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      • KCI등재

        『靑樓韻語』를 통해 본 遊廓風情 小考

        권호종,신민야 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2015 외국학연구 Vol.- No.33

        Despite much research on jinü (妓女) and whoremasters (嫖客) at brothels (靑樓), their real lives have rarely been described concretely through actual documents, such as QingLouYunyu (靑樓韻語). Exposing the minds of jinü (妓女) who tried to swindle them out of goods and money, QinglouYunyu (靑樓韻語), served as a guidebook for whoremasters (嫖客) who wanted to visit brothels (靑樓). The text of QingLouYunyu (靑樓韻語) consists of the scripture PiaoJing (嫖經), including its sentences, annotations, and literary works, including 505 pieces of poems. Based on an analysis of PiaoJing (嫖經)’s sentences, annotations, and poems, this paper examines in detail the amorous behaviors of whoremasters (嫖客) and the emotional acts of inü (妓女) at brothels. The amorous behaviors of whoremasters (嫖客) are identified as winning hearts (討情), answering puzzles (復爐), having the right of first night (梳籠), swapping partners (跳槽), while the emotional acts of jinü (妓女) are classified as waiting (候約), alluring (誘客), enjoying sex (歡娛), and missing (思人).

      • KCI등재

        『靑樓韻語』를 통해 본 嫖客의 風流守則

        권호종,이봉상 한국중국언어문화연구회 2015 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.38

        Since mid-Ming dynasty, the brothel(靑樓) had been prevalent. Accordingly, the number of whoremasters who frequented brothel surged. 『QinglouYunyu』 was an important book as a guide to clients in achieving a high degree of satisfaction. They got at the behavior codes, life style and mental state of the prostitutes(妓女) by reading 『QinglouYunyu』. This paper summarizes their behavior codes at brothel as follows. (1) to do as a man who seems to have been experienced before. (2) to be well-trained at writing and drinking. (3) to win prostitute’s heart according to her taste. (4) to make a timely remark. (5) to rouse some adequate jealousy. Like above mentioned, 『QinglouYunyu』 was a guide book to the whoremasters who visit brothels, and on the other hand it is a very important book as the works of literature that contains 507 pieces of poems.

      • KCI등재

        통행본 『천가시(千家詩)』 수록작품의 작자이름 표기오류 고찰

        권호종 세계문학비교학회 ( 구 한국세계문학비교학회 ) 2008 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        『千家詩』是明淸兩代最流行的蒙學讀本之一, 故歷來就有"三百千千"(『三字經』, 『百家姓』, 『千字文』, 『千家詩』)的說法, 由此可見, 타在傳播傳統文化方面曾經起過不可忽視的作用. 『千家詩』所收作品, 都是五七言絶句和律詩, 且絶大多數是唐宋詩人的名篇, 此些詩作題材豊富, 篇幅短小, 文字淺顯, 易於記誦, 在編排上亦?有特點, 因而歷來爲人們所喜愛, 得以長期流傳而不衰, 至今仍有其生命力.『千家詩』是一本旣通俗, 又流行極廣的詩集, 由於各地坊間輾轉傳刻,且坊間刻書缺乏其他圖書的査對, 又無專家學者的校勘考證, 以致造成許多錯誤, 如詩題的刪減更改, 作者姓名的誤植或錯刻, 或不容名氏而用字號, 詩句文字的出入或有改異.本論文主要是以書本的編纂過程與所收作品的作家署名問題爲中心來探討『千家詩』了. 探討『千家詩』所收作品本身的主題與藝術特徵是日後有待執行的課題. 當前不只是沒有硏究『千家詩』的碩·博士學位論文, 就是連一本短篇的『千家詩』論文也沒有的韓國學界上, 希望本論文成爲『千家詩』硏究環境的一個基石.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 《삼국연의, 三國演義》의 력사적, 歷史的 허실, 虛實 소고, 小考

        권호종,강재인 중국어문학회 2011 中國語文學誌 Vol.37 No.-

        中國有句"少不看水滸,老不看三國"的警語,타的內函是說,威恐血氣方綱的年輕時讀了《水滸誌》后成一個强盜,到了老人已經흔狡猾了,加上讀了《三國演義》后,파更爲陰凶狡猾,因此以此警語來作爲警戒。《三國演義》里,在難以豫測,變化无常的戰場上,常會見到神出鬼沒的英雄和陰謀算計的謀士,但是這些人物여正史上所記載的却是령外一個人,或是虛構的人物。當니得知此類事件的眞像,可能會失去興緻。可是世上所有眞理都溶在這部小說內。所以今日在中國,《三國演義》內的文章,時時刻刻被載菉到敎科書內,學習漢文的世界各地也漢文敎材中都載菉着《三國演義》內的文章。本論文把《三國演義》里所出現的人物(曹操,劉備,諸葛亮和周瑜)和事件(官渡大戰,赤壁大戰和夷陵大戰),從正史《三國誌》여小說《三國演義》記菉兩種層面來加以比較分析,結果從中可以了解到,小說《三國演義》여正史《三國誌》有所不同的是,將蜀國描寫成一個正統王朝,將劉備,關羽,張飛和諸葛亮描寫成懲罰惡人曹操的超出凡人的人物,竝且是個具有德性여勇猛性的英雄人物。《三國演義》爲了將劉備集團描寫成英雄,在歷史事實的上面塗上一層虛假的圖案,就是將曹操和孫勸集團描寫成一個陰險而狡猾的集團。《三國演義》將《三國誌》所敍述的歷史事實,不盡誇張描述而且又再創造出虛構來。此類敍述都是以文學爲根底,爲了小說的趣味性和虛構性之再創造, 引發出來的。

      • KCI등재

        明代 妓女 景翩翩 詩歌 小考

        권호종,신민야 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2016 외국학연구 Vol.- No.37

        Jing Pian pian(景翩翩) is a very famous ‘jinü(妓女)' of the Ming Dynasty. She wrote a relatively large number of poems and lived a very unfortunate life. Her poems were handed down in the book of 『QingLouYunYu(靑樓韻語)』 and 『LieChaoShiJi(列朝詩集)』. This paper analyzes Jing Pian pian(景翩翩)’s 58 poems in four subjects: parting, longing, lamenting and daily life. She wanted to marry someone who appreciated her talent but experienced a marriage that failed due to fraud, which resulted in her suicide. She expressed her feelings through poems. The poems of parting show the pain of separating oneself, the poems of longing reveal the feeling of yearning after being apart, the poems of lamenting disclose the fate and unfortunateness of ‘jinü(妓女)’, and the poems of daily life expose the surrounding landscape of daily life. In particular, the poems of daily life, which have a light and cheerful tone, cause appreciators to experience poems of a different taste from most of her other poems that are tinged with a sad color. Although Jing Pian pian(景翩翩) lived a tragic life, the poems that have been handed down still live on for posterity.

      • KCI등재후보

        『三國演義』 ‘赤壁大戰’ 詩歌에 나타난 人物形象 小考

        권호종,강재인 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구논총 Vol.35 No.4

        This paper is researching the figurations of the major characters exprsssed at the poems of the Battle of ChiBi(赤壁) in the Historical Novel 『Three Kingdoms』. The visiual angle of the Historical Novel 『Three Kingdoms』 becomes different around "the Battle of Chi Bi". Before the battle, it describes the major characters like Cao Cao(曹操), Zhou Yu(周瑜), Guan Yu(關羽) and Kong ming(孔明) unprejudicedly and in detail. But after th Battle resulting in Cao Cao(曹操)'s defeat, the Novel depicts Liu Bei(劉備), Kong ming(孔明), Guan Yu(關羽), and Zhang Fei(張飛) as the faithful subjects to ‘Han(漢)’, while it treats Cao Cao(曹操) as the traitorous one. This is mainly due to the emotions handed down among people, prasing Liu Bei(劉備) but derogating Cao Cao(曹操).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국시가의 용전수사(用典修辭) 고찰

        권호종 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2013 외국학연구 Vol.- No.26

        Allusion is a certain narrative content or a language expression which appeared in the writings of a past time. Most Chinese literary writers have made good use of allusions in their writings for the purpose of rhetorical artistry and literary communications. I plan to discuss the types and functions of allusion quotations in poems. I classify allusion quotations into five types: direct quotation, extended quotation, melted quotation, reverse quotation and hidden quotation. I also plan to classify the functions of allusion quotations into five types: satirizing, will-expressing, association stimulating, implicating and discussing. At the same time, I am analysing the cases of Chinese poems used in the background of the Chinese literary history separately.

      • KCI등재

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