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      • KCI등재
      • 유방암의 Imprint 표본에서 p53 단백 발현

        김동석,이은희,김기권,김미진,이수정,Kim, Dong-Sug,Lee, Eun-Hi,Kim, Ki-Kwon,Kim, Mi-Jin,Lee, Soo-Jung 대한세포병리학회 1995 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This study was carried out to determine the usefulness of imprint cytology for detecting p53 protein in breast carcinoma. NCL-DO7 (Novocastra, U.K.) was used to detect p53 protein immunocytochemically. A total of 33 cases was studied, Immunostaining of imprint cytology with NCL-DO7 was positive in 64% (21/33) and showed relatively high coincident rate (80%) with immunostaining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimen p53 protein was related to negative estrogen receptor status, but not to the nuclear grade, lymph node metastasis, or tumor size. The fact that p53 protein expression was not related to nuclear grade might be due to predominance of nuclear grade 3. It was easier to determine the nuclear grade is one of the most important prognostic factors, in imprint cytology than in tissue specimen. p53 protein tended to be stained more strongly in imprint cytology than in tissue. It is concluded that the application of imprint cytology in p53 protein detection can be performed easily, and that it may contribute to the evaluation of prognostic factors in breast carcinoma.

      • 稅務調整에 관한 分析

        金東石 호남대학교 1981 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        검수 수정 Recently, in accordance with changes in income tax taxation system from official assessment to selfassessment, tax adjusting problems become more important than any other times. And so, the subject of this study is not only to review the regulative way as shown in the positive law of closing adjustment and return adjustment but to analyze differences in calculation elements of net income, the conclusion of business accounting, and of income of each business year, that of tax accounting. And also, the study places emphasis on systematical approach to adjust the differences of the above calculation elements as follows: 1. It suggests three kinds of differences as general basis of tax adjustment. 2. It analyzes correlation between the calculation elements of accounting principles and those of income tax law. 3. Lastly, it shows a diagram of the calculation structure on tax adjustment. In addition, for the fundamental devices to adjust differences between business accounting and tax accounting, this study makes some proposals as follows: 1. Tax law has to be amended in view of respect for business accounting. 2. Items of closing adjustment have to be changed into those of return adjustment. 3. Income tax allocation has to be adopted by both business accounting and tax accounting.

      • KCI등재

        전환가격 재조정이 포함된 전환사채의 가치평가에 관한 실증연구

        김동석,김인준,이용 한국선물학회 2001 선물연구 Vol.9 No.2

        혼합형 증권(hybrid securities)의 대표적인 금융상품인 전환사채의 가치는 일반적으로 채권의 가치와 발행 회사의 가치 증가로 인한 주식가격 상승 시 주식전환으로 자본이득을 얻을 수 있는 전환권 행사 옵션 가치의 합으로 구성된다. 따라서 재무위험은 높지만 장래 성장성이 기대되는 회사의 경우 전환사채 발행을 통하여 필요 운영 자금을 일반 사채에 비하여 낮은 이율로 조달할 수 있다. IMF이후 협회 등록 기업의 경우 국내 직접 자금조달 시장이 축소되면서 해외에서 전환사채 및 신주 인수 권부 사채의 발행을 통한 자금조달이 더욱 확대되었다. 이때 발행 기업들은 투자자에게 채권의 만기 전 일정 시점에서 전환가를 재조정할 수 있는 옵션을 부여 하였으며 (a refix clause), 동 조건에 따라 사채 발행후 전환가격은 기업의 주식가격의 변동에 따라 주기적으로 재조정 되었다. 이러한 조건 하에 재조정된 전환 행사 가격은 잠재 주식수의 증가시켜 주가 상승기에 주식 가격의 상승 제약 요인으로 작용하였다. 본고에서는 해외 전환사채 및 신주인수권부 사채의 발행시장 통계를 통하여 동 채권의 발행 현황을 살펴보고, 전환가 재조정 옵션가치를 반영한 전환사채 가치를 평가함으로써 전환 사채 발행 가격의 적정성에 대하여 살펴보았다. 옵션 가치 평가를 위하여 전환가가 1회 내재된 옵션가치를 이항트리(binomial tree)를 통해 산출하고, 각 매개변수에 대한 민감도 분석을 통하여 전환가 재조정 옵션이 가지는 특성을 분석하였다. 전환가 재조정이 n번 포함된 전환사채 가치의 평가에는 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션(Monte Carlo simulation) 방법을 적용하여 옵션 가치를 계산하였으며, 옵션의 가치와 채권가치의 합을 통하여 이론적인 발행 가격(theoretical price)을 산출하였고, 이를 바탕으로 전환사채 발행가격에 대한 실증분석을 실시하였다. 전환권 재조정 옵션을 반영하였을 경우 전환사채 발행가격이 저평가 되었음을 볼 수 있었다.


        시상하부 과오종의 치료

        김동석,박용구,최중언,정상섭 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.3

        This study presents seven patients with hypothalamic hamartomas diagnosed on the basis of MRI. Histological confirmation was performed in one patient who underwent surgery. Four patients presented with epilepsy, including gelastic seizures. Other symptoms were behavior abnormalities in 3 patients and precocious puberty in 4 patients. We classify hypothalamic hamartomas into four subgroups according to MRI finding : Types Ⅰa lesions were less than 10㎜ in diameter and pedunculaedly attached to tuber cinereum of hypothalamus without hypothalamic displacement. Type Ⅰb lesions less than 10㎜ and mamillary body. Type Ⅱa lesions were more than 10㎜ in diameter and sessilely attached to hypothalamus with slight hypothalmic displacement and Type Ⅱb lesions more than 10㎜ and with marked displacement of hypothalamus. We could achieve good result with surgical resection in one patient with Type Ⅱb hamartoma associated with gelastic seizure that was unresponsive to medical treatment. We performed gamma knife ragiosurgery in three patients with gelastic seizure(2 patients with Type Ⅱa and 1 patient with Type Ⅱb) and three patients with precocious puberty(2 patients with Type Ⅰa and 1 patient with Type Ⅰb). The authors propose direct surgery as a treatment for this progressive syndrome and gamma knife radiosurgery as alternative treatment for high risk patients.

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