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융합교육(STEAM) 운영 현황 실태 조사 및 미래형 융합교육(STEAM)에 대한 인식 조사
김현경,김현경,김선경 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2023 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.13 No.1
In this study, the current status of implementation of STEAM education was investigated, and the perception of future STEAM education was investigated. A survey was conducted for teachers of the STEAM Teacher Research Group, and frequency analysis and word cloud keyword analysis were performed on the response data. The key findings are as follows. With respect to current status of implementation of STEAM education, first, the reason for implementing STEAM education was teachers' voluntary efforts and the necessity for future talent cultivation for all elementary, middle and high school teachers. Second, the difficulties in implementing STEAM education are heavy workload, adjustment of class hours, difficulties in securing budget, and lack of understanding of STEAM education for elementary schools. For middle schools, the answers are difficulties in curriculum restructuring and collaborating with other teachers, and the lack of program dissemination, while high schools responded to the lack of curriculum reorganization, administrators' understanding and educational expectations. Third, as a learning method for STEAM classes, the student participation type in which students directly solve problems was mainly used, and the student-led type emphasized in future STEAM education was already applied. Regarding the perception of future STEAM education, first, they were well aware of the main contents of future STEAM education, such as nurturing future talent, chemical fusion, student-led, real-life problem solving, and sympathized with the necessity. Second, difficulties related to the implementation of future STEAM education were teacher competency, teacher understanding, culture creation, and realistic burden. Finally, by synthesizing these opinions, the goals for revitalizing future STEAM education are summarized as strengthening teachers' professionalism, forming a consensus, and creating an environment inside and outside the school. As a specific way to achieve this, professional support for teachers, research and selfdevelopment, change of perception, administrative and financial support, and institutional support were suggested.
종교와 생태적 태도의 관계: 미국 사례를 통한 종교거버넌스의 고찰
김현경,송재룡 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2022 철학·사상·문화 Vol.- No.40
To cope with environmental challenges, the role of religion in public policy making is crucial. In order to conceptualize the ‘religious governance’ surrounding ecological issues and policy making, this paper analyzes the role of Christians in the United States and their attitudes toward climate change. By examining the tensions between evangelical movements and public policy in the US, it derives implications for religious governance in Korea. 기후변화와 같은 생태학적 난제의 해결을 위한 공공정책의 전환에 있어 종교의 공적 역할과 참여가 중요하다. 생태 이슈를 둘러싼 ‘종교거버넌스’에 대한 분석적 틀을 구성하는 기초 작업으로서 본 논문은 미국의 개신교의 역할과 생태문제에 대한 태도에 주목하여 이를 분석하였다. 미국에서 발전해온 종교의 공공정책에서의 역할을 둘러싼 동학과 이에 기반하여 형성된 종교거버넌스를 살펴봄으로써 생태적 종교거버넌스에 대한 함의와 분석적 틀을 구성하기 위한 아이디어를 도출하고자 하였다. 구체적으로 미국 기독교인에게서 발견되는 과학에 대한 불신과 반환경주의적 태도의 원인과 맥락을, 그간의 연구결과를 중심으로 비판적으로 검토한다. 이를 통해 나아가 한국의 생태적 종교거버넌스에 주는 함의를 논한다.
김현경 한국융합학회 2020 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.11 No.12
본 연구는 약 20여 년간 비약적인 성장을 이룬 우리나라 온라인 고등교육의 변화와 발전을 단계별로 분류하고, 각각의 특징을 분석 및 정리하였다. 동영상 콘텐츠와 기본적인 LMS에 초점을 두었던 도입기에서 출발하여, LMS 안에 서 상호작용을 강화함으로써 교육의 질을 제고하기 위한 노력을 기울여 고등교육기관으로의 전환인가 및 최초의 원격대 학원 인가를 이룬 성장기를 거쳤다. 성숙기에는 원격대학원이 증설되면서 온라인실시간수업·세미나 등이 활용되었고, 스마트폰의 도입과 확산에 따라 스마트러닝의 기초도 다져졌다. 그러나 코로나19 팬데믹으로 비대면 수업방식의 전반 적이고 갑작스런 도입에 따라 온라인 고등교육은 급격한 확산과 함께 교육의 질 제고를 위한 다양한 문제에 직면하게 되었다. 이런 상황에서 지금까지의 흐름을 단계별로 분석하고 검토함으로써 현재의 대전환기가 직면한 문제들은 무엇이 며, 미래의 발전을 위해 무엇을 해결해야할 것인지 등을 논의하였다. This study categorized the developments of advanced online education in Korea, which have achieved rapid growth for past 20 years, and analyzed the characteristics of each stage. Starting from the introduction stage, which focused on video content and basic LMS, it went through a growth stage in which the transition from lifelong to advanced education institute, and the first online graduate program accreditation were achieved. In the maturity stage, the expansion of online graduate programs led to the spread of online real-time classes and seminars, and the introduction and proliferation of smart-phone also paved the way for smart learning. However, as the non-face-to-face teaching method was suddenly implemented as a whole due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has rapidly developed and also faced various problems to improve the quality of education. By analyzing and reviewing the trend, this study discussed the problems facing the current revolutionary period and what needs to be solved for future development.
들깨 조직으로부터 callus 유기에 따른 지질 및 단백질 조성의 변화
김현경,김도훈,정순재,남재성,정대수 한국생명과학회 2001 생명과학회지 Vol.11 No.3
The biochemical change during regeneration of perilla callus were investigated by comparing total protein and lipid contents, protein band pattern in SDS-PAGE, and fatty acid composition in the calli cultured for various period(0, 1, 3, 5 and 6 weeks) Calli were induced from cotyledon and hypocotyl explants of peplants of perilla on perilla on MS medium containing BA(0.5 mg/L) and NAA(0.5mg/L). The protein contents reached the peak at 3 weeks after induction of calli, and then was decreased. Total lipid contents was decreased as the culture period increased. The band pattern of polypeptides showed that 30KD and 45KD polypeptides and 22KD and 45KD polypetides were major proteins in the cotyledon and hypocotyl explants, respectively. However increase of culture period only 30KD protein was highly accumulated.