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      • KCI등재

        외식산업에서의 프랜차이즈 시스템 가맹점에 대한 소비자 의식 조사

        김두진,이성호 한국식품영양학회 1994 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.7 No.1

        부산지역에 거주하거나 직장을 가진 국민학교 4학년 이상의 남녀 459명을 대상으로 외식산업의 발전의 계기가 된 프랜차이즈 시스템 체인점의 이용실태와 가맹점과 일반음식점에 대한 소비자의 선호도 및 의식을 설문지를 통하여 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 체인점의 종류별 이용실태는 치킨점, 햄버거점, 핏자점순으로 이용한 경험이 많았다. 가맹점과 일반음식점에 대한 선호도는 남자가 일반음식점, 여자가 가맹점을 더 좋아하는 것으로 나타났으나 성별간 차이는 인정할 수 없었다(N. S.). 연령별로는 학생층과 청년층은 가맹점을 좋아하는데 반하여 장년층은 일반음식점을 더 좋아하는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 가맹점을 좋아하는 이유로서는 위생적으로 맛과 품질을 믿을 수 있기 때문이며, 싫어하는 이유로서는 메뉴가 다양하지 않고 가격이 비싸기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 일반음식점을 좋아하는 이유로는 식당마다 고유한 맛이 있고 마음이 편하기 때문이며, 싫어하는 이유로서는 비위생적이고 불친절하기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. In this paper, we surveyed the actual utilization condition of chain stores of franchise systems and the customers' consciousness on chain shops and non-chain restaurants. The survey was conducted on 459 people either living or working in Pusan area and aged more than 4th grade in elementary school without sex distinction. The data analyses were made by way of frequency, percentage, Spearman rank correlation and Chi-square using dBastat 1.0 package of PC. The results of the survey are as follows. The survey indicates that respondents have the most experience of visiting chicken, hamburger, and pizza chain shops. Althought the survey on the degree of preference between chain shops and non-chain restaurants indicates that men prefer non-chain restaurants and women prefer chain shops, the results are not so significant to conclude that there is a preference regardless of sex (N. S.). By ages, students and young group prefer chain shops and the aged group prefer non chain restaurants (p<0.05). The survey indicates that chain shops are preffered because of sanitary, quality, taste of foods and are not preffered because of simple menu and expensiveness. The survey indicates that non-chain restaurants are preferred because of distinctive taste of each restaurant and comfotableness, and are not preffered because of unsanitary and unkindness.

      • KCI등재

        주식회사의 사회적 책임론과 그 법제화방안

        김두진 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2018 외법논집 Vol.42 No.1

        The purposes of this article are to try to define the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) under Korean legal system and to suggest how to introduce the CSR provision as an adequate legal paradigm in the Korean Commercial Act. In this article, Chapter Ⅱ contains an definition of the CSR. We can define the CSR under the law as the assertion that every corporation should be managed ethically and behave publically for the sustainable development. In Chapter Ⅲ, I attempt to analyze the objection theory and the supporting theory about the CSR and to choose the latter between them. In Chapter Ⅳ, this article looks the history and the present condition of CSR in the legal system of major jurisdictions including U.S., U.K., Germany, Japan, China, and European Union. Some scholar placed the incipience of the CSR in the 19th Century. Since then, the notion of the CSR raised its head because of globalization, development of Information Technology, the appearance of the Socially Responsible Investment and the danger of environmental pollution. Some scholars oppose the CSR, insisting the shareholder primacy theory, economic inefficiency, over-influence of corporations and confusion in business sector, and the Contractarians have the same viewpoints. However others agree that the CSR is consistent with the stakeholder theory, corporations’ social relationship, social character of corporate profit and corporates’ financial ability. Furthermore, major states including U.S., U.K., Germany, China, European Union have a very affirmative attitude for the CSR in their law systems. International organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations also actively support the CSR. In Chapter Ⅴ, I describe the attitude of legal scholars in the Republic of Korea in the aspect of acceptance of the CSR and insist that we accept the CSR in the Commercial Act as a duty of directors of corporations. In Korea, majority opinion has hitherto opposed to the introduction of the CSR in the Commercial Act, emphasizing the uncertainty of the CSR definition, vagueness of its targets, difficulty of legislation of general clause, and the shareholder primacy. However the productivity slowdown and income inequality problem raised in the global level are pressing us to accept the CSR as a legal duty and Korean corporations operating business globally are confronted with the same demand. Lastly in Chapter Ⅵ, I recommend that legislature should insert the Article 382-3 Paragraph 2 and 3 in the Commercial Act as follows: Article 382-3 (Fiduciary Duties of Directors) (2) Directors of listed companies under Article 542-2 may take into account ethical considerations that are reasonably regarded as appropriate to the responsible conduct of business, regardless of which is not for making immediate profit of the company. (3) Directors under paragraph (2) may devote a reasonable amount of resources that are devidends payable under the Article 462 (1) to public welfare, humanitarian, educational, and philanthropic purposes. 주식회사의 사회적 책임론(이하 ‘CSR’이라 한다)이란 주식회사는 사회의 ‘지속가능한 발전’을 위하여 법의 테두리 내에서 윤리경영을 해야 한다거나 수익극대화에 반하더라도 공익적 성격의 행위를 하도록 의무화하는 것이 필요하다는 주장을 말한다. CSR은 역사적으로 1800년대에 그 사상적 맹아가태동하였고, 1900년대에 개념이 생성되었으며, 세계화, IT기술의 발달, 사회책임투자 등 기업평가 척도의 개발, 환경오염의 위험 등으로 널리 관심이 증대되었다. CSR의 인부와 관련해서는 주주지상주의, 자원 이용의 경제적 효율성, 기업의 과도한 영향력 및 기업경영의 혼란, 회사의 본질에 대한 계약론의 입장 등의 근거에서 부정하는 입장도 있지만, 이해관계자주의, 회사의 사회적 이해관계와 기업이윤의 사회성, 국가나 비영리시민단체에 비교할 때 사회적 책임의 이행에 적합한 성질을 갖고 있는 점 등을 근거로 하여 긍정하는 입장이 있으며, 후자가 타당하다. 국제적으로 미국⋅영국⋅독일⋅중국⋅유럽연합 등 주요국가들과 경제협력개발기구(OECD)와 국제연합(UN), 국제표준화기구(ISO), 지속가능개발세계경영자협의회(WBCSD), 세계환경개발위원회(WCED) 등의 국제기구들은 모두 CSR을 적극적으로 지지하는 움직임을 보이고 있다. 우리나라에서는 종래 다수의 견해는 대체로 사회적 책임 개념의 불명확성이나 책임대상의 모호성, 일반규정의 입법기술상의 어려움, 입법례로 보아 사회적 책임의 규정을 둔 국가가 많지 않은 점, 회사의 본질은 순수한 이익단체라는 점 등을 근거로 하여 사회적 책임론을 법적 개념으로서 받아들이거나회사법에 명문규정을 두는 것에 대하여 소극적인 입장이었지만, 글로벌 차원의 세계경제의 생산성 저하와 소득불균형 양자의 문제 앞에서 CSR을 부정하기는 어려우며, 외국에서 기업활동을 하는 우리기업들도 세계적 추세에 맞추어 이를 수용할 필요가 있다. 우리나라의 법제상 CSR이 인정되어야 할 기준은 회사 자체와 주주의 이익을 우선순위로 하고 그다음 순위로서 그밖의 이해관계자들의 이익에 대한 배려가 행해져야 할 것이라고 보며, 구체적 법제화방법으로서는 상법 제382조의3에 제2항을 신설하여 “제542조의2에 따른 상장회사의 이사는 회사 수익이 단기간에 증가하지 아니하더라도 회사의 사회적 책임을 다하기 위하여 적절한 윤리적 사항을 고려하여 행위할 수 있다”는 것과 다시 제3항을 신설하여 “제2항의 이사는 제462조제1항에 따라 이익배당을 할 수 있는 액의 일부를 공공복지, 인도주의적, 교육 및 자선 목적을 위하여 쓸 수 있다”고 선언하고, 그 적용대상으로는 주권상장법인처럼 어느 정도 대규모의 주식회사로 규정하는 것이 적절하다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        An Approach to Multi-agent Interactive Control in an Intelligent Space

        김두진,Kyung H. Jeong,이범희 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2015 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.13 No.3

        A new type of multi-agent interactive control is proposed in an intelligent space system, which is based on heterogeneous multiple vision sensors. The vision sensors consist of two groups: static (fixed) cameras and dynamic (pan-tilt) cameras. The proposed system operates in two different modes according to the sensor groups. The system in each mode can detect and track the agents interactively. The first mode using static cameras concentrates on the localization accuracy of agent information. The second mode using dynamic cameras focuses on the robust tracking for the agent-ofinterest. We also propose the interactive camera handoff methods for cooperative tracking for multiagents. The system performance is evaluated by practical experiments.

      • KCI등재후보

        고구려 初傳佛敎의 공인과 그 의미

        김두진 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2011 한국학논총 Vol.36 No.-

        Koguryo had accepted Buddhism early among the tree Kingdoms by consistent contacts with northern frontier minorities and southern regions of China. Compared with Shilla, Buddhism was introduced in Koguryo earlier. There are comparatively much historical content that had passed down in Shilla, including transmission of the earliest Buddhism and to the official recognition of Buddhism by the nation. However, such detailed historical evidence had not survived in Koguryo. To elicit the characteristics of the earliest and the authorized Buddhism of Koguryo, it is important to understand how Buddhism underwent a process from the beginning to become an official status in Shilla. It has known that Buddhism was first introduced to Koguryo in the reign of the Sosurim Dynasty. However, Buddhism was accepted among the royal families in advance. Buddhism was known sufficiently to Koguryo throughout the war of Jun-yun(前燕) and the negotiation process with Hu-jo(後趙). Gyuk-Eu(格義), China's popular Buddhism in that period, was brought into Koguryo. It was characterized by plain and pure. The earliest Buddhism embraced among the royal families in Koguryo was broaden to aristocrats throughout the process of official recognition, and it was developed as nation's religion. Koguryo Buddhism after official approval helped the understanding of Gong-gwan(空觀) deeply. The authorized Buddhism not only embraced a Cakravartin concept and aboriginal superstitious faith, but also punitive justice in the result of good and evil karma. During this period, if Sakyamuni Buddha and a Cakravartin faith was accepted centrically among royal families, Maitreya faith was approached more easily by aristocrats. To develop Buddhism as their nation's religion, royal family and aristocrat arranged compromise with religious beliefs. In the result,Koguryo could seize the aristocrat alliance government and expanded their power outside of the country as a subjugation nation. Although the authorized Buddhism in Koguryo embraced salvation Bodhisattva faith to a certain degree,still it possessed some features meeting characteristics of a subjugation nation. A Cakravartin faith which was developed in the authorized Buddhism, placed emphasis on the execution of conquest battles by the premise sovereign power rather than focused on salvation Bodhisattva faith. 삼국 중 고구려는 일찍부터 북방의 塞外민족은 물론 남방의 중국민족과도 부단하게 접촉하면서 그 문화를 수용하였다. 신라에 비해 고구려에는 불교가 일찍 전래되어 있었다. 신라에는 초전불교의 전래전승을 비롯해서 불교가 공인되기까지비교적 많은 내용이 기록으로 남았다. 그런데 고구려의 경우 그러한 사정이 자세하게 전하지 않는다. 신라의 초전불교가 공인되는 과정에 대한 이해를 통해 고구려에 처음 전래된 초전불교와 그 후의 공인불교의 성격을 각각 끌어내고자 하였다. 불교가 고구려에 처음으로 전래된 시기는 소수림왕 때라고는 하지만, 이미 그이전에 왕실 중심으로 수용되어 있었다. 前燕과의 전쟁이나 後趙와의 교섭과정을통해 불교는 고구려에 충분히 알려졌다. 당시 중국에 유행한 청담적인 格義불교가고구려에 전해졌다. 고구려 왕실 중심으로 수용된 초전불교는 공인과정을 거쳐 귀족에게까지 홍포되면서 국가불교로 성립하였다. 공인 이후 고구려 불교가 空觀에대한 이해를 깊게 하였다. 공인불교는 전륜성왕 관념이나 토착의 신이신앙을 포용하였을 뿐만 아니라 선악의 업보에 의한 인과응보 신앙을 가졌다. 공인이후 고구려 불교에 나타난 석가불과 전륜성왕 신앙이 왕실 중심으로 수용되었다면, 미륵신앙은 귀족에게 보다 가깝게 다가갔다. 국가불교를 성립시키면서왕실과 귀족이 불교신앙 면에서 서로 타협함으로써, 고구려는 귀족연합 정권을 창출시키고는 정복국가 체제를 갖추면서 밖으로 뻗어갔다. 공인 이후 고구려 국가불교는 비록 구세보살 신앙을 다소 포용하였을 지라도 여전히 정복국가의 성격과잘 어울릴 수 있는 요소를 지녔다. 공인불교에서 내세워진 전륜성왕 신앙은 구세보살에 초점을 둔 것이라기보다는 전제왕권이 정복전쟁을 수행해나가는 면을 강조하려는 의도를 지녔다.

      • 一然의 生涯와 저술

        김두진 전남사학회 2002 역사학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        The Il-Yoen's stone monument is regarded as a significant records in restoration of lifetime at that time. his stone monument include the state of affairs in Koryo(高麗) society that was under the control of Won(元)dynasty China in 13th century Il-Yoen's life get divided into three times. The first, he went into the Temple Jin-Joen(陳田寺) to enter the Buddhist priesthood, there after remained at the region of Posan(包山) mountain(1219∼1248). The second, Il-Yoen received help from Jung-An(鄭晏), abode dat Temple Jung-Lim(定林寺)·Diminutive Temple Gil-Sang(吉祥庵) and Group of Temple Sun-Wol(禪月社). The third term is that he had pursuit of knowledge at Temple 0-Er(吾魚寺)·Temple Bul-Il(佛日寺).Temple Un-Mun(雲門寺) and Temple In-Gak(麟角寺)(1264∼1289). Above-mentioned first period that made him to be a scholarly bonze. He had passed examination for a monk, took absorption of Buddhist belief in Posan(包山) mountain area remaining in Diminutive Temple Bo-Dang(寶幢庵)·Diminutive Temple Myo-Mun(妙門庵). It is the region of Posan(包山) that had celebration of Manilmitadorvang(萬日彌陀道場;devotion for Amitabha Buddha in ten thousand days). Accordingly, like this surroundings got contribution to his growth of scholarly attainment in Buddhism which was the Avatamska study as well as Dhyana contemplation. Jung-An(鄭晏) had invited him to Temple Jung-Lim(定林寺). It got a operation as afresh fuming point of his life. on this occation, Il-Yoen came into contact, with Tripitaka(大藏經 ; the collection of whole writings of Buddhism) which was published by Namhaebunsadogam(南海分司都監), concurrent he also had publication of revised Jodongowie(曹洞五位). As well as the Military Government retreated, King Won-Jong took summons of him to put up at Group of Temple Sun-Won(禪源社). Since then, he had succession of Group of Temple Soo-Sun(修禪社) and Ji-Nul's tradition. In the third times, he, with protection of Royal House, had dwelling in Posan(包山) mountain area Temple O-Er(五魚寺)·Temple In-Hong(仁弘寺)·Temple Bul-Il(佛日寺)·Temple Un-Mun(雲門寺)·Temple In-Gak(麟角寺) once again. All the Buddhist priest of Gajisan mountain group were called out to have compilation of Successive chronology(歷代年表) in Temple In-Hong, and 'Collection of scattered history in three Kingdom'(三國遺事) in Temple In-Gak(麟角寺). Il-Yoen is deeply versed in Avatamska study(華嚴學) then Dharmalaksana study(曹洞宗), moreover was well acquainted Wieangjong(위仰宗) and Jodongjong(曹洞宗) religious sect expressly. Posan area not only performed a significant role in Il-Yoen's academic formation but also contributed to his maturity of Buddhist scholarship impressively. According to the historical records(Il-Yoen's stone monument), he had a writing approximately one hundred volumes. However, they are not in existence entirely ; Analects(語錄)·miscellaneous writing of Buddhist hymn(偈頌雜著)·Pedigree of Dhyana master(祖派圖)·essential doctrine in Buddhism(大藏須和錄) and such like a Buddhist aphorism. -we are able to have cognizance of title of books solely , Samgukyusa(三國遺事) and Jungpyunjodongowie(重編曹洞五位 ), merely, is subsisted to this day. The latter, got a improvement in the fallacy of original work. Il-Yoen was affected by dhyana thought(語錄·祖庭事苑·偈苑雜著·祖派圖·禪門拈頌事苑) also, under the influence of academic Buddhism coordinately. He had comprehension of both parties completely.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농업협동조합법 개정안의 문제점 : 국내 보험산업에 미치는 영향과 국제통상 마찰 가능성을 중심으로

        김두진 한국경제법학회 2010 경제법연구 Vol.9 No.2

        최근에 정부가 국회에 제출한 농업협동조합법 개정안은 금융지주회사법, 보험업법, 「독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률」 등의 다른 법률 및 대한민국헌법, 그리고 한·미 FTA, 한·EU FTA와 같은 통상조약과 정합성 차원에서 몇 가지 문제가 제기될 수 있다. 동법안은 농협중앙회의 신용사업과 경제사업의 분리를 통한 농민의 이익 제고라는 당면 목표에 치중한 나머지 기존의 다른 법률에서 정당한 이유 때문에 확립되어 있는 금산분리의 원칙, 생보와 손보의 겸영금지, 권력분립의 원칙 등에 위반할 소지가 있고, 한·미 FTA, 한·EU FTA와 같은 외국과의 통상조약과도 상충할 우려가 있다. 본고는 이러한 문제에 관하여 고찰하고 국회에 이같은 문제점들에 대한 신중한 검토를 권고하고 있다. This article reviews the legitimacy of the amendment bill of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act (hereinafter ‘the bill’) and insists that the bill should be harmonized not only with other laws including the Holding Company Act, the Financial Holding Company Act, the Insurance Industry Act, the Anti-Monopoly and the Fair Trade Act and the Korea Constitution, but also with the commercial treaties. In this article, Chapter Ⅰ contains an introduction to the history of Korean nonghyup (unit agricultural cooperatives) and the Korean Nonghyup Junganghue (the Agricultural Cooperatives Federation) and their development especially in the mutual-aid project area which is a kind of nonprofit insurance. In Chapter Ⅱ, I attempt to choose some legal issues arising from the bill and to criticize them from the viewpoint of legitimacy. Firstly, I indicate the necessity of the separation of the financial capitals from the industrial capitals. Secondly, I explain the risk of the combining the management of life insurance business and property insurance business. Thirdly, I concern the bill provides privileged treatments to the unit agricultural cooperatives and the Agricultural Cooperatives Federation unconstitutionally and discriminates private insurance companies. Additionally I point out the possibility of unfair competition or unfair transacts in the insurance market after the bill is legislated by the National Assembly. In Chapter Ⅲ, this article insists that the bill has some legislative problems including an infringement of the principle of the Separation of the Powers, inadequate treatment of important legal affairs through additional clauses. In Chapter Ⅳ, I describe the bill should be harmonized with the commercial treaties such as the KORUS FTA, Korea EU FTA. Lastly in Chapter Ⅴ, I recommend that legislature should consider the bill very carefully.

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