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        편도 및 아데노이드 절제술 후 재발한 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 소아 1례

        김규리,김동순,서현주,신홍범,김의중,심현준,안영민,Kim, Cu-Rie,Kim, Dong-Soon,Seo, Hyun-Joo,Shin, Hong-Beom,Kim, Eui-Joong,Shim, Hyun-Joon,Ahn, Young-Min 대한수면의학회 2008 수면·정신생리 Vol.15 No.2

        소아의 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군은 편도 및 아데노이드 비대가 주된 원인이고, 편도 및 아데노이드 절제술 후 대부분 증세가 호전된다. 편도가 완전히 제거되지 않은 경우, 진단이 정확하지 않은 경우, 해부학적 기형이 동반되었을 때, 부비동염, 알레르기 비염 등의 만성 염증이 있는 경우, 비만이 있거나, 어린 나이에 발병한 경우 등에는 편도 및 아데노이드 절제술 후에도 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군이 재발할 수 있다. 11세 비만한 남아가 수년 전부터 심한 코골이가 있어서 병원을 방문하였다. 복부 초음파에서 지방간 소견을 보였으며 본원에서 시행한 수면다원검사상 무호흡저호흡지수(apneahypopnea index:AHI)가 70.5로 심한 OSAS 진단 받은 후 편도 및 아데노이드 절제술을 시행하였다. 수술 4개월 후 시행한 수면다원검사상에서는 AHI가 0으로 완전히 회복 되었다. 수술 1년 후 코골이와 코막힘을 다시 호소하여 소아과를 방문하였는데, 수면다원검사상 AHI 43으로 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군이 중증으로 재발된 소견을 보였다. 환아 진찰 소견상 부비동염이 심하여 항생제, 국소 스테로이드 분무, 항류코트리엔제제 치료를 시작하였고 3개월의 치료 후에 부비동염과 주관적인 증상이 호전되었다. 다시 시행한 수면다원검사에서 AHI는 8.5로 감소하였다. 당시 시행한 복부초음파상 지방간 소견은 보이지 않고 비만도도 정상화되었다. 이러한 증례로 보아 만약 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 소아에서 수술을 시행한 후에도 증세가 지속되거나 재발한다면 지속된다면 재발을 의심하고 반드시 수면다원검사를 추적 검사하는 것이 권장되며 여러 위험인자를 고려하여 치료계획을 빨리 세우면 합병증을 예방할 수 있을 것이다. The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in childhood is adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Adenotonsillectomy improves the symptoms quite well in most cases. However, some patients could experience the OSAS again after adenotonsillectomy, who might have several risk factors such as incomplete operation, misdiagnosis, combined anatomical malformation, sinusitis or chronic allergic rhinitis, obesity, initial severe OSAS, and early onset OSAS. We report a case of 11-year-old obese boy who presented with snoring for several years. He was obese with body mass index (BMI) of $26.3kg/m^2$ and also found to have fatty liver by ultrasonogram. Initial polysomnography (PSG) showed that he met the criteria of severe OSAS with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of 70.5. He underwent adenotonsillectomy and symptoms improved immediately. Four months later symptoms were relieved with AHI of 0, but 1 year after the adenotonsillectomy he started to complain snoring again and the subsequent PSG results showed that OSAS has relapsed with AHI of 43. Paranasal sinus X-ray and physical examination showed sinusitis and re-growth of adenoid. Obesity was proved not to be a contributing factor because his BMI decreased to normal range ($23.1kg/m^2$) after diet control and regular exercise. Also, liver transaminase was normalized and fatty liver was disappeared on follow-up abdominal ultrasonogram. After treatment of sinusitis, symptoms were relieved with decreased AHI (8.5). This case suggests that simple adenotonsillectomy might not be the end of OSAS treatment in childhood. Patients who had adenotonsillectomy should be followed by subsequent PSG if symptoms recur. It is also important to be aware of risk factors in the recurrent OSAS for the proper intervention according to the cause.

      • KCI등재

        의식 변화와 구토를 주소로 내원한 Grayanotoxin Intoxication 1예

        김규리,김동순,이희우,안영민,엄지현,Kim, Cu-Rie,Kim, Dong-Soon,Lee, Hee-Woo,Ahn, Young-Min,Uhm, Ji-Hyun 대한소아소화기영양학회 2008 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.11 No.2

        Grayanotoxin에 의한 중독은 대부분 보존적 치료만으로도 완전히 회복되는 경우가 많기 때문에 이를 감별하는 것이 중요하다. 저자들은 산에서 철쭉꽃을 10송이 넘게 섭취 후 의식저하를 주소로 응급실에 내원한 9세 남자 환자를 진단하고 치료하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Rhododendron species is one of the largest and most diverse genera in the plant kingdom, comprising over 800 species and existing all over the globe. Grayanotoxin intoxication is caused by ingestion of honey and flowers. Grayanotoxin exists in honey, flowers, pollen, and nectar of the Rhododendron species. Grayanotoxin-intoxicated patients may present with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, hypotension, bradycardia, and syncope for several hours. We report a case of grayanotoxin intoxication associated with mental changes. A 9-year-old male presented with impaired consciousness and delirium 26 hours after eating about 10 rhododendron sclippenbachii flowers. A brain MRI and EEG were normal. Parenteral fluids were administered and these symptoms resolved completely in 17 hours.

      • KCI등재

        국내 거주 외국인 가정폭력 피해 여성의 임상적 특징 및 심박변이도

        김규리,최진숙,장용이,이해우,심현보,Kim, Kyu-Lee,Choi, Jin-Sook,Jang, Yong-Lee,Lee, Hae-Woo,Sim, Hyun-Bo 대한수면의학회 2017 수면·정신생리 Vol.24 No.1

        목 적 : 가정폭력에 노출된 여성은 우울증, 불안장애, 외상 후 스트레스 장애 등 다양한 정신 질환에 이환되기 쉽다. 심박변이도 검사는 자율신경계의 활성도와 균형을 평가하는 검사로 비침습적이고 재현성이 높아 정신 질환에 대한 연구에서도 폭넓게 활용되고 있다. 그러나 폭력 피해 여성에 대한 심박변이도 연구는 아직까지 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 국내 폭력 피해 여성의 인구사회학적 특징 및 심리학적 특징을 살펴보고, 한국인과 외국인 폭력 피해 여성의 임상적 특징과 심박변이도 검사 결과의 차이를 비교해보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 여성쉼터에 입소한 폭력피해 여성 중 2011년 12월 부터 2015년 12월까지 건강검진을 위해 서울의료원에 방문한 대상자 중 한국인 166명, 외국인 44명, 총 210명 대상으로 HAM-D, HAM-A, IES-R 등 임상 척도 평가와 심박변이도 검사를 실시하였다. 폭력 피해 여성 중 한국인과 외국인의 인구사회학적 특징, 심리적 특징, 심박변이도를 비교하기 위하여 카이제곱 검정 및독립 표본 t-검정 등을 시행하였다. 결 과 : 한국인과 외국인 폭력 피해 여성은 거주지, 유년시절폭력의 경험, 폭력의 지속기간에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 한국인과 외국인 폭력 피해 여성 두 군 간의 HAM-A, HAM-D, IES-R 점수에는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 심박변이도의 세부지표에서는 ApEn 수치가 외국인 폭력 피해 여성군이 한국인보다 유의하게 높았고, RMSSD 수치는 외국인 폭력 피해 여성 군이 한국인보다 유의하게 낮은 결과를 보였다. 기타 HRV 세부지표에서는 한국인 폭력 피해 여성 군과 외국인 폭력피해 여성 군 두 군 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 결 론 : 국내 폭력 피해 여성은 우울, 불안, 외상 후 스트레스장애 증상을 가지고 있는 비율이 높았고 한국인과 외국인 간의 차이는 유의하지 않았다. 그러나 심박변이도 검사에서 외국인의 ApEn 값이 유의하게 높고 RMSSD 값이 유의하게 낮았다. 이는 한국인과 외국인의 인종 생리적 또는 이민 생활 등 환경적 영향의 차이일 수 있으며 향후 충분한 수의 외국인 대상자와 한국인을 비교, 추적조사를 통하여 요인간의 인과관계를 파악하는 연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다. Objectives: Domestic violence is related to many psychiatric diseases, such as depression, anxiety disorder, and PTSD. Heart rate variability (HRV) is an index of autonomic control of the heart and is related to cardiovascular and emotional disorders. Although there have been some studies on the effects of domestic violence on women's mental health, relatively little information is available on HRV in this population. The aim of this study is to investigate demographic data, psychological features, and HRV in female victims of domestic violence and difference between Korean and foreign female victims. Methods: A total of 210 female victims of domestic violence (166 Korean women and 44 foreign women) were recruited for this study. Psychological symptoms were measured using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A), Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), and Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). HRV measures were assessed by time-domain and frequency-domain analyses. Results: The mean score of HAM-A was 13.81, that of HAM-D was 12.92, and that of IES-R was 33.61 ; there were no significant differences between Korean and foreign women in these measures. In HRV time domain analyses, approximate entropy (ApEn) was significantly increased in foreign women compared to the Korean women. The square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD) was significantly decreased in foreign women compared to Korean women. There were no significant differences in the other HRV variables between Korean and foreign women. Conclusion: Female victims of domestic violence in Korea are associated with depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms. The physiologic factors of a female victim's nationality could be related to higher ApEn and lower RMSSD in foreign female victims. These findings have important implications for future study to study the relationships among ethnic and environmental factors and HRV variables.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of Skeletal Muscle Mass on Metabolic Health

        김규리,Jae Hyeon Kim 대한내분비학회 2020 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.35 No.1

        Skeletal muscle is regarded as an endocrine and paracrine organ. Muscle-derived secretory proteins, referred to as myokines, mediate interactions between skeletal muscle mass and other organs such as the liver, adipose tissue, pancreas, bone, and the cardiovascular system. As individuals age, reduced levels of physical activity and sarcopenia (loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength) are associated with physical frailty and disability. Recently, several studies have suggested that the loss of skeletal muscle mass may contribute to metabolic disease. Therefore, herein, we focus on the relationships between skeletal muscle mass and metabolic diseases,including metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

      • KCI등재

        항공서비스 전공 학생의 직업 이미지가 진로준비 행동에 미치는 영향 - 전공만족도 매개 효과 검증

        김규리,홍경완,Kim, Gyu-Lee,Hong, Kyung Wan 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.8 No.6

        The Purpose of this study is to investigate mediating effects of satisfaction in major on the causal relationship between job image of students majoring airline service and career preparation behavior. This study employs a survey questionnaire to examine the mediating effect of satisfaction in major. A 33-item survey questionnaire was administered to 210 students in the universities in 4 Metropolitan cities. The research data are analyzed using six statistical methods: factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and three-step mediated regression analysis. As a result of the analysis, there is mediating effect of satisfaction in major in the causal relationship between job image and career preparation behavior.

      • KCI등재

        숏폼 브랜디드 콘텐츠 노출 유형이 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향: 인지된 소속감의 매개 효과를 중심으로

        김규리,최정혜,박경민,Kim, Qurie,Choi, Jeonghye,Park, Kyung Min 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        The fourth industrial revolution became a decisive opportunity to increase our dependence on non-face-to-face services. Therefore, this study tried to derive a new strategic plan for non-face-to-face marketing by discussing the short-form branded content currently in the spotlight among the digital native generation. In particular, focusing on the phenomenon of co-viewing, where short-form branded content is viewed and communicated on social media, how exposure type of branded content affect attitudes toward short-form branded content and the products it contains verified. In addition, this research presents the perceived sense of belonging as a mediating variable. It was confirmed through an experiment whether the sense of belonging perceived by consumers during the co-viewing process significantly mediated the relationship between the exposure types and consumer attitudes. As a result of the study, it was found that the exposure type significantly affected the attitude towards the contents and the products contained in them. Furthermore, the perceived sense of belonging was also significant as a mediating variable.

      • 한옥의 창호 격자 구조에 따른 내구성 평가

        김성은(Kim, Seong-Eun),김영인(Kim, Young-In),이세림(Lee, Se-Lim),김지우(Kim, Ji-Woo),김규리(Kim, Kou-Ri),김소희(Kim, So-Hee),김승훈(Kim, Seung-Hun) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.37 No.2

        Recently, as an alternative to the residential type, the interest in the hanok has increased and the spread and expansion for the creative succession of the hanok have been actively performed. In this study, we carried out load test to evaluate the durability according to the lattice structure of hanok window. Experiments were carried out by modularizing window lattice. Experiments were carried out using variables such as area, aspect ratio, type of paper, and type of load. As a result, the color hanji showed 27.5 ~ 200% higher load capacity than the yong yong yi. Both types of A200-12 specimens showed the highest yield strength. Also, the increase of the uniform distribution load with increasing area was evaluated as the aspect ratio was smaller. As a result of the load test of the concentrated load, the strength of the test specimen of the A100 series increased as the aspect ratio became smaller. In other words, A100-13 specimen with the smallest aspect ratio of 0.33 showed the greatest strength. Therefore, the durability of the lattice module of the window is considered to be better when the area of the module is larger and the aspect ratio of the concentrated load is smaller.

      • KCI등재

        압입 하중과 침적 기간에 따른 의치상용 레진의 비커스 경도

        김규리(Gyu-Ri Kim),김동애(Dong-Ae Kim),김남석(Nam-Suck Kim),양태현(Tae-Hyun Yang),이해형(Hae-Hyoung Lee) 대한치과재료학회 2014 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of indentation load and storage in water on Vickers hardness and viscoelastic recovery of indentation of denture base resins. Two types of acrylic denture base materials were investigated; Vertex (VT) and Acryshot (AS). Five resin disks each were prepared in 20 mm diameter and 1.8 mm in thickness) and highly polished according to manufactures recommendations. Vickers hardness test was conducted at a load of 25, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 gf with a dwell time of 30 s from one specimen. Vickers hardness (HV) and maximum indentation depth values at each load were averaged from three measurements. Vickers diagonal length of each indentation was re-measured after water storage of 1, 3, and 7 days, and HV values of specimens were recalculated. There were no significant differences in HV between indention loads (p>0.05), indicating no load dependency in HV value of specimens. Moreover, the HV value of specimens did not show statistically significant change after water storage up to 7 days. However, the indentation depth (D<SUB>m</SUB>) values were higher than the indentation depth (D<SUB>c</SUB> ) calculated from Vickers indentaiton geometry. The difference between D<SUB>m</SUB> and D<SUB>c</SUB> was increased with increase in indentation load, indicating some load dependency. This phenomenon was probably due to immediate viscoelastic recovery of denture base resins. Vickers hardness with indentation depth measurement can be a useful tool to investigate mechanical behavior of denture base resins.

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