에서의 다양한 장소 경험의 양상을 분석한다. 첫째, 이 소설의 거리와 보도는 ‘아이들의 놀이 공간’이었다. 에스페란자는 동네 친구들과 망고 거리 구석구석을 누비며 근린의 물리적 지형에 점차 익숙해지고, 이런 놀이 과정에서 쌓인 수많은 기억들을 통해 낯설고 추상적인 공간이었던 망고 거리는 에스페란자에 점차 구체적이고 현실적인 장소로 변모한다. 둘째, 망고거리와 보도는 ‘동네 주민들의 일상적 삶이 공유되는 교류의 공간’이었다. 에스페란자는 바로 이 거리와 보도에서 미국 주류 사회에서 소외되고 가부장적 남미 문화에 고통당하는 동네 여인들의 비참한 생활을 면밀하게 관찰하며 치카나 여성으로서의 삶의 실상을 깨우칠 수 있었다. 이처럼 놀이와 교류로 쌓여간 수많은 기억과 경험들 속에서 에스페란자는 자신이 몸담고 살아가는 망고 거리라는 장소와 그곳에서 함께 살아가는 사람들에 대해 정서적, 심리적으로 깊은 유대를 느끼게 되며, 이는 망고 거리에 대한 에스페란자의 소속감과 공적인 책임 의식으로 이어진 주요한 동기로 작용했다고 하겠다. This paper deals with place experience on streets and sidewalks in a big city. More specifically, it analyzes the aspects of Esperanza’s place experiences on The House on Mango Street , on the premise that streets and sidewalks have critical functions in the city life. First, the street and the sidewalks on The House on Mango Street functions as ‘Place for Children to Play.’ Esperanza went around every corners of Mango Street with her friends and got used to the physical characteristics of the neighborhood. Those memories change Mango Street from an obscure, strange place into a realistic, intimate community. Second, the street and the sidewalks functions as ‘Place for Casual Public Interactions.’ It was on the sidewalks where Esperanza was keeping a close eye on the miserable lives of the Latino immigrants. With casual contacts with her neighbors, she became aware of the violence of the patriarchism as well as the reality of being marginalized from the mainstream in American society. That is, she learned about life on the street. Consequently, Esperanza’s experience on her neighborhood, sometimes pleasant, but mostly painful, explains her ‘Sense of Place’ on Mango street; compassion, a sense of belonging, and responsibility to Chicana women who are oppressed, impoverished, and excluded as social minority, which finally leads her to promise to return to better her community. 이 논문은 산드라 시스네로스의 『망고 거리의 집』의 주요 배경인 대도시 거리의 장소 경험을 다루고 있다. 좀 더 구체적으로 이 연구는 대도시의 가로와 보도가 인간에게 특별하고 의미있는 장소 경험을 제공할 수 있다는 점을 전제로 주인공 에스페란자의 망고 거리에서의 다양한 장소 경험의 양상을 분석한다. 첫째, 이 소설의 거리와 보도는 ‘아이들의 놀이 공간’이었다. 에스페란자는 동네 친구들과 망고 거리 구석구석을 누비며 근린의 물리적 지형에 점차 익숙해지고, 이런 놀이 과정에서 쌓인 수많은 기억들을 통해 낯설고 추상적인 공간이었던 망고 거리는 에스페란자에 점차 구체적이고 현실적인 장소로 변모한다. 둘째, 망고거리와 보도는 ‘동네 주민들의 일상적 삶이 공유되는 교류의 공간’이었다. 에스페란자는 바로 이 거리와 보도에서 미국 주류 사회에서 소외되고 가부장적 남미 문화에 고통당하는 동네 여인들의 비참한 생활을 면밀하게 관찰하며 치카나 여성으로서의 삶의 실상을 깨우칠 수 있었다. 이처럼 놀이와 교류로 쌓여간 수많은 기억과 경험들 속에서 에스페란자는 자신이 몸담고 살아가는 망고 거리라는 장소와 그곳에서 함께 살아가는 사람들에 대해 정서적, 심리적으로 깊은 유대를 느끼게 되며, 이는 망고 거리에 대한 에스페란자의 소속감과 공적인 책임 의식으로 이어진 주요한 동기로 작용했다고 하겠다. This paper deals with place experience on streets and sidewalks in a big city. More specifically, it analyzes the aspects of Esperanza’s place experiences on The House on Mango Street , on the premise that streets and sidewalks have critical functions in the city life. First, the street and the sidewalks on The House on Mango Street functions as ‘Place for Children to Play.’ Esperanza went around every corners of Mango Street with her friends and got used to the physical characteristics of the neighborhood. Those memories change Mango Street from an obscure, strange place into a realistic, intimate community. Second, the street and the sidewalks functions as ‘Place for Casual Public Interactions.’ It was on the sidewalks where Esperanza was keeping a close eye on the miserable lives of the Latino immigrants. With casual contacts with her neighbors, she became aware of the violence of the patriarchism as well as the reality of being marginalized from the mainstream in American society. That is, she learned about life on the street. Consequently, Esperanza’s experience on her neighborhood, sometimes pleasant, but mostly painful, explains her ‘Sense of Place’ on Mango street; compassion, a sense of belonging, and responsibility to Chicana women who are oppressed, impoverished, and excluded as social minority, which finally leads her to promise to return to better her community.

      • KCI등재

        문학과 공감 능력: 심리학으로 들여다 본 문학의 사회적 · 교육적 가치

        김영미(Youngmee Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2018 영미문학교육 Vol.22 No.2

        This study aims to introduce the latest findings in psychology about the power of empathy through reading literature and to discuss the educational value of literature related to empathy. Empathy, the cognitive, emotional, and communicative ability to respond to others’ feelings, is the basis of our daily social interactions. Empathy enables us to analyze, judge, and reason the behaviors of others. It is believed that human beings are born with basic empathy skills and gradually develop them as they grow up. Empathy can be approached in two concepts: attitude of life, or communicative skills. Recently, as empathy as an attitude of life has been more focused, literature has been used in empathic education, which is based on the hypothesis that understanding literary characters would be similar to understanding people in real life. In other words, reading literature is not other than training empathic attitude of life. This interest has led to four psychological researches involving literature and empathy: 1) the social values presented by the novel have the potential to reduce social prejudice in real life, 2) people who read a lot of novels are more likely to have empathic skills and social acumen than non-fiction reader, 3) the more literary fictions you read (not popular fictions), the better your empathy and other social skills will be promoted, 4) multi-perspective novels have the great potential to facilitate the reading of others’ minds. These psychological researches on literature and empathy generally suggest that literary works, especially narratives, can have a positive social impact on readers by improving their ability to read others’ minds. These researches are surely believed to provide scientific evidence for the social, educational value of literature, and it is also expected that literary works will be more actively used in empathic education.

      • KCI등재

        『 인간의 오점 』에 나타난 패싱의 재현

        김영미 ( Youngmee Kim ),이명호 ( Myungho Lee ) 미국소설학회 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.1

        Philip Roth’s The Human Stain represents a black racial being named Coleman Silk who attempts to pass for a white in the 1940s and had successfully led his life for 40 years. What is notable for his passing narrative is that he passes not for a WASP but a Jew. This complicates his subject position, which can open a possibility for a new third subject position. But he internalizes the white male patriarchal ideology and firmly believe in American individualism. For racial passing, the dominant whites tend to see it as a deception and a kind of threat to white powers, while African Americans show more complicate and ambiguous response to it. On one hand African Americans regard passing as a betrayal to one’s ethnicity, on the other hand they think it can be a subversive strategy to white powers, questioning the racial category of ‘whiteness’ and ‘blackness.’ In this novel, Coleman’s passing is positively represented by the narrator Nathan Zuckerman, a Jewish writer and Coleman’s sister Ernestine. Ernestine tells Coleman’s passing was meaningful in its own way although Coleman’s other family members criticise it as a betrayal and an egocentric pursuit. Ernestine’s positive perspective to Coleman’s passing is closely related with her point of view which is distanced from the ‘politically correct’ position in the 1990s which focuses on minority subject position. She advocates the Western humanistic tradition like her brother. Zuckerman shares Ernestine’s perspective and he also admires Colemnan’s passing life. Although he mentions Coleman’s passing includes the savage sin to his mother and his ethnic community, he shows more sympathetic view for him as a passer. He is trying to construct Coleman’s story as an American story of self-creation. He even compares Coleman’s passing to an artistic activity to invent oneself. This kind of Zuckerman’s perspective has a danger to weaken the meaning of race in an American society. Considering that a contemporary American society is not fully free from racism, the exploration of the complex meaning of race is still significant. This novel does not fully represent the meaning of race.

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