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      • KCI등재

        Greenhouse Gases Emission from Rice Paddy under Different Tillage Intensity during Fallow Season

        권효숙,권효숙,최은정,이선일,이형석,박혜란,이종문,진주현 한국토양비료학회 2022 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.55 No.4

        Reduced tillage is a useful practice to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and decrease methane (CH4)emission in a rice paddy. However, the impacts of reduced tillage on the global warming potential (GWP) aregenerally analyzed for CH4 fluxes only during rice cultivation season. This study was conducted to investigatethe effects of tillage on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission including both CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) and SOCstock changes were evaluated during the fallow season under two different tillage systems (conventional tillageand reduced tillage practice). The emission rate of GHG emissions was monitored using the closed chambermethod. The SOC stock changes were estimated by the net ecosystem C budget (NECB), which is defined asthe difference between total organic C input and output. Finally, the net global warming potential (net GWP),which was calculated as CO2 equivalents was compared between the different tillage system in rice paddyduring fallow season. The net GWP of tillage and reduced tillage treatment were 4.09 and 4.96 Mg CO2 eq. ha-1,respectively during fallow season. However, the net GWP was not significantly different tillage systems. Thedecrease of SOC stock as CO2 emission was the most influential part on increasing the net GWP. Our studysuggest that regardless of tillage conditions, it is necessary to establish a greenhouse gas reduction strategyfocusing on increasing SOC accumulation during the fallow season. However, as this study was conducted foronly single fallow season, long-term study is required to estimate the cumulative effects of tillage treatmenton GHG emissions during fallow seasons in paddy.

      • KCI등재

        초등사회과교과서의 통일교육 내용분석

        권효숙 한국사회과교육연구학회 2006 사회과교육 Vol.45 No.3

        A Content Analysis of Elementary Social Studies Textbook Focusing on National Unification Education : A View Point of the cross-cultural awareness Kwon Hyo-Sook International Graduate University for Peace This paper attempts to analyze elementary social studies textbook. It closely looks at the unit of 6th grade social studies textbook, titled the national unification, and try to examine contents, organizations of the unit with the viewpoint of cross-cultural awareness. Since cross-cultural awareness was taken as the theoretical framework of the analysis, this paper provides the core concepts of the cross-cultural awareness. In general, the contents of national unification were organized along with the periodical sequence of a nation-state, and the details reflect the demand of the nation and society. It was found that there are several problems that may deteriorate the active unification education from a view point of cross-cultural awareness. In general, the core concepts of the cross-cultural awareness for unification education were not carried on adequately, so the coherence of concept was not guaranteed. Also the contents should have constituted of which materials reflect the daily life for preventing alienation of students' curiosity. An intercultural understanding have a possibilities to promote the power of execution for pursuing the peaceful coexistence. Viewed in this light, cross-cultural awareness approach to unification education can be regarded as a peace education. 본 연구는 초등사회과교과서의 통일관련 내용을 문화간이해의 관점에서 분석함으로써 현재 이루어지고 있는 사회과 통일교육의 방향을 검토해보고, 평화적 통일교육의 한 접근법으로서 문화간이해의 가능성을 제시해보고자 한다. 본문에서는 분석의 시각으로써 문화간이해의 핵심적 개념을 제시하였고, 초등학교 6학년 사회교과서에 제시된 통일관련 내용에 대하여 분석하였으며, 이에 따라 발견되는 문제점들을 지적하였다. 교과서에서 통일관련 내용은 모두 민족 및 국가를 단위로 하여 시간적 맥락 속에서 제시되어 있는 것이 특징이며, 구체적인 내용도 국가사회적 요구를 반영하는 측면이 두드러졌다. 문화간이해의 관점에 비추어 볼 때, 평화적 통일교육을 지지할 수 있는 기본개념에 대한 충실한 접근과 개념간 유기적 통합성, 그리고 평화통일에 대한 감수성 함양을 위한 내용구성이 요청되었다. 문화간이해는 이질적인 삶의 조화로운 통합에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 점에서 평화통일을 추구하는 통일교육의 접근법이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        세계화시대의 정체성과 사회과 인류학교육

        권효숙 한국사회과교육연구학회 2003 사회과교육 Vol.42 No.3

        Identity in a Globalized Society and Anthropology Education in Social Studies Kwon, Hyo-sook Seoul Keumbook elementary School Today, both of globalization and localization are important to understand the situations of the world. One have regarded as globalization is a worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, others have emphasized the plurality of cultural development as a result of the anti-colonialism movement. Therefore it is fair to say that globalization as interlinked with localization and it could be termed ‘glocalization'. The varied practices transform the meanings of citizenship in an era of globalization. Good teaching for global citizenship is more important than ever before in today's world. Global citizens are required the knowledge and skills for involved responsible citizenship at the local, state, national and global level. In this era of globalization, ‘multuple identity’ is the name of global citizenship. The reworking of citizenship ideas in a globalizing world will require a clear recognition of the changing world and of the appropriate attitude in social studies education, a field that many believe to have citizenship as its central goal. This study has considered ‘diaspora' in terms of an aspect of multuple identity that transform the meanings of citizenship in an era of globalization. And also by trying ethnography to reflective cosideration of the identity education in school, this work argue the possibility of an anthropological intervention into the social studies education. 오늘날의 세계화는 민족, 국가의 경제, 문화, 정치 등이 하나로 통합되는 세계성과 민족, 국가, 지역 간의 차이가 새롭게 생성되고 강화되는 지역성이 모순적으로 상호작용하는 다중적인 과정으로 이해할 수 있다. 소위 ‘세계적 지역화(glocalization)’라 명명되는 현대는 각 개인들로 하여금 비단 어느 특정 국가나 집단의 이익만을 추구하는 태도가 아닌 전체 인류의 번영을 위하는 초국가적인 관점과 태도도 함께 갖출 것을 요구하고 있다. 세계시민으로서 지녀야 할 정체성을 ‘다중적 시민성(multiple citizenship)’이라 개념화할 때, 시민교육을 담당하는 핵심교과인 사회과에서 이를 위한 다양한 탐색이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 이 글에서는 세계화와 정체성의 관계 속에서 세계시민의 특성을 살펴보고, 다중적 시민성으로서의 특징을 지니고 있는 ‘디아스포라(diaspora)’를 세계시민의 한 양상으로 제시하였다. 다음, 문화기술적 사례연구를 통해 분석한 이들의 정체성교육 현황을 반성적으로 고찰하고 세계시민성 교육을 위한 한 시도로써 사회과 인류학교육의 가능성을 논의하고자 했다.

      • KCI등재

        질적 연구와 디자인의 방법론적 비교

        권효숙,이주명 디자인융복합학회(구.한국인포디자인학회) 2014 디자인융복합연구 Vol.13 No.2

        This paper focuses on the relationship between each methods used as a part of design research and the system of qualitative study. Qualitative study recognize the world through its unique paradigm, which the basement of its methodologies comparing with that of quantitative study. Quantitative study adapt its research logic such as controled experiment and quantitative analysis, that are useful to research the natural world, to human phenomenon. Qualitative study, however, denies that and takes people’s eye to view their inner mind to the world. In order to achieve that, qualitative study suggests three strategies of its methodologies : relativism, subjectivism, and naturalism. As the result of conducting the comparison between qualitative study and design, they have quite similar aspects on their methodologies and some suggestions to each other, even though one aims to understanding human phenomenon and another to the construction of artificial world. In particular, the relationship that was started from the adapting individual methods of qualitative study to design needs to expand to considering the epistemology. 본고는 최근 디자인리서치의 요소로서 사용되는 개별적 방법들이 질적 연구의 체계와 갖는 연관성에 주목한다. 양적 연구와 대비되는 질적 연구는 자신만의 독특한 패러다임을 바탕으로 세계를 인식하며 그러한 인식론은 고유 방법론의 토대가 된다. 질적 연구는 양적 연구가 자연계에 적용했던 실험과 양적분석의 구조를 인간현상에 까지 적용하려는 시도를 거부하고, 세계를 바라보는 인간의 내면을 그 사람의 눈으로 이해하고자 하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이를 위해서 질적 연구는 다수의 실재가 존재한다는 상대주의적 존재론, 연구자와 참여자가 공동의 이해를 형성한다는 주관주의적 인식론, 맥락에 따라 연구방법 및 절차의 유연성을 전제로 한 자연주의적 접근을 방법론의 핵심으로 삼고 있다. 디자인과 질적 연구의 비교 검토 결과 현상의 이해가 목적인 질적 연구와 인공세계의 구성에 관심을 두고 있는 디자인이 방법론적 측면에서 상당한 유사성을 보이고 있으며, 상호 시사점이 있음을 밝혔다. 차후 디자인은 개별 방법으로 시작된 질적 연구와의 관계가 인식론적으로 확대될 필요성 또한 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화간 적응교육의 개념과 실제

        권효숙 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2004 敎育問題硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        빠른 속도로 다변화하는 사회적 환경은 국가간 인구이동을 가속화시키고 있으며, 이로 인하여 다양한 문화적 경험을 가진 사람들의 수 또한 급속히 증가하고 있다. 이러한 현실은 교육현장에서 장기적이고 체계적인 문화간 적응교육을 실시해야 할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 지금껏 부분적으로 시도된 문화간 적응교육은 사회화의 논리를 따름으로써 개별 학생의 삶이나 관점보다는 집단의 요구를 충족시키는 데 초점을 맞추어 왔으며, 개인이 그들의 삶의 맥락 속에서 주체적으로 삶을 기획해 가는 과정의 교육적 의미를 간과하는 경향이 있었다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 문화간 적응교육이 시도되는 ‘귀국반’이라는 현장에서 구성원들이 구체적으로 어떤 경험을 하고 있으며, 이때의 문화간 적응과정의 특징은 무엇인가를 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 토대로 하여 현재의 문화간 적응교육의 개념을 교육학적 시각에서 반성적으로 고찰하고 교육의 논리를 따르는 새로운 개념화 방식을 제안하고자 한다. 문화간 적응교육의 개념에 대하여 새로운 시각을 제시하는 일은 다양한 방식으로 표출되는 일상적 삶의 사태를 교육적 과정으로 이끌 수 있는 가능성을 탐색하는 일이라고도 할 수 있다. At a time when international migrations are becoming increasingly, Korea is facing with the task to resolve the intercultural issues in a filed of education. Especially, the number of people who have a variety of cultural experiences have been increased rapidly and therefore it has raised the necessity of re-consideration about their intercultural adjustive education. This study has been carried on by participant observation and in-depth interviews in a ‘returnee class.’ The subject to be investigated in this study is the concept and practices of intercultural adjusment education and propose the way of re-conceptualizing it. So far, ‘intercultural adjustive education’ has not so much concerned with the individual context, rather it imply the stereotyped and naturally monotonous standard which have according to the logic of socialization. It has been suggested in this study that there is a tremendous lack of awareness of values of intercultural experience. For the rethink of intercultural adjustive education, it is required that students' holistic life should be considered. That is, intercultrual adjustive education should be based on the context of individual experience and programmed according to the logic of education.

      • KCI등재

        벼 재배 논토양에서 메탄의 생성 및 배출: 리뷰

        권효숙,최은정,이선일,이형석,이종문,강성수 한국기후변화학회 2022 한국기후변화학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        In Korea, approximately 22% of domestic methane (CH4) emissions are emitted from rice cultivation. Various studies have sought to reduce CH4 emission from rice cultivation, but studies conducted in Korea have not been reviewed. In this review, we suggest directions for research by summarizing CH4 study cases of rice paddies in Korea. In addition, we provide background information on CH4 emissions. In flooded paddies, an anaerobic environment develops; when soil redox potential reaches -200 mV, methanogens are promoted. When substrates such as acetic acid and hydrogen/carbon dioxide, which are the decomposition products of organic matter, are supplied at the optimum soil temperature of 20-40℃, CH4 emissions are accelerated. After that, 80-90% of CH4 generated from the soil is released into the atmosphere through the aerenchyma of rice. Studies have explored CH4 emissions related to various agricultural activities that affect methanogen activity in Korea. A significant number of studies have focused on the management of paddy water and organic matter in relation to increases or decreases in CH4 emissions. However, most studies were short-term evaluations of CH4 emissions. In addition, detailed analysis of the factors influencing CH4 emission was lacking in investigations focusing on the amount of CH4 emissions. Therefore, including the effects of long-term soil management on CH4 emissions, studies should be conducted a detailed part of each affecting CH4 emission factor, in future research. These results could contribute to decreasing national CH4 emissions by providing specific measures for how to strategically reduce CH4 emissions in the future.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 간문화적 경험과 적응교육의 재개념화

        권효숙 서울교육대학교 2003 한국초등교육 Vol.14 No.2

        The number of returned students has been increased rapidly and therefore it has raised the necessity of re-consideration about their adjustive education. This study has been carried on by participant observation and in-depth interviews in a 'returnee class'. The subject to be investigated in this study is the intercultural adjustment of the returned students and a reconceptualization of 'adjustive education' A concept of 'adjustive education' could be defined diversly, which depends on a definition of the words 'adjustment' and 'education' So far, 'adjustive education' has not so much concerned with the individual context, rather it imply the stereotyped and naturally monotonous standard It has been suggested in t h s study that there is a tremendous lack of awareness of values of intercultural experience. For the reconceptualization of the adjustive education, it is required that students' holistic life should be considered That is, adjustive education should be based on the context of individual experience.

      • KCI등재후보

        귀국학생 교육프로그램의 현황과 국제성 함양의 과제: ‘귀국반’에 대한 사례연구를 중심으로

        권효숙 한국사회과교육연구학회 2003 사회과교육 Vol.42 No.2

        A Study on Problems with the Returnee Students Education Program and the Need for Development of Internationality: Ethnographic Case Study on ‘Returnee Class' Kwon, Hyo-sook (lecturer, Seoul National University of Education) The number of returnee students(hereafter students) has been increased rapidly and therefore it has raised the necessity of re-consideration about their education. Until now, education program have focused primarily on their ‘adjustment'. That is, most people have recognized the students as the ones who have to adjust to the Korean school system. In such circumstances successful students have been regarded as who satisfy the demands of Korean school quickly. It means that the educational program is not so much concerned with the diversity of cultural experience and their development of internationality. This study has been carried on by participant observation and in-depth interviews in a ‘returnee class'. The study aims to understand the conflicting themes of ‘adjustment' and ‘development of internationality’ on the concrete context, and try to give some suggestions for their education. With regard to this subject, I have summarized the result the study as follows. First, institutional flexibility can allow the plenty of time to consider students' various experiences and to bridge the gap during abroad. Secondly, by building students' self-esteem on their own experiences, students enable to establish their subjecthood and identity. Further, going with the stream of the globalization, it is necessary to prepare a specialized program for upbringing students' own cultural capacity. Finally, teacher education program and supportive system should be prepared. It could conduct to the teachers' professional growth, which, in time, resulted in the improved internationality of their students. 최근에 나타난 귀국학생의 급속한 증가 현상은 학교 장면에서 이들의 교육 문제를 새로이 인식하고 대처해야 할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 그동안 귀국학생은 적응의 대상으로 파악되었으며, 성공적인 적응의 판별은 한국 학교의 요구를 얼마나 빨리 만족시키는가에 의해 이루어져 왔다. 이러한 현상은 한국 학교의 귀국학생 교육프로그램이 ‘한국 학생 만들기’에 초점을 맞추고 있으되, 상대적으로 다양한 문화적 경험과 적응 과정 자체의 교육적 의미에는 큰 관심을 기울이지 못하고 있음을 의미하는 것이다. 이 연구는 몇몇 초등학교에 시범적으로 설치된 ‘귀국반’ 중 한 곳을 선정하여, ‘귀국반’ 현장에서 관찰되는 현상, 특히 ‘적응’과 ‘국제성 함양’의 목표가 드러내는 갈등양상의 맥락을 파악하고, 귀국학생 교육프로그램이 지향해야 할 바에 대하여 논의하고자 하였다. 귀국학생들의 다양한 경험과 수준을 존중하는 교육프로그램을 기획하여 학생들로 하여금 학교 적응은 물론 상호이해를 통한 국제성 함양의 단계까지 나아가도록 하기 위해서는 환급시기의 탄력적 조정, 귀국학생들에 대한 새로운 관점, 귀국학생들의 문화적 자본 특성화 방안 , 그리고 교사의 역량을 키울 수 있는 교사교육프로그램이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        사진을 통한 일상성찰의 교육적 의미 탐색

        권효숙,이주명 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.4

        This study intends to discuss that photographs can act as an educational opportunity to recognize and reflect on the habitual indifference and insensitivity based on the meaning of everyday life and the importance of reflection. First of all, having clarified that daily life as a place of living is inextricably linked with education and presents the need for an attitude that can respond and communicate. Next, by examining the characteristics of photographs as technical images and the mechanism of meaning creation, try to explore the possibility of daily reflection through photo interpretation. The research results can be summarized as follows. First, photographs can contribute to the formation of an appreciation for everyday life that can newly read, interpret, and evaluate daily experiences by securing a spatial and temporal distance for observation based on its unique medium characteristics. Second, the photograph provides an opportunity for active observing to perceive, feel, and interpret everyday life, at the same time through visual thinking, and guides the emotional subject's attitude for creatively reproducing experiences. Third, through the appropriation of academic research methods such as photo essays and photo interviews, the possibility of in-depth and rich daily reflection can be expanded. Understanding and using photographic competency is meaningful as an educational practice that actively seeks and expands the possibilities of various educational materials which ubiquitous around our lives.

      • KCI등재후보

        Preparing programs for intercultural education:An ethnographic study of ‘returnee class’

        권효숙 한국교육개발원 2004 한국교육 Vol.31 No.3

        Today, intercultural issues have gradually been perceived as the key to understand the situations of the world. It means that we have to concern about the change our practices in order to become consistent with existing circumstances. The purpose of this study is to understand the needs of the intercultural education in concrete context. This article bring to the focus on the difficulties of returnee students in Korean school and the process of dealing with them. Finally, I'll propose a necessity of intercultural education program for teachers and students, which will play a crucial role in the reciprocal understanding process. The study has been carried on by the ethnographic research, especially participant observation and in-depth interviews in a ‘returnee class’, which has an intercultural significance as exemplified by the cultural contacts. 오늘날 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 국가간 인구이동과 다양한 측면의 문화적 접촉은 많은 유익과 더불어 더 많은 해결해야 할 과제들을 가져오고 있다. 이처럼 급속히 변화하는 환경은 교육장면에도 문화간이해와 관련된 새로운 과제들을 제기하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 다양한 문화적 배경을 가진 귀국학생들이 한국 학교에서 겪는 어려움과 그것을 다루어가는 과정을 살펴보고, 그에 기초하여 교사 및 학생을 위한 문화간이해교육 프로그램의 필요성을 제기하고자 한다. 문화간 접촉과 상호작용 속에서 이루어지는 역동적인 일련의 과정들을 이해하는 일은 시대적으로 요청되고 있는 문화간이해교육의 방향을 설정하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구에서는 이해지향적 패러다임에 속하는 문화기술적 사례 연구를 택하였으며, 구체적으로는 참여관찰과 심층면담 기법을 채택하였다.

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