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      • KCI등재

        단기상담 훈련프로그램이 상담자 발달수준에 미치는 효과

        강진구 한국상담학회 2005 상담학연구 Vol.6 No.4

        본 연구에서는 단기상담 핵심기법과 발달단계별 상담자 역할 훈련프로그램이 상담자 발달수준 점수의 변화에 유의미한 효과가 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 독립변수는 단기상담 훈련을 위한 3단계 프로그램(강진구, 2005) 중 제1, 2단계 훈련프로그램으로서, 피험자들에게 공감, 자기노출, 맞닥뜨림 등 단기상담 핵심기법을 훈련하고(5주 15시간), 이어서 단기상담 발달단계별 상담자 역할을 훈련하였다(6주 18시간). 종속변수는 상담자 발달수준척도(심흥섭, 1998) 점수로서, 훈련프로그램이 대학생들의 상담자 발달수준 점수를 유의하게 변화시키는지를 검증하였다. 연구대상은 충청지역 C대학교의 심리학과 4학년 남녀 학생 26명이었다. 이들에게 사전, 사후1, 사후2, 추수검사로 4회 반복측정한 평균 점수를 HLM 6.0으로 다층분석한 결과, 검사시기별 상담자 발달수준 점수의 발달곡선에서 유의한 차이가 있었으나 개인배경변수인 성별 효과는 없었다. 본 연구의 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 개발된 단기상담 훈련프로그램의 효과를 11주 동안의 훈련과정으로 재검증하였다. 둘째, 개발된 프로그램은 상담자 발달수준 점수에 유의한 효과를 가져왔다. 셋째, 다층분석모형(HLM)으로 분석함으로써 시간에 따른 성장 효과와 개인배경변수의 효과를 규명하였다. This study was based on the hypothesis that brief therapy training is an effective tool which could increase the efficiency of brief therapy operation. This study explored ways to evaluate the subsequent programs. The methods of the programs were based on previous studies including important training factors. The training programs were divided into two stages; first stage was to train basic counseling skills such as empathy, self-disclosure, and confrontation, and second was to train the roles of developmental stages of brief therapy elaborating the skills learned in the first stage. The major training methods utilized in these programs were modeling, role-playing, and peer interaction. The training subjects were consisted of 26 undergraduate-level students who enrolled in counseling practicum course. They were operated using the first stage program for 15 hours (3 hour sessions per week for 5 weeks each) and the second stage program for 18 hours (3 hour session per week for 6 weeks each). The results were analyzed by multilevel analysis method using HLM 6.0. The study shows the following results: The training programs increased counselor developmental level using by Korean Counselor Level Questionnaire(KCLQ) significantly. This result was statistically meaningful. But there's no significant effect on the trainees' sex difference. After comparing the results of this study with previous literature, this study provides with the following conclusions. The training programs for brief therapists developed in the previous study is effective in increasing the counselor's developmental level. This study also shows that the programs should be supplemented by supervision stage providing more intensive counseling experience in order to have effect on brief therapy.

      • KCI등재

        한국소설에 나타난 보트피플의 재현 양상

        강진구 중앙어문학회 2022 語文論集 Vol.90 No.-

        This study aims to identify the origin of the characteristics of the rightful refugee, that ‘refugees ought to have,’ as imagined by Korean people. This paper explores how this understanding is constructed in a cultural context. For this purpose, the author analyzes a selection of novels that depict the lives of Vietnamese refugees who entered Korea on a massive scale after the Korean War: Park Young-han’s Human Dawn, Lee Chung Joon’s The Gate of Time and The Third God, and Cheon Geum-sung’s Boat People. These novels indicate the prototypes of refugees as imagined by Koreans, despite the fact that the specific roles of the boat people are described differently in each novel. The main characteristics of this Korean imagination about refugees can be summarized as follows. First, refugees must enter Korea by boat. Koreans have witnessed via the news the “boat people” who entered Korea and seen refugees repeatedly portrayed as boat people in novels and other literary works. Due to this, Korean people naturally consider refugees to be people who have entered Korea via boat. Second, refugees must have gone through ordeals almost equivalent to death while escaping and being rescued from their home countries. The descriptions of the boat people who have been miraculously rescued on the brink of shipwreck and who struggle to survive to the point of cannibalism construct the strong image of “refugees=ordeal.” Third, refugees must be disciplined in a refugee camp. After being miraculously rescued, refugees must stay in a refugee camp where they can be officially named “refugees” by the authorities in a hierarchically structured perspective. Only through this process are the refugees formally recognized as true refugees. Fourth, refugees must be grateful for all the mercy and generosity the host country provides to them. Otherwise, they are seen as selfish, ungrateful persons who do not know who they are. Based on the discussion above, we can understand why Yemen refugees were accused of being “fake refugees,” and the Afghanistan refugees who were rescued by “Miracle Operation” were thought of as “special contributors” instead of refugees in Korea a few years ago. The refugees from Yemen had entered Korea via airplane, which was significantly disparate from what Korean society imagines true refugees must look like. 이 논문은 한국인이 상상하는 ‘난민다움’의 기원을 밝히는 것을 목표로 한다. 즉 한국인이 생각하는 난민다움의 실체는 무엇이며, 그것이 어떠한 문화적 맥락 속에서 구성되는지를 살피는 것이다. 이를 위해 필자는 한국 전쟁 이후 최초로 집단으로 유입되었던 베트남 난민을 형상화한 박영한의 인간의 새벽, 이청준의 시간의 문 , 제 3의 신 , 천금성의 보트피플 을 분석하였다. 이들 작가의 작품에 형상화된 베트남 난민들의 역할은 달랐지만, 한국인이 상상하는 난민 개념 형성에 커다란 영향을 주고 있는데, 그것은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 난민은 반드시 배를 타고 들어와야 한다. 배를 타고 들어온 ‘보트피플’들을 뉴스 등을 통해 목격한 한국인들은 문학적 재현에서도 비슷한 형태로 반복 재현되는 난민의 모습을 통해 난민은 배를 타고 온 사람이란 개념을 자연스럽게 습득한다. 둘째, 난민은 그 탈출과 구조 과정에서 반드시 죽음에 상응하는 고생을 해야 한다. 좌초의 순간 기적적으로 구조되는 보트피플과 식인(⾷⼈)을 통해서라도 구조의 순간까지 생존을 위해 몸부림치는 보트피플에 대한 형상화는 ‘난민=고생’이라는 강력한 이미지를 형성한다. 셋째, 난민수용소에서 난민으로 훈육되어야 한다. 기적적으로 구조된 난민들은 난민수용소라는 공간을 통해 위계화된 권력과 시선에 의해 난민으로 호명된 후에야 비로소 난민성을 인정을 받는다. 넷째, 난민은 자신들이 받는 시혜에 대해 항상 감사를 표해야 한다. 그렇지 않을 경우, 자신의 처지도 모른 채 ‘꼴값을 떠는’ 이기적인 존재들로 인식된다. 이상의 논의를 통해 우리는 왜 예멘 난민들이 그렇게 격렬하게 ‘가짜난민’의 논란에 휩싸였는지, 그리고 이른바 ‘미라클 작전’을 통해 구출된 아프카니스탄인들이 난민이 아니라, ‘특별기여자’로 명명되었는지를 이해할 수 있게 된다. 비행기로 편안하게 입국한 이들은 한국사회가 상상한 난민의 모습과는 너무나도 거리가 멀기 때문이다.

      • 神經芽細胞腫 : 症例報告 및 文獻的考察

        姜珍求,洪榮植,李庸一 최신의학사 1970 最新醫學 Vol.13 No.4

        A case of neuroblastoma was reported. An 11 months old boy was admitted, on May 27th 1968, with the chief complaints of mild fever, petechiae on oral mucosa and lower extremities and the palpable mass on the left upper quardant. The tumor mass, of which findings in histo-pathological study were neuroblastoma", was removed by the surgical operation. The patient was treated by Vit. Biz injection in spite of the suggestion of poor prognosis since the metastasis to the femur & liver had occured. Review of literature as for neuroblastoma was also attempted briefly.

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